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Non Verbal Communication The manner in which something is expressed is likely to carry more weight than when it is said in words themselves. Those sending nonverbal messages may understand them better and learn to put more consciousness regarding their manner of speech. Those receiving then nonverbal message may learn to understand better own intuitive responses and sometimes might be opposite to the reasonable thought.Nonverbal Behaviors that I am Most Sensitive toPersonal touch refers to the level with which people feel at ease with when approaching others or when they are being approached.
People from certain countries feel comfortable when standing closer to each others, for instance people from the Middle East. However others feel comfortable Eye contact alters the meaning of other nonverbal actions. For instance people tend to adjust their sense of personal space by limiting their eye contact according to Huber, Spatz and Balduzzivv (36). Eye contact is a very sensitive aspect of nonverbal behavior.Posture which is the way an individual position themselves is very sensitive as it communicates various messages.
For instance kneeling, stiff and cringing, each of these communicate different messages.Nonverbal Behaviors Are That Am Less Sensitive ToLocomotion is the way of physical movement in a given space also implies various meanings and also affects the feeling of those doing the movement. However this is less sensitive as people may make same movement but have different meaning for the movement. On the other hand, pacing this refers to the manner in which an action is carried out, for instance; walk, run, skip or climb.
People may act in a similar way but imply different meanings in their action as suggested by Huber, Spatz and Balduzzivv (36). For instance one may run to lose weight while another may run due to urgency.Importance of Express Yourself Nonverbally The ability t express yourself nonverbally s very important for ever one whether we can talk or not. How you express yourself nonverbally and read other people’s nonverbal expressions is very important. Your body appearance at the time of communication is exchanged s depended on the intonation in which the message is conveyed.
Nonverbal communication is one of the important aspects in as far as conveying confidence and sure assurance when meeting with other people as suggested by Blatner (1). Nonverbal communication usually complements the verbal communication although sometimes it may contradict. Using nonverbal communication may act as a substitute to verbal communication. The ability to use nonverbal cues also helps in accenting verbal communication as verbal tones show the real meaning of particular words. One’s ability to express themselves in nonverbal language gives them the ability to regulate interactions hence enable a clear flow of information.
Frown and the Net Frowns with You, But Smile and You Smile AloneThis is according to a research which assessed the impacts of smileys and frownies as they are referred to here. While smileys may lack impact on how the message is interpreted, frownies are likely to reduce the positivity of positive messages. This research compared smiley emoticons with no emoticons instead of comparing with frown emoticons. The study also puts into consideration the account of personality variables.Works citedHuber, Helen.
Spatz, Audree . & Balduzzivv, Suzann. Homemaker Home Health Aide. Auckland: Cengage Learning, 2004. Print.Blatner, Adam. About Nonverbal Communications. 2009. Viewed 2 February, 2011
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