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Aristophanes’ Comedies While Greek antiquity is renowned for its exploration of cultural, philosophical, and artistic productions, some of its most seminal artifacts remain theatrical works. Writers such as Aeschylus and Aristophanes constructed a large array of works that continue to be read and performed in the contemporary world. Even as Greek tragedy has received perhaps the most critical praise, Aristophanes’ comedies have been recognized for their strong satirical nature and serious purpose.
This essay examines Aristophanes’ comedies as they make serious statements about Greek society. One of the most prominent examples of the serious undertones in Aristophanes’ comedies occurs in his work Lysistrata. While the play is highly farcical in nature, in some respects it nonetheless functions as a compelling satire on the faults of Athenian democracy. In these regards, there are a variety of means by which Aristophanes lampoons Greek political authority throughout the play. One such instances occurs in the opening lines of the play when Lysistrata openly mocks the women for being more interested in an orgy than participating in political decision making, “If they were trysting for a Bacchanal.
The tambourines would block the rowdy streets” (Aristophanes). While some may argue that by the cultural assumptions of ancient Greece it is not expected for women to participate in the democratic decision making process, the extent to which such occasions are so male dominated Aristophanes notes this as a lampoon-able weakness of the Athenian political process. It’s also noted that also note that the play’s central plot element concerns women who enact significant political change through withholding sex.
Ultimately, it’s clear that this work demonstrates Aristophanes’ strong use of serious themes in comedy. While Lysistrata may constitute Aristophanes’ most significant work, a number of his other comedies also explore serious themes. Within this context of understanding there are a number of pervasive themes throughout Aristophanes’ works. One of these predominant themes is the examination of political concerns. It’s been noted that, “He is the spokesman of the peace party, and four of his plays are passionate and eloquent pleas for peace” (Bates).
In these regards, Aristophanes implements his comedies as a means of making a serious plea for peace. Another prominent example of serious concerns in Aristophanes comedies is his implementation of satire. For instance, “One play is opened with a meeting of Parliament, and the whole machinery of government is presented in caricature” (Bates). Here Aristophanes is lampooning serious Greek social matters through comedy. In conclusion, this essay has examined the extent that Aristophanes’ comedies investigate serious concerns.
The essay reveals that there are a number of prominent occurrences of serious elements in Aristophanes comedies, as he implements satire and a sober criticism of political aspects of Greek society. Examples from Lysistrata, as well as broad examples thematic examples are presented. Ultimately, it’s clear that Aristophanes implementation of comedy functions as a powerful tool of social activism. ReferencesAristophanes. "Lysistrata." Project Gutenberg. N.p., 01 05 2005. Web. 27 Sep 2010. .Bates, Alfred.
"Political and Social Satire of Aristophanes." Theatre History. N.p., 2010. Web. 29 Oct 2011. .
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