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Four Different Reviews - Article Example

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1. Human Resources development and research capacity and their impact on economic growth 2. Managing Human Resources 3. The Visualization Analysis of Human Resources 4. Careers of skilled migrants…
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Four Different Article Reviews
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? Article Review Human Resources development and research capa and their impact on economic growth: Synopsis Human resource, their developmentand research capacity all are very much associated with any country’s economic as well as overall growth. It is very much obvious from the fact that Human Development, described as one of the crucial goal of the entire development process, with economic growth, which mentioned as imperfect proxy for more general benefit, or as a tool toward improved human development. The main objective of this paper is to provide an in depth analysis of human resource development index mechanism and the components of the technological achievement Index, and also to find out the relation exist between them as both this parameters are very much dependent on each other. This paper is based on the relation between human resource developments and there relation with economic growth and research capacity. The research and analysis proves that human resource development index alone is not sufficient enough to analyze the economic development of any country. The main factor coming out from this paper is there is a co relation between the trained human resource of any country with the technological development as well as economic growth of that country. According to the analysis of this paper, Croatia along with other developing countries has to make critical investments as well as detail follow up in the line of growth of human capital and their labor productivity to reduce developmental lags which they are having. Key points of the Paper: Before the technological development and restructuring of the organization come in to play, land, labor and capital these three parameters were the key for the growth of any country. But as the time moves on, with the development of organization structure and also the scientific –technological revolution, all set up started to change. For any country which relies on knowledge based economics, both human resources and knowledge simultaneously become key factors for the development. From a broader perspective, human resources defined as the total psycho-physical energy at the disposal of a society, which can be used by the society to achieve its developmental goals (Aksentijevic, Jezic; 2009, pp. 263-264). In regard to evaluating the contribution of human resources to economic growth and development on macro level, education is considered as a basic parameter. In simple words, the development of any country in terms of economic perspective education level is the key factor in spite of the fact that present world is more technology oriented. The paper also suggested that in last few years, it has been a proven fact that there is a close relation between economic growth and development, human resources development, research, innovations and technology, and the theory that economic development is only based on technological and human resource development is being abandoned. In a knowledge-based economy, knowledge management becomes a success strategy, as the effective and proper use of the knowledge base becomes a necessary pre-requisite of economic development. One key finding of this paper is that, the ability to suck up knowledge and successful distribution of new technologies are the key behind development of an economy. (Aksentijevic and Jezic, 2009, pp.266-268) .The basic principle of the ability to absorb knowledge and technology is reflected in greater efficiency of labor force, which generates greater production, and a greater income level. The key results derived from this analysis was the Human Resources Development Index is insufficient in the analysis of economic development and it is mentioned that unambiguous explanations of technological progress of human resources development as the basic force of economic growth is no longer sufficient, is correct (Aksentijevic and Jezic, 2009, pp.269-271). According to this paper, the possible ways of developing economic conditions are: Increase in human capital, Stimulation of productivity. In conclusion, it is very clear that human resources Development Index is insufficient in the analysis of economic growth. Trained human resources provide for technological progress and that development, application and expansion of new technological achievement all these have a direct impact on the economic growth of a country (Aksentijevic and Jezic, 2009, pp.271-272). Critical analysis: It is very true from the analysis of this paper that economic growth is not only dependent on the technological development alone in the modern times. The most key part for any country’s economical growth is the level of educated and skilled human resource which can effectively use the technological development available in the market. The human resource development index alone cannot determine the economical development. In support of this fact we can discussed about the analysis given by Harbison and Myres (1960), According to them; there are four different degree of economic development (grade one to grade four). The level of human resource development in grade two countries was seven times more than that of the grade one countries. The difference between first and fourth grade countries was 13 times in terms of income per capita, where as there was 38 times more developed human resources available for the most developed countries (Harbison and Myers,1960). In overall analysis we can say that, the points mentioned in this paper are all true facts as the importance of skilled and well developed human resources is absolutely necessary. Only high education or only availability of the developed technology is not enough for the overall economic development as country need educated as well as skilled labor work force to use the technological development for economical growth of the country. The approach taken by the authors to analyze the topic is more appropriate as they consider a specific country along with a generalized view of the other country. As a result they are able to co-relate their findings with different countries belonging to different economical zone. This comparison is helpful in order to demonstrate the importance of the HRD with economic growth in least developed, developed and developing countries. Article Review #2 Managing Human Resources Synopsis: This article is based on the managing human resource in different organization throughout the world over last fifty years and how it has been changed over the year. The main focus of this paper is on the proper utilization of technical professional with four key interrelated subsystems, these are proper human resource planning, carrier planning, reward and recognition and performance appraisal. Deterring staffing needs, recruiting and selecting the proper and well skilled work force, working on research and development, all these have a key role to play in order to achieve innovation. According to this paper, both the management as well as employee has to be responsible for the growth and development of the organization. The responsibility of the management is to provide proper working atmosphere, support and training program required for the proper career planning and employee’s responsibility is to develop necessary skill and knowledge in order to manage most important investment of their life-career. Key Points of the Paper In any organization, most valuable product is the innovative ideas but to implement those ideas it is absolutely necessary to manage human recourse effectively, and it is more important for any technological organization. Technical innovation projects are consisting of six different stages; these are pre-project, project possibilities, project initiation, project execution, project outcome evaluation, and project transfer. In any technological organization, one key position is product champion and people associated with this group are best in this business. Proper human resource management is important to fit the best people for this work. The detail research in this paper reveals that product champions are born but not made; they born out of the existing corporate system, to develop the champions, organizations need to create proper environment which may include reward systems, providing visibility, reducing risk of failure (Badway, 2007, pp. 56-58). One must understand that there is a big difference between product champions and project managers, and it is very much a fact that product champions may not be a good project manager as both have completely different job role in an organization. In broader perspective, the paper pointed out some key steps which are associated with the proper human resource management. These are identifying good recourse for R & D, recruit and train them to utilize their potential, provide good salary and incentive to motivate them think to think out of the box, removing the fear of failure by supporting them in tough situation, guiding them during the phase of de motivation and dissatisfaction. Giving scope for research and development, opportunity to think out of the box, all these always helpful not only for the organization point of vie but also from an employee’s perspective. Another key part that the management has to look for is the phase of career growth and transition. Effective management of these phases is absolutely necessary for the technological organization all across the world. (Badway, 2007, pp.59-63) Critical Analysis: If we analyze the paper then there are certain points which are true fact not only at present era but also 50 years back. The importance of effective resource management was important then and important now also. There are lots of changes which have taken place in the organization structure and work flow all across the world, but the basic is still the same. The point mentioned by the author in this paper regarding looking for qualified resource, proper remuneration structure, reward and recognition all these are the key behind effective human resource management. Any organization with proper and effective human resource management will always perform better than its competitor. For example we can cite the case of IBM as mentioned by Turner (1979) the reward program of IBM was designed effectively to recognize individual’s achievements separately from the pay package. In IBM, awards were given over and above the regular salary, in order to recognize their performance, beyond the expected level of performance. These awards in IBM was not only for the new inventions but also for the different technical achievements, So when we analyze top performing organizations it is very clear that effective human resource management is a key to success.(Turner, 1979, pp. 24-27 ). The entire paper is based on the secondary research and thoughts or ideas are taken from different articles. It might get more practical if a survey is being done among different technological organization to find out the present scenario related to human resource management and the key points associated with it. Apart from the one dimensional method, there are some points in this paper which need further evaluation. For example, organization can support any individual when he or she is not performing well, but that support cannot continue for long. Secondly it is not necessary that an individual if he perform extremely well in one instance does not means that he or she is very good and therefore should be continue getting continuous support. People who are good in innovation not good in management-this concept also does not stands very well as the innovation and management both can be learned and developed during the phase of one’s career. It is very beneficial for the organization if they able to have good innovation as well as management skill in one individual because by that they can handle two very important work parameter by one single individual, and involvement of the same person will also increase with more key responsibilities. Finally we can conclude by saying that the article is a clear demonstration of effective human resource management in the leading technological organization where innovation, research and management work simultaneously. Article Review #3 The Visualization Analysis of Human Resources in Science and Technology in Foreign Research Based on the Mapping Knowledge Domain Synopsis With the continuous development in the research and development process it is absolutely necessary to understand the importance of human resource in the field of science and technology. The paper is all about importance of mapping human resource with different field in order to ensure country’s social and economical development. The research for this paper is based on the basic principles of scientometrics with foreign research, document citation and co citation. This paper is mainly based on the research specially the finding of the foreign research and key points of study which is associated with human resource in science and technology. Key Points Most of the countries at present have a detail understanding about the importance of human resource and using it effectively in the field of science and technology. At present this thought process is known all over the world as HRST (Human Resources in Science and Technology). It is at present the most innovative as well as important aspect of development, innovation and production of country’s science and technological knowledge. HRST is the key aspect which is associated with the country’s social and economic development. According to this report, HRST classification criteria classified this parameter in to two broad heads, these are: qualification dimension and education dimension. On the basis of research carried out all across the world, one of the US scientist develop the Information Visualization-Cite Space information visualization software, and at present this software is one of the key component in terms of information analysis in regards to human resources. This software is helpful to appropriately adjust of three different parameters. Along with this software, hot spots in the field of academic study or research can be found for analysis. The research reveals the fact that, before this extensive research people used to refer the term capital in respect of physical capital only in the field of economy, business and industry (Fang and Dai, 2011, pp.119-120). But later on, human capital also introduced and started to considered as one of the key in any kind of development be it social, or economical political. Presently, almost all the countries consider HRST as one of the obvious innovative features. The quantity and quality of HRST is a foundation for national innovation capacity and it determines both level and performance of the country's innovation and plays an important role in economic and social development. According to the analysis of this paper, human capital is at present most important factor associated with the development of science and technology followed by the process of innovation and then the performance. Performance can be demonstrated as result of scientific as well as technological improvement of HRST for any country or an organization and it is a useful output of both country and an organization to achieve its objectives at different levels. Performance is always associated with the micro and macro level study of the HRST as it has both direct as well as indirect effect on the science and technology and therefore has a direct impact on any country’s overall economical situation and progress (Fang and Dai, 2011; pp.120-121). The hot spot associated with the HRST are study of knowledge technology growth management and system. Among all these, study of knowledge and strategy is more important as the strategy is always based on the knowledge map of the available human resource. The most critical point associated with this paper is the association projected between systems of high performance work practices and firm performance and analyzed human resource management practice's impact on turnover rate, productivity and the impact of the financial performance of organizations. The article is a very handful guidance to understand the relationship between HRST management practices and the performance of any organization as well as how it has influence the economical and social development of the country (Fang and Dai, 2011, pp.121-122). Critical Analysis: If one analyzes this article in modern perspective it is absolutely true that human resource in science and technology is an important factor. This is not only in point of view of technological development but also for the development of social and economical point of view. This view point is being supported by the Schultz’s book (1963), as he mentioned that people used to invest on themselves to ensure that there is an increase in both productions as well as in the consumption capacity. According to his point of view investment in the school education system is the most important one in terms of human capital development. This is the true fact that for any country development in the human capital is absolutely essential to ensure that economy is growing at a steady pace, because development of economy is always based on good performance of the industry and that good performance is mainly dependent on skilled workforce. But one aspect is not so strong, as author rated innovation, performance and human capital separately. In modern times one cannot categorize give ranking to this factors in terms of importance as all these are inter related and equally important for the development of the country. This journal may get more practical approach if along with the selected journals, present situation are also taken in to consideration by means of collecting primary data from different organization as well as analyzing present authors approach. The time frame taken for choosing the journals is too broad so the point of view varied drastically during the wider time frame. Article Review #4 Careers of skilled migrants: towards a theoretical and methodological expansion: Synopsis: The paper is a detail analysis on the importance of skilled migrant workers. It is a theoretical as well as methodological analysis of the topic and the importance of it in modern industry. The paper gives a clear idea about the carriers of skilled migrants in terms of individual, organizational, and contextual levels. The article has two key important aspects, the first one is related to assumption in the management and organizational perspective related to the topic of international mobility and the second one is related to scope of future research related to the same topic. Key Points: The career of skilled migrants needs specific attention from both the organization perspective as well as social perspective. The main obstacle face by this group is only due to their migrant status. All advanced and economically developed countries need skilled workforce and it is the fact that these countries highly dependent on the migrated workforce. International mobility is now an essential topic in the field of organization management but there is very little research about effective management of international diversity in workplace. There are theories associated with the careers of migrants in the economic development (Akram, ; 2012, pp.93-95). The study associated with skilled migrants must not be from structural or institutional or individual perspectives alone, but as a relational assembles that is at the relationship between individual and institutions and also a multi-layer and multi-faceted experience. There is also the need for analyzing the topic from relational and context specific approach, as this includes micro-individual, meso-organizational, and macro-contextual levels. All these analysis help us to figure out the importance of skilled migrants across the country and the role played by them in the development of country’s economy. (Akram, 20122012, pp. 96-97) The fact is that these skilled individuals used by the other countries to develop and strengthen their economy, but it may be better if their skill can be used by their home country. The analysis also help to figure out how these skilled migrants are involved in the exchange of work culture, knowledge as well as skill between different countries (Akram, 2012, pp.99). Critical Analysis: From the analysis of this paper it is very clear that one needs to analyze this special issue, and extensive research from theoretical as well as methodological perspective is needed in order to understand the importance of the skilled migrants across the countries. If we analyze the present fact, it is very clear that all the highly developed countries (both in terms of economically as well as technologically), used this opportunity of skilled migrants in order to use their knowledge and skill for the growth and development. But the number is very few, and low skilled migrants have to work for lower price in different low grade jobs. If we consider the case of United Arab Emirates, 70% of their workforce is skilled migrants, and it is only due to less availability of the resource in the country, aging population, and decreasing rate of facilities (Dessler, and Al Ariss, 2012). So, the paper is a clear demonstration of the importance of skilled migrants for different countries and what are the reasons behind the need for the same. But the paper does not pointed out the reason elaborately which is associated with the need of the skill migrants as well as why they not able to get job in their own country. The paper is about the career opportunity that the skilled migrants have and also about the development in their work patterns and effect of that on the country’s overall growth perspective but very little is discussed about why there is increase in this specific group of workforce across the world. The drawback of this paper is the method taken by the authors, as it is more a secondary research based on the previous research report and articles published in different journals. All these are related to different author’s point of view regarding skilled migrants as it is more of a theory rather than quantitative approach. A primary research involving migrants in different countries may give more in-depth analysis to actual reason behind their migration as well as the factors related to it. Primary research may also help to analyze how much it affects country’s overall economical growth as well as the loopholes which enforce the migration. References Akram A. A, Koall I. Ozbilgin M., and Suutari V. (2012), Careers of skilled migrants: towards a theoretical and methodological expansion, The Journal of Management Development, 31(2), pp. 92-101 Aksentijevic N. K. Jezic Z (2009); Human Resources development and research capacity and their impact on economic growth, Zbornik RadovaEkonomski Fakultet u Rijeka, 27(2), pp. 263-291. Badway M. K. (2007), Managing Human Resources, Research Technology Mmanagement, 50(4), pp. 56-74. Fang H and Dai Y, (2011), The Visualization Analysis of Human Resources in Science and Technology in Foreign Research Based on the Mapping Knowledge Domain, International Business Research, 4(1), pp. 119-124 Harbison, F. and Myers, C.A.(1964) Education, Manpower, and Economic Growth, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Schultz, T. W. (1963), The Economic Value of Education, Columbia University Press Turner, W. J. (1979), How the IBM Awards Program Works, Research Management Read More
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