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Learning Log Activities - Report Example

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This paper 'Learning Log Activities' tells that Personal professional development refers to the numerous experiences that an individual has to go through with regards to their education. This report has provided valuable insights into lifelong career development through personal professional development…
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Learning Log Activities
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Learning Log Activities Introduction Personal professional development refers to the numerous experiences that an individual has to go through with regards to their education and individual work in order to continuously improve their skills (Lussier, 2002). Many organizations of the 21st century require employers with the ability to perform their task both individually and in collaboration with others in a group. The increase in trends towards globalization require employees to be equipped with interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, leadership skills and tolerance for culturally diverse colleagues. Employers are continually investing in organizational performance, human relations, employee behavior and business environment to ensure that the strength of the organization stems from its capacity to empower the workforce as it is the most valuable resource towards achievement of the organizational goals. Continuing professional development is used as a tool to ensure that employees continue to be competent in their work. CPD continues as an ongoing process throughout the career span of a professional as it ensures that one is able to keep pace with the changing capabilities, skills and knowledge (Maehal, 2000). Apart from ensuring that a professional stays relevant in the industry, CPD is mostly relevant in global organizations as the deeper understanding of professionalism in an environment of culturally and linguistically diverse workforce requires one to continually get equipped with ways of solving conflict in the workplace, defining team roles for effective accomplishment of responsibilities as well as enhance understanding of people from diverse origins. This reports seeks to accomplish the following aims as depicted in the three learning log activities below: To develop the ability to solve conflicts To develop my Team Role To enhance my understanding of cultural diversity I believe that the achievement of the three aims will equip me with the necessary skills needed to become a professional regardless of the cultural differences in my workplace. Activity 1 - Solving conflicts Aim: The ability to solve conflicts Objectives: Constructive communication Solve problems Background Effective communication between members of a team can result in a positive performance. Correspondingly, organizations that lack teamwork, cooperation and proper communication perform poorly. By definition, teamwork is when individual efforts are brought together in the interests of a common goal (Salas, 2013). Having the correct skills set to solve conflicts between the team members positively impact on the success of the group. In my undergraduate studies here in United Kingdom, I have been a member of several study groups in different subjects. I have encountered many different people nearly from all walks of life. In the many groups that I have been a member of, I have not had any conflicts with any member of the group. For that reason, I consider myself a diplomat, a good team worker and more importantly an eloquent orator with unquestionable communication skills. Nevertheless, I have never imagined that conflict can negatively impact the effectiveness of communication that in turn impinges on the quality of work done. This was not until I experienced in a group where I was a member. Process Our lecturer instructed us to form groups so that we could present a report on ‘Diversity and Conflict Management.’ Most of the groups had an average of 4 to 5 members. In our group, we were four boys and one lady. The lady was acting as the group leader. She split the topic in various sub-topics and assigned each member a certain sub-topic. Shortly thereafter, we were joined by a new member. Sadly, there were arguments between the lady and the new member that arose from misunderstandings on how the tasks were been delegated. I wanted to intervene and resolve the problem between them, but I felt I might make things worse as I had never experienced it before. The rest of my colleagues also did not take any action regarding the issue. Consequently, the girl left our group, and we did not attain a high grade on that assignment. Analysis of Learning First, the feedback of the presentation was fundamentally important as it helped me realize the importance of good communication among team members. Unarguably, the team could have achieved higher grades if only there were no conflicts. I was pleased to work with this group member as they were motivated to complete the assignment. However due to the desire for leadership, conflict occurred. The feedback proves that conflicts have a negative impact on the success of the group. The activity provided a first- hand experience on how conflict can affect the performance of a group. This suggests that members should be able to put aside their differences and understand each other instead of arguing about who will be the leader (Yemm, 2013). Personally, I feel comfortable when I meet new people. Moreover, I always strive to leave a positive impression when working with individuals. This is asserted by colleagues who I worked with. Also, because I do not experience conflicts with other people. Throughout this activity, I have also learnt that managing people who have diverse opinions can be very challenging. This is due to the diversity of backgrounds and personalities (Mullins, 2005). This also suggests that high performance in an organization can be realized if there are cohesion and understanding among the team members. However, it should be noted that agreeing with all points shared by a member and avoiding discussion impacts negatively on the team’s success. The activity also helped me realize that there are some areas that I need to improve so as to handle such situations in future better. The experience that I gained will help me react to conflicts a more skilful and better way. In the next group, I will work with I will ensure that all members equally participate and share opinions. Future Development From the scenario, it can be determined that I should admit and learn from my past mistakes, also making people within the team to do the same. This does not only improve the much-needed skills for better teamwork, but also effects positively on the performance of the group. Secondly, in future groups I will try to engage the entire group members to share opinion if arguments started to happen, by open discussion through face to face. Being able to create good atmosphere around and cope effectively with the rest of the members will increase my confidence, will help me confront people and hence offer my best. Activity 2 – Belbin Team Role Aim – To develop my Team Role Objectives To recognise my strength and overcome my weaknesses of my role in Belbin theory To identify the personal skills needed in order to maintain good relationships with other team members in respect to the Belbin Team Role theory. Background Teamwork and collaboration at work life are an everyday occurrence (Pozinf, 2014). There is an emphasis on collaboration and teamwork in the student group work assignments. Over the past, I have been a member many of groups in different class assignments such as projects and presentations. However, I wasn’t paying attention to the diverse team role that each individual have as I have never thought that identifying self-characteristics through online tests will actually give useful and guidance of self-perception and weather the strength and weaknesses that those tests are actually reflect to my personality, until I attended the class on personal and professional development. The course gave me an insightful knowledge of how to identify my strengths and weakness while improving myself. In point of fact, identifying one’s weaknesses and overcoming them influence positively on individuals’ professional development (Leslie, 2002). Process Belbin Team Role theory, published in year 1993, is used to reflect the ineffective way the roles of individual team members (Belbin, 2004). In a bid to understand the model, we were asked to form group according to our team roles. Each group formed was tasked with the responsibility of filling a questionnaire. Notably, the questionnaire was behavioral based. The questionnaire form was named as self-perception Inventory form. Basically, the questionnaire consisted of eight segments with ten questions each. On each section of the self-perception Inventory form, students were to give their responses on how they apply to them. The total points awarded for each section of the questionnaire was ten points. The assessment was done on the grounds of who we were at that present moment and not what we anticipated to be. Thereafter, the SPI responses were analyzed, and the outcome results released to the students in a report form. Analysis of Learning The results of the reports reflected that I am a “Team worker” who profoundly contributes to the success of the team. Moreover, the results indicated that I am a keen listener and one who avoids conflicts with other team members. Also, results of the reports showed that I am adept at diplomatic skills that are very helpful in solving conflicts that arise between the team members. This reflection further affirmed that I have superb communication skills. On the other hand, the outcomes of the reports also highlighted some of my weaknesses. First, I am indecisive especially in some circumstances. This particularly arises when I avoid confrontation with people with certain cases. Personally, I have showed this sort of reflection like when I faced an issue with the last group when we had PPD class presentation. This suggests that I will have to improve in this area. Further, Belbin results indicated that I have the personality of “implementer” that turn ideas into real actions. This suggests that my team members can rely on me if there are tasks that need to be implemented efficiently. However, even though I can take on many responsibilities, one of my great flipside is that I am slow in acting on new responses. This is because I take a lot of time to complete one task before moving to the other one. Especially when writing a report, either individually or as a group. Due to the fact the reports requires thorough reading, planning and analyzes, which is different to presentations since I do not experience much pressure or nervousness. The activity has helped me learn that it is critical to understand your strengths since it helps to build a stronger character. Also, the activity was helpful as it helped me recognize my weakness and how to counter them as I felt the results were describing my personality. In addition, the groups formed according to individual team role, provided an opportunity to interact with other individuals and share ideas on how to overcome challenges. Thus, I can say that the Belbin Team Role theory results proved that my personality that I am a team worker. Future development The Belbin Team Role activity helped me realize that I have a lot of potentials that are worth being explored. Ultimately, it can be deduced that in order to improve development as a team worker I need to overcome issues that are delaying me from developing. One tool that is I will try taking into account the things I find my-self least suited, in so doing, I will gain in-depth knowledge and consequently my performance will improve. Secondly, I will use Belbin theory to identify my team member’ team role that will help setting the task for the right member. Furthermore, I will try to improve my “time management” through scheduling my tasks and setting deadlines in order to give fair timings for the each assignment I have which will also help me in my future career. Activity 3 Aim – Understand cultural diversity Objectives To understand the different characteristics of each individual based on their culture To understand the significance of cultural diversity in the workplace Background Cultural diversity in an organisation refers to representation of different people from varied religious backgrounds, gender and races. The concept of cultural diversity in the workplace is all-encompassing and recognizes that every persons is an asset that brings something useful and different to the table (Browaeys & Price, 2011). Cultural understanding is important to effective performance of companies at work place as it prevents conflict and disagreement while fostering a variety of perspectives which evoke alternative solution in a workplace. Understanding employees’ cultural background helps in tapping on their strengths with a view of heightening the productivity of the organisation (Browaeys & Price, 2011). I have been working with culturally diverse persons and I have realised that there are a lot of differences, some differences may be positive while others may not. I realised that the more I work with culturally diverse people, the more I will learn how to deal and interact with people in my future studies and the workplace. Process We were asked to form two groups: “Richland” and “Randomia”. Each group would then form one nation. A large Richland toy and game corporation recently bought a small Randomian Balloon Company, Randomian group are the workers and Richalnd are the managers. I was in the Randomian group and we were told that we are not allowed to look straight into the managers’ eyes. The managers were supposed to receive feedback from their subordinates. Consequently, the managers were not impressed with the meeting as they couldn’t communicate effectively with the workers due to lack of eye contact. On the other hand, the workers were showing respect by not looking into the eyes of their managers according to their culture. As a result, the meeting was successful and the managers couldn’t get effective feedback. Analysis of Learning This activity sought to explore one of the important elements in developing effective communication when interacting with people, which is cultural understanding. This finding is consistent with the tutor’s highlight that culture can act as a barrier to effective communication as it inhibits people’s understanding of the beliefs and principles of others (French, 2010). I have previously worked with people from different nationalities. Since I am from Pakistan, I consider the UK culture to be very different compared to my home country. When I first came here to the UK, I was not familiar to the environment and the way of living and interacting with the people. Throughout the 4 years of studying undergraduate in Glasgow University, I had to interact with both local and international people, and I started to understand the culture and the way people communicate. However, I found it easy to socialise in my environment as I have a warm and networking personality that makes me comfortable when meeting and interacting with new people. I am flexible and open minded and I like having conversations with the group members I worked with while in the University. Interestingly, I had many deep discussions with my colleagues about the differences between theirs and my culture. I think that it was an advantage for me to come here and experience my student life as it is very useful to have a good cultural understanding which will benefit me later in the workplace. I am keen to work abroad after I complete my degree of “supply chain management” as my future meetings will be with people from different nationalities. Moreover, when the lecture was over I opened “The Hofsted Centre Page” (itim international, n.d.) and was interested to look at the “cultural preference” and “the compare countries” and selected my country and compared it with my friend’s home country. Future development In order to develop myself in terms of communicating and working with people from different cultures, I seek to be more knowledgeable of the theories that explain the models of culture and its traditions such as “Hofsted” theory. I will use his theory in future when I work internationally with culturally diverse individuals especially in meetings with partners, employees and managers. I will endeavor to be more knowledgeable of the culture of my host country and the people in the company I will work with. As a result, this will develop my skills and knowledge. The application of this theory is very resourceful in the workplace as it accounts for the difference within power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, and indulgence (McSweeney, 2002). CPD Plan What is my learning objective? What will I do to achieve this? What will my success criteria be? Target date for review or completion Which skill are you trying to develop? Detail the activities or experiences that you will undertake to allow you to develop this skill. Be as specific as possible. What is your target i.e. how will you know that you have improved? How will you measure your development? Specify a timescale for each activity Solve conflict & Constructive communication To enhance my ability to communicate more effective and avoid conflict within the team I will: Seek to know my team members by open discussion by sharing thoughts before starting discussing about the work. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of every individual by recognising their learning style and networking in order to ensure assignment the most suitable task for effective accomplishment. Understand the different cultural background that each individual has within the class and the members of my group. Engage everyone in the group to speak their opinion and hear mine. I will be able to share my suggestions and opinion with the others. I will be confident that all the team members are happy with the decisions as well as me. The performance of my group will improve. I will generate more feedback from my friends on how to improve myself and the work am doing since they will feel comfortable sharing with me. Less conflict and misunderstanding among team members. 3 months Development of my Team Role To enhance my “Teamwork” Role I will: Improve my skills of group work. In my spare time when I’m out of lecturers, I will try to attend workshops that provide skills and knowledge on how to become effective leadership within the group. Try to work with people from diverse cultural background Endeavour to manage my time and set deadlines for each assignment I have so that I don’t spend much time focusing on one task and neglect the others. Strive to confront the members I am working with if they do something wrong by kindly explaining to them what should have been done instead. Appreciate my tutor’s feedback regarding my performance within the team and utilize it to improve myself and the group members. I will be more knowledgeable and my skills to handle tasks that I am least suited in will improve. This will make me qualified to handle any difficulty that I may be faced with within my current group or my future career. Developing my “Team work” Role will make me more visible within the workplace as well as in easing the interaction among the people I communicate with. I will become more organized and accurate regarding the tasks I need to complete, that will enable me to give fairly equal time to the tasks that need to be accomplished within the same time. 9 months Understand the cultural diversity To enhance my understanding of cultural diversity I will: Understand the different characteristics that each group member have that is inherent to their culture. Open conversations with people who don’t share my culture. Try to work with people who don’t share my culture. Respect everyone and their cultural background. I will have the ability to work with different people who don’t share similar cultural background and beliefs smoothly. 1 year Conclusion This report has provided valuable insights into lifelong career development through personal professional development and continuing professional development. The report takes the form of three learning log activities that attempt to improve my ability to solve conflicts, develop my Team Role and enhance my understanding of cultural diversity. To achieve the aim of solving conflicts, my objectives were to enhance constructive communication as well as development of the ability to solve problems. Having the correct skills set to solve conflicts between the team members was important as conflicts can negatively impact the effectiveness of communication that in turn impinges on the quality of work done. The activity took the form of a group of four boys and one lady and there was an occurrence of an argument which prompted the girl to leave the group due to poor conflict resolution skills in the group members. This activity taught me the importance of effective communication as the prerequisite for conflict resolution. Effective communication ensures that peace reigns even in a group where members are highly opinionated. The activity log to develop my team role utilised Belbin Team Role theory which helped me to recognise my weaknesses and my strengths with a view of improving me weaknesses and strengthening my strengths even more. The activity revealed that I’m “Team worker” who profoundly contributes to the success of the team, I am a keen listener who avoids conflicts with other team members and I possess diplomatic skills that are very helpful in solving conflicts that arise between the team members. The final activity was based on understanding cultural diversity. The results of the activity revealed that I have effective communication skills and networking skills that enhance my ability to work in a culturally diverse workplace. I believe that this report has shown me that I have the necessary skills and competence to work effectively in any organisation in the future in a global company. References Browaeys M.-J. & Price R. (2011) 2nd edition, ‘Dimensions of culture in business’ in Understanding Cross-cultural Management (2nd edition), London: Prentice Hall/ Financial Times. Pp23-45 French R. (2010) (2nd edition), ‘Models of culture: traditional approaches’ in Cross-cultural Management in Work Organisations, London: CIPD, pp47-75. Lussier, Robert. (2002). Human relations in organizations: Applications and skill building. McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston. Maehal, William. (2000). Lifelong learning at its best. Joseey-Bass Inc. Publishers, San Francisco. McSweeney, B. (2002) ‘Hofstede’s model of cultural differences and their consequences: A triumph of faith – a failure of analysis, ‘Human Relations, Vol. 55 (1), pp. 89-118. Read More
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