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Advertising of Grupo ABC Today - Essay Example

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The focus of this paper "Advertising of Grupo ABC Today " is on a creative and ambitious business administrator who used different skills to make ABC successful. Nizan was creative and tried to expand by looking for opportunities outside the country and going global…
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Advertising of Grupo ABC Today
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Nizan created ties with influential leaders who encouraged innovation and solutions to the worlds pressing challenges

ABC involvement in social causes is sustainable and has great benefits to companies. ABC's involvement in projects like using creative media that is equipped with talented and creative personnel will help provide a large platform for the company. (Pederson, 2007)

ABC engagement in social causes has various impacts on society.  This helped in important issues in society. It has helped give rise to a better society through mobilization of quality education, changing the way people live, and changing their relationships. (Berger, 2001)A good education has helped reduce inequality, eradicate social injustices and provide opportunities.

ABC considers certain skills in an investor. Investors should be creative and ambitious .they should also be talented in the production of quality video and sounds. The selling of shares by ABC to the public through an IPO should be considered since it will propel the company’s financial capabilities to grow at a faster rate. It will also help Nizan senior collaborators to become partners in the parent company. (Pederson, 2007)

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