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Using Visual Communication - Report Example

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This report "Using Visual Communication" discusses business informative speech effectiveness, the motivation behind the cultural social issues. The report analyses the commercial product persuasion principle and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The report considers effect of persuasion on me…
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Assessment: Reflective journal B Author’s name Institutional affiliation Assessment: reflective journal B 8.1.1 Commentator’s point of view Rachel Maddow is trying to point out the effect that the Return of Donald camp will have in the political arena. I would still use visual communication because it helps the audience relate well with the message for better understanding (Rachel Maddow show, 2015). 8.1.2 Difference between a commentary news and news reporting The reporter is able to deliver the message in a neutral manner since he is reporting exactly what happened on the ground as opposed to Rachel Maddow commentary show where she is able to express her opinions about the subject. Rachel uses visual animations to mimic the return of Scott amid the cacophony of Trump (Rachel Maddow show, 2015). .8.1.3 Difference between an informative presentation and persuasive presentation An informative presentation basically aims to describe the knowledge that revolves around an object, issue or anything for instance, explaining about the reproduction process in human beings. Persuasive presentation basically aims to convince the audience to engage in a certain action for instance, a persuasive speech may deal with how particular individuals feel that the choice of reproducing is under threat (Pinker, 2009). 8.2.1 Message delivery through visual communication and words in a television program Rachel Maddow show delivers its commentary message through visual animation whereas Bill O’Reilly of the fox news uses dialogue in a form of an interview to deliver the message. 8.3.1 Ways in which speakers adapt the presentation to informative Bill, O’ Reilly of the fox news uses emotional appeals and data spinning to deliver his message to the audience. By so doing, he is able to adapt the emotional appeal of his audience irrespective of age, occupation or gender. 8.3.2 Words that can be considered to portray opinions, bias or values. Some of the words used to portray bias, opinions and values include words such as; confident, underweight, slender, proud, scrawny and egoistically. 8.3.3 The effect of the audience’s prior knowledge on the informative presentation The audience’s knowledge about the information makes the speaker to try to connect what they know with the emotional appeals of what they exactly want to hear. As a speaker, I would like my audience to remember exactly everything I spoke including the illustrations because the goal of my speech was basically to make them comprehend fully every piece of knowledge I tried to describe. 8.4.1 How I learn best I learn best when the teacher embeds the evidence as well as data with emotional appeals. By so doing, am able to comprehend the desired message faster. 8.5.1 Example of reciprocity in a television Programme. Reciprocity in a television Programme occurs when it involves itself in some affordable scenarios that make it secure loyalty and achieve sales. For instance, some of the television programs are involved in charity performances that make their audience remain loyal to them because of their helping hand. 8.5.2Example of Honesty in a television Programme Honesty in a news Programme involves an act of integrity in the commentary or reporting nature of the news Programme. It sometimes involves the actual reporting on the ground in a neutral manner. For instance, Interviewing of different political aspirants irrespective of their race, gender and place of birth is an example of honesty in a television Programme. 2.5.3 Example of exploitation in Media using words and images Some images can make the subject look attractive, serious, and healthy among others whereas other images may make them look sick, ugly, or silly. By so saying, it means that, the media may use such words to exploit our emotional appeal or rather to influence how individuals think about the topic in the news. 8.6.1 Brief summary of a class I attended a class that was taught by Professor S. Eshiwani about communication and its environments. The professor used various models and statistics to describe the process of communication. I was able to learn the importance of effective communication in addressing issues in a corporate environment. 8.6.2. Business informative speech effectiveness The speaker embedded the use of statistics, charts and graphs to deliver the information to the audience. One part I would improve on is to try and work on the emotional appeals of my audience by trying to consider issues like gender, occupation, age and beliefs. 8.6.3 Points to address in a product/service The product is bread. I will address the quality of the bread, contents of the bread, benefits associated with the bread, the available colors of the bread and the bread substitutes on the market. 8.1.1 Motivation behind cultural social issue Circumcision is a cultural belief held in our society. The motivation behind circumcision is that, those who are not circumcised will not be considered real men in future but cowards. 8.1.2 Effect of persuasion on me I was persuaded to throw a stone at my high school mathematics teacher. It succeeded because I was reminded about the severe punishments he used to give me back in high school. 8.2.1 Real life example of a principle of scarcity Sometime last year, I tried to persuade my roommate to stop leaving the taps running because I thought it will help reduce high cost of water bill. I used the principle of scarcity of water to convince him. It was successful because I managed to connect his emotional appeal with the facts on the ground. 8.2.2 Principle of consensus Principle of consensus works in real life situation, most individuals engage in impulse buying because of jealousy or admiration of other things owned by other people. In other words, competition makes people easily trapped into impulse buying. I am also a victim of such situations. 8.2.3 Use of reason to make decisions Fully comprehension of the information makes people to determine the type of reason to attach to the message so as to make a decision. In other words, people tend to make decisions based on reason and emotional appeal of the message. 9.3.1 Commercial product persuasion principle The advertisement of the product used logical appeals coupled with the principle of consensus quote” hurry whiles the stock last’. The sound bite of the advert made me to long for the product because other people were buying it. *9.3.2 discontinuance and deterrence 9.4.1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Over the past three years, I have learned to put the three basic needs before anything else, I feel more secure since I can now defend myself as compared to some three years ago. Additionally, I have also strengthened my relationship with my parents. Furthermore, I have improved on my self-esteem and currently working on attaining my full potential. 9.4.2 Reason for having a conversation Seeking information was one of the reasons why I engaged in a conversation with my classmates about an Economics lesson we had a day ago. The reason for this conversation is closely related to the ones in table 14.1 because basically, the aim of the communication was to seek knowledge, clarification and furthermore, discuss the subject matter for better understanding. 9.4.3 Getting to know someone and the social penetration theory I noticed a new lady in our class who looked lost back in high school, she was a bit nervous at first when I introduced myself to her and asked her where she came from. As the relationship grew, we started sharing a lot about our experiences openly and I even introduced her to my old friend’s .In other words, our relationship grew from being more interpersonal to intrapersonal just like in the social penetration theory. 9.5.1 Emotional resistance When I was twelve years old, I was so fond of chips and sausages. No day would pass without visiting the neighboring fast food shop to treat my appetite for chips and sausages. However, my love for these delicacies came at a price; I was putting on so much weight at such a tender age. I felt like eating chips and sausages was the only comfort and enjoyable zone I know. One day, my brother advised me on the dangers of eating too much chips and sausage. My love for chips blinded me to see the brighter side of my brother’s advice. We quarreled for some hours because I thought he was just jealous. To cool my nerves, I reverted to eating more chips and sausage just to get away from his boring talk. In other words, deep down, I felt the importance of changing my diet but I really never at one point felt like taking that step. 9.5.2 The more powerful appeal to reason or emotion Logical appeal in terms of evidence is the most preferred appeal to reason. For instance, use of statistical charts and graphs while explaining a business proposal is a more convincing way of delivering the message. 9.5.3 An example of an appeal emotion in media Geographical location, ideology and the use of statistical charts and graphs can determine whether a particular group of audience depending on their gender, age, occupation or power may like to associate with it. For instance, the use of cartoons or animated images in the newspapers can be termed as visual communicators that can spark emotional appeal. 9.6.1 Can persuasion be ethical? Persuasion can be ethical because it seeks to enable the audience share a common feeling, values, and beliefs regarding a particular object, process, event or a concept. 9.6.2 Example of a fallacy in an advertisement “Once a speed star, always a speed star” is a fallacy statement that is used to advertise the new Lamborghini. 9.6.3. Example of effective argument in an advertisement “If you can drive, vote and die for your nation, then you should not be forbidden to buy alcohol” is an effective argument that tries to explain that whatever is true for a small sample, and then it is ok for the whole population. 9.6.4 Description of a persuasive message Beaver resort is located next to my home. Each and every time you step out of the lift in winter days, they hand you a hot chocolate. Additionally, if you happen to come off the mountains after sky-rocketing, they hand you chocolate-chip cookies that are warm. It is no surprise that with such like conditions, I am always convinced to remain loyal to this nice but small beaver resort. Whenever I want to go skiing, I often think of the Beaver resort bearing in mind that there are also so many possible resorts around my home town. 9.8.1 Rehearsal of the elevator speech From the elevator speech, I can conclude that, in most cases, we use language to establish and express order in everything that we do around us. By so saying, it means that, we often chose words depending on their similarity, physical proximity or the context of communication (Mclean, 2005). *9.8.2 Review of an example of an elevator speech 10.1.1 Review of non-verbal communication Language makes it possible for an individual to communicate, and understand but it can also make them to misunderstand and miscommunicate. In other words, if the use of non-verbal communication to express our inner intimate thoughts fails to represent our thoughts to our audience, then it is frustrating hence limiting our understanding of communication. 10.1.2 Television personality Rachel Maddow in her show uses a variety of skills to drive the message home. When the sound was turned off, I vividly saw how she used her facial expressions, movement of her hands in an appropriate manner and nodding of her head whenever the person she was interviewing responded. When the sound was on, the choice of words she used governed with tonal variation while explaining the visual images on the screen made the comprehension of the message easier. *10.1.3 Reliability and admissibility of results from a polygraph 10.2.1 My order of priority list What I value most is my academics, my relationship with my family then friends; I also value my self-esteem as well as my goals in life. Over the past two years, I have been spending a lot of time of my academics as well as maintaining a good relationship with my family. 10.2.2 The relevance of time in communication The audience is always eager to listen to the latest updates and information. By so saying, it means that, communication is a process that entails a system of meanings that are basically defined by time and the context of communication. 10.4.1 Steps on how to access power point/slideware Programme To create a power point presentation, go to the startup menu, click on the PowerPoint 2010 menu, click to add title and sub title, click to add notes and save. After adding more notes, click to move to the next slide. 10.5.1. Television Programme without a sound. The visual images in the Rachel Maddow’s show made it easier for me to understand since they were accompanied with descriptive sentences in balloons. I found it difficult to understand the ongoing interview that was being conducted since I was not able to get the actual words that were uttered. 11.1.1 Sound bites, slogans and quotes of my favorite product The product is Blueband margarine, “Blue band, and energy to walk and play”, “Why eat dry bread when you have Blueband margarine”. 11.2.1 Phone conversation I had a phone conversation with my girlfriend asking her out on Friday last week. She accepted my date proposal which made me happy. During the conversation, the choice of words and tonal variation worked best to express what I wanted to convey but facial expressions, use of hands to elaborate and the use of sign language never worked since she was not able to see what I was trying to demonstrate due to distance barrier. 11.3.1 Sample agenda for a business meeting After the introductions, the reading of the previous meeting minutes will be done, and then the listing of issues that were unresolved from the previous meeting about the marketing campaign will be pointed out, discussion of the net sales and any other information that will be required before adjournment. 11.4.1 A toast proposal I would like to propose a toast for the best team leader in the world for making this project contract a success, you are one of a kind. 11.5.1 Benefits of a press interview Press interview enables the organization to deliver the information first hand that is sometimes represented in publications. For instance, the political story of Donald Trump as told in the Rachel Maddow’s show serves as an opportunity to hear from the horse’s mouth. The second benefit of press interview is that, they enable the organization to manage a crisis situation by outlining roles, communication coordination and responsibilities within an organization. For instance, during an interview, the roles that are played by each and every individual in the organization are clearly allocated such that everyone knows each other’s role (Judy, 2015). 11.5.2 How to handle relationship with the local market Ethics and ethical issue are some of the things that are held highly in some communities. I will set up the coffee shop in a way that it does not affect the cultural beliefs and values within the community negatively. I will make sure that I do not distort already existing doctrines and religious beliefs in the community by incorporating some of the community members as workers in the organizations coffee shop (Webneel, 2011). 11.5.3 Interviewee in a press interview The interviewee in aprèss interview is always full of confidence as compared to the person who is interviewed. In most cases, the interviewee always maintains an eye contact and always looks prepared in everything he is doing because h or she is well prepared on the topic of discussion. 11.5.4 An example of why an interview went bad The media interview went bad because the person who was being interviewed felt that his words were being taken out of context. Additionally, he started feeling nervous and shaky until he could talk no more. 11.6.1 Effectiveness of a speaker introduction During this year’s annual BET awards, the presenter of the show with his confidence, the crowd always seemed excited whenever he came from backstage. His use of humor and well-articulated words pulled the crowd. Additionally, his relaxed mood accompanied with well composed and relaxed dressing code clearly indicated how confident he was (Coralie, 2015) 11.6.2 Career issues I am twenty five years old currently taking a degree in Arts. I like playing soccer with my friends at the university. I am a servant leader and I purpose to use my skills to help others to achieve their goals. 11.7.1 Award acceptance speech The acceptance speech made by the empire movie series crew during the recently concluded movie award ceremony was awesome. I believe it was effective because Lucious Lion choice of words, tonal variation as he appreciated the fans for making the movie series a success blended well with the rhetoric expectations of the audience (Coralie, 2015). 11.7.2 Ineffective acceptance speech The acceptance speech made by Nicki Minaj was ineffective because her voice was shaky and she seemed unprepared something that is less expected from a person of her status (Coralie, 2015) 11.9.1 A message I passed along recently The message I passed along recently was the use of Viagra to enhance sex stamina, the reason why I passed it was because of the side effects associated with the use of Viagra. 11.9.2 My attention motivator I am always motivated to pay attention when the speaker maintains an eye contact with me while articulating words in a relaxed voice coupled with logical evidences. 12.1.1 indirect approach of delivering a message Indirect approach of delivering a negative message would be appropriate when there is need for strategic delays in passing a message. It is effective at the time where the recipient is not prepared to either deal with or accept the message in a positive way. It is anticipated where there is a likelihood of resistance to the message. 12.1.2 Example of a direct delivering of a message Memo To: The sales team As from 1st August 2015, be informed that your working hours and base pay will be reduced by 20%. This follows the recent drastic decrease of company sales for the past two consecutive quarters. However, this will only take effect for one month. The sales team has a minor number of underperforming members and they are going for a two months training and workshop since the company plans to retain all the members. Thank you for your continued support towards achievement of the company goals and objectives. From: Managing Director 12.2.1 When I received a negative message I received a negative message when I was a part time employee in a bakery near my home. I had consequently been late for work for a period of three days. When my supervisor learnt on my lateness, he confronted me and told me that my pay will be cut by some percentage and my working hours to be extended by one hour daily. Although he was right to punish me, I felt bad for my mistakes. However, I feel it was a moral lesson on taking work seriously and timely. 12.3.1 Crisis communication plan A crisis communication plan consists of the first five parts which are introduction, selection of crisis communication team, positioning and designating spokesperson. Other subsequent parts of a crisis communication plan include formulation of media policies, preparing questions and statements, releasing sample news, collateral materials and selection of critical audiences. Lastly, the plan should also have speakers’ presentation and recommended books and references. The important part which is not covered in the plan is the post crisis element which is the assessment of crisis situation. 12.3.2 Addressing a crisis situation When people don’t know what to do in a crisis situation it leads to poor strategies of handling the crisis. The right procedures to be followed are not well structured due to inadequate knowledge of handling the crisis. The lack of knowledge to address the crisis should be managed well during the introduction part of the crisis communication plan. The challenges underlying the situation are laid down; brainstorming sessions conducted and possible moves are established. 13.1.1 What I am doing pretending to be someone else I am a polite, hardworking, patient, focused person, a good problem solver, keen listener and determined. I can also observe from the physical appearance that I am neat. 13.2.1 Dimensions that contribute to my resume My unique and exemplary resume can be attributed to my hard work, self-discipline and self-esteem. The dimensions of self above have always made me to stick to my principles and strive to achieve my goals. 13.2.2 Describing myself basing on Luft and Ingram dimension of self According to the first quadrant, that is, information known to me and others, I am tall and light in weight. According to the second quadrant, other people say that I normally use the word “particularly” in almost every sentence I speak. From the third quadrant of the figure, I’m shy to talking to ladies but many people do not know. Lastly, from the fourth quadrant, the information that is unknown to me and others is the fact that I don’t know if I will be quick to deal with an emergency issue in it occur despite having a training about emergency issues. 13.3.1 Variation in personal needs My personal needs differ from one situation to the other, when I am in college; my needs shift to educational wants while when I am at home, my needs changes. People variation changes depending on the environment and availability of funds. 13.4.1 Terms that describe personal self The five terms that describe my personal self are outspoken, outgoing, kind, cautious and sincere. 13.4.2 Person I trust The person I trust so much is my longtime friend, Gerrard, whom we grew up with. Our mutual trusting relationship is derived from our childhood experiences and the fact that we schooled together and shared many ideas together. Our trusting relationship is not attributed to any person. 13.4.3 Importance of self-disclosure in business setting Self-disclosure assist in developing inspirations, knowing fears, success, failures and dreams. In a business setting, it will help in boosting morale, quick decision making and problem solving. 13.5.1 Importance of interview It enables the interviewer to know more about the interviewee and for the interviewee to learn how to communicate efficiently. 13.5.2 Employment related resources The employment resources available in my campus include research books and training facilities which students and other people can use them to seek employment and sharpen their skills. 13.6.1 Conflict I recall last year where I came into a conflict with my brother. The conflict was resolved by consulting a third party who happened to have been my mum. He brought us to a common understanding through a dialogue. 13.6.2 Managing conflict The strategies for managing conflict include conflict acceptance, conflict analysis, collaboration and inclusion of a third party. The most effective is where a third party is involved in coming up with a solution to the conflict because each party is given time to present their grievances. 13.6.3 Conflict that gave rise to a new opportunity In the year 2013, there was a conflict between my family and my immediate neighbor. The conflict was due to a playground that we shared with their kids. The aftermath of the conflict was that everybody came to learn that the pitch was very small to be divided. The benefit was that, we enjoyed a mutual understanding, friendship and peaceful coexistence henceforth. 14.1.1 Words to describe my dominant culture and other people culture My college culture: Busy, diverse, deserve commitment, and require hard work and discipline Indian culture: diverse, religious, male dominated, humanity is observed. 14.2.1symbols that characterize my cultural group Christian’s beliefs and culture are characterized by bible, cross and church building. 14.3.2 Offensive symbols to my community Idols in Christian community which I belong are termed as offensive. 14.4.1 Changes in organization report Business report page The ideas behind the implementation of the business proposal will bring positive effects to the surrounding. According to the holy Quran, Allah expects us to conserve the environment so as to be conducive to all living things. The changes made reflect that the author is a Muslim and a different culture. 14.4.2 Translated movie titles The Chinese movie, True legends, had translated movie subtitles to benefit the cultural communities who did not understand the language. 14.5.1 Financial crisis in my family My father was laid off at work some time back and he silently did not tell us nor pay the bills. Later, after a period of three months, we learnt about it and we had to change our lifestyle. The sudden change was to accommodate for the inadequate funds in the family. 14.6.1 Management decisions I would rely on theory Y. The management decisions I would make such as increasing the number of workers will depend on the profitability situation of the company. 14.7.1 Expat networks They are the locally available sources of information about regions in the world that help people to travel and live comfortably around them. Forum like Online Expats community provide local information online about Vienna. 14.7.2 Overseas assignment The hardest part of my overseas assignment will be market identification because of inadequate knowledge about many outside countries and product perception. The easiest part of an oversea assignment would be attending workshops and training. It is because the set destinations will have been well researched and identified. 15.1.1 Groups My primary groups are religious group and family members group. My secondary groups include professional body and friends. They both have a significant effect in my day to day life since all groups are important in maintaining religious beliefs, friendship and understanding. 15.1.2Working alone Yes. There are times when someone feels like doing work alone in a group especially when crisis and misunderstanding arises. 15.2.1 Non-group member Yes. It is possible for a non-member to be included in the storming stage especially when dealing with issues which require experts and experienced individual. 15.2.2 Group member roles Group chairperson performs critical decisions, organize and manage the group. Secretary records minutes of meetings. Treasurer is in charge of financial aspects. I am the vice-chairperson I assume the roles of the chairperson in his absence. Roles that change over time include the vice-chair person’s role when the chairperson misses. All the roles are positive. 15.2.3 Group that I’m not a member any more I’m not a member of the kid’s festival group in my community anymore. I became a member when I was young since it was a group where the young people could get entertainment. I left it because of the age factor. 15.3.1 Problem encountered In my group, we encountered a problem of misusing of funds by engaging in misplaced priorities. The seven-step framework assisted us by using the step number three, i.e., setting priorities. It enabled us to list needs by order of importance. 15.3.2 Decision making We are proposing to increase the funds in our group. The cost-benefit analysis framework was very useful since it is the basis of our investment appraisal and as an assessment tool. 15.5.1 Advantages and disadvantages of working in a group and individual Advantages of working in individual include flexibility, quick decision making and enjoying profits alone. The disadvantages include lack of support while solving problems, a lot of time spent working and work overload. The advantages of working in a group include sharing of ideas, better problem solving strategies and reduced work force. The disadvantages include slackness in decision making and lack of commitment. 15.5.2 Person I would choose for my group For my group team, I would choose a hardworking person, motivated and self-driven person. It is because a person of such attributes can work under minimal supervision. 15.3.3 Leader I admire I admire my football coach. He became a leader of the college football team through selection. He is a person with attributes that I admire most. They include; determination, time consciousness and inspiring. References Bailey, E. (2008).Writing and speaking. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Coralie Burchfield, (2015). BET Awards Full Show. Retrieved from: Hofstede, G. (2009). Geert Hofstede Cultural dimensions.Itim international. Retrieved from: Judy Jernudd,(2015) Preparing for your media interview Read More

As a speaker, I would like my audience to remember exactly everything I spoke including the illustrations because the goal of my speech was basically to make them comprehend fully every piece of knowledge I tried to describe. 8.4.1 How I learn best I learn best when the teacher embeds the evidence as well as data with emotional appeals. By so doing, am able to comprehend the desired message faster. 8.5.1 Example of reciprocity in a television Programme. Reciprocity in a television Programme occurs when it involves itself in some affordable scenarios that make it secure loyalty and achieve sales.

For instance, some of the television programs are involved in charity performances that make their audience remain loyal to them because of their helping hand. 8.5.2Example of Honesty in a television Programme Honesty in a news Programme involves an act of integrity in the commentary or reporting nature of the news Programme. It sometimes involves the actual reporting on the ground in a neutral manner. For instance, Interviewing of different political aspirants irrespective of their race, gender and place of birth is an example of honesty in a television Programme. 2.5.

3 Example of exploitation in Media using words and images Some images can make the subject look attractive, serious, and healthy among others whereas other images may make them look sick, ugly, or silly. By so saying, it means that, the media may use such words to exploit our emotional appeal or rather to influence how individuals think about the topic in the news. 8.6.1 Brief summary of a class I attended a class that was taught by Professor S. Eshiwani about communication and its environments.

The professor used various models and statistics to describe the process of communication. I was able to learn the importance of effective communication in addressing issues in a corporate environment. 8.6.2. Business informative speech effectiveness The speaker embedded the use of statistics, charts and graphs to deliver the information to the audience. One part I would improve on is to try and work on the emotional appeals of my audience by trying to consider issues like gender, occupation, age and beliefs. 8.6.

3 Points to address in a product/service The product is bread. I will address the quality of the bread, contents of the bread, benefits associated with the bread, the available colors of the bread and the bread substitutes on the market. 8.1.1 Motivation behind cultural social issue Circumcision is a cultural belief held in our society. The motivation behind circumcision is that, those who are not circumcised will not be considered real men in future but cowards. 8.1.2 Effect of persuasion on me I was persuaded to throw a stone at my high school mathematics teacher.

It succeeded because I was reminded about the severe punishments he used to give me back in high school. 8.2.1 Real life example of a principle of scarcity Sometime last year, I tried to persuade my roommate to stop leaving the taps running because I thought it will help reduce high cost of water bill. I used the principle of scarcity of water to convince him. It was successful because I managed to connect his emotional appeal with the facts on the ground. 8.2.2 Principle of consensus Principle of consensus works in real life situation, most individuals engage in impulse buying because of jealousy or admiration of other things owned by other people.

In other words, competition makes people easily trapped into impulse buying. I am also a victim of such situations. 8.2.3 Use of reason to make decisions Fully comprehension of the information makes people to determine the type of reason to attach to the message so as to make a decision. In other words, people tend to make decisions based on reason and emotional appeal of the message. 9.3.1 Commercial product persuasion principle The advertisement of the product used logical appeals coupled with the principle of consensus quote” hurry whiles the stock last’.

The sound bite of the advert made me to long for the product because other people were buying it. *9.3.

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