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Religion in the Workplace - Case Study Example

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The author of the paper examines the case of religious discrimination at the workplace and states that every employee has the right to observe their faithful practices which may include but are not limited to the style of dress, praying, and fasting.  …
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Religion in the Workplace
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Differences in “race, skin, gender, religious beliefs, national origin, disability or age” are the most common causes of discrimination in various settings including the workplaces (Pakroo, 2008, p. 118). Rates of complaints on instances where inequalities are felt between an employer and an employee, or between two employees, have fairly increased despite the laws prohibiting such acts and protecting the rights of the workers. Because there seems to be an impending conflict, it is only right to meet with both parties and inform them about the law, their right, as well as their limitation.

Special arrangements shall be made to meet only the “possible and reasonable” demands of both parties as long as their work requirements and their productivity will not be affected (Pakroo, 2008, p. 119). The parties, too, cautioned of discriminating anyone who does not share the same faith as they do; and instead, they should practice their faith within the bounds of existing laws by preventing illegal harassment such as “severe insults or threats. meant to harass or intimidate an employee on the basis of religion” to avoid legal actions as well as to promote harmony within the workplace (FindLaw, n.d.). 

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Religion in the Workplace Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Religion in the Workplace Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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