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The impact of new technology on family and work - Research Paper Example

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This paper highlights that technology has had both positive and negative impacts on family and work. Although technology has greatly reduced and saved human effort as well as time spent in doing daily activities, it has greatly affected human life a negative way as well…
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The impact of new technology on family and work
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The impact of new technology on family and work Technology forms a crucial part of our life since it constitutes the fuelthat propels our lives. It is an integral part of human life because it benefits the society by promoting comfort both at work and in families (Freeland 1). Moreover, technology has greatly reduced and saved human effort as well as time spent in doing daily activities. In US, 88% of the American adult population posses a cell phone, 58% own a desktop, 61% posses a laptop, 18% own a tablet computer while 18% posses an e - book reader (Brenner 1). Therefore, technology has improved human life and increased standard of living. This, to some extent has reduced misery and stresses of life. However, since all things on earth have both advantages and disadvantages, technology has greatly affected human life a negative way (Freeland 3). It has been both a miracle and a burden all together. Some of the problems that human beings face are due to the inventions of technology. Human beings face these problems both at work and in the family set up and this contributes to misery. Thus, technology has had both positive and negative impacts on family and work. Positive impacts of technology on family and work Increased connectivity and accessibility In the current world, several technologies are not only wants but also form a necessity of life. Computer technologies have been widely accepted and used in the entire world. Man uses computer technological functions such as SNS, online face – face communications in video chatting, mailing among others. The use of computers and smart phones for internet surfing has eased information accessibility since workers and family members can browse on anything they want from the internet (Goyder 21). Such information might be vital for workers performance and for the well-being of family members. Moreover, since most workers and family members join social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook Skype among others, they use computers and smart phones to access such services. The social networking services provide opportunities for people to access information, share, and offer their opinions concerning a given issue that might affect their lives (Hjorth 50). Due to such opportunities, both workers and family members have increased connectivity with fellow workers and other members of family. This is because the social networking sites connect friends, colleagues at work and other family members thus, enabling communication and information sharing. Moreover, both internet surfing and social networking sites help workers and family members by making them updated with current events, thereby getting information at the right time (Hjorth 55). This ensures that they can use such information to plan on activities, which can improve their living standards. For instance, workers can access job vacancies from the internet while students can access information pertaining to disciplines or subjects they want to pursue or they currently undertake. Consequently, the introduction of TVs and the internet has increased accessibility of workers and family members to information. People can watch movies through You Tube, watch news on their televisions, as well as read news posted online from media houses (Lytras & Isabel 112). Moreover, people are exposed to happenings and thus, remain ever informed. This leads to improved living standards and ensures their well-being. Ease of data management as well retrieval The invention and use of computer both at work has greatly improved data storage, organization, management, and retrieval (Winston & Ralph 15). This is because computers have the capacity to process large amounts of data within a short time. Moreover, it can retrieve the same data whenever required, and in the most convenient way possible. This enhances efficiency as well as productivity since little time is used in doing a given activity. Increased innovation and invention The introduction of computers has greatly increased innovation and invention. Since workers and family members use the technology in daily operations, they get used to the machine, thereby knowing more about it. This increases chances and curiosity, and might lead to invention or innovation of certain softwares that might improve computer performance. For instance, the introduction of computers led to the invention of softwares used concurrently with the computer to improve life (Goyder 33). Moreover, the invention of internet has increased family and employee connectivity since people can communicate frequently and share ideas and opinions. Therefore, introduction of computers has increased innovation and invention at work and at home thereby, making people become curious in knowing more about a particular software or gadget. This might make them develop an urge to improve on it. Automation of processes hence enhanced effectiveness and efficiency The introduction of technology has led to automation of crucial process both in households and in industries. Most industries, firms, as well as homes have adopted electronic gadgets, which reduce the amount of labor required to perform an activity as well as rescuing man from the boredom of daily errands (Lytras & Isabel 117). For instance, washing machines in most homes and packing machines in industries reduce the number of people, resources, time, and energy needed to perform the tasks. Moreover, introduction of robots, which can learn as well as adopt and later perform specific tasks with an almost human efficiency, has made life more bearable and comfortable (Lytras & Isabel 122). Consequently, since the introduction of computers and the internet, most businesses have adopted and implemented the technology in their work places. Currently, most businesses transact their activities online. Both purchase and sale of goods and services is easy due to the adoption of technology. Online business transactions prove effective and efficient since there are few technicalities and protocols set out and which are to be followed (Hjorth 59). Moreover, little time, energy and resources are invested in improving and monitoring work progress, assess the progress, and report any malfunction. In addition, since most businesses transact their sales online, they use little resources on employing and maintaining workers (Hjorth 61). This lowers operational costs and increases profits while increasing chances of success. Enhanced communication Introduction of cellular communication machines like smart phones and other technological gadgets such as computers, scanners, printers among others have enhanced communication levels at work places and in families. Workers can chat with colleagues without necessarily seeing or visiting them (Goyder 25). This is possible due to presence of telephones, computers, smart phones that workers can use to reach and communicate with fellow work mates, the executive or even friends, and family members. Consequently, the adoption of technology by family has enhanced communication levels. Currently, mothers chat frequently with their children back at home while they are at work. Couples also communicate frequently thereby reducing misunderstanding while building trust in relationships (Goyder 37). Conversely, children also communicate with parents in case of emergencies. This contributes to a stable relationship as well as establishment of happy families due to minimal or lack of misunderstanding and mistrust. Enhanced modes of transport Introduction and advancement in technology has greatly changed the automobile industry. Modes of transport have evolved from traditional to modern forms. For instance, in the olden days, people used for transport but in the contemporary world, technology has seen evolution from animal transport to mechanical scooters and then later to automated aircraft (Goyder 41). Modes of transport on land, water, and air transport have greatly improved due to advancement in technology. Due to these inventions and advancements, workers now go to work and get back home in an easy and comfortable manner. Furthermore, introduction of technology has led to increased purchase of goods and raw materials required by industries for production. For instance, most industries now transport their products more easily and efficiently to the market thereby creating time utility (Lytras & Isabel 130). This leads to increased production and hence increased profits. Moreover, family members can now travel and visit places of their choices without stress. For instance, when a family wants to go for a holiday in a faraway place, they just book a train or plane and arrive there in time to enjoy. Therefore, technology has greatly improved the living standards of man both at work and in family set up by reducing stress and promoting efficiency and effectiveness. Reduced risk At work destinations, there occur some duties and roles that man risks his life while performing. However, due to presence of machines arising from technological inventions, some of the processes have been automated. Moreover, the machines perform jobs that man cannot practically perform due to their risky nature, inability of man to perform or because such jobs seem life threatening and thus, no need to risk (Hjorth 57). For instance, man has used robots at mining sites in order to perform dangerous actions such as going deep into the earth’s crust to collect samples or to take photographs. Consequently, man uses robots to collect information about the universe in the space. Since some of these activities seem life threatening, the invention and use of these technological gadgets proves crucial in work places. They minimize time and energy used as well as reducing the need for man to risk his life when conducting such roles. Increased productivity The introduction and adoption of technology has greatly influenced productivity in a positive manner. Due to the automation of processes in the industries, production per worker has immensely increased. A worker can now control a machine that produces ten times more than ten workers can produce within the stipulated time. Consequently, the adoption of computers in places of work has greatly increased on performance since machines produce a lot of work within a short time and to the expected standard (Hjorth 59). Programmed computers nowadays control machines thereby increasing production since they are not vulnerable to break down when they are properly maintained and serviced. Consequently, most supermarkets and companies have adopted use of computers in sales. This reduces time wastage in case they use manual receipt in sale of goods and services. Moreover, at household level, the use of technology has increased productivity when performing daily chores (Goyder 49). For instance, the laundry machine has greatly reduced time consumed during washing while at the same time cleaning many clothes within a short period. These roles performed by technological gadgets have greatly improved the living standards of man thereby contributing to a comfortable life. Negative impacts of technology on family and work Technology blurs boundary The presence of computers in most families has immensely reduced face- face contact among family members. Most members of the family spend much of their time on internet surfing through computers and smart phones. Family members also search for important information and knowledge from the internet (Goyder 51). Internet also assists students with their assignments since they can search for required information from the internet. Consequently, most members of the family use computers and smart phones for social networking services like Skype, Twitter, and Facebook among others to chat and share ideas, opinions and feelings (Goyder 51). In addition, due to the invention of social networking services, most workers nowadays spend substantial part of work time in social networks, whereby they chat and share ideas, news and information. According to recent statistics, many people have joined these social networking services in order to meet friends and communicate their minds (Goyder 53). Since workers and family members spend much of their time on computers, they affect both job and family relationships negatively. For instance, increased time spent by workers on social networks reduces time for work. This lowers productivity as well as customer concentrations. Consequently, it reduces chances of a company becoming successful since workers spend much of their time and energy on social networks at the expense of work (Winston & Ralph 29). Among families, computers and smart phones keep members apart when they are together since most people concentrate on their computers for internet surfing as well as chatting and sharing ideas on social networks. Increased unemployment and retrenchment levels Since most businesses strive for success and increased profits, they seek ways of attaining that status. Therefore, actions and activities ensuring reduced operational costs gain more attention. Thus, adoption of computers and internet at work places reduces operational costs. In that case, most business organizations will employ few workers to oversee daily operations (Winston & Ralph 32). This is because computers and internet reduces workload by performing multi tasks within a short period. The adoption and use of technology will therefore lead to loss of jobs in the retail sector. It is estimated that in the next two decades, forty million jobs will be lost due to the invention of new technology. The situation will lead to misery, as many families will have lost their sources of income and livelihood. Addiction The introduction of technology at home and work place has contributed to addiction. Majority of workers nowadays are used to working with machines such as computers, smart phones and therefore, in case there is a breakdown of the machine, they cannot perform as expected. This is because they get demoralized (Freeland, 1). Moreover, most workers and family members have become addicted to social networking services such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn among others. Therefore, in case they cannot access the sites, they do not perform or behave as expected. This is because they feel loosing or miss a lot (Freeland, 1). Thus, technology has made both workers and family members to become so addicted, and this to a certain extent has reduced their performance and reasoning level. Increased levels of disruption Technological invention has resulted into high prevalence of disruption at work and in family set up. Nowadays, social network sites are a nuisance to many people. For instance, when a person is busy at work or home, some friends initiate chat through Facebook and Twitter, and thereby disrupting them while they are busy (Hjorth 65). Most kids watch movies through You Tube by using their parents’ laptops or computer. Therefore, in case a parent wants to use the computer, he or she will have to request or wait. This might cause discomfort and inconveniences between the parent and a child. Moreover, the use of new technology has led to the emergence of destructive programs and viruses, which disrupt the normal functioning of machines such as computers (Hjorth 69). Promotion of laziness The invention of machines into work places and families has contributed to laziness among workers and family members. The introduction of laundry and other cleaning machines has encouraged laziness in people since they over depend on the machines (Goyder 31). For instance, most people now depend on calculators to perform even simple arithmetic. Majority of people do not want to expose their brain in jogging mode. Consequently, most people now depend on machines to perform household chores. However, some of the chores are simple and can be done manually. Doing such works manually can exercise the human body, and thereby improve the health of an individual. Increased levels of stress The adoption and use of technology has enhanced stress levels among workers and family members. Technological inventions such as Facebook, Twitter as well as the internet have led to emergence of stress among people (Goyder 47). For instance, constant chatting with a friend might lead to boredom and thereby contribute to stress. Moreover, someone can read some disturbing information from the internet, which might stress him. For example, one can get abused through Facebook or Twitter and thus, become irritated and result into stress (Goyder 48). Additionally, some machines used at work places make certain disturbing noise, which might cause stress to workers. This affects the life and well-being of a person. Emergence of new demands and increased expenses Technological inventions such as computers, printers, industrial machines, as well as household machines need constant servicing in order to function properly. This results into new demands, which might prove rather expensive (Freeland 2). For instance, servicing a machine constantly might be expensive when the machine does not perform as expected and produce good results when compared to the cost of the investment. Consequently, the use of cellular phones has led to purchase of airtime credit (Freeland 2). This has contributed to the emergence of new demands and costs which has negatively affected human life. However, despite the negative impacts that technology has on both work and family, the positive impacts out number them. This clearly shows that technology is very important both at work and in family set up since it eases life by performing tasks, which might otherwise prove difficult. Computers, cellular phones, automated machines among others have made life simpler and cheaper, thereby increasing standard of living, and well-being. Therefore, both family and work places need to continue using the new technologies in order to improve life and reduce life stresses. Works Cited Brenner, Joanna. “Pew Internet: Mobile”. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Web, September 20, 2012. Retrieved May 4, 2013 from Freeland, Chrystia. “Technology, Both Miracle and Burden”. Way of the World. The New York Times, Web, September 20, 2012. Retrieved May 4, 2013 from Goyder, John. Technology and Society: A Canadian Perspective. Peterborough, Ont: Broadview Press, 2005. Hjorth, Linda S. Technology and Society: Issues for the 21st Century and Beyond. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall, 2007. Print. Lytras, Miltiadis D, and Isabel N. Corti. Trends and Effects of Technology Advancement in the Knowledge Society. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2012. Print. Winston, Morton E, and Ralph Edelbach. Society, Ethics, and Technology. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Print. Read More
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