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According to Gee (2003), games and simulations serve as tools for learning outside and within academia. By using games and simulations, students can nurture their project assignments to issues and topics related to their courses. In addition, most learners and trainers are able to comprehend how games and simulations are viewed by different people; hence, they will have the ability to attain a huge impact of game use in the real world.
Roleplay and simulations are types of experimental teaching (Russell &Shepherd, 2010). Different roles are assumed by different learners to depict certain personalities or characters. Second life is considered to be the internet by many. Avatars are allowed to construct structures to represent real life. The unique feature about second life simulations for realistic role-plays is that viewers can listen to live concerts or watch a live stage performance. This enables learners to explore different characters represented by different roles, hence, creates an all-around and active student learning process. Second life ensures students participate entirely in self and ‘other’ assessment to achieve a manageable formative response.
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