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The Latest Survey of Binge Drinking - Essay Example

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The paper "The Latest Survey of Binge Drinking" highlights that stopping binge drinking among youths is very important to protect the whole generation and the society at large. It can only be successful when all the parties involved work together without jeopardizing any other party involved…
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Market and Social Research affiliation 0 background and objective 1 background introduction Binge drinking simply means drinking much alcohol within a short period of time to be drunk or to have the euphoric effect of alcohol. Even though, the quantity of alcohol that an individual needs to drink to be categorised as binge is not clearly defined, but statistics is drinking much alcohol than double the lower risk guidelines for alcohol at one time. People are advised not to take alcohol frequently more than the lower risk guidelines of three to four units of alcohol for men that equal to a pint and a half of 4% beer. Two to three units of alcohol for women, which is equivalent to 175 mills glass of wine. The word frequently means daily in a week. Alcohol is the drug that many youths prefer; this is because of many young people like experimenting that leads to experiencing many consequences of too much drinking. As a result, underage drinking is currently rated the first public health problem in the country(Norman 2011, pg. 504). According to the latest survey of 2005 of monitoring the future, showed that youths as young as eight years were getting involved in drinking of alcohol. Moreover, when they drink they use to drink intensively, often consuming five to six drinks at one time. The research result showed that average age of engaging in the use of alcohol was 14 as compared to 17 years in1960 and serious drinking that was associated with middle age begun to appear during the young adulthood and occasional adolescence. In United Kingdom, many researchers have been done to answer the question why young adults get involved in binge drinking. One of the explanations was that; as adolescence move to young adulthood they occasionally encounter a full dramatic change in their lives. These changes include physical, lifestyle, independence and emotional changes. Such developmental transitions have associated them with drug use mostly alcohol abuse. Therefore just being a young adult is a risk factor for drinking dangerously(Courtney & Polich 2009, pg. 146). With the continuous rise of alcohol abuse among the young adults and teenagers, there is a need that should be taken to prevent the vice from escalating further. It means that the study must be performed to determine the knowledge and awareness of the population at risk of alcohol abuse, and the methods that can be used to prevent the vice. Some methods that can be used include; introducing stringent rules in pubs regarding drinking alcohol, collaborating with landlords to evict those young adults who are the worst drinkers, and changing the outlet to wine pubs. These options may help in reducing the habit of binge drinking among youths(Herring et al. 2008, pg. 477). It is of a fundamental fact that the market of the pub business is very fluid and competitive. Any measures that a company wants to take in combating and facing binge drinking customers must be taken with great care. It is because the company can lose its customers to the other competitive pubs, thus bringing an economic crisis to the whole company including its outlets. In essence, it is, therefore, good to do a detailed research work and come up with a formula of dealing with binge drinking that will not jeopardize the rapport between the company and its customers. This balance will be very crucial to strike due to the benefit of both the young adults and the pub outlets(Kuntsche et al. 2004, pg. 114). Alcohol is a drug that is sold in several parts of the nation, and it is a drink that is fully legalised and available in many shop outlets. Obtaining this drug is very simple, since an individual will simply go to a shop that it is sold and just buy it without any restrictions or rules. Even though, the alcohol is prohibited to people who are under the age of 18years, many of the time they get to land in their hands perhaps due to the laxity of the law that contra ban the drug to this age cohort. It thus brings a significant challenge in controlling alcohol from reaching the young adult, and making them indulge in massive and intensive drinking habits. Therefore, the only way that a company can primarily tackle this problem that is derailing the youths into the spree is by identifying how to prevent alcohol from reaching these individuals. There must be a barrier, either physical or virtual to protect alcohol from reaching the young adults. The naked truth is that many companies either manufacturing or selling alcohol are out to make a profit from their products, and it is, therefore, wise for the companies to have a critical look on their financial advantage relative to the stringer laws that they shall introduce (Oei & Morawska 2004, pg. 156). It is imperative point out that some of the victims of binge drinking are very willing to leave the act of drinking, but what they lack is the support of either the family or other relevant bodies that deal with drugs and substance abuse. These groups of young men are, therefore, the right people to target first, since helping them and leaving the action can motivate the other laggards involved in excessive consumption of alcohol. Indeed this group shall help advising in new ways that can be applied to make alcohol become a very difficult drink to obtain for the young youths, since they are the people who always perpetually know how and where they get money to buy a drink. Such an approach will help the company in just eliminating the intended group from binge drinking as well as saving their economy from the verge of collapsing. However check if the highlighted ideas can work then an intensive survey and research must be done in the area of concern. The research shall therefore target the youths and the company that is involved in saving the situation and reversing or stopping its progression (Farke & Anderson 2007, pg. 334). Concerns Binge drinking has led to several damages to young adults and the community as a whole. Many time youths who go and take an excessive amount of alcohol are at risk in engaging in the activities that later harm them physically, mentally or emotionally. One significant effect of excessive alcohol consumption is in the health of these individuals. Alcohol causes liver cirrhosis a disease that damages the liver and makes it function improperly, this leads to much morbidity in the hospital and occasionally causes mortality. Another result of binge drinking is the escalation of road accidents that occur mostly among the youths. These age groups usually drink alcohol and later drive cars, because they are unstable in the wheel at this state they usually get involved in many car accidents leading to hospitalization(Kuntsche et al. 2004, pg. pg.114). To the society, alcohol has enslaved the youths to a point that majority of them have neglected their chores that they should do to help in boosting the country’s economy. Instead many young adults have resorted to looking for money in dubious ways so as to fulfil craves for alcohol. Crime is continuously increasing in the country; this is mostly attributed to drug abuse. Since alcohol is the drug that is readily available it, therefore, follows that it tops the list of abuse. Alcohol interfere with the normal thinking capacity of an individual, excess of this drug leads to a significant alteration of the brain work, it, therefore, means that those individuals who drink to a stupor state performs things that they cannot do in a sober state.(Norman et al. 2007, pg. 1755) It involves an act of immorality and prostitution in the society and the state at large. In performing such acts, it leads to increase in sexually transmitted diseases among them HIV/AIDS. There is personal embarrassment brought by the overall behaviour of an individual while drunk, such social embarrassments may occasionally lead to discontinuation from working in some companies since those business enterprise are preserving their public image. It is, therefore, imperative to involve all the stakeholders in combating this vice called binge drinking that has got more all demerits without any merit. An extensive research must be carried to come up with the best preventive measures(Miller et al. 2007, pg. 77). 1.2 Objectives To establish the causes of binge drinking: it shall help identifying the primary drive that make the youths indulge in this act. To evaluate the effects of binge drinking among young adults: it shall help in citing the results to help in stopping the young adults from drinking. To establish the measures that can be used in controlling binge drinking: it will help in identifying various measures to be employed by different stakeholders. To establish the method that the company can use to curb the young adults from binge drinking: it will come up with the appropriate method to stop the action without jeopardizing the company economy. 2.0 The Proposal: Data Collection/methodology 2.1 Introduction The main goal of this research work is to determine and come up with a plan of how binge drinking can be curbed among the young adults by Larghal Company. 2.2 study designs It will be a qualitative study, which shall be carried out in Hertfordshire area. The study shall use descriptive and cross-sectional design because it involves establishing knowledge, attitude, and practice of prevention of binge drinking among the Hertfordshire young adults. The major advantage of using such a design is because a descriptive design describes the possible characteristics, attitude and outcomes during the study. Cross- sectional study design helps in ensuring that an adequate population is reached(Grimes & Schulz 2002, pg. 146). 2.3 study populations The study group shall focus on both genders aged above 16 years and staying in Hertfordshire. Before the interview, it shall be important to obtain their consent. 2.4 Inclusions and exclusions criteria Inclusion criteria Both gender above the age of 18 years All men and women above 18 years consenting to participate All feminine and masculine above the age of 18 years present in Hertfordshire during the study period All pub owners in Hertfordshire who have consented to the study Exclusion criteria All men and women outside the study area All men and women above 18 years with no consent to participate in the study All men and women absent during the study period All pub owners who have not consented to the study 2.5 Data collection procedure A structured self administered questionnaire and interview will be utilised to collect data. A pencil will be provided to fill in the questionnaires. The instrument shall contain open ended and closed ended questions that are designed to cover the knowledge and methods of preventing binge drinking. The questionnaire shall also target the impact, and that may occur to the pubs when some measures are put in place(Arnett & Claas 2009, pg. 528). 3.0 The Proposal: Research Design and Sampling Plan 3.1 Sampling technique The respondent (sample size) will be selected Hertfordshire using a systematic random sampling technique. This method is very useful as it does not have any favours to a particular group. 3.2 Sample size Yamane’s formula is mostly used to calculate sample size. In align to Israel (2006), this is a simple formula that can be used to calculate any proportions. The formula has also been used in a number of studies involving known finite population(Chottanapund et al. 2007). Therefore it will be computed this way; n- The sample size N- The population, which will be given by 10% of the men and women of Hertfordshire e- The desired level of precision e- Level of acceptable error = 0.05 My target group has a total of 1000 people therefore = 100 Hence, my study population is 100 My sample population is; N= 100 e = 0.05 n= = 80 n=80 3.3 Data analysis Data analysis is the process of chronologically applying statistical or logical techniques in illustrating, describing and evaluating data. It provides a way of coming up with an inductive reference distinguishing the phenomenon of interest from the statistical fluctuation. The data gathered is processed in a stepwise approach, which start by data cleaning to ensure all incomplete questionnaires are not analyzed. The complete questionnaires are then coded or categorized for easy handling. The coded data is entered into a computer as a back up to the hard copies. The hard copies are filled with reference numbers and kept safely for future use or reanalysis. Data analysis is done by use of SPSS and Microsoft office excel. The quantitative data is presented and displayed by use of graphical representation in the form of tables, bar graphs and pie-charts and qualitative data in narrative form. 4.0 Conclusions It can be concluded from the above proposal that binge drinking can be stopped when different methods are applied appropriately. These methods involve bringing all the stakeholders who are involved in the liquor industry, they include; the beer manufactures, pub sellers, buyers, the society and the government. Stopping binge drinking among youths is very important to protect the whole generation and the society at large. It can only be successful when all the parties involved work together without jeopardizing any other party involved. Appendix 1: data collection tool Questionnaire 1. Please tick or respond as requested 2. Do not indicate your name 3. The information provided shall remain confidential Questionnaire section 1 Socio- demographic data 1. Gender Male [ ] female [ ] 2. How old are you 18-25 years [ ] 26-33 years [ ] 34-41 years [ ] 42-45 years [ ] Others specify……………………………………………. 3. Religion Catholic [ ] SDA [ ] Anglican [ ] protestant [ ] Muslim [ ] others, specify.................................................. 4. Highest level of education None [ ] primary [ ] secondary [ ] college/University [ ] Others, specify………………………………….. 5. Marital status Single [ ] married [ ] separated [ ] divorced [ ] widowed [ ] 6. What is your current occupation? Student [ ] Domestic work [ ] housewife [ ] self employed [ ] employed [ ] Jobless [ ] SECTION II 7. A. Do you have knowledge in binge drinking? Yes [ ] No [ ] B. if yes briefly explain, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. Do you consume alcohol? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes, how many bottles of beer or points do you consume in a day? ........................................ 9. Are you aware of the effects of excessive alcohol consumption? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes, please, state some of the effects. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. Do you know any reason young adults indulge in binge drinking? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes please explain your answer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Do you think changing the nature of pubs to more sophisticated and target people of age above 25 years can reduce binge drinking? Briefly explain your answer ……………………………………………………………………………………. 12. A. Do you think changing the pubs to wine pubs and selling the wine at high prices can curb young adults from excessive drinking habit? Briefly explain the answer. ………………………………………………………………………………………. B. does it have any impact on the economy of pubs selling the wines? Yes [ ] No [ ] Explain your answer briefly. …………………………………………………………………………… 13. State, any other methods that can be used by alcoholic selling companies, to stop binge drinking. ………………………………………………………………………………… 14. What do you think shall be the attitude of the council, police and the local authorities in relation to establishing wine bars? Briefly explain. ......................................................................................................... References Arnett, D.K. & Claas, S.A., 2009. Introduction to Epidemiology. Clinical and Translational Science, pp.527–541. Chottanapund, S. et al., 2007. Survival time of HIV-infected patients with cryptococcal meningitis. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet, 90, pp.2104–2111. Courtney, K.E. & Polich, J., 2009. Binge drinking in young adults: Data, definitions, and determinants. Psychological bulletin, 135, pp.142–156. Farke, W. & Anderson, P., 2007. Binge drinking in Europe. Adicciones, 19, pp.333–339. Grimes, D.A. & Schulz, K.F., 2002. Descriptive studies: What they can and cannot do. Lancet, 359, pp.145–149. Herring, R., Berridge, V. & Thom, B., 2008. Binge drinking: an exploration of a confused concept. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 62, pp.476–479. Kuntsche, E., Rehm, J. & Gmel, G., 2004. Characteristics of binge drinkers in Europe. Social Science and Medicine, 59, pp.113–127. Miller, J.W. et al., 2007. Binge drinking and associated health risk behaviors among high school students. Pediatrics, 119, pp.76–85. Norman, P., 2011. The theory of planned behavior and binge drinking among undergraduate students: Assessing the impact of habit strength. Addictive Behaviors, 36, pp.502–507. Norman, P., Armitage, C.J. & Quigley, C., 2007. The theory of planned behavior and binge drinking: Assessing the impact of binge drinker prototypes. Addictive Behaviors, 32, pp.1753–1768. Oei, T.P.S. & Morawska, A., 2004. A cognitive model of binge drinking: The influence of alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy. Addictive Behaviors, 29, pp.159–179. Read More
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