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Upper Respiratory Infection Medical science Essay
5 pages (1384 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Upper Respiratory Infection" is a good example of a paper on infections. Patient initials: D.C. Age: 68 years. Sex: Male. History of Present Illness: DC presented to the urgent care clinic with chief complaints of cough and cold, which has lasted for a duration of two weeks. He also complains of fatigue, shortness of breath, fever, and chills.
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Aging by H Moody Medical science Essay
2 pages (529 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Harry R. Moody is a graduate of Yale University and received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Columbia University. He has taught philosophy at Columbia University, Hunter College, New York University, and the University of California at Santa Cruz.
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Injury Risk Management Plan for Volleyball Athletes Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
'Injury Risk Management Plan for Volleyball Athletes' is a perfect example of a paper on injuries and wounds. Volleyball similar to other sports its participants end up experiencing injuries for it involves not only the entire person’s stature actions but also lateral in one quest to respond to varied stimuli.
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Caring a Patient With Terminal Illness Medical science Essay
3 pages (983 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Caring a Patient With Terminal Illness" is an excellent example of a paper on medical ethics. It’s the authorship of Katy Butler that presents one of the most modern times difficulties that families and health caregivers endure when monitoring patients with a terminal illness. At the heart of the problems is the ethical issues that families and health caregivers come across.
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Bioterrorism Threats Medical science Essay
2 pages (677 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Bioterrorism Threats' is a great example of a paper on social and family issues. According to Bellenir, there are numerous biochemical compounds that have been released to harm or kill the population and many governments have adopted technology in an attempt to protect civilians from such hazards.
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Healthy People 2020 Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Healthy People 2020' is a great example of a paper on the health system. Public Health describes all structured measures to keep people away from diseases, endorse health and thus increase the age rate of a population. It focuses on people’s health and is concerned to make people prevented diseases.
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Should Social Security Be Reformed Medical science Essay
2 pages (669 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Should Social Security Be Reformed?" is an outstanding example of a paper on the health system. Social security is a program that utilizes public funds to provide and support the economy of the United States of America. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the system in 1935 as part of a government program.
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Most Prevalent Health Issues: HIV/AIDS Medical science Essay
2 pages (595 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Most Prevalent Health Issues: HIV/AIDS' is an excellent example of a paper on the immune system. The chosen problem is communicable diseases particularly of HIV/ AIDS in the community. This is a health concern due to the increase in the statistics if the disease within the community and a recorded number of deaths and especially among the married population.
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Preventative Services That Traditional and Medicare Advantage Programs Cover Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Preventative Services That Traditional and Medicare Advantage Programs Cover" is an engrossing example of a paper on the health system. Traditional and Medicare Advantage Programs both offer blood pressure screening, immunization vaccines, and diabetes screening that are covered. In a traditional Medicare advantage, one element that is consistent is out of pocket costs.
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Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatment Medical science Essay
5 pages (1586 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatment" is a decent example of a paper on maternal health. Endometriosis is a condition where the affected individual has tissue that usually lines the inside of the womb or uterus starts to grow or line up outside the uterus or womb. It is a disease that usually affects women, well into their menopause, and girls even as young as eight years old.
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Stress and the Neuroendocrine Response - Acute versus Chronic Stress Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Stress and the Neuroendocrine Response - Acute versus Chronic Stress" is an engrossing example of a paper on neurology. Acute stress is a stress that occurs due to exposure to situations or events that are new and unpredictable. An example is a stress that occurs when one almost gets into a bicycle accident or when one is called forward to pray unexpectedly.
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Benefits of Measuring Health Status Medical science Essay
2 pages (640 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Benefits of Measuring Health Status' is a wonderful example of a paper on social and family issues. The interplay among various sectors, professional organizations and stakeholders is more likely to improve and ensure effective health care systems and programs that can work best for the benefit of society.
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Sleep Duration and Quality Medical science Essay
2 pages (603 words) , Download 0 , Essay
“Consistency, quality, and duration of sleep are important determinants of health.” In connection with this assertion, Basch et al. claim that insufficient quality, as well as the duration of sleep among adults, results in health complications such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease that are responsible for the high adult mortality rate. 
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Healthcare Information Technology and Standards Medical science Essay
2 pages (725 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Healthcare Information Technology and Standards' is a worthy example of a paper on the health system. The health information technology has five main core development areas which are clinical informatics which deals with the use of healthcare information by the clinicians, clinical research informatics which applies the research in health informatics to clinical settings.
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Interactive Sociotechnical Analysis Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Interactive Sociotechnical Analysis' is a great example of a paper on the health system. The human approach tries to put into perspective interactions that take place between humans and the other elements in the health care system.
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Obesity in Preadolescent Children Medical science Essay
4 pages (1308 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Obesity in Preadolescent Children" is an excellent example of a paper on child development. This article reports the findings of a study on the role of fruit and vegetable intake in obesity in preadolescent children. The article was chosen as it meets the requirements of the paper: it is a quantitative journal article on childhood obesity.
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Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease Medical science Essay
2 pages (622 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease" is a great example of a paper on social/family issues. In the United States, the average weight for men with a height of 5’10” should only be between 129 to 172 lbs depending on the patient’s size of body frame. Having a BMI value of 40.9 strongly suggests that the patient is obese (CDC, 2015).
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Nausea and Vomiting: Pediatric Case Medical science Essay
2 pages (642 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nausea and Vomiting: Pediatric Case" is an exceptional example of a paper on child development. Our patient is a four-year-old child with nausea and vomiting. Nausea is the urge to vomit, coming from the stomach while vomiting is the state when the stomach contents are forced out through the throat and out of the mouth, and sometimes the nose.
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The Prognosis for the Lung Cancer Medical science Essay
1 pages (517 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Prognosis for the Lung Cancer" is a controversial example of medical research on radiology. The process of establishing the presence of cancer involves the historical background of the patient, physical examination, chest x-ray, and biopsy. As such, the pathological material has to be examined before subjecting the patient to a chest x-ray.
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Health and Health Benefits of Physical Activity and Mental Health and Wellbeing Medical science Essay
2 pages (556 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health and Health Benefits of Physical Activity and Mental Health and Wellbeing" is a good example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. One of the most memorable cases of my time that cause me and especially my cousin's stress was the passing of my aunt and the sickness preceding her demise. She had been diagnosed with Tuberculosis though we came to find later that it was as a result of HIV.
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Bow Tie Analysis: Critical Incident Patient Safety Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Bow Tie Analysis: Critical Incident Patient Safety" is a good example of a paper on medical ethics. Errors and mistakes by medical staff during patient treatment can cause serious results such as loss of life or incapacitation. It is for this reason that patient safety has been so popular lately. Patient safety seeks to identify, investigate, and prevent incidents of errors in medical care.
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Epidemiology as a Medical Science Medical science Essay
2 pages (772 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Epidemiology as a Medical Science" is an engrossing example of a paper on epidemiology. Epidemiology is a medical science that investigates how, when, and why diseases occur in human populations (Porta 2014). Initially, epidemiologist’s aim was to reveal and analyze potential causes of endemic diseases like polio, typhoid, and smallpox.
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The Principles of Research Ethics and Their Violation in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Medical science Essay
5 pages (1391 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'The Principles of Research Ethics and Their Violation in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study' is a worthy example of a paper on medical ethics. This research paper focuses on the principles of research ethics. This was a study conducted by the Department of Public Health Service beginning in 1932 and lasted for 40 years instead of the six months provided for in the research project.
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Health Beliefs of the American Indians Medical science Essay
5 pages (1480 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Beliefs of the American Indians" is a delightful example of a paper on social and family issues. Health is defined as a state of physical, psychological and social well-being. For a person to achieve the standard measures of health social aspect is a crucial ingredient that the health care providers must integrate into the care provision.
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Chocolate Abstention Medical science Essay
5 pages (1363 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Chocolate Abstention' is a wonderful example of a paper on addiction. Chocolate has been one of my most favored food items. I had developed an intense and irrational craving for chocolate. This had caused me to seek it all the time and in every season.
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Responsibilities of Non-Profit Health Care Organizations Medical science Essay
2 pages (557 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Responsibilities of Non-Profit Health Care Organizations" is a delightful example of a paper on the health system. Healthcare centers have the responsibility of operating within the confines of ethical values especially in making key decisions. For example, health care centers should first evaluate ethical issues when faced with such decisions as closure regardless of the cause.
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Moral Courage and the Administrators Responsibility Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Moral Courage and the Administrators Responsibility" is a wonderful example of a paper on medical ethics. In contemporary societies, healthcare administrators often face complex ethical dilemmas while at the workplace. Administrator's legal and ethical obligations might conflict thus moral courage helps individuals to address these concerns.
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A Rare and Unidentified Disease of the Central Nervous System Medical science Essay
4 pages (1337 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"A Rare and Unidentified Disease of the Central Nervous System" is a brilliant example of a paper on neurology. A rare and unidentified disease of the central nervous system has been discovered and the symptoms differ from the usual central nervous disorders. This research proposal is aimed at establishing such rare diseases, the processes involved in their therapy.
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Stage Two to Improve Quality of Care Medical science Essay
4 pages (1186 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Stage Two to Improve Quality of Care" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. Assessing meaningful use in stage two to improve the quality of care is one of the cornerstones of improving patient welfare and quality services. It involves several aspects such as electronic record-keeping for easy retrieval, quick transmission, recording patient audio message among others.
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Obesity Among African American Medical science Essay
2 pages (580 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Obesity Among African American" is a worthy example of a paper on metabolic problems. Ms Jones is a 28-year old African American female who is obese. She visited the clinic for a complete physical examination following the injury of her right foot. Ms Jones sustained a foot injury two weeks ago when going down the back steps and tripped.
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Working Out with Supplement or Regular Food Medical science Essay
4 pages (1145 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Working Out with Supplement or Regular Food?" is an engrossing example of a paper on fitness and exercise. Being in shape is never only about diet or exercise; it is always the optimal combination of the two. Doing exercise without establishing controls on the quantity and quality of food does not yield the desired results.
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The Case of Measles: The Issue of Immunization Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'The Case of Measles: The Issue of Immunization' is a good example of a paper on the immune system. The cases of measles were reported during the winter holidays around California due to an outbreak connected to the visit of Disneyland.
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Asthma as a Widespread and Persistent Inflammatory Illness Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Asthma as a Widespread and Persistent Inflammatory Illness' is a marvelous example of a paper on the respiratory system. Asthma is a widespread and persistent inflammatory illness of the airways attributed to a number of reappearing signs and reversible airway blockage. The frequently known signs entail breathing with difficulty, coughs and chest stiffness.
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Does Patient Portal Equivalent to Clinical Visit Medical science Essay
5 pages (1525 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Does Patient Portal Equivalent to Clinical Visit?" is a great example of a paper on the health system. With this dynamicity in Information and technology society, an increase in the development of information technology as well as its improved infrastructure used in transferring information from one hand to another and great dependence on other social issues in improving the medical services.
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Nanoparticles for Cancer Treatment Medical science Essay
1 pages (478 words) , Download 0 , Essay
'Nanoparticles for Cancer Treatment' is a great example of a paper on cancer. Several pieces of literature are available considering the functionalization of silica nanoparticles in cancer treatment. Arakelova et al (2014) have discussed in their studies about nanotechnology and the use of nano-size zinc in the form of ZnO for the treatment of cancer, although there are still obstacles to achieve the same.
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Social and Behavioral Science - Allostatic Load Medical science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Social and Behavioral Science - Allostatic Load" is a worthy example of a paper on social and family issues. Allostatic load refers to the biological changes that occur because of exposure to stressful situations (Seeman et al., 2014). It is also the consequence that individuals experience after a low sense of control of their personal lives due to financial outcomes, family, or work pressure. 
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Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet Medical science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet" is a controversial example of a paper on food and nutrition. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) Diet is a program that was developed by the National Cholesterol Education Program with the aim of helping individuals in controlling the health condition of hypercholesterolemia.
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Comparing and Contrasting Venous and Arteriosclerosis Ulcers Medical science Essay
2 pages (615 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Comparing and Contrasting Venous and Arteriosclerosis Ulcers" is a wonderful example of a paper on dermatology. Chronic ulcers are a major dilemma of any healthcare professional concerned with cutaneous or peripheral vascular illness and they are a quite common issue in general medicine.
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Ankle-Brachial Index Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Ankle-Brachial Index" is a worthy example of a paper on diagnostic tests. The ankle-brachial index test is a fast, painless, non-invasive method of identifying a person’s likelihood of developing peripheral artery disease. PAD is a disorder wherein the arms’ or legs’ arteries are clogged or constricted. Individuals with this disorder are highly susceptible to leg pain, stroke, heart attack and poor circulation
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Complaints of Cold Fingers with Associated Discoloration Medical science Essay
2 pages (635 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Raynaud's (ray-NOSE) disease causes some areas of the body — such as fingers and toes — to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures or stress. In Raynaud's disease, smaller arteries that supply blood to the skin narrow. This limits blood flow to affected areas, which is called vasospasm.
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Nutritional Considerations in the Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Medical science Essay
2 pages (625 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nutritional Considerations in the Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" is a decent example of a paper on child development. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common developmental disability commonly in childhood-onset of symptoms that usually include trouble remaining focused and paying attention to instructions, struggle controlling one’s behavior, and hyperactivity.
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Managing Endocrine Disorders: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Medical science Essay
2 pages (599 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Managing Endocrine Disorders: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus" is a worthy example of a paper on diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a lifelong, chronic ailment that has an impact on the body’s aptitude to use energy that is available in food. There are dissimilar categories of diabetes, but I am going to discuss Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Danger of Having Bad Eating Habits Medical science Essay
4 pages (1059 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Danger of Having Bad Eating Habits" is a worthy example of a paper on metabolic problems. The patient is a female of African American descent called Tina Jones. The age is 28 and the height is 5 feet and 7 inches. The patient weighs 86.13 kilograms. This means that her Body Mass Index is 29.8. She is well educated given by the manner in which she responds to question during his interview.
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Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis Medical science Essay
2 pages (701 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Diagnostic Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis" is a wonderful example of a paper on neurology. The symptoms presented by the patient point to several diseases. First, the numbness present in her hands and weakness of legs may be a sign of peripheral neuropathy. Her urinary incontinence also suggests the same condition.
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Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Medical science Essay
5 pages (1509 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia" is a wonderful example of a paper on neurology. The patient has been brought by the daughter to the clinic because he has become more forgetful. The daughter further reports that the problem has persisted for almost four years, and currently the patient cannot recognize his grandson.
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Mental Health Problems in the Black Swan Medical science Essay
4 pages (1173 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Mental Health Problems in the Black Swan" is a perfect example of a paper on the disorder. The Black Swan movie authored by Darren Aronofsky a typical example of melodrama whose main character is Nina (Natalie Portman). Natalie is a ballerina who is deeply absorbed in dancing that she wants nothing else other than dancing.
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The Infant's Sensory Development Medical science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Infant's Sensory Development" is an outstanding example of a paper on child development. The infant defined as a child at age from 1 month to 12 months. During this period body of the infants actively grows and develops. This is quite an important period as a baby has been kept apart from her mother in the other environment. Newborns are helpless from the time of their birth.
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Children's Exposure to Adult Smokers Medical science Essay
2 pages (670 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Children's Exposure to Adult Smokers' is a worthy example of paediatric research. A single-blind, randomized trial of 150 households will be used. It will involve children that are 2-6 years old that have been tested and are undergoing intensive interventions. Their parents will also be part of a study in order to observe their behaviors and collect their opinions concerning any new developments.
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Quantitative Studies in Nursing Research Medical science Essay
4 pages (1154 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Quantitative Studies in Nursing Research" is a wonderful example of a paper on diagnostic tests. The research critique seeks to present my critical understanding of the study, Response to breast health screening program at a not-for-profit clinic for working poor, uninsured, ethnically diverse women, and respond to specific action items of an evidence-based nursing study.
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Effective Patient-Physician Communication Medical science Essay
2 pages (674 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Effective Patient-Physician Communication" is an excellent example of a paper on the health system. Before reporting to the clinic, I made a personal objective to learn first-hand about effective communication between the physician and the patient. This decision was based on literature that I had read emphasizing the importance of effective communication between a patient and a healthcare professional.
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