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Marketing Efforts of the University of Texas Football Department - Term Paper Example

In the research paper “Marketing Efforts of the University of Texas Football Department,” the author focuses on diversified portfolio and sponsorship programs. Among them are the marketplace roundup analysis and the use of the social network campaigns…
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Marketing Efforts of the University of Texas Football Department
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Introduction Texas provides a substantial sporting league. The has a well diversified portfolio as far as the conduct of sponsorship programs is concerned. Among them are the marketplace round up analysis and the use of the social network campaigns. A lot of sponsorship activities at Texas University are primarily revenue genrating in nature. There is a lot of media coverage of the whole institutional framework. Various stakeholders end up being the target as a result of this media coverage. Professional sports like football earn a lot of recognition. The recognition establishes itself through a mass crusade in the form of an international competition that revolves around Texas. Key institutions and Universities remain serious involved stakeholders. This brings in about the element of mass recognition of the football association in to a global phenomenon. Sponsorship programs provide the best scenarios where the institution provides a lot of opportunities. Currently, Longhorn startups involvement provides a good base. An open house demos, music, food and beverages fires up the institution. On the same note, an entrepreneurship group of students involves themselves in some startup activities that ensure a timely semester starts. Sponsors provide a robust relationship to the organization. These includes the likes of Joshua Baer of Otherlnbox and Simeon Duong of BeDj Athletics arrangement incorporates some of the greatest teams. These teams come from Georgia, Pennsylvania and the host Texas. All these and many more neighboring states get involved in a highly publicized event. All games coverage revolves during such an event. In a nut shell, a critical time athletic championship or sports enjoys a lot of remarkable phenomena. Faculty members, staff and other concerned bodies of the institution require composure in any event of athletic nature. They are as much interested as any other member of the institution. There are also newspaper writers as well as the general public members who follow the outcome of every event. This shows a lot of traditions that goes a long way in recognition of such a global phenomenon (Clotfelter, 2011). SWOT Analysis An analysis of Texas football can be analyzed from the perspectives of games played during the matches. Disciplinary actions in respect of personal fouls and conduct void of sportsmanship are often undertaken. This provides a weakness in the overall performance of the industry. A positive scenario is notable of possible opportunities. These include the opportunity of making significant goals in the future of football games. Texas football and athletics championship can be analyzed like a business scenario based on the SWOT analysis. This helps bring out the issue at hand in a proper evaluation mechanism at the interest of all stakeholders. Problems arise at the university. Situation occurs where a tournament arranged involves various institutions at their very execution. At the final hour one may find that some institutions have pulled out of the game. Having an arrangement of participation these opponents change mind unreasonably. This has the effect on the perception of from the outside environment that proper arrangement had not been done. The next time such an event will be happening, then some people will tend to think that the same stalemate will befall the championship. Revenue will fall. The people from the press feel the pinch. These journalists might fail to come and these results to significant effect A positive contribution makes an achievement in the institution. A delightful thing is that there are some universities with a jolly strong track record of participating without a fail. These have established a frightfully strong will and chances of fail during a national championship are minimal. The bottom line is that not all American universities get involved in the competition. It is a strong point to note that there are some universities who aspire to join crucial time sporting organizations. This is a positive attitude in support of Texas athletics. Another problem associated with the championship comes in as a threat to the success of such an ideology. These organized games consume a lot of cash for the institution. They go to an extra mile of exploiting the commercial viability of the entire institution and this affects according to the magnitude of the championship held. The idea of lost revenue is accelerated by the reasoning behind some of the winning strategies the university will employ. Revenue will be a significant contributor towards this winning. The coaches involved in this entire institutional arrangement re paid high salaries so that they can deliver highly. Organizations Research Effort An understanding is developed in Texas where the use of an aggressive markets strategy is no longer the norm. Customer’s choice is respected by focusing on their needs in a way the products of an institution can be distinguished. Quality products speak volumes. There is an enough market for the available products. The production capacity of leading products requires an overhaul to accommodate the high demand for the high quality products. The customer’s needs involve a lot of fulfillment that in the long run enables customers to satisfy their needs (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2011). The national championship has been one of the Texas extraordinary phenomenons. The practice has been going on since the beginning of the 19th century. A thorough observation conducted by the research department reveals that, those institutions who were involved in the first instance are currently highly successful. There is an observed trend at the long run. There is a lot of information that keeps on repeating itself. There has been observed that a number of followers and fans of these championships are men. This has made it possible in the design of various sporting facilities according to a variety of need. A lot of accommodations to these facilities are so much concentrated towards men’s specific requirement. The marketing department enhances corporate competition towards the delivery of customer valued products. The pricing characteristic, market segmentation and other brand strategies makes up the marketing component at the institution. Some of the segments that the market aims to reach include national retailers, fuel technologies and other competition. L’Oreal Brand storm Competition is an example of such competitions. Sports Products Various products make up the Texas sports platform. The fact that there is a lot of concentration to the college football does not necessarily mean only foot ball. Other sporting activities are basketball, women’s track and field, Women’s golf, softball, soccer and volleyball. It is a concern to note that Texas bobcat softball members of the team won a championship tournament held at Southland Conference on three years. These form the main sporting activities (Clotfelter, 2011). Pricing Strategies Adopted by the Institution A lot of marketing is done by Texas football department. This marketing will ensure that many available opportunities in the market are available for its products. Necessary strategies have to be applied so that these products experience the best advertising policy for the benefit if reaching the end users of these products. All tickets for a major championship are issued in advance. People in a position to acquire tickets take advantage of reduced prices. They are able to acquire them at subsidized prices. This means that the public members and other stakeholders who aim to attend at the life events during championship will have to buy a ticket at a given margin. The demand of such tickets increases during that period since a lot of demand is present at that time. Everyone wants to take advantage of the discount. Those individuals who will buy tickets on the material day will have to pay a larger amount of money for every ticket. This is because chances of discounts are now lost. Luxury seats are also available for spectators. These are very good and comfortable seats that are usually for the VIPs at a higher cost. The seats are strategically positioned. This positioning will provide a good view to provide a good view of the match as the event unfolds. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. A lot of media personnel are hired to record life events thus giving a championship event a wide coverage which calls for a wide following. Social networking sites like twitter and face book are also involved in creating public awareness of a big event being held at the university. Parking facilities are available for those car owners who will be attending the championship. Car security is adequately provided at the institutional based premises and any act of damage to these cars is quickly dealt with accordingly. Concessions are available. Public parking areas are given a concession stands. This means that there are in place parking areas. These parking lots are recognized by law. A lot of revenue will be realized at these parking grounds though at a subsidized rate. This forms part of revenue to the university as well to the government of Texas. Promotional Facilities There are in place situations where individuals are involved in the competition of games based on chance. This means that laws are observed at the normal running of championship games. Standards are also maintained during matches. Consumer contests are also arranged to be in line with the in game promotions (Pride & Ferrell. 2007). Give away facilities are put in place. This involves the act of giving out something like food to the spectators for free or to fellow contestants (Ferrell & Hartline, 2010). Conclusion It is imperative that the Texas football and athletic department experiences a lot of recognition. A collection of teachings benefits all the stakeholders from the Texas athletic department. Football and athletics brings people together in unison. Networking, career development and other benefits will realize as a result of the interaction not only for Texas alumni’s but also to all involved stakeholders. Other benefits enjoyed by the Texas members include employment services offered at the institution, financial services, extension education and savings and exceptional access. An outstanding continuing education platform provides an opportunity to those active members with an exemplary performance in the extra curriculum activities. This helps them to be rained by the institution so that they will participate at public events during championship. References Clotfelter, C. (2011). Big Time Sports in American Univesrities. New York: Cambridge University Press Oriard, M. (2009). Bowled Over: Big time College Football From the Sixtiess to the BCS Era. New York: University Press Porto, B. (2003). A New Season: Using Title IX to Reform College Sports. New Hampshire: Greenwood Publishing Group Royal D, Wheat J, Pryor C & Culpepper P (2005). Coach Royal: Conversations With a Texas Football Legend. Houston: University of Texas Press Lamb C, Hair J & McDaniel C, (2011). Essentials of Marketing. New York: Cengage Learning Read More

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