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English - World Literature I Answer Odysseus was a strategist and King of Ithaca; he left to fight a war against Troy,when his son Telemachus was just an infant. Being set apart by time and distance, twenty years pass and Odysseus’s son grow into a fully grown adult and decides to set on a journey that unites his family, his father Odysseus, his mother Penelope and himself. The desire to reunite with family is same with Odysseus as is depicted from his statement “Still I want to go back. My heart aches for the day that I return to my home.
”Both the father and the son are depicted as very clear headed in The Odyssey, a trait that is not shown by many men in times of war and battle. When they are in an adverse situation they respond with calmness and clear mindedness. The author describes Telemachus as “Clear headed Telemachus replied.” and this trait is shown in many stages throughout the books: Odysseus when trapped in the Cave of Cyclops responds “But I kept thinking how to win the game”.Answer 2: The situations described in the paragraph, are good comparisons of the various situations faced by the father and son, and it is surprising to know that even when time has set them far apart, still the situations they face are very much alike and above all the way Telemachus and Odysseus respond to these situations are also the same.
Like father, like son is what comes to the mind of an ordinary reader upon going through the books,
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