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Network Security: Kerberos Logic & Programming Essay
8 pages (2206 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Kerberos 4 authentication system however had some limitations. These limitations had to be overcome if a good authentication system was to be developed. This fact necessitated the development of Kerberos 5. Kerberos 5 was developed with adjustments that were supposed to address Kerberos 4 weaknesses.
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Optimizing MPLS Traffic Engineering Logic & Programming Assignment
12 pages (3291 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
TE does not necessarily go for the shortest distance between two domains; two different packets can travel over two different paths even though they may come from the same node and end up in the same node. In this way, less used network resources can be used. Internet Traffic Engineering is a specific area of Internet network engineering. 
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Distributed Web Service Logic & Programming Assignment
8 pages (2166 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The distributed application I have developed provides web services using different development environments and tools. C# is the programming I used, as it is a simple and safe programming language that was built specifically for rich development platforms like .NET exploitable with various languages and tools.
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Best Methods for Designing User-Centered Web Systems Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1861 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
It is quite essential to state that digital media has completely revolutionized the way users do work, learn, study, and correspond with each other. The digital designs of daily objects are not at all times shrewd and sometimes leave users nervous and inept to perform a straightforward task (Norman 1988).
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Computer Networking Analysis Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (1893 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Networks are categorized depending on their purposes and geographical locations. There are MANs, WANs, and LANs. LANs are those computers that are connected within a building and are usually close. SMEs are those businesses that are developing with the turnover and number of employees being within a certain number.
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Creating a Collaborative E-Learning Environment Logic & Programming Assignment
13 pages (3604 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Along with the technological skills and advancement needed to meet the present global trend, it is important to have an accurate analysis of diverse perspectives on the effectiveness of organizations' learning outcomes. An understanding of such outcomes will lead to an impetus that would help the organization grow.
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Networking: Error Recovery Method Logic & Programming Math Problem
11 pages (2806 words) , Download 1 , Math Problem
An acknowledgment is a message sent by the receiver to the transmitter to indicate that it has correctly received a data frame or packet. A timeout is a reasonable point of time, usually after the sender sends the frame or packet. Both of these error recovery methods use ARQ to request retransmission if a packet fails to arrive successfully.
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Diabetes Management Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (2103 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
A physician should aim at reducing blood pressure to normal levels as such people are susceptible to hypertension damage. Dyslipidaemia is frequent in patients suffering from diabetes and is a risk factor for macrovascular complications in diabetes. It is important to identify and treat the condition. Poor control of dyslipidemia with persistent hyperglycemia leads to hypertriglyceridemia.
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Software Project Management Logic & Programming Assignment
23 pages (5864 words) , Assignment
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There are many risk management principles that constitute the creation of a risk management plan that shows the ways to find all the main project risks, the building of a risk profile for every single risk that contains the possibility of a risk happening, the cost and the planning of the impact and the remedies to be adopted.
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System Design for a Web-Based System Logic & Programming Assignment
12 pages (3280 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The Internet has been known to provide the best and most effective platform for marketing both local and international car spare parts. It is the most economical, to say the least. However, there is more than meets the eye with online commerce. Many parameters should be considered before one engages in online commerce.
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Knowledge and Information Security Plan Logic & Programming Essay
15 pages (4465 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the aforementioned holdings at risk and the recommendations put forth in this security plan, it can be concluded that employee empowerment through information security management is paramount to its success. It is therefore important that clear organization policy be defined and set aside about the organization’s information security.
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The User Requirements, Designing, Developing, and Implementation of the System by Smart Designs Logic & Programming Assignment
8 pages (2305 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A project is a sequence of activities organized in a given time and budget where defined goals are achieved. FV is a company specializing in renting high-quality accommodation in France and they would like to develop an internet-based booking system. This system will be hosted on the internet so that the company can have an internet presence.
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Voice-Activated Telematics or Text-to-Voice Technologies Used in Cars Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (1821 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This report presents the findings on the voice telematics and text-to-voice translators that are often used in cars to facilitate communication for drivers such as reading emails and responding to them.  The report, thus, presents the finding of the above information as requested by a company executive, Camille Careerminded.
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Business Continuity Plan for Motosport Limited Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1705 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The document documents all the alternative measures that an organization can take, the personnel required, and other resources. Motosport wants to include an internet-based system in its business operation. This is projected to help its client’s quick access to the services. This system according to the clients will save time.
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Electronic Post Mail Service Logic & Programming Assignment
9 pages (2509 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Traditional postal services involved a cumbersome procedural practice in the delivery of mails to their destined addresses. Traditional postal service follows long steps and methods for it to reach the addressed location. With the development of electronic post mail services, the postal service has consequently improved its services in most countries in the world today.
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The Online Information Search about a Client Who Needs Information about Dyslexia Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (2032 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Clients always rely on information consultants for professional advice regarding a specific problem. It is always important for consultants to ensure that the clients are satisfied and that they receive the most accurate information. Errors may worsen the clients’ situations and result in legal battles. 
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The Relevant Legislation and Standards in Intellectual Property in Australia Logic & Programming Assignment
13 pages (3399 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The policies are vital in the running of an organization as they ensure integrity is maintained in the organization and its relation with the working world. The employees and management must adhere to the current legislation and organizational policy in their work. This is crucial to ensure compliance with the regulation.
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Entrepreneurial Skills of Mark Zuckerberg Logic & Programming Case Study
12 pages (3288 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Entrepreneurs know how well to combine economic factors, in order to come up with a business idea, which is able to give them, returns and profits. Entrepreneurs accept risk and provide market efficiency through their methods of doing business (Burns 2005, p. 477). They are involved in maximization of returns of the investors, who is the sponsor of the business idea. 
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ISO and Quality Management System Logic & Programming Assignment
8 pages (2254 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Qantas Airlines Company offers air transportation services for mail, cargo, and passengers. The company's profitability and success rely on its customers’ level of satisfaction and their level of trust in the company‘s service delivery. It is the company’s duty to understand all customers’ needs and to offer its services beyond the expectations of its customers.
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XML Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture Logic & Programming Assignment
9 pages (3163 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Generally speaking, a web service is recognized as the software component that enables distributed computing using one or a combination of web technologies such as SOAP or Simple Object Access Protocol, WSDL or Web Services Description Language, and UDDI or Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration.
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Database Administration Aspects Logic & Programming Assignment
10 pages (2772 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The organization has numerous branches all over the UAE. The company wants to come up with a new IT system to allow the effective sharing of information among the different branches. To sustain diverse business functions the new system will employ the Oracle 11g database. It describes the major roles of a database administrator.
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The Importance of Web Services in the Development of Web-Based Solutions Logic & Programming Assignment
8 pages (2091 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A web service can be defined as a system of software developed and designed to maintain an interoperable interaction between two machines that are networked together (Connolly, 2005). Web services are also known as application services and can be viewed as services that encompass data, programming as well as human resources provided by the web servers to the web user (Hackos, 2002).
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ICloud Computing Services Logic & Programming Assignment
7 pages (1763 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Cloud storage is a paradigm of online storage, whereby information is reserved in an envisaged puddle hosted by three parties (McNeill, 2011). iCloud computing its part is the utilization of computing expedient such as hardware and software expressed as a service on the internet (Fitchard, 2011).
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Security of Information in Government Organisations Logic & Programming Essay
15 pages (4187 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Because of how important information in today’s organizations has become, information security has also become a major distress factor facing organizations with an increasing array of threats and vicious threats in existence which has made the protection of information an intricate challenge  (Bowen et al, 2007). 
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Threats to Information Holdings Logic & Programming Essay
14 pages (3884 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Members of the public that are doing business with some organizations are more and more concerned regarding the correct use of their personal data. A wide range of threats to organizational information systems relating to terrorists and criminals are on the rise. Most organizations recognize information as a functional area that should be protected through the use of security plans and systems.
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Process Model, and ERP Implementation Logic & Programming Essay
11 pages (3033 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The term process model means the description of a particular process at a type level (Gendlin, 2001). The main purpose of the process model is to prescribe how things have to be carried out in contrast to the process itself. In simple terms, a process model is an anticipation of what the process will look like. One can determine how the process shall be.
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Net Work Security: Kerberos and Key Management Logic & Programming Essay
18 pages (3638 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Kerberos is usually embedded in windows 2000 as a default for its authentication. This access provider protocol stands for authentication, access control, and auditing. But only the authentication is available currently in the market while the other segments (access control and auditing) are not supported.
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Computer Security of Unix Logic & Programming Assignment
5 pages (1304 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
User (u) gives the specific user most likely the file or directory owner. Second is a group (g) which gives the specific user that belongs to a similar group as a file and lastly others (o) which represents the other system users. One can select three modes of access rights with each class namely execute, write, and read. 
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Information Security of Health Record Systems Logic & Programming Assignment
8 pages (2366 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Governments across the globe envisioned the adoption of electronic health records systems shortly as they are regarded as more secure as opposed to traditional paper-based recordkeeping systems. Elimination of paper-based records cannot be accomplished instantly and thus issues underlying the security of these systems need to be addressed
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Integrated Project in Veterinary Science, Agriculture and Environment Logic & Programming Assignment
10 pages (2703 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The library is on the ground floor of Badham Building A16 and along the University of Sydney’s Science Road. At the point of my visit, a total of 9 staff were present. This included the Team Leader of the Science Library team, the Team Leader of the Veterinary Science and Agriculture and Environment Library services team, etc.
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What is the Impact of Social Networking Technologies Logic & Programming Essay
1 pages (634 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In equal measure, the use of these technologies has introduced both negative and positive impacts on the way people are doing things. According to Haron and Yusof (2010), much of the concern about social networks is the moral degradation with respect to human and man relationships. This involves cyberstalking in which case people harass and stalk each other through social networks.
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Ethical Issues Inherent in ICT Product Design Logic & Programming Assignment
11 pages (3144 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The current growth in ICT has influenced users of the information to gain an interest in understanding how ICT professionals conduct themselves in designing new technological innovations. Interest in this field developed due to the production of low standard ICT products. Understanding the ethics that govern the ICT professionals in their activities is of great importance as it enables the public to build confidence.
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Cognitive Engineering Logic & Programming Assignment
4 pages (1462 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Usable sites should at all times keep clients aware of what the site is about, the page they’re looking at at the moment, and the points to click. Visibility demands that clients stay up-to-date with regard to where they are in respect to the other website pages. This enables them to always have a mental preview of the website and simply traverse both to fresh pages and the ones visited earlier.
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Local Area Network: Evaluation and Future Recommendations Logic & Programming Essay
11 pages (2998 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In our organization, the complete establishment of security involves also hardware-based security. Hardware-based LAN network security is a suitable group utilized to categorize miscellaneous items linked to our network hardware and computer. The initial collection of items is communicated to the BIOS of our workstations and servers.
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Network Design for University of Iland Logic & Programming Math Problem
13 pages (3705 words) , Download 0 , Math Problem
The administration of the University of Iland (UoI) has decided to implement a LAN at the School of Computing. The main aim of this new technology-based structure is to develop and implement a new technology-based framework that will offer the enhanced facility of the School’s information technology strategy for the next seven to ten years.
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Techniques for Acquiring Software Logic & Programming Case Study
15 pages (4020 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Experienced project managers have not been exempted from this, their proven managerial techniques which succeeded in other projects fail when it comes to software acquisition, development or implementation. This is mainly so because they lack insight & visibility into how the final project should be.
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Information Technology Security Management and Its Impact on Business Success Logic & Programming Thesis
12 pages (3355 words) , Download 0 , Thesis
Another important accomplishment that has been achieved is the determination of an approach to identifying the appropriate secure network infrastructure for H&R. Wave secure data group provides an approach to determining a secure network infrastructure. This has helped in the determination of the required infrastructure (WSDG, 2009)
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Designing a Secure Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce Logic & Programming Thesis
28 pages (7455 words) , Thesis
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Buying and selling via the internet. This means that companies have to find a way to share information with their customers over the internet. Not all information has to be available to the customers. Some have to be kept within the company. Company rivals also do not have access to any important information about the company.    
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The Management of Credit Risk in a Bank Logic & Programming Essay
12 pages (3139 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Most of these managers ignore this important step in favor of getting the work done. By ignoring this step they overlook risk management yet it is the most important part of project planning. It is always advisable to know all the risks which might interfere with the project and be prepared in case any unusual happens on the project. 
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Credit Card Security and Privacy Logic & Programming Assignment
21 pages (5691 words) , Assignment
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One area where technology has had a profound impact is the emergence of credit cards in the modern world (Schneider, 2010). Credit cards in today’s world are part and parcel of people’s lives; where the absence of such credit cards can lead to great disorganization in the lives of many people. Credit cards are largely used in completing transactions.
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Oracle Database Management System and the Object Oriented Data Model Overview Logic & Programming Coursework
14 pages (3949 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The institution’s director has approached Pneuma System Solutions to initiate a feasibility study with an aim of developing and implementing an Oracle database at the university’s main campus. The institution is currently departmentalized into the major department Academics, Administration, Admission, and Finance.
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Software Qualification Testing Process Logic & Programming Assignment
9 pages (2304 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
ISO/IEC 15504 has various capability levels that show how the model meets a given standard. The goal of any organization is to have processes that will add value to the overall productivity of the organization. This framework, therefore, plays a pivotal role in evaluating processes that are to be introduced (Carey & Lloyd, 2009).
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Biometric for E-voting in the UK Logic & Programming Article
6 pages (1814 words) , Download 0 , Article
There are different technologies used to make such identifications. The accuracy of the different technologies available in the market varies greatly in the type of human characteristic such as voice, fingerprints, body shape, etc that they seek to identify. There are two main categories of biometric techniques namely; physiological and behavioral techniques.
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The Development of the Website Based on Initial Requirements by Museum of Art and Craft Logic & Programming Assignment
6 pages (1923 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Information on the Museum of Art and Craft exhibitions will be available on the MAC site. This will greatly enhance the quick expansion of its tourism market base. Assist the Museum of Art and Craft to improve on its services through the assessment of customer feedback. Clients will be able to post their comments.
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Smart Ticketing and Future Computing Logic & Programming Assignment
9 pages (2456 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This technology is briefly examined, although not in detail. The impacts of smart ticketing on business are explored. These include impacts like the streamlining of administration in the business. Impacts like plunging company leaks and reducing clogging are examined in depth. The reductions in costs are examined about business.
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Biometric Technologies Used for Workstation Authentication in Small Enterprises Logic & Programming Essay
7 pages (1977 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The RSA algorithm has its strength based on two prime numbers which are very long to an extent that it is quite hard to factorize them. The strength of the RSA is directly proportional to the length of the prime factors. This length however affects the speed of processing making the systems a bit slower.  
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Information Systems Implementation and Management: Key Issues Logic & Programming Essay
10 pages (2799 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Information systems refer to a new discipline that is concerned with the strategic, operational, and managerial activities that are involved in collecting, processing, distributing, storing, and the use of information within organizations. Information systems include data, people, and software that are applied so to collect digital information
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Security of Information in Business Organisations Logic & Programming Essay
14 pages (4462 words) , Download 0 , Essay
While most entrepreneurs have maintained a culture of solely depending on the IT specialists under IT departments of different companies for information security systems, various researchers conclude that the technology alone cannot serve the process of protecting vital business information wholly. This is due to the widening of the threat sphere with the growing and ever-changing technology.
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Software Evaluation Criteria Logic & Programming Essay
8 pages (2631 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Among the most common technological solutions that businesses opt for is the assimilation of computer systems in their processes (Land, Blankers, Chaudron & Crnkovic, n.d.). Computer systems are driven by integrated software each of which performs different functions hence leading to the ultimate optimal performance of the computer system.
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Ethics in Computer Software Design and Development Logic & Programming Essay
6 pages (1717 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Connectix had created an emulator allowing Apple’s Macintosh users to play Sony’s play station games. Even though the court ruled in favour of Connectix, citing Connectix cracking was reasonable. Sony in its part was awarded an injunction barring Connectix from selling the controversial virtual game station for both Windows and Macintosh.
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