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Applying Organizational Theory with Communications - Essay Example

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The morale of team members is low and immediate solution is required to boost up the pace. Elizabeth Hansen wants that group should review two books. One of them is Red Warning. It is a science fiction novel. This is the…
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Applying Organizational Theory with Communications
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Group Think The company is in crisis and facing financial loses. The morale of team members is low and immediate solution is required to boost up thepace. Elizabeth Hansen wants that group should review two books. One of them is Red Warning. It is a science fiction novel. This is the second time when company is in financial crises. First time it was nine year earlier, when the company faced difficult times. Elizabeth came up with the solution of marketing Red Warning. Marketing can be done on media, in colleges and opera is also used for this purpose.

The estimated profit seems to be a big amount. The marketing will be difficult; she thinks internet can be used for this purpose. Randy Miles, a board member, totally disagrees with this solution. He suggests cutbacks; even that is not a good practice. Since so much hiring have been done in few years, there was a long debate between two of them. Voting was done and members preferred Elizabeth decision. The theory of group think is a key point to resolve many conflicts. There are many alternate decisions but businesses need a perfect one which is preferred by everyone.

The preference can be given with the help of voting. After choosing the selected path to follow the issues still reside. Everyone does not agree with the single decision to same degree. Different suggestions can create conflicting situation. Risk factor is also important which is associated with every decision. Such situation must be handled with care and proper justification. Everyone who is representing an idea must give satisfactory justification and possible solution as well as providing a strategy that how to implement such solution.

List of resources required and the budget requirement must be realistic. Unity and agreement to go ahead with a particular decision must be the first priority. Now consider the given scenario. Like in the case of Elizabeth and Randy Miles; when Randy Miles came to know that his suggestion is no longer accepted, he leaves the room. This is first stage of conflict. The solution of this is to give proper justification and to unite everyone on single decision. Tina’s point of view is also right that there is lack of financial expertise, and more people are required.

Only two people are making decision for this company. The lack of financial expertise is reflected in the lack of expert human resource. The mind of decision maker must be fresh otherwise frustration can lead it up to wrong decision. The meeting was continued for five hours. Another meeting must be conducted to give the final decision.The minority group think is the suggestion made by Randy Miles. Even Randy Miles is right in his place but still the other people are siding with Elizabeth Hansen.

Since I am on the side of minority, so I must convince Randy Miles to agree for the meeting where we can make final decision. Call up a small meeting with the people who are in minority group, make a proper presentation with strong justification. Study the previous records of company, note down all the factors of crises. Make suggestions for improving company standard and make future plan to solve the issue at hand. The only key in this case would be justification of the idea we want to be accepted.

Everyone will weigh it on the basis of benefits against costs. Justification should also be provided on the same line. The next step is to present the ideas and hope for the best, conduct voting once again, still if suggested decision is not accepted by majority, I will go with them. Since is good to remain united in the time of crises. The division among company can put the company in future crises situation. References:West, Richard and Lynn Turner. Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application.

4th Edition. New Jersey: McGraw-Hill Humanities/ Social Sciences/ Languages. 2009. Print.

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