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Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers - Essay Example

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Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers Essay

Introduction: In what city does this play occur?

Verona, Italy

Preamble: Why are Romeo and Juliet called "Star-cross'd sweethearts"?

They are not bound to be as one

Act 1 scene 1: Who is battling toward the start of the principal scene? workers of the Capulets and the Montagues

Act 1 scene 1: Who attempts to separate the battling?


Act 1 scene 1: What risk does the Prince make to Lord Montague and Lord Capulet?

That the following individual to begin an open fight will be killed

Act 1 scene 1: Benvolio and Montague depict the manner in which Romeo has been acting.

Bleak, cries a great deal, not talking, seclusive

Act 1 scene 1: Why is Romeo so miserable? He has pathetic love

Act 1 scene 1: What is Benvolio's recommendation to Romeo?

To move and locate another young lady

Act 1 scene 2: Why does Capulet figure it will be simple for Montague and him to keep the harmony? Since they are both old and tired

Act 1 scene 2: What does Paris ask of Capulet?

Juliet's deliver marriage

Act 1 scene 2: What is Capulet's first answer?

No, she is excessively youthful

Act 1 scene 2: Somewhat later, Capulet seems to alter his perspective on Paris' inquiry.

What does he tell Paris?

Paris must win her heart, and Juliet must concur. At that point, he will wed them

Act 1 scene 2: What is the name of the lady Romeo adores?


Act 1 scene 2: Where do Romeo and Benvolio choose to go?

Go to the gathering

Act 1 scene 3: When Lady Capulet gets some information about the marriage, what is Juliet's answer?

Its a respect she dreams not of

Act 1 scene 3: Following Juliet's answer, what does the Lady Capulet then tell Juliet?

Those numerous children get hitched and have children at her age, even Lady Capulet, and she is to go to the gathering and take a gander at Paris

Act 1 Scene 4: What does Mercutio say about dreams?

That fantasies amount to nothing

Act 1 scene 5: What does Romeo consider Juliet when he first sees her?

That he "has not seen genuine excellence till this night"

Act 1 scene 5: When Tybalt is prepared to hold onto Romeo and set up him out of the gathering, what does Capulet say to Romeo?

To leave him alone, for Verona talks great of him

Act 1 scene 5: Explain what the discussion is about among Romeo and Juliet

Looking at kissing and pilgrims hands

Act 1 scene 5: How does Romeo get some answers concerning Juliet's name?

He asks the Nurse, and she lets him know

Act 1 scene 5: How does Juliet get some answers concerning Romeo's last name?

The medical attendant discovers it out for her

Act 2 scene 1: What is Romeo's new issue? He cherishes a Capulet

Act 2 scene 2: In lines 109-111, Juliet asks Romeo not to depend on the moon… for what reason would she say she fears this?

The moon continually changes, and she doesn't need Romeo's emotions to change

Act 2 scene 2: What is simply the main way that Juliet will offer herself to Romeo if they get hitched?

Act 2 scene 3: What does Romeo request that Friar Lawrence do?

To wed them (Romeo and Juliet)

Act 2 scene 3: Why does Friar consent to wed the two youthful sweethearts?

It might stop their families fights

Act 2 scene 4: Why has the medical attendant gone to the square?

To get some answers concerning the wedding plans

Act 2 scene 4: What data does Romeo give the Nurse?

Where and when the wedding will be

Act 2 scene 4: Mercutio prods the Nurse, and she is offended. What does Romeo say about Mercutio to quiet her down?

That he jumps at the chance to hear himself talk

Act 2 scene 4: What does Romeo send to Juliet?

Their wedding plans

Act 2 scene 5: What is Juliet's state of mind as she hangs tight for the Nurse's arrival?

She is on edge

Act 2 scene 6: A Romeo and Friar Lawrence anticipate Juliet, what does the Friar caution Romeo about Love Moderately?

Act 3 scene 1: Who greets (approach/address) Benvolio and Mercutio and why?

Tybalt and he is searching for Romeo

Act 3 scene 1: How does Tybalt incite a battle?

He insults Romeo and gets him out

Act 3 scene 1: When Romeo shows up, for what reason does he will not acknowledge Tybalt's duel?

Since Tybalt is currently his family and he wouldn't like to hurt Juliet

Act 3 scene 1: Why does Romeo's answer make Tybalt considerably increasingly disturbed?

Since he feels as though Romeo is ridiculing him

Act 3 scene 1: Who winds up really beginning the battle?


Act 3 scene 1: Who attempts to stop the battle? What occurs from this intercession?

Romeo; Mercutio gets cut in the heart under Romeo's arm

Act 3 scene 1: Who does Mercutio say is to be accused of him getting cut?


Act 3 scene 1: What revile does Mercutio get out before he kicks the bucket?

"A plague on both your homes"

Act 3 scene 1: Benvolio helps Mercutio into a close-by house. At the point when he returns what does he tell Romeo Mercutio is dead

Act 3 scene 1: What does Romeo do after he is recounted Mercutio's destiny He executes Tybalt

Act 3 scene 1: Who rebuffs Romeo, and what is his destiny?

The Prince; and Romeo is ousted from Verona. On the off chance that he is seen in Verona, he is as executed on the spot

Act 3 scene 1: Why does the Prince show benevolence upon Romeo?

Since enough blood and tears have been shed on that day

Act 3 scene 2: Where is Juliet, and what is she sitting tight for?

Her room. The Nurse to come back with an expression of Romeo (he should come into her room that night)

Act 3 scene 2: When the Nurse shows up, what does she illuminate Juliet of?

Tybalt's demise and Romeo's expulsion

Act 3 scene 2: At the start of this scene, what is the emotional incongruity? (At the point when the Nurse says there were a demise and an expulsion)

Juliet thinks Romeo is dead and Tybalt is expelled when it is the opposite way around

Act 3 scene 2: What does Juliet say that hints her own demise? (in the wake of reasoning that Romeo dead however discovered that she is mixed up)

She would prefer to pass on than have Romeo slaughtered

Act 3 scene 2: Why does Juliet request that the Nurse pull up the stepping stool right now? (in the wake of becoming aware of Romeo's expulsion)

Since Romeo is exiled, he can't go to her room any longer

Act 3 scene 2: What requests does Juliet provide for the Nurse?

Got to Romeo and offer him her ring as a hint that she despite everything adores him

Act 3 scene 3: Where is Romeo (after he executes Tybalt)?

Monk Lawrence's cell

Act 3 scene 3: What does the Friar mean by, "Thous workmanship married to disaster" ?

Catastrophe follows Romeo, and he is bound to it

Act 3 scene 3: What is Romeo's response to being expelled? Is it true that he is eased?

He is despondent. He feels that demise is better than being ousted for he can't live without Juliet

Act 3 scene 3: What is the Friar's response to Romeo when he says that demise is superior to expulsion?

He is infuriated on the grounds that he feels that Romeo ought to be upbeat that leniency was given to him and he can at present keep his life

Act 3 scene 3: Why does the Friar chide Romeo?

Since he ought to be appreciative for his life was saved

Act 3 scene 3: What is the most exceedingly awful piece of Romeo's discipline for Romeo?

He can never again observe or be with Juliet

Act 3 scene 3: What is Romeo's response to the thump at the entryway (when he is in the Friar's cell and is sobbing about his discipline)

He couldn't care less who sees him

Who appears in the Friars cell?

The Nurse

Act 3 scene 3: According to the Nurse, what is both Romeo and Juliet doing right now?

They are both crying

Act 3 scene 3: What does Romeo attempt to do as he moans over his circumstance?

He gets the blade and attempts to murder himself

Act 3 scene 3: As Romeo is despondently (and after he attempts to execute himself), what does the Nurse give Romeo, and what is its importance?

She gives him Juliet's wedding band. This means she needs to be with Romeo

Act 3 scene 3: How does Romeo respond to Juliet's message from the Nurse?

He feels ease that Juliet despite everything needs to be with him

Act 3 scene 3: What plan does the Friar propose to Romeo?

Support Juliet. Departure to Mantua, and sit tight for more news on an arrangement

Act 3 scene 4: What is Paris talking about with Capulet and Lady Capulet?

His proposition for Juliet's submit marriage

Act 3 scene 3: Does Capulet concur? (to let Paris have Juliet's submit marriage)

Indeed, for it may facilitate Tybalt's passing

Act 3 scene 4: Does Lord Capulet think Juliet will concur?


Act 3 scene 4: What is the sensational incongruity right now? (at the point when Paris and the Capulet's are talking about Juliet's marriage)

Romeo and Juliet are resting together upstairs while Paris and the Capulet's are talking about Juliets marriage first floor

Act 3 scene 5: Does Lady Capulet feel for Juliet? What does she tell Juliet?

No, and she reveals to her that shes washed her hands from the issue (which means she needs nor has anything to do with this make a difference)

Act 3 scene 5: Who does Juliet choose to go to for help? (multiple times various individuals)

From the start, she goes to the Nurse yet when she doesn't hear the reaction she needs she goes to the Friar

Act 3 scene 5: What is the Nurse's recommendation to Juliet?

To wed Paris for he's a superior catch and since Romeo is expelled her on a par with dead

Act 3 scene 5: Why lords Capulet accept that Juliet will not wed Paris He believes she's careless

Act 3 scene 5: What will be Juliet's discipline on the off chance that she doesn't wed Paris

She will be abandoned and left in the city to bite the dust

Act 3 scene 5: Where is Juliet going toward the finish of act 3 and why? (subsequent to hearing Nurse's recommendation) Friar Lawrence's phone and to request guidance

Act 3 scene 5: Where does Juliet tell everybody she is going? Admissions

Act 4 scene 1: What is Paris doing in the Friar's cell

Paris is getting some information about his future marriage with Juliet

Act 4 scene 1: What clarification does Paris give for the rushed marriage plans? He needs Juliet to disregard her misery over Tybalt's passing

Act 4 scene 1: Who shows up at the Friar's cell? (at the point when Paris and Friar Lawrence are discussing Juliet's and Paris' marriage)


Act 4 scene 1: What is the Friars plan for Romeo and Juliet?

They will counterfeit Juliet's demise by giving her a mixture that places her in the condition of "death", which she will take the night prior to her wedding, and they will send a letter to Romeo about their arrangement. After they cover her in her families gravesite Romeo will come and get her then they will get away from together

Act 4 scene 1: What is the Friar's job in the arrangement?

He will have word sent to Romeo, he will set up the mixture for Juliet to take, and afterward, he will be a cleric at the memorial service

Act 4 scene 1: What is Juliet grasping, and what does she propose to do?

She is holding a blade and says that if the mixture doesn't work, she will wound herself with the knife

Act 4 scene 2: When Juliet gets back, what's going on?

The wedding is being set up for

Act 4 scene 2: What does Juliet reveal to her Father

That she is sorry for her conduct and will wed Paris

Act 4 scene 2: How does Capulet react to Juliet, saying she will cheerfully wed Paris?

He moves the wedding to a closer date

Act 4 scene 2: How does Capulet's reaction place a wrinkle in Friar Lawrence's arrangement?

By moving the hour of the wedding to a closer date, there is less time to get word to Romeo about their arrangement

Act 4 scene 3: Does Juliet trust the Nurse? Why or why not?

No, Juliet never again believes the Nurse, and she may part with the arrangement

Act 4 scene 3: What considerations go through Juliet's mind as she is going to take the mixture? (4 things)

Imagine a scenario where it doesn't work. What is the mixture really executes her. What is she gets up to ahead of schedule and chokes? What are the dead spirits of her predecessors frequent her and make her crazy as she is hanging tight for Romeo

Act 4 scene 3: What invigorates Juliet to take the elixir?

The idea of seeing and being with Romeo once more

Act 4 scene 3: Who does Juliet toast as she is going to take the toxin?


Act 4 scene 5: After Juliet's passing, for what reason does the Friar propose that "nature's tears are explanation behind's cheer? It is safe to say that he is proposing that the Capulets ought to be glad? What's more, why?

Truly, he says they ought to be glad for she is in paradise now

Act 5 scene 1: What news does Romeo's worker Balthazar, who shows up from Verona, let him know?

That Juliet is dead

Act 5 scene 1: What does the peruser realize that Balthazar doesn't?

That Juliet's demise was totally faked and that she is really alive

Act 5 scene 1: What letter has Romeo been sitting tight for?

The letter from Friar Lawrence disclosing to Romeo progressively about the arrangement for him and Juliet

Act 5 scene1: Romeo intends to come back to Verona; where does he stop, and what does he purchase before leaving? He stops at a pharmacist and purchases a savage toxin

Act 5 scene 1: (When Romeo take hold of the toxic substance) Why does Romeo say that the abominable (poison) can't harm, however a fluid that will GIVE him life

Since when he kicks the bucket it will give him an everlasting existence with Juliet

Act 5 scene 2: Where does Friar Lawrence rapidly hustle?

To the Capulets landmark where Juliet lies

Act 5 scene 2: Why is it basic that Friar Lawrence discovers Juliet before Romeo does?

Since Romeo might be too rash and slaughter himself

Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene happen? (where Romeo and Paris experience one another) Juliets gravesite; Capulet's landmark

Act 5 scene 3: Who shows up at the tomb while the others are grieving?


Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do?

Improve the Capulet landmark with blossoms

Act 5 scene 3: How does Romeo say after observing Paris?

Romeo says he should pass on and that is the reason he has come

Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris believe that Romeo is attempting to do? misuse the collection of Juliet

Act 5 scene 3: What happens to Paris?

He bites the dust from Romeo's hand

Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris solicitation of Romeo before he bites the dust?

To be laid in Juliets grave

Act 5 scene 3: Why does Romeo truly need to hustle now?

The page sees Romeo murder Paris and goes to tell the guard

Act 5 scene 3: When Romeo at long last observes Juliet lying there, what does her notification about her?

That she doesn't generally look dead and that her cheeks and lips are turning red

Act 5 scene 3: What does Romeo do directly before he takes the toxic substance?

He kisses Juliet

Act 5 scene 3: What does Romeo do after he kisses Juliet? (as he is next to Juliet)

He takes the toxic substance

Act 5 scene 3: When does Juliet wake up?

After Romeo kicks the bucket

Act 5 scene 3: When the Friar enters, and Juliet is alert, what is his recommendation to her?

For her to turn into a cloister adherent

Act 5 scene 3: What was the blemish that crushed Romeo?


Act 5 scene 3: What are simply the two different ways Juliet endeavors to execute herself?

By kissing Romeo, she planned to allow a portion of the toxin too, however that fizzled. She, at that point, took her blade and cut herself.

Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar acknowledge obligation regarding his job right now?

No, he attempts to put a portion of the fault on the Nurse

Act 5 scene 3: What do Capulet and Montague consent to do in Romeo and Juliet's respect?

Capulet will gove Montague the wedding rights (land, money, and so on.) and Montague will fabricate a gold statue made in

Juliet's picture

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