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Internal Business Proposal and Perspective - Essay Example

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Internal Business Proposal and Perspective Name Institution Internal Business Proposal and Perspective The business organization identified involves advertising. This idea carefully identified putting to consideration previous businesses that have been in advertising…
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Internal Business Proposal and Perspective
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Internal Business Proposal and Perspective Internal Business Proposal and Perspective The business organization identified involves advertising. This idea carefully identified putting to consideration previous businesses that have been in advertising. Lessons have also been acquired from some of other organizations failures, and success run in evaluating realizations of the business organization actual established. This motivated strategy backbone ideas to operation reality. Social responsibility and relations with the society remain considered making this a good choice of business.

Considering the need, for people quest for information, the businesses need to publicize their products. Competition between companies’ interest and those of the public is also going to be integrated to help in the business growth. These aspects stated above, align with the organization desires and demand in the market. The business process considers common goals that remain clearly understood helping in growth and generation of revenue. (Leif, 2006) Mission and vision The organization mission is to get the best talent in advertising in order to give customers the best experience and make their products more valuable and successful.

The vision is to be the best reliable service providing company. The business process and strategy, every organization is different and has an enormous number of processes that influence the scorecard. It is crucial to select measures that knit together fraught pieces into lucid total. Identification structures for internal business clusters: Relate to daily routine undertakings to produce service to a market. Customers must be well managed to transform them from admirers to actual customers that will buy these services.

Innovations have to be constantly established since a business cannot afford to stand still. Status quo should be achieved by providing services designed to satisfy the customer and help the business growth. Establishing regulations that guide and establishes processes that help the company operate within its means. This advocates for customers supporting and gives them a voice. All the four steps ensure internal process brings satisfied and loyal customers to the business. (Charles, 2006) Objectives The business objective is to provide the customer with the best services and gain their royalty.

This helps the organization in realizing goals set and become a leading company with the best services. Analyzing a corporate process carefully to merge with the qualities offered creates customer loyalty and satisfaction. The score card balance can be achieved by channeling funds to the customer satisfaction and organizations finances. Performance rationing is significant in balancing the records system. A business must be committed to the customer, but first value of shareholders must be created in order to manage operations effectively.

This perspective is always with objectives relating to revenue growth; selling more services to create an entire brand new service in the market. Productivity stands maximized cost lowered, therefore, using the available assets that the organization has. Stretching of the organization goal to make it easier to match with finances. (Robert, 2006) The target of the business runs concurrently with the objective, and a case in point is; the business value to the customers must be of high standards so as to win the customer and make them choose the brand over your competitors.

Matching the best price with best services is critical for the growth of business. Profit increment is also beneficial and can be done by cutting cost to ensure only required resources stay used. In return, the company will grow and achieve its vision an also the performance level will include the business organization identified involves advertising. This idea carefully identified putting to consideration previous businesses that have been in advertising. Lessons have also been acquired from some of other organizations failures, and success and run in evaluating successes of the business organization core established.

This motivated strategy backbone ideas to operation reality. Social responsibility and relations with the society remain considered making this a good choice of business. Considering the need, for people to be informed, the business has to publicize their products. Competition between companies interest and those of the public is also going to be integrated to help in the business growth. These aspects stated above, align with the organization desires and demand in the market. The business process considers common goals that remain clearly understood helping in growth and generation of revenue.

Module one and two in relation to objectives The financial objectives that are in the previous modules stand related to the current work of creating a business process. The work that has done before is the foundation of the objectives that stand stated in the business plan. The previous modules were about financial perspective and customer service which have given guidelines to the ideas of creating an organization. In module one guidelines of creating the mission of an organization that should be in line with the objectives.

Case one relates in terms of the vision of an organization that helps creating long-term goals. The business objectives must also balance with the score card so as to create proper service to the customer. The objectives as learned in module one should be logic and must have a relation with the score card. The organization goals as guided in case one must be organize to be realized, ways to do this stay stated in previous S.L.P. e.g. Stretching them over time. When an organization stand established coming up with the goals is coming the first things to be considered, the idea is to come up with objectives that can make a profit for the organization.

In module, two customer services perspective stand defined, and this has given guidelines in coming up with the objectives. A customer determines the survival of a business in the competing market. It explained how a customer should be treated and not taken for granted. Acknowledgement, varying needs, and customer assumption discouraged, and research also done. The previous modules one and two do not need to be changed because they create a foundation of coming up with a business process and objectives.

The mission, vision and objectives arise from them, and there would be no need to change because it would be possible to come up with a business strategy without one of the previous two modules. Reference Robert, S. & David, P. 2006. Balanced Scorecard. Harvard Business Press, USA. Andrew G. 2004. Simulation Modeling for Business. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, UK. John, L. 2010. Health Care Marketing: Tools and Techniques. Jones & Bartlett Publisher. UK. Charles, T. 2006. Cost Accounting: Managerial Emphasis.

Personal Prentice. USA. Ronnie, L. 2002. Management Development through Cultural Diversity. Routledged. London. Michael, D. 2003. Business marketing management: a strategic view of industrial and organizational markets. Dryden Press. USA. Steven, R. & Jackson, B. 2008. Managarial Acounting: A Focus on Ethical Decision Making. Cengage Learning. Mississippi. Colin, D. 2007. Management and Cost Accounting. Cengage Learning. USA. Leif, E. 2006. Future Logistics Challenges. Copenhagen Business School Press.

Jeremy, F. 2007. Modeling The Supply Chain. Cengage Learning. USA.

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