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Diversity Management Practices of an Organization - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Diversity Management Practices of an Organization" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the diversity management practices of an organization. Diversity is the heart of every organization. Diversity refers to the differences or dissimilarities among people…
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Diversity Management Practices of an Organization
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Human Resource (HR) Evaluation Human Resource (Hr) Evaluation Introduction Diversity is the heart of every organization. By definition, diversity refers to the differences or dissimilarities among people due to gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity, capabilities, social-economic background, and sexual orientation (Allard & Harvey, 2002). The rapid world’s globalization over the recent years has brought diversity in the workplace. The concept continues to evolve as more firms move towards the global market. Similarly, diversity in school means having students from different backgrounds. Diversity in the workplace means that the firm can benefit from the different pool of talents and experiences from employees. The multi-faceted concept calls for equal worthiness, entitlement, and privileges, without regard to gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity, capabilities, social-economic background, or disability. The belief has led to a tremendous change in management practices mostly in training, recruitment, and retention of workers who reflect the changing face of the workforce. The discussion in this paper examines some of the concept of diversity management practices learned in the class. Discussion Something that I have learned about myself regarding diversity is that the race policy in America is much different from that of China. Personally, I am an international student from China. Over the last few months, I have come to realize that the policies in America are much different from those of China. For instances, in America there are all races of people. Fascinatingly, I have not witnessed cases of discrimination on the basis of race or color. Indeed, discrimination of any act especially on grounds of race difference can render one to be arrested and be prosecuted accordingly. I have learned that the underlying principles of workplace management diversity should be integrated with the aspects of human resource management. These aspects include selection, training, recruitment, development, and performance appraisal. All firms should be committed to embrace diversity. In point of fact, diversity in the workplace helps a firm to build good rapport with the community while enhancing the contribution of the workers. Besides, I have learned that diversity helps an organization improve the quality of products and services delivered. Successful firms focus on incorporating the principles of diversity in their culture system. There are several aspects of diversity management that I have gain familiarity with in the course of the study. I was acquitted of the knowledge that eliminating discrimination in the workplace and embracing management diversity is not easy (Allard & Harvey, 2002). For this reason, firms should employ workers from diverse backgrounds. In addition, firms should adopt the policy of equal employment opportunities. These policies help deal with inexorable disadvantages that befall particular groups of workers in the workplace. Indeed, embracing diversity in workplace ensue treasures and numerous opportunities. Generally, firms should encourage diversity. In addition, I gained familiarity with diversity solutions in organizations. In the view of this, all workers in an organization should be involved in executing management diversity initiatives. Moreover, workers in different departments should freely express their viewpoints; this gives them a sense of equality. Employee training can be used to shape the variant diversity policies in the firm. Also, it is worth noting that workforce in an organization is becoming diverse as the economy tends to become global. The competitiveness and success of a firm largely depend on the firm’s capability to manage diversity in employees effectively (Allard & Harvey, 2002). Organizations should consistently evaluate their diversity policies for the future outlook. Another important aspects that I was familiarized to is the strategies that a firm can adopt so as to manage diversity effectively. The strategies can broadly be categorized into three; assessment, development, and implementation. Assessment involves evaluation of existing diversity policies as components of the internal part of the management system. Assessment can efficiently be achieved by conducting a survey on employee’s satisfaction. Furthermore, this also helps in the executive team identify the present challenges to diversity in the workplace. Assessment of diversity in an organization is imperative since it determines the policies to be eliminated and the ones to be added. Finally, it is recommended that the managing team conduct re-assessment survey to evaluate the success of the new policies to be adopted. Following closely after the assessment is the analysis and development of diversity policies in the workplace. I was acquitted of the understanding that the survey findings and report are critical in decision-policy making in an organization. The findings are paramount since they help in developing the policy structure to be adopted in the workplace. It should be realized that the plans made should be attainable, measurable, complete as well as inclusive. In overall, firms should decide on what changes are vital and need be made. It is also important that decision makers decide on the timeline needed for the change to be felt and attained. The last strategy that I familiarized myself with in managing diversity in a firm is the implementation of developed workplace plan. However, implementation requires a lot of commitment from both the managerial and executive committee. Managers, leaders and employees all have a stake in implementing the diversity workplace plan in every facet of the firm’s utility. There should be cooperation and participation from all members of the organization so as to initiate a culture that is advantageous to the overall success of the workplace plan. In the light of this study, there are myriad practices that I have learned and would like to apply them as I have always envisaged myself as a competent Human Resource Manager. In future, I will focus on equality when hiring employees. Also, I will ensure that there will be no disproportion or biasness when recruiting new staff members. I will advocate for a panel interview of diverse personnel. Moreover, I will ensure that the disabled applicants are accommodated. I will assign mentors to a new employee, preferably the most respected worker. As the HR manager, I will appraise employee on merits of performance and not on the basis of personal preference or favoritism. In addition, I will professionally arbitrate over conflicts. This is critical employee discrimination or intimidation negatively results to low morale that eventually causes low productivity. A very good company that exercises diversity management is the Coca- Cola Company. Actually, the company offers various diversity training programs so as to minimize conflicts among the employees (Allard & Harvey, 2002). In retrospect, this amplifies value and respect among the employees. The company leverages the employee’s differences to achieve success in their operations. Diversity training help creates an environment that facilitates productivity. Notably, the Coca-Cola Company’s diversity mission is to mirror leadership that is fair and inclusive (Allard & Harvey, 2002). Conclusion To sum up, diversity is the heart of every organization. Diversity refers to the differences or dissimilarities among people due to gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity, capabilities, social-economic background, and sexual orientation. I have come to realize that the race policy in America is much different from that of China. I have gain familiarity with several aspects of diversity management including. I was acquitted of the knowledge that eliminating discrimination in the workplace and embracing management diversity is not easy. Embracing diversity in workplace ensue treasures and numerous opportunities. The strategies that a firm can adopt to address diversity management are assessment, development, and implementation. As the HR manager, I will appraise employee on merits of performance and not on basis of personal preference or favoritism. Coca- Cola Company is one of the firms that exercise diversity management in its operation. References Allard, M.J,. & Harvey, C. P.(2002). Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Read More
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