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The Windows registry and NTFS permissions are some of the vital aspects of the Windows Operating System. The NTFS permissions manage the access groups and users have to files and folders hosted on NTFS formatted storage medium, while the registry essentially stores configuration options and settings of the system.
The algorithm applies only to graphs having non-negative edges to produce the shortest path tree. On the other hand, A* is a computer algorithm used in graph traversal and pathfinding. As the algorithm traverses the graph, it follows the lowest known path while maintaining a record of a sorted priority queue comprising of alternative path segments
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Dynamic languages are easier to be learned by beginners as they offer the ability to be flexible and also are fun to learn. There are lesser rules and lines of codes that are involved in these languages that aid in the understanding of the basic skills and rules of programming (Fan, 2012).
The report tends to evaluate summaries, furthermore, it compares each and every OS. With another Operating system Marsal, Katie (2009). Important parts of each operating systems for instance the hardware platform, Publisher, costs, Characteristics, target audience, and finally the minimal/ Preferred hardware specifications were used to compare and contrast
Data theft has been on the increase from a global perspective. There was almost an international crisis after secret information leakage through “Wiki Leaks.” This is an indication that there is a need to encrypt information so that in case the hardware containing the data is tampered with or lost it will be very hard or impossible to decrypt the data without the necessary passwords.
The paper provides a detailed manner of creating a table of contents in word to users of all levels that is the experienced users, partially experienced users, and inexperienced users. Moderate training ought to be offered to her so that she is able to use and follow the set of instructions for creating a table of contents using the various versions of Microsoft Word.
The home edition of Windows XP was almost the first OS to be enabled with personalized login ability. In this case, various people can log into the same machine as a different person using a different user account. This capability is enabled by the Terminal Services technology that was only unique to XP.
Higher-order testing is done after module-testing has been successfully done. This is because even after carrying out a module-test it is still difficult to assure users that all errors have been found and corrected. Errors in software are bugs that make the application, as well as system program, works poorly than it is expected to.
There should be a Secure Access Layer. It is only possible for an application to have the security of functions when its components interact with it, consequently, it is required that an access layer should be provided during communication with external systems in a less risky manner (Di Vimercati et al. 2007).
The central position of this argument is that it is impossible to acquire a language primarily on the foundation of the language input, without respect to the input data presentation and the amount of feedback the learner or the child receives. Despite the popularity of this view, it presents inherent challenges that beat the findings of normal reasoning concerning language acquisition.
Leonardo was so intelligent and dynamic that his approach is as valid for the greatest corporations as they had been effective in the fields of arts and science over six centuries ago. His principles serve as the guiding star for the organizations, their strategic planning, marketing, communication methodology, and corporate culture. The same is the case with Microsoft Corporation.
Pictures of concepts, sub concepts, or even complex ideas can be extremely helpful. Ideas may be represented in diagrams forms. There is numerous diagramming techniques and process flowchart is among them. Conceptual analysis may be used to analyse visual images basing on the fact that there are concepts behind visual images.
8 pages (2304 words)
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, Research Proposal
The readability of people with vision impairment is influenced by changing the pattern of the elements such as fonts and colour, hence the chances of improving the readability for people with vision problems get increased. “Typography is the balance and interplay of letterforms on the page”.Web StyleGuide. [2nd Ed. 2004].
The qualitative validity is normally rejected based on the realist assumption that there is an extended external reality to the researcher’s perception and view of these research works. Ultimately, the validity and reliability of qualitative research to some extent does not sensibly portray a true or falsified observation with respect to the external reality, which is ultimately the primary concern of validity.
10 pages (2723 words)
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, Literature review
Distributed systems have been a vital part of peoples’ lives as an effect of innovations in the current area of Web-based applications. Emerging technologies, therefore, are expected to drive a heavy wave of improvement which in the end will enable the creation of applications that will make bring IT as the 5th utility after water, electricity, gas, and the telephone.
SMBs comprise to work on determining funds; in addition to it can be tough to maintain with the most important players in every given marketplace. Nevertheless, cloud computing is varying the way things are done for many small and medium-sized businesses. Web-based services now offer great infrastructure for all your business requirements.
The realistic remainder indicates that the technology of speech recognition has impressively developed over the previous years. Stringent demands imply much is required of the speech recognition programs or software, for instance, accuracy is considered critical while speed is the essential aspect of an effective program.
We propose that the site install a social media log-in mechanism. This will allow a user to log in using Facebook, Twitter, linked in, or other socials media. Every time they post content it shows up on their social media timelines. This gets the site more traffic and cuts out the tedious process of having to log in by the user.
It is important to incorporate a Hospital Information System with a Hospital Quality Assurance Program system (H-QAP) in a hospital setup. The hospital Quality Assurance Program (H-QAP) is a web application. Its primary aim is to achieve compliance with SOPs about medical devices. It will improve the operations of a hospital, and ensure that the quality of data is not affected.
Such private data may include patient’s number, race, ZIP code, birth date, gender, diagnosis and procedure codes, overall medical costs, physician ID, and ZIP code. In view of the fact that such information does not include the patient’s name, phone number, address, and social security number, the idea that a patient’s privacy would be violated may seem far-fetched.
Network design for a company with various departments located in separate buildings. The distance is less than 1000 M. The department includes reception and conference rooms, management and personnel, administration and finance, human resources on a four or more story building and stores and inventory, sales and marketing, design and production, and assembly on a three or more story building.
Virtualization is the establishment of a virtual or abstract version of a thing especially an operating system, a storage device, a server, or network resources. Operating virtualization is the utilization of software to enable a part of the hardware to run several operating systems concurrently. This has assisted system administrators to save their processing power input.
Looking at the contrast between the original image and the filtered image, one will note a difference in the color of the image. There is also a departure in terms of the shadow of the image. The application of this filter is when one wants to reduce the sharpness and color of an image. It can render a color image to take black and white elements.
7 pages (2121 words)
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, Research Proposal
In this paper, the working principles of image processing were discussed in detail. This discussion included the rotating of a filter 45, 90, and 135 degrees, canny, and Sobel techniques in edge detection. It was found out that by using MATLAB programming parameters of edge detection can be varied in order to obtain the desired image quality.
When a member of a class is regarded as static, it implies that there will be only one copy of the member (static), no matter how many objects of the class are created. Because the values of static functions can be retrieved through the simple invocation of classes without the need to create an instance, they are utilized for constants definitions (Maurer, 2005).
This report considers a parachute designer who is working in a European Space Agency and who is required to design and implement software for testing of the consequences of altering the parachute’s effective cross-sectional area, Ap to be applied in the spacecraft while the aircraft is making its way back to earth from space.
The designed ALU is an eight-bit unit that will be able to perform various logical operations such as additions, subtractions, OR, ADD, SOR division, and multiplication. It has three registers which two of which will hold the input values and one store output. The VHDL code for the ALU has been included as well as snapshots for the verification plan.
It is evident from the testing and evaluation that the website is functional and can effectively achieve the intended purpose. Accomplishing most of the basic functionalities is effective and possible with desired results obtained. However, some design and usability elements need to be addressed to ensure more effectiveness in the use of the website.
19 pages (5692 words)
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, Research Paper
The paper aimed at providing an approach for improving the accuracy of answer extraction in the question answering system. It goes ahead to high necessary passages in documents that contain the exact information the user is querying. The proposed system is an improvement from a corpus-based question answering system by introducing semantics and information-based retrieval models.
The following dataset scores each tissue sample on 10 characteristics. These characteristics have been established as differing between benign and malignant samples. Each sample is scored on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being the closest to benign, and 10 being the most malignant) for each characteristic.
The paper “Network Fundamentals with Cisco - Accommodating Hosts in the Student Networks” is an informative assignment on logic & programming. Subnet1: 16= 00010000 11001000.11001000.00010000.00000000 18= 00010010 11001000.11001000.00010010.0000000
All participants are selected from proof of prior use of the company’s products. The game has set rules and regulations that are carefully tailored to suit participating companies’ interests. Business competitiveness around the world will see the expansion and modification of the game to achieve different goals.
The client then selects features that will be included in the next build (again, a build is an operational system at some level of functionally) based on a cost-benefit analysis. The major advantage of this approach for small to medium-size systems is that it works when the client’s requirements are vague or continually change.
In inappropriate circumstances, however, even the best software methodology can result in anything from the significant waste of resources to project failure—so it is obviously necessary to choose the correct methodology for use in any given situation. (It is worth noting as well that no methodology provides an absolute guarantee of good results if it is not implemented properly.)
The discussed techniques include marking and classification, congestion management, congestion avoidance, traffic shaping and policing, link efficiency, and link competence mechanisms. The paper also discusses queue management for high QoS using first-in, first-out queuing (FIFO), custom queuing (CQ), class-based weighted fair queuing (CBWFQ), and flow-based weighted fair queuing techniques.
This shows that the agile approach is not a silver bullet. Building software is hard. It utilizes requirements, functional analysis, and allocation, design synthesis, and verification. It is therefore currently the best way to manage software development in a highly flexible process and that requires individuals to drive this process to success.
Human-computer interaction has been used in engineering design and in cognitive science to ensure that there is comfortable use of the designed systems and devices. It is concerned with understanding how the devices and systems used by people can be made better and how they can be designed so as to improve the human experience.
Just like most of the other systems some of the factors of the network system IPv6 include the availability of the new system, the mode of addressing to be used types of connectivity, routing strategy, quality of service, scalability, and performance, reliability, accessibility, security, fault tolerance and some other minor factor making up the bigger network.
Telecom rooms on each floor are then connected together by backbone cabling. These backbone cablings typically are done from floor to floor to floor. Usually, telecom rooms should be located directly above one another in order to minimize the cable runs length, but this also varies from building to building.
Cloud computing has a lot of benefits to its users. The reduced infrastructure cost is considered as the major advantage of cloud computing. It is also evident that it is environmentally friendly and hence its widespread use. The ability of cloud computing services to be accessed from any location is also a major advantage that encourages its use.
Customarily, this replica is gotten by applying a step contribution for the plant and measuring at the output three parameters. The first parameter is the solid condition gain, the time stability, and the time holdup. Even though many of these tuning techniques work in practice, not much is known about the heftiness or solidity of these algorithms past what has been observed.
CPR system will be developed to facilitate carpooling within Perth in Western Australia, and also extend to cover other cities. For example, Melbourne and Brisbane. It will be able to store information about members and register new members into the system. The system will also be collaborating with insurance companies in order to provide insurance policies to its members.
The recently introduced iPad 3 has been praised as a new generation of computing devices poised to take the place of laptops and tablet pc. An iPad is a device that can be classified as being between a phone and a laptop; however, its praise may be misplaced as some of these glorifying comments come from enthusiastic users of the device.
In telecommunications infrastructure, the growth of the Internet is a major aspect of globalization. Human interaction is an important factor in globalization. It is through human ideas and views that have brought globalization in telecommunication. Globalization is the creation of a universal network that serves both social and economic systems (James, 1999).
Objects are always different but share the same features as stated in the class. Object: It is an instance of a class and can be seen and is tangible, for example, car, laptop, tree, and so on. It shows some behavior and can be manipulated. It’s an atom of object-oriented programming that covers the state and the behavior of data processing systems.
Whether a client would default to pay next month or not i.e binary classification is the most appropriate in this case. Defaulting to pay was assigned a numerical code 1 and not defaulting to pay assigned the numerical code 0. This is because there are only two possibilities in this situation and only one of the two applies to a particular client.
By definition, data mining is a practice of examining big databases with the aim of generating new information. Conversely, it is a technique of manipulating big data by breaking it down into small sections and using a set of algorithms to extract meaningful data that can be used in the analysis of a system.
The most common and widely used data structure for databases is Tree-based structures such as B-Trees and Hash Tables. These structures are helpful particularly in organizing data with the hierarchical relationships between different entities since every segment of the ‘Tree” structure represents an entity of a real-life system.
In the future, the project should be expanded to include the root cause of the disease by taking the history of the patient, condition and providing the correct dose. Also, large scale project performances with accurate tests need to be done to include more data. Manual classifications are done by more people so that intercede error can be measured.