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The theme of protest directed towards war in Lysistrata is just as viable today as it was thousands of years ago. Warfare has certainly changed singAristophanes penned Lysistrata but the futility of war, the debasement of civilized human beings into savages and the inability of war to really change anything in the human condition are still relevant. The death of a loved one thousands of years ago evokes the same sense of loss today. The enemy, cause and motivation of the war is irrelevant. Even wars that are deemed to be justified, or good wars, leave a generation that mourns for lost brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers.
Protesting war was just as risky for Lysistrata as it is for many today. She chose to do it defiantly, courageously and in a very public way. Protestors today may not share the same immediate threats as Lysistrata, but the dangers are still there. Lysistrata is such a compelling figure of strength and determination that even a Greek guy wearing a mask could evoke the emotion Aristophanes infused in this character. Of course, modern sensibilities prefer that a strong, intelligent and probably beautiful actor be used to bring this character to life.
This is the way of Hollywood, after all. But from the standpoint of acting and emotion, the real character of Lysistrata lies in the writing of Aristophanes. The medium used to bring this character to life is almost irrelevant. The story is so compelling and tragic, yet triumphant, that modern or ancient audiences would find much to enjoy and ponder in any staging of this play.
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