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Reflection on IT Professionals and Society - Report Example

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The report "Reflection on IT Professionals and Society" focuses on the critical analysis of the author's reflection on his/her study of IT Professionals. In the growth of the current world of business and enterprise, there is a growing need for dependence on information systems (Aldama 2008)…
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Reflection Essay Table of Contents Reflective Report on IT Professionals and Society 2 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Reflection on Lectures and Tutorials 4 2.1 Reflection on the readings and External References 7 3.0 Impact on Future Life 8 3.1 Social Impact and Responsibility to Cyber Crimes 9 3.2 Legal and Moral Responsibility of IT professional 9 3.3 Codes of Ethics and Conducts of IT Profession's 9 4.0 Conclusion 10 5.0 Bibliography 11 Table of Figures Figure 1-Assigned scope on IT professionals and Society…………………………………4 Reflective Report on IT Professionals and Society 1.0 Introduction In the growth of the current world of business and enterprise, there is a growing need for dependence on information systems [Ald08]. There is a fervent urge for organizations to integrate the use of IT in the operation of the businesses. It is very rare for one to get an organization that does not information system to do prediction of sales or incomes to be made in the various fields. In this regard, in the world of computation, most of the organizations are aping modernity and thus are involved in endeavors that will improve their business as explained by [Ale08]. Most of the notable fields that have traditionally existed such as field of surgery, law and engineering have at some point failed to impress because of various reasons. According to [Ale08], investigations have shown that, while the shapes of the field are advancing to ape the modern day technologies, ethical perspectives are not put into considerations. Within this paper, I am going to draw attention to the lessons I have achieved in the study. I will try to express some of the concerns I have attained as a student the lectures and tutorials. Apart from the lectures and the tutorials and there was a presentation by the students, and, therefore, I will also consider their relevance in the discussion board. Lastly, to ensure that the study is relevant for my individual growth as a student, I will show how the subject will affect my future career. It is as shown below; Figure 1-Assigned scope on IT professionals and Society 2.0 Reflection on Lectures and Tutorials The lecture began by introducing us to important facts about the ICT profession. I was introduced to the fact that the industry has been able to show a growth of 34 % for the last six years. I was informed of the fact that this was attributed to the fact that for every six people in 1, someone in Australia is working in the knowledge industry. The basicity of introducing me to the topic is to make understand that the problem is now about the market. ICT profession has grown in performance and has allowed enough people to be employed in the field. To ensure that I understood the essence of the study, the lecturer was able to break down the term profession, professionalism and integration into ICT.I was introduced to the meaning of the profession wh9ihc is a specialized body of knowledge which has an exclusive focus on the public interest. As a core reason for the studies, I was introduced to the Australia Computer Society (ACS) code of ethics which I was able to learn some issues. Before mentioning the points that have greater weight in the field, I learnt that code of ethics is about; the primacy of the public interest, professionalism, professional development, the enhancement of quality of life, competence and honesty[Fre].These ethical editions are possible to be performed if the actors are supposed to be responsible. Following the responsibility factor, the suggestion is for people to keep information that belongs to them and never reveal them. The ethical aspect of this is to prevent cyber mistakes that come us as a result of people losing information to the unwarranted persons. The lecture passed on the need to avoid personal information for the reasons of security and preventing cyber crimes as discussed by [Hub88]. To know the relevance of making an ethical decision, the lecture distinguished the different decisions that could be regarded as ethical. Out of this study, I was able to know the following. To know if the decision is ethical, there is a need to ask oneself three important questions; do the decision fall within the standards, norms, and values that are acceptable. Am I will have the decision be put in the public domain? Will the people be so affectionate to me like the family, friends and managers approve of my choice? It was certain from the lecture that if I was able to answer all these questions, then my ICT ethical decision was going to be in order [Irw07].The reason I got from the lectures why this was happening was for the fact that, code of ethics are needed for the purpose of having a base minimum standard for all the decisions. Also, I was informed that the code of ethics ensured that the decisions that were being made in organizations are consistent and reproducible. In this sense, moral perspective does not matter to the area since most of the professionals have not mastered the general principles that come with IT systems. When faced with tricky issues called ethical dilemmas, they tend to make uninformed decisions because of the general assumptions. It is imperative to understand the measures and principles that moral experience will impact in the profession. To be an able to conduct each other in a professional way, the lecturer introduced us to some of the things that are sampled as ethical issues. Some of the examples are; comparing qualities in order to meet deadlines, making false promises, conflicting interests, issues of piracy, copyright ad intellectual property and lastly environment compromise as outlined by [Jia11]. Moreover, within the course objective, we had been tasked with understanding an ethical situation. Out of the lectures, therefore, I was able to comprehend the three approaches that are sued to analyzes an ethical situation. The first method assumes the fact of the situation. In this approach, one is to use goal-based, duty based and rights based form of analysis. The second approach is to ask 13 questions when unethical situations feature up. The lecturer was able to convince us that this was a better means of analysis as it was going to work without bias as it was natural. Every person who was going to take responsibility of the questions asked was to answer it directly and not shift to anybody. The thirst approach was to use four-step strategies. Among the steps are; getting the bare facts, looking for ethical and legal dimensions, so living the situation and lastly stopping it from happening again. The main reason for this learning was for us to know how to solve any ethical situation that would come up as a result of facing any IT related ethical dilemma. During the extra time tutorials with the rest of my classmates, I was able to use the approaches to solving different ethical dilemmas that came up. The class assignments such as the ones on 3D printed machines could now be solved. The group members and I benefited as a result of this. Within the discourse of the study, I took part in the lecture where Ms. Catherine Logan took us through the study of Australian Legal regulation. Understand that this important since the class was going to relate the relationship of IT-based fields in business and its integration [Kar13].Catherine informed us as that the Australian law acquires its mandate from; equity, common law, and legislation. She based her primary argument in legislations as the field that had the largest mandate in making different integrative regulations. For example, legislation made as it relates to the IT affect privacy, property rights, copyright, and law of confidentiality, trademarks, consumer law, contracts, and technology-specific legislation. She made it clear that the regulations that were achieved in the field of information system were so important in ensuring that disputes don’t arise upon ownership of copyrights. She made us understand of a case study of the case between Apple and Samsung. It was, therefore, clear from the studies that IT legal regulations play a very crucial part in influencing the business type [Kiz10]. The different lectures I was able to attend gave me different insights about the various in the social media. As a result of poor follow u of the ethical principles, I realized that the internet is growing dirty specs updates’ lack of moral content is making the internet not to follow the needed guidance. The lecture introduced me to issues of laws of privacy, IP and employment laws. The lecturer informed us that these were the principal terms that people are using to make a post in social media. I was able to understand that, maintaining ethical morals and principles now becomes one of the biggest works that the developers have to work. But is it possible? Yes, as studied from journals, inculcation of network administration in every system Weill help check every content that is to be posted. This serve to help reduce cases of cyber crimes according to [Irw07].The administrator will always verify the email as well as entered password to confirm it is not a scam. So what happens when there is information surge in the media? To start off this study, the lecturer gave us a case scenario of March 2012; dubbed AFR published “Pay TV piracy hits News” where one of the pay TV stays had hacked the systems of the other TV station and published private information cyber crimes is one of the impacts of lawlessness in the field of the Citi people lacks morals in the field, there is no way such things cannot happen. The lecture taught the essence of being keen on the privacy and logins of various contents. The ethical and moral obligation will require that the company should be much aware of what to display and what not to display. 2.1 Reflection on the readings and External References After appreciating the significance of IT, I was forced to consult the external sites and references for more information. Within the study, there are notable things that I realized; it is the society that has shaped the Infomation age. For everything to changes from one stage to the other, it is the society that has been up to the task. The information has rolled on many generations that have to be appreciated primarily. It is interesting to learn that, few years ago, we had no Google, Facebook and Twitter. The society uses to pass on information through written boards and papers. But then while the growth is appreciated [Pér06], ethical issues and dilemmas were not face large din scale since this as come as a result of extended knows how. As I studied various journals and article on the future of Information Systems, realized that everything is going to be transformed into a scope of the great knowledge industry. A case in place is the use of haptic by the clock as explained by City University London Professor Adrian David Cheok. This technology check is essence is trying to bring some emotional touch to the field of information’s. Lastly, I learned that the aspects of ethics on IT professional are full. For a completely ethical and legal IT professional to granted the full pledge, it has to factor a lot. First of all is the society which shapes the growth of the IT field. Secondly is the ACS code of ethics which gives the bare of regulation of the expectation from the field of IT. Third is the law itself which plays the guiding principle on what professionalism is to stand for. The environment lastly influences the growth the field, and it shapes it by bringing up new measures to be to be incorporated [Kar13]. 3.0 Impact on Future Life During the semester study, I was able to understand the greater deal of ethical issues that the society is facing at the moment. It is very true that the society influences the IT professionalism given the fact that the filed is growing as a result of the changes that modernity is bringing up. The attention of the lectures was on privacy, security, authorization, ethics and the role the society is having on this. Given this lessons, within my own scope of ethical study, I was able to create my own standards incorporating the standards of the legal and ethical relation. It therefore means is able to reshape my own future in the career. 3.1 Social Impact and Responsibility to Cyber Crimes Given the challenges the profession is facing on countering cybercrimes, my future life will be trying as much to reduce the number of unethical situations that happens in IT profession. From the lessons acquired form the class, am able to put my focus on the need to use the information that acquired like the need to patent any new innovation and new discovery as per the lectures I got. Doing this is in order for reshaping the profession and making sure it maintaining its significance. It is very evident that what I have learned from the study will go a long way in influencing my career. After the study, I have known the impact of cybercrimes which destroys the uniqueness of the information. The surest way of avoiding such scenarios is by making use of the lessons adopted from the class on ethics and applying them. Understand the legal regulations serves to impress the facts that each career passes across. 3.2 Legal and Moral Responsibility of IT professional Keeping the moral laws is essential. It is essential in the sense that every change is influenced by the changes from the environment, it is important that I impact this in my own personal life. Taking responsibility is making sure I acquire I make my future in IT relevant. As a person, I can make personal decisions regarding what to partakes a student in the field, I have been able to understand how to rate a situation and to rate it if it warrants a decision made or not. Use the three approaches provided, I can now say, my future decisions will reflect what I have learned. 3.3 Codes of Ethics and Conducts of IT Profession's With inept knowledge of code of ethics, I have managed to know the right and wrong in the field of the knowledge I have acquired have been able to inculcate knowledge that will be able to shape my future life in that I will be selective on what to apply to scenarios. The standards acquired should provide the minimum measures for me to avoiding a negative effect. I having understood the law, I have been able to know that, laws exist to streamline the performance of IT professionals. 4.0 Conclusion The study of the subject on IT professional was very relevant in my growth as a student. I was able to learn a lot of things as regards the matters on ethics and morals in the field of information technology. It has given me a chance to make relations between profession and society on matters of ethical codes. With the growth of knowledge know-how, different organizations have been subjected to ethical dilemmas. The chance I got to learn IT related fields such as patents, copyrights and piracy landmarked the need for responsibility. Every person who is working on establishing the future of IT professionalism soul handles what the field has to offer. In this regard, I was able to learn to teach the need to inculcate the code of ethics which gives the bare minimum as regards to standards of behavior. Having the issues of ethics and responsibility, I can perform duties in any field. 5.0 Bibliography Ald08: , (Aldama 2008), Ale08: , (Aleman 2008), Fre: , (Freeman 2014), Hub88: , (Hubbard 1988), Irw07: , (Irwin 2007), Jia11: , (Jian 2011), Kar13: , (Karapanos 2013), Kiz10: , (Kizza 2010), Pér06: , (Pérez 2006), Read More

The ethical aspect of this is to prevent cyber mistakes that come us as a result of people losing information to unwarranted persons. The lecture passed on the need to avoid personal information for the reasons of security and preventing cybercrimes as discussed by (Hubbard 1988).

To know the relevance of making an ethical decision, the lecture distinguished the different decisions that could be regarded as ethical. Out of this study, I was able to know the following. To know if the decision is ethical, there is a need to ask oneself three important questions; do the decision falls within the standards, norms, and values that are acceptable. Am I will have the decision be put in the public domain? Will the people be so affectionate to me like the family, friends, and managers approve of my choice? It was certain from the lecture that if I was able to answer all these questions, then my ICT ethical decision was going to be in order (Irwin 2007). The reason I got from the lectures why this was happening was for the fact that a code of ethics is needed for the purpose of having a base minimum standard for all the decisions. Also, I was informed that the code of ethics ensured that the decisions that were being made in organizations are consistent and reproducible.

In this sense, moral perspective does not matter to the area since most of the professionals have not mastered the general principles that come with IT systems. When faced with tricky issues called ethical dilemmas, they tend to make uninformed decisions because of the general assumptions. It is imperative to understand the measures and principles that moral experience will impact in the profession.

To be able to conduct each other in a professional way, the lecturer introduced us to some of the things that are sampled as ethical issues. Some of the examples are; comparing qualities in order to meet deadlines, making false promises, conflicting interests, issues of piracy, copyright ad intellectual property, and lastly environment compromise as outlined by (Jian 2011).

Moreover, within the course objective, we had been tasked with understanding an ethical situation. Out of the lectures, therefore, I was able to comprehend the three approaches that are sued to analyzes an ethical situation. The first method assumes the fact of the situation. In this approach, one is to use goal-based, duty-based, and rights-based forms of analysis. The second approach is to ask 13 questions when unethical situations feature up. The lecturer was able to convince us that this was a better means of analysis as it was going to work without bias as it was natural. Every person who was going to take responsibility for the questions asked was to answer them directly and not shift to anybody. The thirst approach was to use four-step strategies. Among the steps are; getting the bare facts, looking for ethical and legal dimensions, so living the situation, and lastly stopping it from happening again. The main reason for this learning was for us to know how to solve any ethical situation that would come up as a result of facing any IT-related ethical dilemma. During the extra time tutorials with the rest of my classmates, I was able to use the approaches to solving different ethical dilemmas that came up. The class assignments such as the ones on 3D printed machines could now be solved. The group members and I benefited as a result of this.

Within the discourse of the study, I took part in the lecture where Ms. Catherine Logan took us through the study of Australian Legal regulation. Understand that this important since the class was going to relate the relationship of IT-based fields in business and its integration (Karapanos 2013). Catherine informed us that Australian law acquires its mandate from; equity, common law, and legislation. She based her primary argument on legislations as the field that had the largest mandate in making different integrative regulations.

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