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Teacher How to create a blog Original instructions Step one Get a host that will be able to run with the software you choose, this software will enable easy management of your blog. Wordpress is the most used software for it is the most powerful and easy to use. Step two Finding a host that will run the software chosen in step one above. It is very important to get the right host that runs the software chosen for it will facilitate the blog going live. Step three One has to pick a theme that best suits your blog.
The software you pick ion step one above comes with its own set of themes to pick from, however, there are more themes for download. Step four The blog is ready for use now. Memo to Blog Instructors To: Blog Instructors From: ShalanALshammari, MSU Date: November 19, 2014 Subject: Instructions for Starting a Blog The creation of blogs has become very difficult because of the instructions provided by the instructors. Apart from confusing people, the information provided by the instructors is minimal.
Many bloggers confuse people when they advise them to sign in with Google Account in order to create a blog. They further assert that the process involves signing in to a Blogger homepage and accepting the terms provided. They fail to inform them on where to get the Blogger home page. Additionally, bloggers associate picking of address as well as blog title as the key elements for creating a blog. Apart from the address and title, some factors need to be considered. To avoid contradiction, it is crucial for the instructors to first inform the new bloggers on the essence of a computer, personal email account as well as experience in using World Wide Web in creating blogs (“How to Start a Blog on Blogger” 1).
Signing up to, blogger website is the first step towards creating a blog. 1. To create a blog go to as illustrated in the image below, then proceeds with an individual signing to a blogger website that is provided with a blue box that is at the right hand side. 2. Provide first name, last name as well as a personal email. 3. The signing of the terms and conditions follows this step. 4. The signing of terms is followed by the creation of the new blog. 5. A person hosts his or her blog at the provided BlogSpot. 6. Finally, the creation of the blog is sealed by choosing the right design for the blog.
Work Cited “How to Start a Blog on Blogger.” (2014): Web. 20 Nov. 2014.
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