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Awareness of Diabetes in the UAE - Research Paper Example

The paper "Awareness of Diabetes in the UAE" highlights that the health authorities and government of UAE should work towards raising the awareness of both young people and parents concerning diabetes and the methods of avoiding it by giving them suitable health education. …
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Awareness of Diabetes in the UAE Name Institution Date Awareness of Diabetes in the UAE Abstract This research concentrates on health issues that exist among UAE people particularly diabetes. The research has been carried out through both secondary and primary sources. The secondary sources entailed literature review on various tools while the primary sources entailed tools such as quantitative questionnaires. The research concluded that young people in UAE have implemented poor lifestyle and eating habits that raise their possibility of obesity as well as exposing them to diabetes risk. Additionally, the curriculum of UAE does not provide sufficient health education to learners thus enabling them to have a healthy life. Through integrating awareness of diabetes into UAE curriculum, both the government and the health authorities would have implemented several steps targeting to improve the health awareness amongst learners and keeping them well informed concerning diabetes ailment to make them better equipped in fighting it. Table of Contents 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………5 1.1 Overview ………………………………………………………………………………….5 1.2 The research problem or research question……………………………………………….5 1.3 Research Objectives……………………………………………………………………….5 1.4 Significance of the research……………………………………………………………….5 2. Literature Review …………………………………………………………………………6 2.1 About diabetes……………………………………………………………………………6 2.2 Symptoms and Complications of Diabetes ……………………………………………….6 2.3 Types of diabetes …………………………………………………………………………7 2.4 Diabetes spread……………………………………………………………………………9 2.5 Diabetes within UAE……………………………………………………………………...9 2.6 Causes of Diabetes Spread in UAE………………………………………………………10 2.7 Handling Diabetes in the UAE …………………………………………………………..11 3. Methodology ………………………………………………………………………...…12 3.1 Research Approach………………………………………………………………………12 3.2 Methods of Data Collection………………………………………...……………………12 3.3 Distribution and Collection Procedures……….…………………………………………13 4. Research Findings and Results Analysis………………………………….…………..13 4.1 Indicators of Risky Health Habits of Students……………………..…………………….13 4.2 Lack of Schools’ Role toward Health Education ………………………..………………14 4.3 Lack of Students’ Health Awareness…………………………………………………….15 5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………15 6. References………………………………………………………………………………..16 1. Introduction 1. 1 Overview The focus of this research is to evaluate the awareness of diabetes, which is a major health issue in United Arab Emirate (UAE). The major reason of carrying out this research is that diabetes as a health issue has an alarming rate among young nationals in UAE. The research will show a literature review on diabetes in general and thereafter focus on UAE. The research will incorporate students in the higher colleges of Technology in UAE, Abu Dhabi to assess diabetes awareness. Lastly, the research will conclude by providing some recommendations on how the government and health authorities can boost diabetes awareness in UAE schools. 1.2 The research problem or research question What is the awareness of Diabetes in the United Arab Emirates and what are the government and clinics doing to fix this infection. 1.3 Research Objectives Are there enough methods used in the United Arab Emirates to aware citizens of Diabetes. What is the government doing to aware people of diabetes. 1.4 Significance of the research This research is of great significance since diabetes’ issue is a leading health matter for health authorities in the UAE. The ongoing high diabetes incidence in the country may possibly have a negative effect on the health of the country’s future generations. Additionally, it would have an undesirable economic effect because the health budgets of the governments would have to be increased drastically. This is due to the increment by the government on the medical treatments and medications for the individuals who suffer from diabetes. Besides, the country’s economic situation would be affected as well because the levels of people’s productivity would be reduced. This is because patients with diabetes may not be in a state to function at great degrees of efficiency. Furthermore, this high diabetes rate would also influence the country’s social welfare. 2. Literature Review 2.1 About diabetes Diabetes is considered a severe medical condition indicating that even though it can be managed, it lasts during a person’s life (Marthur, 2009). In addition, if diabetes is not correctly controlled, the high glucose levels in blood can result in serious complications ultimately like kidney disease, blindness, impotence, heart disease, nerve damage, and occasionally can also make people to go into coma (Nordqvist, 2013). 2.2 Symptoms and Complications of Diabetes There are symptoms and signs that enable people to identify diabetes easily. Diabetes is linked to a raise in levels of blood glucose that causes glucose spilling in the urine (Marthur, 2009). This elevated glucose level in the urine can lead to the frequent urination’s problem, which is among the most significant diabetes symptoms. The issue of frequent urination can lead to dehydration in people making them to experience abnormal thirst and causing them to drink a lot of water (Nordqvist, 2013). The incapacity of insulin to function normally has effects on fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Insulin is considered an anabolic hormone, meaning, it encourages protein and fat storage (Nordqvist, 2013). An absolute or relative deficiency of insulin can finally result in weight loss regardless of raise in appetite. In a number of cases it also brings about the increase in weight. A couple of diabetes patients that are not treated also complain of nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Diabetic patients are vulnerable of developing infections of skin, vaginal areas and bladder (Marthur, 2009). This is principally because the bruises and cuts in such individuals normally take a lot of time to heal compared to normal patients. Blood glucose levels’ fluctuations can result in blurred vision. Glucose levels that are extremely elevated can result in lethargy and coma (Marthur, 2009). Knowing the way diabetes affects the body can help an individual take care of the body and prevent development of diabetic complications (, 2014). A lot of diabetes effects arise from similar guilty parties; namely high cholesterol levels, lack of control of blood glucose, and high blood pressure (, 2014). Besides the symptoms, diabetes can bring about long term damage to the body. This long term harm is normally called diabetic complications (, 2014). Diabetes affects the nerves and blood vessels and hence any body part can be affected. On the other hand, particular body parts are greatly affected compared to others. Diabetic complications will normally take some years of diabetes that is poorly controlled, to develop. Diabetic complications are not an assurance and can be prevented and kept at bay through keeping a strong degree of control on diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure (, 2014). All these can be helped through maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, and integrating regular activity into the day to day regime so as to maintain levels of blood sugar within recommended guidelines of blood glucose level (, 2014). 2.3 Types of diabetes There are various types of diabetes although this paper will discuss two types only namely diabetes Type 1 and Type 2. Type 2 is regarded as the most frequent type whose rate of growth is alarming among UAE children. Diabetes Type 1 is also referred to as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), immune-mediated diabetes or juvenile onset diabetes (Garnero, 2008). This type of diabetes is brought about by an issue in the body’s immunity whereby the system of immunity begins attacking the pancreas making it not able to produce insulin within the body (Marthur, 2009). In diabetes type 1, the system of immunity by mistake generates inflammatory cells and antibodies, which are directed against and produce harm to body tissues of the patient. The basis for this issue within the immunity system is not plainly comprehended by the health practitioners. Hence, individuals suffer from diabetes Type 1 since their body generates inadequate or no insulin at all. This type of diabetes can be seen in individuals of all ages although it is most frequently seen in young adults of children (Garnero, 2008). Individuals who suffer from diabetes Type 1 are needed to take injections of insulin on a day to day basis that facilitates their body to manage glucose levels in the blood (The National, 2014). Lack of getting this medication on a day to day basis can also lead to death of the individual (Garnero, 2008). The second type of diabetes is diabetes Type 2, which is also referred to as adult onset diabetes mellitus (AODM) or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) (Garnero, 2008). This is considered the most frequent kind of diabetes among people. The major basis of this kind of diabetes is obesity although can also be brought about by genetic reasons. In this situation an individual’s body either generates insulin in an inadequate amount or does not properly react to the produced insulin (Garnero, 2008). Diabetes type 2 is frequent among older individuals above 45 years of age particularly those who are overweight. On the other hand, in the contemporary time a lot of young adults and children are also becoming affected by this condition majorly due to obesity, eating unhealthy food, and lack of outdoor activity. Badam (2014) also states that the possibility of type 2 diabetes’ development rises with weight gain, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise. People who suffer from this type of diabetes are not expected to take injections of insulin on a day to day basis (Garnero, 2008). This is since they are able to manage their levels of blood glucose through taking oral medications, having regular physical exercise, and managing their diet (Garnero, 2008). Nevertheless, if people who suffer from this condition do not take precautions and manage sugar level within their body, they can be needed to take medication of insulin as the beta cells’ number in the body is declining. Additionally, if such people take up a careless attitude on their health, it can lead to serious complications and in a couple of cases, cause death (Garnero, 2008). There is good news for patients with diabetes type 1 and type 2 in that if medication, insulin, physical activity, weight loss, and change in eating habits lead to standard blood glucose, that indicates that their diabetes is properly managed and their possibility of developing complications related to diabetes is much lower. However, it does not indicate that their diabetes has basically gone away (Joslin Diabetes Center, 2014). 2.4 Diabetes Spread In the current time, the spread of diabetes is alarming through various populations’ sections (Nordqvist, 2013). This has led to diabetes turning out to be one of the leading health issues of the health community. For that reason the high occurrence of diabetes among individuals call for the governments to use millions of dollars for treatments and medications provided to patients (Nordqvist, 2013). Additionally, this high diabetes occurrence also affects the general levels of productivity of the nation’s population. Still, the diabetes type 2 is spreading at a great rate among young people all over the world, which has placed the younger generations’ health in danger (Nordqvist, 2013). 2.5 Diabetes within UAE It is estimated in the UAE that 1 out of 5 (20 percent) individuals aged 20-79 lives with diabetes, whereas a similar fraction of population is at great risk of developing the disease (McLaughlin et al, 2013). The UAE is positioned second highest globally for prevalence of diabetes (IDF Atlas, 2009), while Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait followed closely. On the other hand, UAE is positioned 13th internationally in terms of diabetes infection (Al Badri, 2014). Shamma (2008) stated that diabetes mellitus makes up the cause of 75% of deaths among nationals of UAE and 31% among non-nationals. 2.6 Causes of Diabetes Spread in UAE During the 21st century, western companies’ inflow and globalization has led to great growth and development experienced by the economy of UAE (McLaughlin et al, 2013). This has significantly changed how individuals live. Globalization has also led to various changes within the society having a profound effect on people’s health. These changes are principally responsible for the growing and high diabetes incidence in the UAE particularly among the young people (McLaughlin et al, 2013). This tendency has been a cause for worry for the UAE’s government and health authorities. The choices of lifestyle have also changed considerably among the UAE’s population. This is because most people within the UAE have a busy lifestyle as a result of which they are not able to focus on their health (Leading experts at Dubai diabetes conference, 2014). UAE’s people are not able to take part in physical activities like sports as well as other outdoor activities, which would help them to burn excess fat, shed off some weight and maintain healthy weight (McLaughlin et al, 2013). The UAE people are highly not aware of the disadvantages of being overweight and not taking part physical activities on habitual basis. Besides unhealthy lifestyles, high rates of obesity and possible genetic factors have also been cited as major causes of diabetes in UAE (Jones, 2014). Food choices consumed may possibly be another critical basis behind diabetes spread amongst people in UAE. In the contemporary time, UAE’s people have a greater tendency of consuming fast foods, sweets, oily foods, and sweet carbonates that bring about increase in weight. People in UAE give less stress to vegetables and fruits since these are not very tasty as fast foods, which are available quickly and easily (McLaughlin et al, 2013). The UAE’s media also plays a leading role in influencing the people’s lifestyle in UAE. People in the UAE are frequently exposed to western media in reference to TV shows, advertisement, and movies. Fast food is promoted by the western media making it very attractive for many people in UAE (Leading experts at Dubai diabetes conference, 2014). This has led to a high consumption level of sweets, soft drinks, and fast food among UAE people. Additionally, this has encouraged UAE people to adopt eating habits that are unhealthy like eating while watching movies or TV or eating at irregular intervals. The school atmosphere also has a high effect on young people’s health. For instance, school canteens are medium whereby young people adopt unhealthy eating habits since they sell foods like burgers, cold drinks, chocolates, and ice creams, which lead to avoidable weight gain. Moreover, UAE schools also put raised pressure with regards to studies on learners that prevent them from taking part in various types of sports activities (Swan, 2014). 2.7 Handling Diabetes in the UAE The Health and Medical Services’ Department under the health ministry organized and funded various initiatives focusing on improvement of diabetes awareness among people as well as promoting methods of controlling and managing it. Fighting diabetes as well as decreasing its prevalence within the UAE during the coming years has turned out to be one of the UAE Ministry of Health’s pivotal objectives (Alhyas et al, 2013). In 2009, the minister of health signed a contract to launch a comprehensive 3 year campaign for developing awareness of diabetes among the individuals (Alhyas et al, 2013). The campaign represented the ministry’s commitment to the central government strategy that promotes concrete partnerships between private institutions and the government to make every effort to better the community’s wellbeing and defend public health (Alhyas et al, 2013). This initiative’s core objective was to promote the levels of awareness via education is an effort to decrease the levels of disease incidence. The campaign was regarded as highly significant to the region of UAE because it was positioned the second highest globally in terms of diabetes. The major goals of the campaign were to decrease and manage incidence of diabetes through education (Alhyas et al, 2013). 3. Methodology 3.1 Research Approach This section states the methods applied when developing the research. There are two various methods that can be implemented to carry out research, which are basically quantitative and qualitative approach. Quantitative approach is chosen in situations where the researcher requires numbers and figures to prove the point since these results facilitate the investigator to reach a specific conclusion and create proper recommendations (Alhyas et al, 2013). However, qualitative approach enables investigators to acquire in-depth understanding concerning a specific topic. The research entailed 30 Residents in the UAE, Abu Dhabi all males 20-30 years. 3.2 Methods of Data Collection With regards to this report, the quantitative questionnaire was used as a method of data collection. A review of literature was used as well. 3.3 Distribution and Collection Procedures The distribution as well as collection procedures implemented for this research was similar. The researchers asked students in the Higher Colleges of Technology in Abu Dhabi. The collection of questionnaires was taken the same period after the respondents were done with answering the questionnaires. The period given was three weeks. 4. Research Findings and Result Analysis 4.1 Indicators of Risky Health Habits of Students Every data retrieved was aiming at identification of the kind of problems young people have with their lifestyle and eating patterns, as we also wanted to identify the way schools contribute in development of diabetes awareness. The results of the research has indicated that learners in the visited schools have adopted some poor eating as well as lifestyle habits that raise their possibility of obesity and placing them to diabetes risk. As a couple of the questions adopted in the survey targeted learners eating habits, a lot of students disclosed they skip breakfast and hence direct them to eating big amounts during school break. As a result, learners turn out to be really hungry by school break that makes them finally to purchase fast foods rather than the healthy foods sold from the school canteen. Additionally, the survey indicated the range of learners’ participation in physical or outdoor activities such as buying groceries, and playing games. The survey’s results stated that 51 percent of the learners always take part in physical activities, contrary to 33percent who would hardly ever take part in such activities. Other 15 percent learners stated they would occasionally take part in physical activities. The basis behind the modest contribution to the physical activities may possibly be connected with the raised consumption of fast food that makes people lazy as well as lethargic naturally. The minimum engagement of young people in physical activities make them to burn less calories than they eat that exposes them to obesity risk and finally diabetes. The number indicating fast food consumption’s frequency by the learners was interesting as well. Learners’ surveys indicated that 45 percent of the learners eat fast food on a day to day basis, 30 percent eat fast food once in 2 days, whereas 18 percent eat 2 times every week and 7 percent eat fast food every week. It appears that young people are used to eating fast food on a habitual basis. This does not just raises the day to day calories intake of young people but also makes them to be lethargic that would also exposes them to diabetes risk in future. 4.2 Lack of Schools’ Role toward Health Education This part highlights the findings of the learner surveys and aims at comprehending the degree of support and information offered by the schools in the colleges in Dubai in prevention of and addressing health matters like diabetes. So as to acquire direct information from the college to comprehend how concerned the colleges are regarding learners’ health and if they work towards prevention of learners from the diabetes risk. Students were asked whether they have been informed about diabetes symptoms as well as risk on a person’s life. The survey’s results indicate that 50 percent of the learners have been informed about diabetes risk and 50 percent have not been informed about diabetes issues. For that reason, it was significant to know weather those colleges stress informing about the methods of preventing diabetes as they have gone through discussing about its risks. In general, the outcomes indicated that 65 percent of students have not been informed about avoiding diabetes, while 35 percent are aware of prevention of diabetes. As the major diabetes cause is connected with the large eating of fast food, it was vital to establish if the chosen colleges have informed their learners about fast food disadvantages. This indicates that if the colleges are encouraging learners to eat healthy foods they are preventing them from eating high amounts of fast food within their diet (Alhyas et al, 2013). It was quite shocking that merely 40 percent of learners have been informed about fast foods disadvantages and majority of the learners (60 percent) have not been informed about fast foods disadvantages. Alternatively a couple of learners declared that they are likely attracted to fast food and for them, it may not be realistic to stop consuming fast food altogether. Hence, the learners worked towards encouraging themselves to limit their consumption on fast food to one or two times every week. 4.3 Lack of Students’ Health Awareness The questionnaires filled by the learners underscore that a lot of the learners were not aware of the words such as diabetes, calories, balanced diet, and obesity. This was essentially in two colleges. On the other hand, majority of learners from the third college understood the meaning of these words. The learners were able to explain the steps they needed to take in order to live in a healthy way. Nevertheless, this did not stop learners from eating fast foods since majority of the students ate fast food at least once in 2 days or each day. In general, the research result analysis has shown that learners studying in Dubai colleges have implemented some poor eating and lifestyle habits, which raises their possibility of obesity as well as expose them to diabetes risk. The data acquired from the various tools indicated a weak policy toward diabetes awareness and health education in schools. It appeared like schools are not aware of their responsibility in diabetes promotion rather than preventing it (Alhyas et al, 2013). 5. Conclusion The health authorities and government of UAE should work towards raising the awareness of both young people and parents concerning diabetes and the methods of avoiding it through giving them suitable health education. This absence of awareness is a leading cause for increasing rates of cases of diabetes in the nation. On the other hand, correct health education offered by the colleges in the UAE could assist the government increase awareness among both parents and young people. This is since the school curriculum is both a significant tool and a means through which the medical authorities and government may possibly generate awareness among young people concerning diabetes risk. With the assistance of correct health education the UAE schools can help learners in changing their lifestyle as well as eating habits in a manner that would guarantee they have healthy life during their future. Eating habits and lifestyle change among UAE people is the single long term resolution that should be implemented by health authorities since it guarantees helpful prevention from diabetes ailment. References Shammaa, D. El. (2008). Diabetes Is a Growing Problem in UAE - Experts. Gulf News. Al Nisr Publishing LLC. Retrieved from Mathur, R. (2009). Diabetes Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis. Retrieved From Garnero, T. (2008). Your First Year with Diabetes: What to Do, Month by Month. Alexandria, Va.: American Diabetes Association. Al Badri, A. (2014,). UAE ranks 13th globally in diabetes infection. Gulf Today. Retrieved from Badam, R. (2014). Earlier screenings required to curb diabetes worldwide. The National. Retrieved from How Does Diabetes Affect The Body? Retrieved from: IDF Atlas, (2009). In Diabetes Unit-Rashid Hospital-Dubai. Retrieved from Jones, R. (2014). Diabetes Epidemic Hits Persian Gulf Region. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Joslin Diabetes Center. (2014). Does Diabetes Go Away? Retrieved from Leading experts at Dubai diabetes conference. (n.d.). (2014). Leading experts at Dubai diabetes conference. Retrieved from McLaughlin, G., Kemp, J., Stoltz, K., & Hamilton, A. (2013). Diabetes in the UAE – portrait of a country at risk. Middle East Health Magazine. Retrieved from Nordqvist, C. (2013). What Is Diabetes? What Causes Diabetes?. Medical News Today. Retrieved from Swan, M. (2014). Diabetes high on research agenda for Khalifa University. The National. Retrieved from The National. (2014). Surge in Number of Children in UAE with Type 1 Diabetes. Retrieved from Alhyas, L., Yadegarfar, G., Majeed, A., & Imperial College, London. (2013). A study on type 2 diabetes mellitus in Abu Dhabi, UAE: Prevalence, risk factors & quality of management. Read More

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