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Non-verbal Communication - Essay Example

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The paper "Non-verbal Communication" discusses that generally, the creators of this video clip have used non-verbal communication very effectively. Moreover, the clip demonstrated the importance of seatbelts to the safety of a person in a motor vehicle. …
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Non-verbal Communication
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Nonverbal communication is a form of communication without the use of spoken language. It includes gestures, facial expressions, and body positions, as well as unspoken presuppositions, cultural and environmental factors that may affect any encounter between people. The video clip shows a man and two ladies making an advertisement using non-verbal communication. The following non-verbal communication techniques were employed: facial expressions, gestures, and body positions.

The facial expressions have been used effectively to indicate excitement (0:06-0:21), followed by shock (0:26-0:29) and then fright (0:30-0:49), and finally relief (1:11-1:21). Gestures have been used effectively as well; the movement of the fingers to indicate the turning on of a vehicles ignition key at 0:03, the movements of the feet to indicate engagement of the gear pedals (0:04), hand movements to indicate the turning of the steering wheels (0:12), the circling of the hands by the two ladies to demonstrate the position and use of seatbelts (0:44), the bending and splashing away of the contents on the stool to show the effect of inertia (0:56).

Body positions have been used as well but not as effectively as possible. The ladies sitting position (0:08) indicate relaxation, and towards the end, it indicates the urgency of the moment (1:08), their position indicates relaxation (1:16). Thus, non-verbal communication was effectively used in the advertisement. The choice of non-verbal communication by the creators instead of using words captures the attention of the viewer’s better since they are keen to get the message, and this ensures the message is communicated effectively.

The message in the ad is that a man driving a car is involved in an accident and ends up not being hurt because the seatbelts keep him safe. Had the creators decided to use verbal communication the advertisement wouldn’t have been as effective as it has been since non-verbal communication captures the attention of the viewer to the end by raising interest and curiosity in the viewer as opposed to verbal communication.

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