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6 pages (1620 words)
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, Research Paper
Concerning sexism and pedophilia, his words and actions do little to advance his image towards positivity, but instead, beat it to a pulp. His reputation is utterly deserved as he labels women with a sheer lack of interest and in a negative light all in the name of telling his experiences to the world and his bad relationships with them.
For the society of the era which is portrayed in the novel, teenage pregnancy was a very sensitive issue, it was morally and socially repugnant to even think that young females who were expected to reflect purity and chastity would even think or consider indulging in any sexual relations before marriage.
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8 pages (2167 words)
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, Research Paper
When the narrator’s wife falls asleep, he starts having a conversation with Robert. They eventually switch their concentration to a television program after Roberts letting the narrator know that he enjoys learning new things. He follows the content of the TV program by listening to what the TV narrator says about the content of the program.
8 pages (2132 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Goodman’s decision to proceed in the forest symbolizes the decisions made by humans that can lead to greatness or failure. Instead of being corrupted by some outside force, Goodman Brown makes a personal choice to go into the forest and meet with the devil. The choice was the true danger, the devil only facilitates Goodman Brown’s fall.
11 pages (3065 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The author states that the American nation has not forgotten Poe as he and his literary contribution appears every now and then in the well-liked traditions in films, literature, music, televisions and social media. Also, some of his residency places have been now preserved as museums as a tribute to his contributions.
The author states that readers could already anticipate the main theme from the title through evaluating the analogy between the worn path traveled by Phoenix to the life that she apparently lived as an African American woman during her time. The story evolved through a description of the setting, a cold December morning.
7 pages (2080 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Phoenix in her journey struggles to make through despite her poor eyesight, due to the dense forest. She is worn out with fatigue, and many make it through many obstacles on her way. These include barbed wires, bushes, and thorns.
Illiad depicts the transformation of Achilles from youth to maturity, and changes in his personality from a brutal and fierce combatant to an aloof but cordial and sociable person by the end of the poem. Achilles is a multifaceted fighter, who occasionally refuses to acknowledge or follow the social patterns of behaviour of the general public.
Minutes of Glory’ is set up in African society, while ‘‘The Fat Man in History’’ revolves around Australian culture. The two stories are different yet similar in terms of the predominant theme. The underlying idea of both the stories revolves around complexes, which are driven by psychological and physiological perspectives, as well as cultural.
Establishing Dracula as a foreigner is further developed in Chapter XIII. Here Mina describes in her diary her impression of Dracula as having a “beaky” nose; several have tied this to the Anti-Semitism of the period and associate his drinking of the blood with the Jewish stereotype of drinking the blood of Muslim children.
8 pages (2267 words)
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, Research Paper
Vonnegut understands the ambiguity in human life and questions the paradox between the apocalypse and the progress of man. He makes use of Bokononism as an alternative mode to encourage mankind to draw nearer to the sublime because the transcending factor of the sublime is beyond reason and beyond any individual.
The opening of the passage makes one feel despaired and a spirit of fear sets in. This is attributed to the fact that the landscape and weather have been described in a hostile manner. Lack of sunshine or even a hint of the sun in the late morning (London 56), and steep banks, introduce a feeling of despair.
Apart from needing to retell history through oral stories, King wants to show communal or community attitude that is essential to history understanding and history-making. He tells the story of Old Coyote who became sorry that she thought about Christopher Columbus, who took all her Indian friends away (King 126).
Both men are seemingly willing to defend the slaves although stopping short at calling them their equals. Whatever the reason, Shakespeare and Conrad successfully wrote a social analysis of the treatment of the colonized nations and the reasons why slavery was more savage than the actual savagery of the slaves themselves.
The hero is the translator and interpreter of the secrets. Strayed completed her journey and returned to her life. But this life was hers, where she had reinvented herself. Her journey was a rebirth, a form of purification. She had to reveal her secret to the world now. She had found her freedom to live and now she wanted to live it in retrospect.
People need to learn about different cultures because such knowledge will help him to appreciate his own culture and identity more lovingly. In this regard, Mead notes, “Knowledge of [another] culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own” (56).
Despite his efforts to justify his actions, the narrator was overwhelmed by the constant knock of truth on his door of consciousness. Trying to justify his actions proved even more potent in enhancing the feelings of guilt. His insane mental alignment could no longer sustain harmonic existence with the scintillating rays of the dawning morality.
6 pages (1751 words)
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, Research Paper
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel, Crime, and Punishment is considered by many scholars to be an exemplary epitome of crime psychology literature, irrespective of the fact that it is a work of fiction. Dostoevsky uses the life of the novel’s protagonist, Raskolnikov, to systematically narrate a story of crime and conceptions of condemnable actions, intertwined with love.
9 pages (2505 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Copperfield never had a charming nature but he never mistreated women or handled them as a sexual object. Copperfield throughout his life met many people but he never adopted any bad traits from them. He lived his life in his own way and proved to be successful against all odds of life. He never treated women with disrespect and loved children.
The relationship to a poem often comes from the empathy evoked by the theme that it expresses. Similar to any emotion that one would like to muster from another, it is in one’s fervor that the same is attained. The same goes for what intense psychological states mean as characteristic in the Romantic genre.
Unfortunately, on the realization that they are not happy in their comfortable and stable situations, the sons are also bound to internalize their conditions and to project the same unto others like in the case of Troy whose internalized sociological ineptness is the sole source of conflict in his relationships with the sons.
In Death of a Salesman, Freud's theory of repressed memories was the reason for Bill's and Willy Loman's characters to validate their actions toward each other. In the case of Bill Loman, the repressed memory was the sight of seeing his father having an affair with the woman. The incident served to bring about the change in Bill's purpose in life.
In summary, Hoagland uses imagery widely in his story “The Nature of Turtles” to ensure that readers are provoked to develop interests and care towards the natural world. In the pursuit to prepare readers to think deeply about his descriptions, Hoagland commences his story by saying that it is not all about the joy of owning or possessing turtles.
7 pages (2013 words)
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, Research Paper
Written in a highly formal tone, the text employs links between the spiritual entity, the God and human form by mentioning, "the Lord shut him in". The discourse also works its way through rhetoric, figures of speech are used to convey the limit of the Lord's wrath. The most common figure of speech used is personification.
The novel is written in the traditional sense which means that the author pays a lot of attention to keen detail and in ensuring the reader is able to appreciate the traditional way of novel writing. Through the use of different text writing styles, the author is able to create a connection with the reader.
Henderson writes, “Every potential employer I met with seemed only interested in the fact that I was a convicted felon.....A week into my search, every hotel on the strip had turned me down” (p.1). Recalling none such incident, Henderson writes about the interviewers telling him “We’ll call you when we’re ready.
“The Lover" by Marguerite Duras is an autobiographical novel that recounts the author’s experience in the French Indochina before moving back to France in her later life. “The Lover” focuses on the narration of a girl whose family that includes her mother and two brothers sink into poverty after the death of her father.
During the olden times, it was easy to distinguish a person depending on his looks. There are certain physical traits assigned that automatically put one under the category of wicked persons or otherwise. The good people with morals are often handsome and rich with a supportive family, the evil is not.
The third literal element used to reveal social struggle in the first poem is the setting. The setting revolves around the funeral set-up. The setting of the funeral set-up is so disturbing and hopeless. The setting is not around a small church filled with love; setting is about the whole world about the funeral.
The major aspects of the two eras range from the human element to the evolving human activities. The convincing power per each period is what inspires the changes that are witnessed by the two poems by Yeats and Blake. Imagery is a concept each poet must deploy and this is the only dominant factor in the two eras.
Reading closely to the ninth line, “What shoulder” symbolically means what bodily strength could create the tiger ("twist the sinews of thy heart"). The lines 13-16 questions how the Tyger was created. Blake uses the metaphor of a blacksmith who in his course of duty forms metal with a hammer, a furnace, and probably an anvil. T
The author states that there are various intrigues that go on in the play, thus characterizing it as being effective for evaluation particularly in consideration of its connection to the apartheid era. Therefore, Hal or Hallie in Master Harold and the boys were guided by different forces that he had no control over.
The research paper on Grandma Moses will provide a critical analysis of the personality traits of Anna Mary Robertson, who is known as Grandma Moses. Herein, it should be noted that Grandma Moses is a famous and well-known personality who has been discussed by various authors in their literature books. On the basis of the literature, this research paper will provide the personality traits of Grandma Moses.
The paper delves into the effect of religion on the Brown story outcome. Hawthorne’s Puritan upbringing influenced the novel plots. Nathaniel Hawthorne based the intricacies of his popular 1935 novel on his New England community background and ancestry. Nathaniel Hawthorne is a puritan.
At its core, lies a moral commentary based on the perceptions of the men and women involved in trying to solve the mystery based on traditional gender roles. In a story, gender roles are often used to describe certain truths about human reality, it's one of the plays that are focused on the interactions between the two genders.
6 pages (1538 words)
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, Literature review
The author states that in these poems we shall focus on various stylistic devices like; alliteration, rhyme through comparison and how through them the authors have been able to accomplish their goals through the various style. Equally, the focus will be on the tone and audience and attitudes in the poems.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Literature review
When this idea is superimposed into the context of the differences between appearance and reality, one can see that appearance may not reveal real behavior or reality. Besides, renowned writers are aware of the differences between appearance and reality, and they make use of the same to unleash their literary craftsmanship.
8 pages (2078 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The acts that Lagerkvist highlights being carried out by the dwarf are very much related to the world war and kingship during that particular era in Italy. The other minor characters such as Boccarossa are used to point out actions and deeds that are related to the way the leaders of war operated during this period and how evil some of the rulers were.
7 pages (2018 words)
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, Literature review
The sleeping status of the boy in Theodor Roethke’s poem and the comfortable state of the speaker in the poem “The Road Not Taken” also give a convincing example for the reader. The two roads which symbolize two professions in poets living in the poem” The Road Not Taken” gives similar situations of conflict or inner struggle.
7 pages (2078 words)
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, Book Report/Review
This paper analyzes what the story means to Jews through exploring its symbols, images, plot, and characters. “The Shawl” stands for the synecdoche of the Holocaust and argues that despite the absence of voice and free will, Judaism continues to survive and prosper, because of people’s faith in God.
7 pages (1971 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The author states that built upon the foundation of depression, the family’s main struggle is the past, the future and how to survive one another. The character finds himself mixed up with dreams to be a writer, working at a shoe warehouse and try to come to terms with the fact that the dad left, life is not interesting.
9 pages (2428 words)
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, Book Report/Review
None of the adults survives the plane crash and thus the story is about boys’ descent to disorder, chaos, and evil. Ralph and Piggy, two of the boys in the crashed plane notice a conch shell on the beach. Piggy realizes that the conch shell could be used to summon the other group of boys on the island.
6 pages (1758 words)
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, Literature review
All the adaptations of this drama deal with the relationship of Othello with Desdemona as they are the lead characters of the play. Many modern critics have researched the main characters of Othello especially Othello and Desdemona. Their relationship comprises of many aspects that are evident throughout the play.
The words from the Oprah Winfrey speech mainly pertain to the determination of success and values in regard to greater association with the leadership processes, which is fundamental for entrepreneurial developments. Developmental internal emotional and moral compass aids in the understanding of professionalism stressed depicted by Oprah.
Monstrosity has been an aspect of literature that has been used since time immemorial to create gothic or horrific feelings in stories. Derived from the word monster, monstrosity is basically a representation of unnatural, strange, supernatural, or frightful objects that cause harm to other animals but more so humans.
6 pages (1529 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Set in the neighborhood of Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, The Kite Runner is a heart and soul touching story of friendship, love, betrayal, regrets, and redemption. Before moving on to the topic of this paper, which is a cultural influence on the characters, a condensed form of this novel is required.
The Tell-Tale Heart is a story of uncertainty, not knowing what is real and what is not. The confusion of sensation results in the over-acuteness of senses. Through the choice of the first-person narrative, Poe is able to reveal the main character’s twisted logic and convince the readers of the protagonist’s insanity.
If readers or audiences can look past the superhero façade and instead focus more on the individualities that make the characters seem human, the issues explored in the graphic novel becomes real, possible and more familiar, even when discounting the aesthetics used in the comic (Romagnoli and Pagnucci, 2013, p.83).
Poetry is an image of a fluid mind is not written with a specific purpose. Shakespeare’s poetry being poetry cannot be pinned to any one particular theme. There are multiple themes that can be observed in his sonnets. Like all other great poets, Shakespeare is also seen to be torn between love for life and the soon approaching death.
7 pages (1818 words)
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, Literature review
It creates a feeling that despite everything seeming to be going on well, they merely cover the sometimes sad aspects of the realities that involve the different characters. Because of the novel’s focus on two individuals who might be considered its main characters, namely Mrs. Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith.