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Effective Customer Care for Success - Business Plan Example

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This work called "Effective Customer Care for Business Success" describes a plan for the management of customer contact for EcoJET Airways. The author takes into account major financial and business pay television channels, the peculiarities of travel service, customer needs, and expectations, using social networking applications.  …
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Effective Customer Care for Business Success
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Running head: Marketing Effective Care for Business Success Insert Insert Grade Insert 23 May Introduction Customers are the reason any business establishment exists. They are the pillars without which business objectives become unachievable. It is necessary to undertake an in depth assessment of the needs of customers in a business services in order to improve customer service and satisfy customer expectations from goods and services that interest them. Different customers have different expectations and perceptions of the products or services provided. This is the more reason that the customer care provider should be dynamic in dealing with different customers and must know how to handle each in a unique way. Communication, therefore, becomes vital in addressing each customer’s needs effectively. TASK 1: Developing a plan for the management of customer contact for EcoJET Airways (i) Identify three EcoJET target markets and briefly explain why you have identified each as a target market. A target market for a particular business is a group of customers who have a common relationship with each other. Some of the commonalities shared by such customer groups include but not limited to sharing similar demographic characteristics, residing or working in the same location, using the product/service for the same reason among others. For EcoJET Airways, one of the target markets may be identified as the business class travellers class of customers mainly because these customers travel for the same reason as part of carrying out business activities between the three cities of Sydney-Melbourne-Brisbane or they could be classified as a target market because of the fact that they travel business class as a specific product/service offered by EcoJET Airways. These business travellers may also be staying in any of the three states, therefore, qualifying as a target market for the airline by virtue of common place of residence. The Airline provides various services to clients in this particular market including bus shuttle service from airport to CBD, Business travel lounge facilities, Use of mobile phone in-flight, In-screen entertainment with live access to major financial and business pay television channels (Lecture 1, p.18). Another market segment for EcoJET Airways are groups of customers flying across the three states at the same hours mainly 9am arrivals and between 5pm and 7pm departures. This is a perfect market niche for the airline because the customers use the air travel services at common times of day or night perhaps as a consequence of their work schedules or dictated by the hours of business around the three cities. Customers from the regional markets outside the three major cities could be another class of customers, which EcoJET Airways is trying to reach through the cooperative arrangement with Rural Express. This is a potential target market because the customers are non-city dwellers who wish to travel to either of the cities to carry out personal business, shopping, or for other different reasons. One of the airline’s policies is to promote sustainable air travel through minimization of emissions. Customers who subscribe to this, thus accepting to pay a carbon offset fee, may be classified as a target market for the firm; as opposed to another category which does not subscribe to the policy. (ii) Question TWO a. Skills which would benefit EcoJET staff in identifying and satisfying customer needs and expectations In identifying customer needs and expectations, communication is key and proper planning for it should involve carrying out adequate research about customer requirements ahead of meeting them, products or services on offer to suit needs identified and preparation for questions and clarifications. One of the ways communication can take place between the customer and promoter of the product/service is through non-verbal communication that involves the use of body language such as facial expressions, gestures, hands/ body movements, different eye signs, crossing or wide opening the arms among others. These are generally refereed to as kinemics. The length of distance between two or more people communicates certain messages about the intention of the communicator or the sender of the message as well as the recipient. Also, different dressing styles, hair styles, and make ups send different messages to different people and staff of Eco JET ways must embrace formal air transport and catering dress code and appearance to be able to get much in terms of customer needs for their clientele. Another important skill of communication is the ability to make use of active listening and good questioning to identify personality types and communicate effectively with different people having different personalities including but not limited to quite, loud, happy, sad, busy, aggressive, passive, confident scared among others. Marketers should also be powerful empathizers by way of placing themselves in the situation of the customers to understand their needs and know how to address them better. Staffs should also be skilful in managing conflict between them and customers as a way of effectively settling the concerns of customers with regards to services of the airline. More importantly, the staffs must demonstrate a clear understanding of the services provided by the airline to enhance communication with customers. This calls for not only utmost respect, confidence, and honesty but also good amount of practice to avoid conflict with customers as a result of aggressive behavior (Lecture 1, p. 22). b. Research tools it can use to identify the needs and expectations of its customers. Provide at least three examples together with a list of advantages and disadvantages of using each tool you have chosen. One of the tools staff can use to identify needs and expectations of the customers is active listening which does not only involve hearing but includes a demonstration that indeed listening of what is being said is taking place. To do this effectively, the staff may during conversations with customers employ a number of techniques such as confirmations, encouragements, reflections and drawing summaries from conversations made between themselves and the customers. The use of simple language, avoiding lazy or/and slang language, avoiding sounding too familiar or casual are another set of practical tools to gather as much information about customer needs. The advantage of this technique is that it enhances the speed and ability of understandability of issues surrounding customers hence enabling the organization flexibility to better serve customer needs. Additionally, this promotes professionalism and provides a level playing field for customers to express their grievances and/or praises and expect that they will be taken seriously to find workable solutions and satisfy expectations. The disadvantage of this method however would be well demonstrated in the case of a technical business area where staffs have no much room to simply communicate with the customers, and even the latter are expected to be technically fit in those respective areas. If simple language is used, either the meaning is compromised or the communicator sounds technically weak in their area. Another tool is to test the organization to establish customer treatment and needs satisfaction perhaps by calling from outside to hear how customers are treated. This has the advantage of getting a feel of how customers perceive the organization from the way they are treated and served. On the contrary, ‘testing’ may be abused when the staffs realize that they are under test and hence respond or show their best customer service only at that time. The management should encourage the staffs to always ask customers if there is anything they feel the company should do for them and to elicit additional information about what the customers might need that is not being offered. This way, the company will be better placed to judge its performance in meeting the ever changing customer needs. On the strength of the benefits of the various tools discussed here, active listening and use of simple language would emerge as the most appropriate tools that staffs of Eco JET should embrace in order to gather more information from customers about company’s services, customer needs and level of satisfaction to inform best decisions on improvement. c. Procedures or processes EcoJET can introduce to ensure the information is collected effectively The firm can adopt the sales and service cycle, which involves first customer discovering the product/service provider. Here, we assume that the airline has an already established market hence this step may not be necessary unless they wish to venture into new markets. The second step would be conducted by the airline firm by identifying the problem through defining customer needs/expectations. The use of techniques and tools identified above to find out the customers’ needs and expectations about the product/service offered would come in handy. The staffs would then proceed to clarify and define a solution for the problems identified, which perhaps may involve teamwork. A proposal for the solution is then formulated including how the solution will be delivered then negotiation with the customer is carried out to determine the financial and delivery details for the solution. With the customer agreeing with the solution, the transaction is closed then arrangements made for delivery of the solution. Thereafter, monitoring and evaluation of the success of the solution follows. Though Email as a non-verbal communication channel is convenient, efficient and allows inclusion of detail in the delivery of the message, it does not represent the tone of the writer’s voice. Telephone conversion is faster and provides for detail but does not allow the parties to see each other’s non-verbal communication aspects. Though TV is one way communication channel, it is very cost efficient because it involves mass broadcasting. d. Advantages and disadvantages of using social networking applications for analyzing customer needs. Emerging technologies, as methods of facilitating customer communications, have revolutionized customer care for businesses around the globe. These include use of emails, websites, blogs or online web diaries, videoconferencing and podcasts. Social networks such as Facebook have significantly changed the way customer information about the product or service expectations is collected. The good side of social media is that it will allow EcoJET Airways to build customer networks online, create convenience and efficiency in customer communications, facilitate regular communication with them in terms of products and services offered by the airline, provide an easier channel for the company to advertise and send notifications about events to customers, allow two-way communication between the firm and its clients and enable sharing of multimedia information such as videos on company services. The limitations of this communication channel include the necessity for internet connectivity that may be unavailable to some customers, threats from hackers who may use crucial customer and company information on the social media to carry out fictitious transactions thus increasing information risks. (iii) What changes would you make to the products/services offered by EcoJET to cater for the new needs of the customers? What are the overall ramifications of the changes to EcoJET’s overall target market? I would recommend that the company re-looks at the product pricing aspects for the different services it is offering particularly addressing the carbon offset fee on air fares. On this, one proposal would be to have the company subsidize the cost of carbon offset thereby reducing the chargeable fee as a reprieve to the class of customers that is uncomfortable with the fee. The company may also engage the government and the environment conservation agencies to provide subsidies on reduced carbon emissions. The implication of this recommendation if adopted would be positive because everyone would wish to pay lower fares and get equal or better quality service. If no subsidies provided by the government and/or other agencies, the company may have to let stay carbon offset fee or opt to absorb the cost, the latter may impact on its business in other areas. In dealing with the problem of late connecting flights, I would recommend a more proactive relationship with the Rural Express to address the delays. Perhaps see into a rescheduling of flights to almost match landing and departure hours for the concerned routes. An alternative way to address the problem is perhaps to increase the number of flights to those destinations or assign aircraft, which can be leased if the business to the affected regions is viable. The implications of these recommendations may include increased costs on the company but better service for the concerned market segment. TASK 2 (See Appendix I): Observe three customer transactions where you are the customer. Use the checklist to evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of the methods used by the salesperson undertaking customer/contact communications with you in identifying and meeting your needs. TASK 3: Based on the above (Try to Answer on Behalf Of a Restaurant/Bar Business) Collect three different instruments or tools used to collect feedback from customers. Attach these instruments to your completed assignments. The customer feedback tools chosen here are Staff, Survey Forms for customer comments received through Email, Face to Face, Telephone and use of Mystery shoppers to receive information about customer behaviours and perceptions about the product/services. In a simple report, answer the following questions about each of the three instruments or tools. 1. What information does the instrument or tool collect about the customer? Staff as an instrument for customer feedback will give information about customers’ reactions and communication styles such as body language used by customers to portray certain messages about products/services provided. Another tool is Survey forms whether hard copies or online and they are key to collecting both good and bad information about customers’ feelings and firm’s products or services. The scope of information collected here includes accurate data on customer demographics and sales history; if questions to this effect are posed on the survey form, purchasing decisions by customers, forms of advertising, promotion, customer experiences and personal references by existing customers. The mystery shoppers can also be used as a tool for gathering feedback from customers and will generally inform about the quality of service delivery (Lecture 2, p. 19). Where management acts as the mystery shopper, in for example a restaurant, the manager will be able to learn customer behaviour and reactions based on the level of service provided and determine how best to improve on different aspects of service delivery to different classes of customers. 2. What information does the instrument or tool collect about the way the organisation/ product/ service satisfied their needs? Staff will provide information about comfort levels and customer service received by customers. They can also give a few details about the customer’s demographics though may not be accurate, sales history and contacts of the customer. Survey method will gather information about the service received by customers in terms of things such as the level of satisfaction customers get from products/services, whether their expectations were met, and ways to improve the service or product among others. Use of mystery shoppers to observe customer behaviours will give information about how best the customers are served by employees and the knowledge levels of the sales people on the firm’s products or services (Lecture 3, p. 12). 3. In what ways does the instrument or tool allow the customer to provide feedback about the organisation/product/service? Staff would give this information through productive discussions about customer feedback. The arrangement needs to be informal and free to minimize instances of fear or victimization and to promote comfort for individual staff to provide as much information as they have. Surveys can involve the use of open or closed questions depending on the amount of information the firm is looking for as feedback from customers. For the case of mystery shoppers, customer feedback will usually be given by the mystery shoppers who purportedly represent the customer and act as though they are the real customers to observe and learn about the quality of customer service offered to customers. 4. Overall, is the survey an effective method of collecting up-to-date and relevant feedback? If yes, why? If no, then what suggestions would you make for improvements? Survey is a rich tool for collecting relevant and up-to-date customer feedback about the product/service on offer. It gives adequate information if questions posed on the survey form are for that purpose. If the surveys are administered on line, more up to date information may be received, and it is also easier to process and analyze the feedback for necessary action as opposed to hard copy surveys that may require more time to analyze. Appendix I Question 1 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Describe the type of customer contact. Was it in person/phone/email? How long was the contact? Person- Face to face 10 mins Telephone 10 mins Email 5 mins How long was the product/service sought by the customer? 10 mins 10 mins 5 mins Who was the salesperson doing the customer contact? What job does he/she do in the workplace? Sales representative Marketing company products/services Sales representative Marketing company products/services Sales representative Marketing company products/services Question 2 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Was there any evidence that the salesperson undertaking the customer contact had prepared for the transaction? If so, what type of evidence? If not, what sort of presentation should be undertaken? Yes, based on the high level of knowledge demonstrated about the products and service and skills of verbal and non-verbal communication with the customer on one on one Yes, based on the high level of knowledge demonstrated about the products and service and skills of verbal and non-verbal communication with the customer on Telephone Yes, based on the high level of knowledge demonstrated about the products and service and skills of non-verbal communication with the customer Question 3 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Did you identify the listening skills of the salesperson doing the customer contact? Noted active listening and good questioning because of the engagement with the customer There was minimal active listening and good questioning, but much of reflective listening Noted reflective listening Did they use the information the customer gave them to better serve their needs? Adequately Moderately adequately How could you identify whether the salesperson was listening to the customer? There was evidence of confirmations, encouragements Because of questions like ‘what can I do for you?’ Because of questions like ‘How may I help you and what does your business do?’ Question 4 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 In the case of personal contact, what types of non-verbal communication did you observe from the salesperson doing the contact? Use of facial expressions, hand movements, body movements Was there any non-verbal communications from the customer? Did you feel that they were appropriate? Yes, customer mostly used hand and facial expressions In the case of non- personal contact communication, what efforts were made to ascertain personality types? Carefully moving closer to the customer Maintaining personal space Tone and voice variations Demonstrating politeness and humility Evidence of empathy and assertiveness Question 5 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 What sort of language did the salesperson doing the customer contact use? Simple Simple Technical Did you observe whether the customer believed it to be suitable? Did they ask for clarification about the meaning of terms or words? Yes. There was evidence of understanding between the two Yes. There was evidence of understanding between the two Email clarifications were sought Question 6 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Did you detect any disparities in the way different customers were communicated with? Yes Yes Yes Did the salesperson doing the contact use any methods to identify the needs of the customer? Yes. Used active listening and simple language Yes. Used active listening and simple language Yes and no. Yes because used reflective listening but no because used technical language Did they identify the personality of the customer? If so, what methods did they use? If not, do you think it impacted on their capacity to serve the needs of the customer? Yes. Active listening Good questioning Yes. Active listening Good questioning Yes. Reflective listening Good questioning Question 7 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Was there any conflict between the salesperson doing the customer contact and customer? If so how was it handled? No No No Did you think that the salesperson doing the customer contact understood the customer? What tools and techniques did they use to express their empathy with the needs of the customer? Yes. Demonstrated ability to provide the solution to the customer Yes. Put himself in the situation of the customer by saying that he understood where the customer was coming from. Yes. Salesperson tried to understand the external factors affecting the customer in her communication Question 8 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Did the salesperson doing the customer contact identify boundaries of the customer contact? Did they stay within those boundaries? Yes Yes Yes Question 9 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 What types of information was given to the customer by the salesperson doing the customer contact? Information about the types of drinks available for breakfast at the restaurant and prices About the meals the customer can have for lunch and their prices About beverages available at the restaurant and the bar and prices Was the information appropriate? Yes Yes Yes Did it assist the customer with identifying their own needs? If so, how did it assist the customer to make a better decision? If not, what types of information should have been provided to the customer? The customer was able to weigh the options of drinks available and determine affordability Customer was in a position to choose what to have for lunch Customer selected a beer in favour of hot drink Question 10 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Do you think the customer had their needs satisfied? Yes Shown from the smile after the service Yes Yes If so, what were those needs and how were they satisfied? If not, what could the salesperson doing the customer contact have done to better identify and then satisfy those customer needs? Customer needed to know the range of drinks available at the restaurant as well as the respective prices and he got all this information from the sales person Customer needed to know the range of meals available at the restaurant as well as the respective prices and he got all this information from the sales person Customer needed to know the range of beverages available at the bar as well as the respective prices and he got all this information from the sales person Question 11 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 What methods were used by the salesperson doing the customer contact to develop an on-going relationship with the customer? Salesperson ensured that the customer felt appreciated, valued and special Salesperson continued to embrace open communication Salesperson demonstrated ability and assurance to keep promises If not, can you recommend some strategies the organisation might use to develop an on-going relationship with a customer? Business may also embrace multiple level customer relationships Use of frequent personal contacts n/a Question 12 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Overall, how might the organisation/workplace improve its communications with its customer? Make some general suggestions for improvement Use of regular feedback mechanism Acting on feedback given by various customers appropriately Ensuring that everything is okay whenever customers visit to ensure that they get satisfied and come back next time Use of emails, newsletters and magazines, promotions and advertisements, social media to tell customer of products and services as well as upcoming events References Lecture Notes Lecture 1 – How to communicate with customers Lecture 2 – Identifying and responding to complex customer needs Lecture 3 – Establishing customer networks and relationships Read More
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