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Extract of sample "Beyond the Bars From Faith to Freedom"
Beyond the Bars – From Faith to Freedom Statistics [please be clear; what country, inmate, prison, prison ministry, or director; responded or did not].
1. Eligible participants included inmates, prisons, prison ministries and Directors of prison services. Overall, 250 participants were contacted [how?] to take part in the study [how selected?], although the level of response was low (16.8% response rate).
2. Of the 42 responses; 2 were inmates from national prisons; 33 national prisons and 2 international prisons; as well as 5 Directors of national prisons, pictured in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Pie chart of the percentage of participant for each four groups within the sample.
[For Discussion section: It is a limitation of this study did not include other demographic such as age, gender, ethnicity and religious affiliation have not been included. These categorical variables could have provided further understanding of the responses from the survey and interviews. Also, they could have been used as control variables for other tests, such as cross-tabulations, correlations and ANOVAs].
2. Thus the majority of the responses were from national prisons, so that the majority of participants were from North America (95.2%).
3. Fifty of the USA States were represented in the sample, as illustrated in Table 1.
Figure 2. States that participated in the survey are shaded [You need to shade, and then
scan or photocopy onto your text]
4. Many of the States had representation from more than one group, as shown in Table 1.
[I need more data to complete this table]
Table 1.
Cross-tabulations of State and participant group.
Inmate Prison Prison Ministry Director
Alabahma 1 2
Florida 1 2
Massachusetts 1 3
Nebraska 1 2
Oklahoma 1 2
Pennsylvania 1 3
Alaska 1
Missouri 1
Ohaio 1
Tennessee 1
Most of these report national reach [which ones?], two or three international [which ones?], along with two [which ones?] that work exclusively with juveniles in US prisons and one prison ministry from the Philippians [which ones].
These prison ministries provide in-person programs and services [what types for who?], as well as correspondence bible and prayer study materials [all of them?]
All of these ministries were Christian-based providing mostly, although not exclusively, Christian-oriented materials and services [which one’s didn’t? what else did they provide – which?].
In total they report reaching 386,000 inmates [how many each appx or exactly] in 50 States [which not], Canada, and some foreign markets [which].
Reportedly, the prison ministries that work solely with inmates in the United States [which ones?] reach 47,000 inmates annually.
In some instances several prison institutions responded from the same state:
Alabama: 2 institutions
Florida: 2 institutions
Massachusetts: 3 institutions
Nebraska: 2 institutions
New Mexico: 2 institutions [non-usa?]
Oklahoma: 3 institutions
Pennsylvania: 5 Institutions responded
What are the 34 states that responded? [You say 50 states earlier? What do you mean by “reach”?] Does this number include inmates as well as prison ministries nationally and internationally?
What are the 19 states that had Prison Ministries respond?
Two international prison ministries? –nethelands and new mexico? What happened to Canada?
Were either of the two inmates who participated international?
Are these people classified as prison ministries? “Directors of Religious Programs and Services for the Department of Corrections responded with data…”
Prison institutions reported inmate populations espousing from 3 up to 12 known faith perspectives [list the faiths] in a prison community:
Prison institutions reported offering inmate populations up to 17 different inmate rehabilitative programs and services [which ones?] and up to 23 different faith-based programs and services [which ones?].
Prison institutions reported from 3 to 500 faith-based volunteer organizations [which ones where?] providing programs and services annually (e.g. states of Ohio report 16 faith-based volunteer organizations with 500 volunteers and Alabama 59 organizations with 1267 volunteers) [more of this]
Questionnaires forwarded to 250 local and national prison ministries, including over 80 Imams [? Inmates?] around the country.
15 prison ministries responded to the questionnaires [in what states, countries etc.?], along with two US inmates.
Varying inmate change benefits were acknowledged within the prison system along with an emphasis on the central role of inmate involvement in a religious community upon release [how was this determined? Any numbers and labels or categories to go with them?].
Minimal to no interconnections between the two sets of programs and services were cited [how was this determined, and what do you mean? .
Findings from the questionnaires, interviews and prison studies suggest connections between faith commitment and positive inmate change [how was this determined].
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8 Pages(2000 words)Term Paper
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