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The importance of customer support services - Essay Example

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To stay in the present marketing world a company should have good customer support services. The competition among companies is high and to stay at the top they are using aggressive marketing strategies. The operational management and the Human Resource (HR) departments have a bigger role to play in the development of the respective companies…
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The importance of customer support services
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To become a multinational company the management has to expand its units across the country. As company and its other units are slowly expanding so does the problems are increasing day by day. Let's take the example of High Fields Hotels. High Fields Hotels comprises a group of five hotels based in Southampton and concentrates more on weeknight business clienteles. Employing proper technological applications for appropriate work solves many problems. High fields Hotels uses latest technological applications that solve daily problems with ease.

High Fields Hotels uses PCs to meet the requirements like billing, checking in and checking out of the customers etc High Fields Hotels uses network systems in the five hotels. They use a central reservation systems that can keep them updated about the different activities of the hotels all the time. Their strategies include low price and highly qualified customer care service. This factor played an important role in the long-term development of the Hotel. The cheaper prices with high quality service and further free goodies attracted many.

Another factor is the customer service. Customer plays an important role in the development of the company because it is the customer who uses the product that was developed by the companies was good at it. In any marketing sector marketing plan is considered to be very imp. The important elements of marketing plan are to precisely define the business, identify the goals and serve as the firm's resume. Pro forma balance sheet, an income statement, planning precise strategies and cash flow analyses comprises the basic components of a marketing plan.

Preparing a marketing plan helps in the allocation of resources properly, making good decisions and handling of unseen or unexpected complications that may become hurdle in the future development of the business. One of the important aspects of marketing plan is that it provides organized information about the company and importantly a good business plan helps in attaining a loan application. Other important applications include informing the details of the company to the sales personnel, suppliers and others so that they become aware of company's goals and achievements.

One of the important areas of development in consumer marketing section is attracting customers. According to marketing and advertising rules and guidelines, customers always impress upon to buy something for themselves. The marketing agencies to attract the customers, they make publicity of their product through media. High Fields Hotels strategies fully coincide with the above rules.In the present market everything sells by brand names, the marketers are expected to put up good brand name products for sale.

The purchaser desires to have or own a good brand name product and material with good quality at reasonable and cheaper rate. If the marketers were able to meet this demand of people of the society, definitely there would be a souring business for their product. High Fields Hotels from its good service, customer support service and with competitive prices has achieved this. The

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