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Charities Services Marketing on the Internet - Case Study Example

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The paper "Charities Services Marketing on the Internet" states that charity services require finance on a regular basis for various projects.  The purpose of the charitable institutions may be poverty relief, education, religion, health, sports, human rights, animal welfare, etc…
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Charities Services Marketing on the Internet
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CHARITY SERVICES MARKETING ON THE INTERNET Introduction Born as a human being is great! Greater is, Born, not as a bent, blind or deaf!! (A poem bya great Tamil poetess, 2000 years ago) We are all great, and very few in the world realize this greatness. For the mankind to become the greatest, we are obliged to take care of the unfortunate, living among us. Physically challenged, mentally retarded and economically weaker among us are also great in their birth. In order to enjoy the fruits of cultural, economical and technological developments without any guilt in heart, greatness of the humanity should be upheld and the dignity of the unfortunate among us should be ensured and respected. It is a mission. When my association with the Jeddah Autism Center, the first center working with Autistic children in the middle-east, started five years ago, my realization about charity was some what unclear and confused. When I have been passionately involved in the process, as a Public Relations Manager, I understood the enormity of the issue, cause, and the responsibility of the mankind. Charity has no religion, language or borders. A Saudi Arabian’s heart goes for an Aid’s victim in Africa. Similarly an African industrialist may like to espouse the cause of a spastic child of United States. The basis philosophy is, a project of any category is important, not only to the institution involved and the beneficiaries, but also to the people worldwide and humanity. Why a particular ailment of eye is important to a philanthropist, irrespective of the borders or country, why not heart disease? To understand the human psychology, we have to go deep, and many a times, we will not come to know the true reasons behind such decisions. He might have suffered due to Glaucoma. His daughter might have suffered from esotropia, the tendency for eyes to become cross-eyed. The approach of the communities, societies, governments and the corporate world towards charity should be reformed by setting clear objectives and goals, not in terms of concessions from the government or income tax, but in terms of concrete results that benefit the needy. The organizational structure should be revamped, and the approach should be business like. Hypothesis Only the business houses which have clarity in objectives, vision in its strategy, dedication in work, division of responsibility and clear cut authority succeed in business. Any organization for that matter should embrace these principles to be successful, and this is applicable to charitable organizations also. Charity Services Charity services require finance on a regular basis for various projects. The purpose of the charitable institutions may be poverty relief, education, religion, health, sports, human rights, animal welfare, etc. The Government recognizes various organizations for the provision of land, concessions in tax, grants, subsidies, etc. ‘Federal tax law provides tax benefits to nonprofit organizations recognized as exempt from federal income tax under section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). It requires that most organizations apply to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for that status.’ ( Government recognition to the project enhances the reputation of the organization since the public believe that the working of the organization is inspected or audited by the government that ensure proper utilization of funds. Continuous requirement of funds for the project has to be obtained from the people and private companies. The charity has a legal identity. It can enter into contracts of any nature such as supply, appointment, etc. in its own name. Marketing plays an important role to ensure regular flow of funds to the projects. Internet Marketing Charity is borderless. In order to carry the message to the world, and for the dissemination of information, the strategy of marketing through internet could be effectively used. In this connection, we have to study the prerequisites and basic requirements to evolve a sound strategy for successful implementation. Importance of Research Proper research efforts draw attention to the problem through analysis. The efficacy of the internet marketing lies in its universality. Cutting across the borders, internet has overcome all the hurdles and barriers of communication, the humanity faced not long ago. The success of a charitable mission hinges on this concept, though there may be several deserving projects vying with each other for attention. For the marketing to be effective, it should be ensured that the charitable institution has fulfilled certain basic criteria and basic requirements. The modern organizations undertake various projects in various locations. ‘Apart from helping social welfare projects of organizations, we support Research and Development in health care especially Young Cancer patients. Educating and economically empowering the underprivileged and Rural women, Counseling the depressed and rehabilitating the victims of social problems, Development of wasteland and rural farmer oriented developments work are also our activities’ (Hope Foundation, a Public Charitable Trust, Size is also important and useful in getting national and international recognitions, grants, infrastructural facilities, lands for the project, etc. Various big institutions support thousands of dependants and employ large work force. There are so many acts and regulations to govern the non-profit organizations. Therefore, research in this area assumes significance for streamlining the activities of the organization and to ensure control for proper functioning of the organization in the interest of the public. Surveys and researches are also undertaken on the functioning of the nonprofit organizations, expenses involved, salary structure, etc. ‘Non-Profit Executive Salaries Charity Research’ ( Prerequisites All charities are voluntary organizations. ‘A charity is a particular type of voluntary organization – one that takes a distinctive legal form and has a special tax status. In the UK today there are probably over 500,000 voluntary organizations – fewer than 200,000 of these are registered charities.’ ( The success of the non-profit project is dependant on the background of the promoters, structure of the organization, infrastructure facilities available for the project, recognition from the government and the local bodies and expertise of the management involved. These are the prerequisites for any charity project. Lacking in these basic criteria, a project can’t be successful in realizing its objectives or goals. Once the project is endowed or fulfilled with these basic criteria, it is only the question of marketing strategy that is going to ensure the growth and development of the project. Basic requirements It is not uncommon to notice that a project meeting all the criteria referred above miserably fails for want of marketing strategy. Like in any business, vision, intuition, planning and strategy is essential for the success of any project, leave alone the charity related. There may not be any lacking in dedication. But, when dedication, honesty and sincerity of purpose are associated with these business principles, a great project of historical nature is taking birth. However, before we approach the world for their assistance, with a strategy, we have to ensure that the charitable institution we represent is run with dedication and humane values, beyond the natural suspicion of the mankind. After all, the donor, or philanthropist is not related to the management of the institution or the inmates. The trust and belief is the fulcrum of the process and aid. Therefore, it is but natural that the donor wants to ensure that the funds are really used for a noble cause, by the noble people with noble purpose. Depending upon the size, reach and nature of the institutions or organizations, the following questions are pertinent for them to answer and declare in their statements, pamphlets, brochures or literature meant for distribution or dissemination of information to public. Is your organization registered with the government? Do you have your accounts audited? If your accounts are audited, up to which financial year, your accounts have been audited? Is your organization registered with ISO? If not, are you taking steps to have your organization certification with ISO? Are you up do date in complying with the statutory requirements? Do you aim for any national or international recognition or grant for the project? The above questions are neither meant for inconvenience to the caretakers nor prohibitory in nature. A person who is interested and willing to lend a helping hand to the charitable organization would like to know whether, the donations are properly used and the people involved lead a normal life like anybody else, but for their handicap. It is important to satisfy the prospective donors as to the fact that the inmates have the fundamental rights and freedom, which are the basic tenets of human life. If there are many projects undertaken by the organization, details with reference to each one is important. ‘The OSCAR Project The Outreach Social Care Project (OSCAR) has been operating in and around the South African City of Pietermaritzburg, in KwaZulu Natal since 2007. OSCAR principally works with Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) and child headed households, providing assistance in gaining access to education, legal assistance, social grants and other services alongside psychological support and peer education. OSCAR has a team of 30 care givers … HIV prevention work alongside providing home based care and counseling support. OSCAR also works with teachers … training on HIV and AIDS…’ ( Research in charity services marketing There are researches going on in the specific field of charity marketing. Andrew Smith states, ‘Our project work enables us to make a number of general statements about the special requirements of this sector and how clients deal with them. We start with the general observations, and then describe 3 project examples which illustrate real-life implications… … working with independent consultants is not about doing things cheaply, it is about maximizing value – flexibility enables us to utilize our in-house market research experience to the full and to pay for a service that really adds value to what we do… Help the Aged & Age Concern are two well-known charities that fight for the rights of all older people in society. Save the Children presents its mission (see ) ..This insight was to be used to inform a new brand campaign and Mango Research Ltd (a two-director research consultancy) was one agency invited to respond to its research brief… The new brand campaign involves expressions of the issues (THEY), Save the Children actions (WE) and a challenge to support (YOU). Overall, this research helped CARE to focus its activities and resources and optimize its outputs to achieve maximum effectiveness - Nola Leach, Chief Executive, CARE.’ (Charities And The NFP Sector: Understanding Their Special Research Needs, The importance of media and internet for charity services marketing can’t be understated, and recently there are significant researches undertaken and the results or findings published in this respect. Andrew Smith writes, ‘Significant efforts have already been made in recent years to harness the media: • Features on TV and Gardener’s World, with expert and personality  endorsements • Many magazine features and links • The building of an award winning website at • Advertising garden openings in local newspapers and radio • A clear new branding, and efforts to standardize publicity nationwide’, (Appropriate strategic research for Not For Profit organizations, CASE STUDY: Research helps a charity realize its full potential – Research for the National Gardens Scheme, Methodology Borders, religion, language or color are not the hurdles to charity. ‘Love for all and malice towards none’ is the motto. So, how are we going to reach the people of the world, without any distinction, whatsoever? The charitable institution is in firm ground when some of the basic arrangements are in order and the institution is professionally organized to carryout the purpose for which it was established, to embark upon the marketing programs. There are various marketing strategies and channels to promote the causes. The marketing strategy may focus mainly on ‘Internet’, simultaneously through different internet related channels, to create a synergic effect. Websites Considering the nature of the project, its purposes and the reach of the strategy, internet is found to be the most suitable form of marketing in charitable services. English being the common language predominantly used in the internet can be used as a medium of communication through websites created for this purpose. (Example) ‘AIDS charity AVERT in action AVERT’s charity work consists of three closely related programmes of activity. AVERT’s Community Programme supports and builds partnerships with local organisations who are working to directly avert the spread of HIV & AIDS, and to improve the treatment, care and support of people infected with, or affected by HIV/AIDS. AVERT’s current HIV & AIDS projects & partnerships are taking place in southern Africa, particularly in areas where there are extremely high rates of HIV infection.’( However, depending upon the nature of target audience, and their language preference, some of the pages could be allocated in any particular vernacular language. For examples, to target the Indian viewers or the persons of Indian origin scattered throughout the world, the medium of Hindi could be effective. Similarly, if Muslims are targeted, Arabic would be the suitable medium. Social networks Social networks such as facebook, twitter, orkut, etc. are also playing an important role in uniting the various user groups, the constituents are scattered throughout the world. For example, in face book a separate link is devoted for ‘Causes’. There are so many causes for which various user groups use this link for discussions, dissemination of information, membership enrolment and so on. As these social networks are also linked to mobiles phones of the registered users of facbook throughout the world, communication also becomes faster and simpler. Effective utilization of social network expands the reach of the institution, its philosophy, activities, services, etc. Emails Websites and the social networks provide email facilities to the users. Standard replies, forms, acknowledgements, etc. can be organized in the system without human intervention. This will also serve as a medium for dissemination of information forwarding the brochures, articles, etc. in connection with the institution. Advertisements Advertisements play an important role in marketing. Depending upon the budget, there are numerous choices for advertisements through internet, such as specific websites, listing with search engines with space allocation, advertisements through social networks, etc. The social networks such as face book accept and display free advertisements as well as premium advertisements. There are several websites dedicated for advertisements that accept free as well as premium advertisements with allocation of space prominently. Types of advertisements Advertisements using written material are the primary type of advertisement, carrying slogans and the advertisement matter along with the details for communication. However, nowadays pictures and photographs are freely used. The advent of Youtube is revolutionary in the field of advertisements. Video and audio usage in advertisements is on rise. Professionalism in advertisements The advertisements are handled more and more by the advertising agencies who are professionals with expertise. The companies and institutions entrust the job of handling advertisements to such agencies. These agencies decide about the designs, concept, channels, duration, geographical reach, etc. and handle the advertisements with the approval of their clients. Reach of advertisements There are many methods available to checkup and verify the impact created by the advertisements. The advertisement process, depending upon the product or services advertised, is short term or long term in nature, in producing the desired results. For example in the case of consumer goods, the impact of the advertisement would be known immediately after release of the advertisement in terms of sale. But, in other cases there may be a time lag between release of advertisement and the results. Outcome It is evident from the internet sources that internet marketing is being used effectively by various religious bodies, charitable organizations, social groups and even political parties. Use of internet in the last US Presidential elections is a case in point. The ever increasing efficiency of the search engines and the developments in hardware and software technology make it easier for the user groups to search for the desired information, articles, news and analytical views. For example, we can find a list of Charities Working to Prevent and Cure Breast Cancer with evaluation on their performance. ‘The good news is that several of these charities efficiently utilize donations to pursue their mission of curing and preventing breast cancer. However, others will astound donors with their inefficient operations.’ ( If one goes by the number of charitable trusts and institutions listed in the internet, it is mind boggling. The institutions are segregated with reference to cities, states, countries, websites, etc. The effective marketing strategy in this respect should consider various aspects such as defining the philosophy or the institution, functions, achievements, history, organizational strength, infrastructural facilities, etc. and project it to the world to signify that the donations made by the public are used for the deserving causes of the institution with noble purpose. A comprehensive strategy succeeds in mobilizing funds for the charitable purposes, from all over the world. Sponsors & Donations in kind There are many companies which sponsor space for advertisements to the charitable institutions. Many philanthropists donate vehicles for use in the projects, computers for the use of children, etc. Some people are willing to undertake educational expenses of the deserving students residing in the institutions. There are various kinds of donations ranging from food to building blocks. Charity marketing There is a difference here. It is about ‘growing business though charitable giving’ as a business strategy. Frey offers ideas and strategies to help small businesses expand their marketing opportunities while helping those around them. ‘Many savvy small businesses are affiliating themselves with charities to market their businesses. Not only is it a primary means for developing a powerful network but also it helps others in the process. People like to associate themselves with businesses that support causes, which help disadvantaged people in a meaningful way.’ (Charity Marketing: Growing Your Business Through Charitable Giving,   Sources: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. Andrew Smith, Charities & The NFP Sector: Understanding Their Special Research Needs, 08 Andrews Smith, Appropriate strategic research for Not For Profit organizations, CASE STUDY: Research helps a charity realise its full potential – Research for the National Gardens Scheme, 09. 10. Frey, Charity Marketing: Growing Your Business Through Charitable Giving, Read More
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