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Effectiveness of Internet Marketing Practices on Marketing Performance - Sandhata - Research Paper Example

The paper "Effectiveness of Internet Marketing Practices on Marketing Performance - Sandhata" is a perfect example of a marketing research paper. Marketing is often regarded as one of the most crucial and composite business operations of modern organisations having the objectives of sustaining operational functions and maximising revenues…
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An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Internet Marketing Practices on Marketing Performance in IT Services Companies- A Case Study of Sandhata Technologies UK" Table of Contents 1.Introduction 3 2. Literature Review 5 2.1A Brief Overview of Internet Marketing 5 2.2. A Brief Description of Current Marketing Strategy of Sandhata Technologies 6 2.3 Influence of Internet Marketing in the IT Services Sector 7 2.4 Determination of Effectiveness between Traditional Marketing and Internet Marketing 8 2.5 An Analysis of The Effectiveness of Internet Marketing Practices On Marketing Performance 9 3. Research Design and Methodology 10 3.1 Type of Investigation 10 3.2 Data Collection Method 10 3.3 Sampling Method 11 3.4 Accessibility Issues 11 3.5 Ethical Issues 12 3.6 Data Analysis Plan 12 3.7 Research Limitations 13 4. Strength of Anticipated Findings and How They Relate to Aims and Objectives of Study 13 5. Appropriateness of Proposed Dissertation Structure 14 6. Timetable 15 References 16 1. Introduction Marketing is often regarded as one of the most crucial and composite business operations of the modern organisations having the objectives of sustaining operational functions and maximising revenues. The internet medium is fundamentally viewed to be an effective tool, which can be applied in the context of marketing (Global Millennia Marketing Inc., 2000). Prior to analysing the effectiveness of internet marketing practices specifically on marketing performance in IT services companies such as Sandhata Technologies UK, it is quite essential to acquire a brief idea about the notion of internet marketing. Conceptually, the idea of internet marketing is simply regarded as conducting business through online mode or through the internet medium. While analysing the effectiveness of internet marketing practices, it has been apparently observed that the marketing approach of the marketers belonging to this modern day context has transformed considerably as compared to the previous years. This could be owing to the reasons of gaining momentum of globalisation, increased level of internationalisation along with liberalisation and introduction of pioneering technological advancements (Failte Ireland, 2012). After acquiring a brief idea about the notion of internet marketing, it can be affirmed that this particular concept might prove to be quiet beneficial for IT services companies such as Sandhata Technologies in terms of attaining their respective predetermined business targets. Relating to Sandhata Technologies, it can be affirmed that proper and precise application of internet marketing would certainly help this IT service company in developing its marketing performance through sustaining marketing related operational functions and deriving substantial revenues from this operational segment. It would be vital to mention that the major reason for adopting as well as implementing the conception of internet marketing by Sandhata Technologies is the cost factor. It can be apparently observed in this similar context that internet marketing is much cost effective in comparison with traditional marketing. By taking into concern the cost factor, it can be affirmed that this aspect has facilitated the organisation i.e. Sandhata Technologies to adopt internet marketing by replacing the methods of traditional marketing, which it followed for a longer time period (Jones & et. al., n.d.). With this concern, the aim of the research has been depicted below: Determining the effectiveness of internet marketing practices on marketing performance in IT services companies On further note, the objectives of the above discussed research study can be proposed as: Identifying the current marketing strategy of Sandhata Technologies Analysing how the current marketing strategy is working for Sandhata Technologies Highlighting the strengths along with the weaknesses of Sandhata’s existing marketing process Elaborating how internet marketing has affected the IT services sector Determining whether internet marketing is really more effective tool than traditional marketing techniques in case of Sandhata Technologies Assessing how Sandhata Technologies would become successful in IT services using internet marketing Recommending improvements to the existing marketing process of Sandhata Technologies for developing the organisation Based on the above discussed aims and objectives, the research question for this proposed study has been framed as follows: To what extent has internet marketing been effective to develop marketing performance of Sandhata Technologies UK? 2. Literature Review 2.1 A Brief Overview of Internet Marketing It has been previously mentioned that internet marketing plays an imperative role in supporting every business organisation including the IT services based companies in terms of developing their overall business performance and mitigating threats that emanate from internal as well as external sources. This can be made possible with the inherent features that are embedded within the approach of internet marketing. In this similar context, as per the observation made by Gommans & et. al. (2001), the features present within the approach of internet marketing fundamentally include enhancing customer services, developing value propositions, establishing greater trust as well as security and effective brand building among others. The conceptual framework of internet marketing has been depicted below: Source: (Gommans & et. al., 2001) 2.2. A Brief Description of Current Marketing Strategy of Sandhata Technologies Sandhata Technologies is a professional and quite experienced IT services business firm, which has formed its own integration methodology for providing flexible as well as simple solutions to certain composite issues like regulatory compliance. The business organsiation is the pioneer in various fields of business having greater experience working in telecommunications, retail and capital market segments. It has been apaprently observed that the organsiation is currently following traditional marketing process through which it has been able to develop marketing performance in terms of effectively controlling the market information and offering the products or services to the customers based on the acquired information. However, the company is facing certain problems or issues in following this particular marketing form i..e the traditional one owing to high costs linked with it along with the complexities arising from transforming business market environment. Correspondigly, it can be affirmed that the approach of interent marketing would certainly support Sandhata Technologies in advancing its marketing performance more effectively as compared to traditional marketing concept due to the virtue of cost effectiveness (Sandhata Technologies, 2014). 2.3 Influence of Internet Marketing in the IT Services Sector According to the report published by GFT (2012), the approach of internet marketing has broadly influenced the IT services sector to remain much aligned with the changing preferences as well as the tastes of the customers. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the customers have found the notion of internet marketing as one of the effective tools, which has eventually facilitated them to purchase their desired products with ease. In this regard, Gommans & et. al. (2001) affirmed that the organisations serving in the IT services sector have been able to effectively market their respective products or services within stipulated time period. This factor has eventually influenced the IT services sector to attain superior competitive position as compared to other sectors. As per the report published by GFT (2012), one of the decisive aspects of internet marketing, which has greatly influenced the IT services sector is making improved customer service. This has been made possible through various ways. These ways can be apparently observed as making prompt responses to the enquiries made by the customers, delivering the desired products or services to the customers with utnost ease and rapidity, providing them with numerous delivery options, free online applications and most vitally payment methods (GFT, 2012). In this similar perspective, according to Lee (2000), the other important aspect, which has influenced the IT services sector is developing trust along with security amid the customers. This particular factor has assisted the modern organisations belonging to IT services sector in raising their respective brand as well as business reputation, forming reliability in the deliverance of quality products or services to the customers and seeking substantial level of third-party approval relating to business (Lee, 2000). 2.4 Determination of Effectiveness between Traditional Marketing and Internet Marketing In accordance with the study conducted by Strydom (2005), internet marketing has gained much popularity amid the business organisations belonging to this modern day context operating in dissimilar industries. In this similar context, the report published by Supreme Marketing Solutions (2013) asserted that internet marketing is much effective in this present day context as compared to traditional marketing based on several significant features. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the features of internet marketing that include cost effectivness along with attracting customers towards buying or acessing products or services among others ultimately make the approach quiet effective in comparison with the traditional marketing. On the other hand, Strydom (2005) supported the fact that internet marketing is effective than traditional marketing due to having the capability of creating greater value proposition, enhancing customer services and most importantly developing trust along with confidence amid the online vendors and customers (Strydom, 2005). It can be affirmed that the above discussed facets of internet marketing eventually lure the modern organisations to adopt the same and replace traditional form of marketing by a considerable extent. 2.5 An Analysis of The Effectiveness of Internet Marketing Practices On Marketing Performance It is worth mentioning that the effectiveness of conducting pertinent internet marketing practices would eventually impose considerable impact specifically on the marketing performance of the organisations such as Sandhata Technologies. In keeping with the report published by Sandhata Ltd (2013), it can be apaprently observed that the organisation faced certain market problems that might be due to the focus on traditional form of marketing procedure. The report of Sandhata Ltd (2013) highlighted the major market problems faced by Sandhata Technologies as low as well as immatured profit margin level, not being able to compete with its chief business market competitors like WIPRO, major decline in ‘general’ services market and critical decrease in revenues among others. In response, the conduct of effective practices associated with internet marketing would eventually impose extensive favourable impact on the marketing performance of the organisation at large. Most importantly, these practices are also expected to address and mitigate the market problems faced by Sandhata Technologies in terms of implementing advanced sales plan, developing greater value propositions, coping up successfully with the emerging or latest IT trends and most vitally developing trust along with the confidence amid the customers (Sandhata Ltd, 2013). 3. Research Design and Methodology 3.1 Type of Investigation After acquiring a brief idea about the effectiveness of internet marketing practices particularly on marketing performance of IT services companies in the previous section, it can be affirmed from a broader understanding that the proposed research study can be classified as an exploratory type of study. Conceptually, exploratory research is regarded as an effective research design wherein major focus is laid upon attaining significant ideas along with insights about a particular subject matter (Wilson, 2014; Monroe College, 2011). Thus, the application of exploratory research design in the proposed research study would enable in gaining greater insights as well as ideas regarding the impact of conducting internet marketing practices particularly on marketing performance in IT services companies. 3.2 Data Collection Method In order to attain the above stated research aims and objectives, data would be collected through conducting mailed questionniare and focus group interview. The questionniare would consist of both open and closed ended questions that are to be served to the marketing managers of Sandhata technologies. It can be affirmed that both the aforesaid data collection methods would ensure obtaning relevant data, which might assist in analysing the effectiveness of internet marketing practices especially on marketing performance in IT services companies. 3.3 Sampling Method Specially mentioning, probability sampling design is planned to be taken into concern in this proposed research study. This is owing to the reason that this sampling method provides the estimates that are found to be principally unbiased and that possess measurable precision. Moreover, it does not rely on the existence of comprehensive information for proving its effectiveness (Wilson, 2014; Sharma, 2005). Apart from this, simple random sampling technique would be utilised in this proposed research study as it is often implemented while conducting various researches due to the deliverance of controlled as well as precise results (Ellison & et. al., 2009). 3.4 Accessibility Issues While collecting relevant data from the respondents, certain accessibility issues such as improper reach to the respondents, shortage of questionnaires and unpredictable apperance of the respondents among others are likely to be encountered. Hence, it is essential to manage those issues for deriving appropriate research results along with smoothly conducting the study. In this similar context, the above accessibility issues can be managed in terms of designing ample amount of questionnaires and ensuring that proper means of communication are executed. 3.5 Ethical Issues Along with the accessibility issues, certain ethical issues are also likely to be encountered while conducting the proposed research study. From the perspective of the participants or the respondents, the ethical issue concerning irrelevant data linked with the proposed research topic is likely to be encountered. This can be explained from the fact that the respondents participating in the data collection proceudre might provide varying data or their opinions might appear to be dissimilar, resulting in making the research study irrelevant. Moreover, maintaining the confidentiality of the information provided by the participants can also be duly considered as one of the prime ethical issues, which requires to be paid utmost attention. Thus, in order to mitigate such critical issues, it is quite essential to look after the obtained data of the respondents with utmost attention, which would also help in maintaining the parity of the information obtained from them. 3.6 Data Analysis Plan Prior to making a plan for analysing the data collected from the respondents, it is quite necessary to acquire a brief understanding about the purpose of analysing the data after undergoing the phase of data collection. In this similar concern, as the proposed research study would be based on qualitative approach, the various purposes of analysing data include obtaining usable as well as valuabe information for conducting researches efficiently and most importantly forecasting outcomes of the research study among others (BCPS, n.d.). In relation to the proposed research study of analysing the effectiveness of internet marketing practices on marketing performance in IT services companies, the collected data is intended to analyse the approach of exploratory research study. 3.7 Research Limitations It would be vital to mention that certain limitations are likely to be experienced or encountered while conducting the proposed research study i.e. analyzing the effectiveness of internet marketing practices on marketing performance in IT services companies-a case study of Sandhata Technologies UK. In this similar context, these limitations can appear in the form of making the data analysis along with data interpretation procedure more time consuming, questioning the validity of the research and most importantly reliability of the information obtained from the respondents. It can be affirmed that these limitations could affect the quality, scope as well as the value of the proposed research study to a certain extent. 4. Strength of Anticipated Findings and How They Relate to Aims and Objectives of Study In relation to the above framed research aims and objectives, it is expected that the knowledge about the effectiveness of internet marketing practices on marketing performance in IT services companies can be gained after the completion of the research. It is worth mentioning that a comprehesive understanding about determining whether internet marketing is really more effective tool than traditional marketing techniques in Sandhata Technologies and assessing how this company can become successful in IT services using internet marketing would also be acquired after the completion of the research. 5. Appropriateness of Proposed Dissertation Structure The following important aspects would eventually determine the appropriateness of the proposed dissertation structure. Refining the selected topic Conducting a short research about the identified issue Undertaking futher research of the issue Framing research objectives Conducting literature review Data collection Data analysis Making findings and recommendations Checking for any probable error Final submission The above discussed dissertation structure would be quite appropriate for the proposed research study as the aforesaid aspects are found to be the fundamental elements of a proper dissertation or research study. 6. Timetable The timetable for completing the proposed research study has been depicted in the form of the following tabular representation: References BCPS, No Date. Writing the Proposal - Data Analysis. Develop a Research Proposal. [Online] Available at: [Accessed April 13, 2014]. Ellison, S. L. R. & et. al., 2009. Practical Statistics for the Analytical Scientist: A Bench Guide. Royal Society of Chemistry. Failte Ireland, 2012. What is Internet Marketing? Overview of Internet Marketing, pp. 2-22. Global Millennia Marketing Inc., 2000. Marketing on the Internet. Reports. [Online] Available at: [Accessed April 13, 2014]. Gommans, M. & et. al., 2001. From Brand Loyalty to E-Loyalty: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Economic and Social Research, Vol. 3, pp. 43-58. GFT, 2012. Impact of Social Media on the Financial Services Sector. Downloads, pp. 4-24. Jones, A. T. & et. al., No Date. Introduction to Internet Marketing. Internet Marketing, pp. 3-229. Lee, O., 2000. Internet Marketing Research: Theory and Practice. Idea Group Inc (IGI). Monroe College, 2011. Types of Research Design. Exploratory, Descriptive, and Causal Research Designs, pp. 26-41. Sandhata Technologies, 2014. Company. About. [Online] Available at: [Accessed April 13, 2014]. Strydom, J., 2005. Introduction to Marketing. Juta and Company Ltd. Supreme Marketing Solutions, 2013. Online Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing. Quick Marketing Facts. [Online] Available at: [Accessed April 13, 2014]. Sharma, A. K., 2005. Text Book of Sampling and Attributes. Discovery Publishing House. Sandhata Ltd, 2013. New Sales Strategy. Business Development Strategy. Wilson, J., 2014. Essentials of Business Research: A Guide to Doing Your Research Project. SAGE. Read More

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