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Advertising is the backbone of a business - Essay Example

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This essay describes that advertising is the backbone of a business which not only attracts customers towards its products/services but also forces them to buy it. The writer personally has gone through a situation in which he was forced to buy Nike shoe because of its advertisement…
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Advertising is the backbone of a business
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Advertising is the backbone of a business With the developing world new strategies are being formed by different businesses in order to flourish in terms of business and expansion. One of the major strategies which influence the businesses is ‘advertising’. Advertising can be termed as the backbone of a business which not only attracts customers towards its products/services but also forces them to buy it. Nowadays most of the famous brands are adopting different approaches through which they are advertising their products.

Some portray professionalism in their advertisements while some portray humor in them. However different types of people get attracted to different types of approaches as portrayed by the brands and businesses. I personally have gone through a situation in which I was forced to buy a particular product because of its advertisement. The product I bought was a Nike shoe which I was tempted only to buy after watching the different advertisements given by them. Nike has adopted a universal approach of hiring superstars in their advertisements and this adds to an advantage to the brand.

The brand not only shows professionalism in its advertisements but also adds humor to them. Both these approaches amalgamated together tempt the people to buy its products. I personally had no interest in playing sports prior to watching the advertisements of Nike. However after watching Roger Federer in the ads of Nike I was tempted to buy products of Nike. The ad in which a fake coach barges in the house of Federer and makes him practice has a tinge of humor in it which forced me to buy not only the racket but also the shoes of Nike.

Humor should be an important part of the advertisements given out by brands and businesses as it forces one to watch the ad continuously. Furthermore after watching this ad continuously one is forced to buy the product. The most effective form of advertisement which tempts me to buy products is of humor and professionalism. The ads of Nike show the professionalism of stars and show us the reality of this world. Shoes, rackets, balls and apparels attract me the most through advertisements.

Advertising plays a major role in my life as it tells me about the products I am looking for. It also tells me about the quality of these products and their desired effect/result. Nowadays advertising can be said to be the major influencing theme for customers as it promotes the products and services of a business in a well organized manner. It attracts the customers towards the products and services of the businesses in a uniform manner. In my view advertising is the best strategy for promoting a certain product or service.

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(“Advertising is the backbone of a business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words”, n.d.)
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Advertising Is the Backbone of a Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Advertising Is the Backbone of a Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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