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Encouraging Affective Organizational Commitment at Thai Restaurants in the UK - Essay Example

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The paper "Encouraging Affective Organizational Commitment at Thai Restaurants in the UK" highlights that it is quite essential to state that the managers of the Thai Square restaurants were less cooperative when offering relevant data of the surveys…
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Encouraging Affective Organizational Commitment at Thai Restaurants in the UK
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ENCOURAGING AFFECTIVE ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT IN THAI PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AT THAI RESTAURANTS IN UK By Background of the study Customer loyalty is normally for attracting customers and maintaining good name of a particular brand of goods. It is the customer behaviour of purchasing specific commodity and services frequently. Thus, it is important for nay organization to focus on the underlying requirements of their prevailing loyal customers thereby making them to maintain consumption of the same product. This study mainly focuses on analysis of the level of customer loyalty at the Thai Square restaurants in London. Customer loyalty in regard to restaurant business massively rely on the quality of food and beverages served, the level of hospitality coupled with cosiness of the customers and corresponding general environment of the restaurant. Therefore, the prevailing case study has been appropriately chosen for carrying out research on the customer loyalty at the Thai Square restaurants (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Justification of the method selected The research topic is purely analytical and the corresponding case study is most appropriate for analysis of the prevailing analytical issues within Thai Square Restaurants. Analytical method mainly entails description of the customer loyalty, which encompasses diverse theories regarding the subject matter and its corresponding applicability within the context of the real life scenario (Hartley, 2004, pp323-333). The analytical method applied within the case study is flexible and supports both the qualitative and quantitative analysis. The underlying case study method fosters studying the data that has been gathered via questionnaire survey (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Thus, analytical reasoning in regard to the underlying research is most appropriate for the existing case study approach. Features of case study method Case study method is mostly employed in the assessment of diverse matters associating to the social science, human and organizational behaviour coupled with the psychological studies (Hartley, 2004, pp323-333). The method utilized within the case study is analytical and mainly entail gathering data from diverse sources utilizing techniques encompassing questionnaire method, telephonic interviews, main and individual interviews. These methods are the fundamental sources of data gathering whilst secondary sources mainly entail information within diverse books, journals and corresponding website publications (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Diverse approaches was utilized in the study of the collected information are mainly categorized into qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques and encompasses statistical analysis, comparative studies and theoretical analysis. Objectives of the study Thai Square case study mainly aims to enhance comprehension of the concept of the customer loyalty in regard to the restaurant sector business. Customer loyalty is considered as a behavioural study of the prevailing consumers and factors encourages them to remain loyal towards a specific brand and service. The study will also aids in understanding underlying efforts by organization in maintaining their prevailing loyal clients. Philosophy of the study The case study method mainly paves way towards advancing a philosophy of understanding the underlying research subject. The philosophy of the research is mainly established collection, organizing and analysing the data that aids in depicting the definite path of the data type required and corresponding sources available in the case study. It mainly outlines basic guidelines of the case study. The philosophies utilized in the case study are mainly interpretative and positivist philosophies. Interpretative philosophy takes into consideration the theories of science that are subjective in regard to the interpretative approach and perception of alternative models of reality. The theory mainly supports the vital ideas that are perceived differently by different personalities (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). The divergence is mainly developed via factors such as level of awareness and training, effect of the community and its corresponding thinking, exposure to diverse matters and limitations that are encountered in the process of the study. Philosophical theory sufficiently elucidates the suitable means of obtaining diverse outcomes when undertaking similar study under different settings. Thus, interpretative approach depicts that the study of the customer loyalty within Thai Square is mainly subjective to the reasoning of the prevailing researchers. It also relies on the kind and quality of the information collected and their corresponding relevance. Conversely, in case the research of case study is can be undertaken some years from now the underlying results would greatly differ since the behaviour and corresponding preferences of the customers would alter besides the mode of operations at the Thai Square. Thus, every kind of research study is normally subjective to its peculiar characteristics. Such kind of study mainly utilizes qualitative survey techniques. Positivist philosophy is mainly based on the manipulative and experimental techniques (Hartley, 2004, pp323-333). It mainly emphasize on the availability of adequate theory mainly based on the requirements of the research study process. Positivist approach utilizes two methods namely experimental and corresponding descriptive. Experimental approach is normally applicable under diverse scenarios in the determination of its validity (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). It frequently aids in the identification of the new ideologies. Conversely, descriptive approach mainly offers elaborate comprehension of the underlying issues under different conditions. Positivist approach utilizes both qualitative and corresponding quantitative techniques of survey. Research philosophy implemented Positivist approach is most suitable in the study of the Thai Square case analysis. The study of the customer loyalty at the Thai Square restaurants utilizes both qualitative and quantitative techniques which are mainly supported by the positivist approach. Conversely, interpretative approach is not applicable in the study at the Thai Square restaurant since it is vague in regard to assessment of diverse reasoning thus results to separate comprehension and outcomes (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Thus, positivist approach is most suited for the objectives of the underlying study since it mainly emphasizes on the growth of the appropriate theory that aids in construction of the whole study. Approach to the study Inductive approach was mainly employed in the study since it aids in conversion of the observations and data gathered into coming up with suitable findings and conclusions (Dubois & Gadde, 2002, pp553-560). The mainly approach incorporates established associations amidst diverse variables to comprehension of the level of dependency that co-exist amidst them. Inductive study mainly assists in majority of researchers that is based on the underlying case study method (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Moreover, inductive approach mainly permits peoples to carry out the study by incorporating individuals’ ideas and corresponding perceptions in regard to the prevailing subject. Data collection methods Determination of the customer loyalty at the Thai Square restaurants is carried out on the basis of the primary data gathering (Bryman, 2006, pp97-113). Secondary data gathered was employed in the development of an in-depth knowledge of the customer loyalty at the Thai Square restaurants. Data gathering technique is extremely significant in the formation of the ideas concerning the subject and corresponding exploring the research study. Reliable data aids in maintaining of the appropriateness of the study thus supporting accurate findings. Primary data collection Primary data is the first hand information from underlying diverse source from the individuals in the study (Hartley, 2004, pp323-333). They are significant in offering accurate information on the subject matter of the study. Primary data are more reliable for the analysis of the subject matter and normally gathered via questionnaire survey, individual interviews and undertaking direct observations. Questionnaire survey was carried out on the basis of the direct physical delivery of the questionnaires to the underlying employees (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). The respondents of the questionnaire survey mainly encompass members of administration team of Thai Square and customers. Direct interviews were mainly undertaken with particular respondents and the respondents were more responsive to the direct interview than questionnaire survey. This is because administering of the questionnaire survey is time consuming whilst direct interviews is quite flexible in regard to giving response besides working. Secondary data collection method It mainly entails information that is readily available in books and periodical journals. Secondary data incorporates studies and analyses that were undertaken earlier on similar subject matter by different personalities. For Thai Square restaurant secondary source of data gathering mainly cover information from the journals, manuals, periodicals, company reports and corresponding diverse types of the online publications. Though secondary data is not reliable as compared by corresponding primary sources but it is fundamental in offering additional information demanded for carrying out of the study (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Questionnaire technique and other supplementary direct approaches are not detailed. Moreover, constrains of time hinder undertaking of the exhaustive research via employing data gathering technique. Therefore, more reliance is mainly developed through the secondary data gathering techniques (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004, pp14-26). Nevertheless, whilst gathering information from corresponding secondary sources aids in preventing flaws of source of information. Population sampling and size Population sampling is fundamental aspect in any kind of study entails selection of small group of respondents from relatively bigger cluster (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004, pp14-26). The prevailing numbers of the respondents chosen relies on the nature of the research and corresponding level of exhaustive study being carried out. Respondents of the Thai Square Restaurants are segregated into managers and the customers. Thai Square restaurants possess fifteen managers coming from diverse restaurants at the Thai Square. Manager from Windsor was the only one interviewed and the semi-structured interview was mainly carried out within specific manager at Thai Square. Numerous part of the information gathered via questionnaire survey is distribute to the managers of particular Thai Square restaurants and their corresponding customers. Moreover, Thai Square is highly favoured restaurants within London that attracts massive number of customers. Based on the underlying survey carried out the prevailing number of customers that were served at the fifteen Thai Square restaurants in three week is estimated to be 36,872 customers. These customers visited Thai Square every week (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). The prevailing population size of the study incorporates three restaurants managers in regard to the semi-structured interview and approximately two hundred customers for the questionnaire survey emanating from the Thai Square within Windsor, South Kensington and Richmond. Moreover, the response rate from the corresponding customers was found to be 40 out of the total 200. This feedback that was mainly generated via questionnaire and individual interview techniques was analysed by utilizing both qualitatively and quantitatively in regard to the finding of the study. Sampling technique Stratified sampling technique was utilized in carrying out of the study and the whole population was mainly placed in sub-groups. Sampling technique is massively employed in cases of the present of diverse groups within the study (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004, pp14-26). The nature of the survey carried out for every group is unique from others. In regard to Thai Square restaurant the kind of questions and information gathered from the managers differ in terms of the nature and corresponding participation interest that massively differ. Probable information is collected from diverse groups under the stratified sampling technique and the Thai Square case study entails gathering data from distinct groups of the respondents, which are mainly the managers and corresponding customers. The managers questioned were mainly geared on matter pertaining to the efforts put in place by the administration in creation of the customer loyalty, diverse methods that are normally expected in retaining customers and the significance of the customer satisfaction. Conversely, information collected from the customers depict their underlying degree of satisfaction in regard to the quality of the food and services provided at the Thai Square, which is the differences seen amidst the Thai Square and other corresponding restaurants coupled with the factors that propel re-visiting Thai Square. Plan of analysis The initial step carrying out this study entails development of sufficient knowledge in regard to the customer loyalty (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004, pp14-26). The plan for gathering data from the Thai Square restaurants entails development of suitable format for the underlying questionnaire survey and interviews. Moreover, the information obtained was then interpreted in order to come up with appropriate recommendations. The data collected from diverse sources were scrutinized and then edited to ensure checking of any omissions and incompleteness of the responses received from the corresponding managers and the customers. Analysis method mainly entails descriptive charts and tables that were interpreted via application of the statistical analysis. Moreover, the information was purely studied on the basis of the applicable literature and theories of the customer loyalty. Questionnaire method Utilization of the questionnaire is extremely significant tool for primary data collection technique. Two kinds of questionnaires are mainly formulated in the study namely open-ended and close-ended questionnaires (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004, pp14-26). Close-ended questionnaire techniques were mainly utilized in carrying out of the Thai Square restaurants research. Moreover, it is mainly perceived by the respondents to be direct thus considered to be less time consuming. Close-ended questionnaire is relatively easy to arrange the expected feedback. The two diverse questionnaires are mainly formulated in order to aid on generation of sufficient information pertaining to the customer loyalty in regard to the Thai Square restaurants. Ethical considerations Undertaking survey mainly incorporates questionnaire technique and corresponding direct interviews thus making ease the identification of the respondents is not revealed. Moreover, the underlying opinions offered by the respondents normally affect the sentiments of other prevailing groups (Dubois & Gadde, 2002, pp553-560). The respondents were made aware of the required fact of the study during the study process thus not concealing their identities in the process of the research. Personal responses were not highlighted within the study since the research mainly entails collection of the analysis of data gathered. Assuring the respondent on the above aspects enabled them to offer precise responses regarding the study. Limitations to the study The study was mainly undertaken on the basis of the underlying assumptions and perception of individuals thus making the results to be subjected to particular limitations. The main limitations of the Thai Square restaurants were presence of insufficient and reliable data. Numerous respondents proved to be diplomatic in their responses thus making the responses to be ambiguous and incomplete (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Moreover, the managers of the Thai Square restaurants were less cooperative when offering relevant data of the survey. Time constrain during the process of carrying out research hinders production of adequate data during the study. Numerous respondents failed to submit their dually filled questionnaires which resulted to inadequate of the significant data for the research work. The students experienced myriad problems in the process of gathering data for the academic research since majority of the underlying organizations were not willing to give out the data entailing to the operations of the organizations. Bibliography Gratton, C. & Jones, I. (2010). Research Methods for Sports Studies. UK: Taylor & Francis. Hartley, J.( 2004). Case study research. Essential guide to qualitative methods in organizational research, 1(1), pp. 323-333. Johnson, R. B. & Onwuegbuzie, A. J.( 2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 33(7), pp. 14-26. Kazdin, A. E.(2003). Research design in clinical psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Mukherji, P. & Albon, D. (2009). Research Methods in Early Childhood: An Introductory Guide. London: SAGE. Patton, M. 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