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Human Resource Management - Essay Example

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This article will explore the subject of human resource management under the following divisions: importance of human resource management; development strategies; improvement in managerial skills; job growth; acquisition of elementary abilities; technical knowhow; academic knowledge; importance of development…
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Human Resource Management
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? Human Resource Management Introduction This refers to the increase of a person with respect to capability, knowledge, and general information. It involves improvement in an individual’s skills and knowledge. These are necessary for various reasons. According to Dessler (2008, p.1300, human resource management is significant to the organization in that it encourages people to perform very difficult and challenging duties. It is important to note that, every organization faces challenges. Experts are required to perform various tasks. However, a consideration into the future of the organization calls for it to train and develop various skills for any eventualities. Importance of human resource management It is worth noting that human resource management offers apprenticeship to the new employees. It is for this reason that, every organization recruits new brains. These resources however well learned, require to be trained to be acquainted with the organization’s policies and goals. Human resource management increases the rate of performance of the organization. Organizations warrant recognition for their performance and competence. This strives to increase the magnitude of the organization’s profitability. An organization needs to set its goals and objectives to help it focus on their results. Training, education, and development of human resource spearhead an organization to meet these objectives. Development in an organization can be prompted by several reasons. It can be because of an organization desiring quality performance from its workers. Secondly, it can be a requirement by the government, trade, or labor unions or because of an observable need by the people in charge such as the supervisors with regard to the workers. It is done through various means including allowing the apprentice to examine carefully what others do, training from predecessors or experts, one on one interaction with the apprentice, guidance, provision of forms to fill in the difficulties experienced during the day and follow up of secondary written or audio tapes or through assignments. All these are geared towards obtaining strong employees to meet the needs of the organization and its clients. Every organization should engage in this area of human resource management to achieve the desired results. For instance, the desire to retain the top position in education, made Berkeley Campus realize that they needed to train their employees. This would help them cope with the changes in this field and their desires for sustainability in the years to come. Development strategies The management at Berkeley campus realized that growth of the employees required concerted efforts of all stakeholders. This strategy ensures that every effort and activity within the institution supports workers growth. It looks into what the students and their parents can do to contribute to this matter. It also emphasizes the need to cooperate with the workers to ensure that what they learn is compatible to the job they do. The workers are also encouraged to follow the write ups that encourage employee development. These can be done through formal means such as production of weekly briefs, purchase of booklets dealing with the topic in question and also coming up with a library and equipping it with the necessary materials. Moreover, it focuses on the desire of the employees to grow. This can be induced or as a result drive. Berkeley campus needed to compete effectively in the education sector. They therefore came up with trainings to be undertaken. They include: i. Improvement in managerial skills ii. Job growth iii. Acquisition of elementary abilities iv. Technical knowhow v. Academic knowledge It is evident that employee training improves the output of the organization and those of the employees themselves. Improvement in managerial skills This skill involves equipping people in order for them to lead others. Not all employees in an organization perform menial jobs. Berkeley campus for instance, realized that there were its members who had qualifications yet needed a bit of training to boost their knowledge. They therefore settled for leadership development for posterity sake. This is a process that once began does not stop but continues throughout an individual’s life. It trains an individual with respect to the aims of the job description. In a campus context, the managers and supervisors are trained for better and competent leadership. This enables them to keep at par with the continuous changes in the field. The desire to produce competent graduates motivates the management to go this extra mile. Job growth This process encourages specialization and proper understanding of the task one performs. It involves mastery of the various segments of the job. Berkeley campus for instance saw a need to encourage its staff to stay on focused with regard to their job description and improvement. Learning was done through classroom assignments and practical at work. They organized formal lessons for their staff and brought in experts to train them. Moreover, they encouraged informal learning through observation of what the others did at work. The management also realized that technological advancements called for people to be updated with the current issues. Finally, career development is important as it encourages competency in the area of choice. Acquisition of elementary abilities Everyone needs the basic skills in order to execute a certain task professionally. There are people who are gifted or talented in certain ways. However, others perform tasks because of what they have learned in class and the self-will might be lacking. Despite the motives of the employees, the management needs to know all their workers together with their abilities and interests. There are employees who are motivated by money and others desire to grow in whatever they engage in. All these employees need to be trained in order to perform the tasks accorded them with excellence. This explains the need for supervisors and project coordinators to organize formal trainings and practical at work. This is referred to as on the job training. Technical knowhow Employees have diverse skills and abilities. Technical knowhow refers to the knowledge of the machines, equipment, and work of the hand. Every organization requires these experts. That is the reason why the human resource management needs to engage in trainings to assist in improvement of skills. Technology improves ever so often. It is important to change with every change in technology in order for the organization not to be rendered retardant and obsolete. For an organization to grow, their staffs need to grow and upgrade too. However, this should not be restricted to one’s area of specialization only. Everyone needs to appreciate every sector of the organization to be effective. Academic knowledge Professionalism is appreciated everywhere. Every organization needs to handle its customers with great care to ensure a secure future prospect. This is done formally through books, lectures, and advancement in levels of education. It should be noted that this does not apply to those in managerial positions only. Every employee should be encouraged to seek academic advancement to ensure competence in every area of the organization’s operations. Employees should also desire promotions and not be satisfied with a position simply because it provides their basic needs. As already discussed above, Berkeley campus management realized that they needed to utilize most of the managerial competencies to tower above their competitors. What they chose to engage in to achieve this helped them improve greatly as asserted by Armstrong (2006, p.88). As a result, every stakeholder received his or her deserving satisfaction. Training and development of the employees led to the provision of better services. Competencies such as communication, administration, and planning and teamwork competencies improved thereby contributing to better performance at work, satisfaction in the job and overall profitability of the organization. Importance of Development Development, in human resource management is a pertinent issue. An organization can have their trainers or outsource. Thorough research needs to be conducted before starting this process since quality is a priority. Berkeley campus, like any educational sector needs to understand the importance of development. This does not only apply to the educational sector but every other organization that views competence as its objective. As delved into below we critically examine the significance of development as an aspect of human resource management in an organization. Training and development offer an opportunity to improve the quality of performance of an organization. Every organization aspires to be recognized. Provision of quality services to the clients due to the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization contributes to its long-term growth as client scope increases. Students and their parents all want quality. Development of staff at Berkeley campus ensures quality service delivery in every aspect i.e. class work, reception, events organizing, extracurricular activities etc. Improved quality also throws Berkeley campus into the limelight as a performing institution in the education sector. This will in turn improve its profitability. It also leads to employee loyalty in an organization. Employees who receive training from a particular organization tend to have faith in that organization and this accords the organization in question an upper hand. Loyal employees provide better services that in turn attract people to the organization. Well-trained staff at Berkeley campus will offer better services to clients as they are pleased with their stay at the institution. Employee loyalty also provides a surety of having your employees permanently for long. This is effective as it reduces the amount of resources required to train a mass of new employees every time there appears an exodus of employees away from the organization due to lack of satisfaction. Motivation offered coaxes the employees to increase their output. This also contributes to the realization of organizational and individual aims. Employee satisfaction leads to better output. Development and reward for employees motivates them to perform better at work. Training and development makes the employees knowledgeable. This is an important tool since knowledge is power. This raises individual self-esteem thus improved performance. Provision of reading materials at Berkeley campus to its staff makes them knowledgeable and competent at work. It is also important to realize that, the well-trained staff can be used to offer trainings to other companies. This improves an organization’s image. For Berkeley campus to be recognized as a leading institution by other institutions in the same sector, both in staff training and staff output, development is inevitable. This is a means of obtaining extra earnings for the organization. It is worth noting that the knowledge gained assists in integration of other services provided within the organization such as representation. This improves profitability in the organization. Well-trained staff utilizes effectively the resources within the organization. In addition, development contributes to the overall relationship among the employees of an organization. This is because everyone will know their role and appreciate teamwork competency. Conclusion Training and development of the employees need to be considered by every organization. Thorough research should be conducted to know the needs of the employees and how to best meet these needs. This can be done for example by coming up with a helpful curriculum or seeking contributions from the employees to establish what they need. The human resource manager needs to establish good rapport with the employees of the organization. This will assist him/her achieve maximum of what is required. A conducive working environment should be provided to ensure the growth and development of the organization’s employees. To ensure improved performance, increased profitability and an improved organization image, an organization should invest in employee development. References Armstrong, M 2006, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page Publishers. Dessler, G 2008, Human Resource management, 9th Ed, Prentice Hall Publisher, New York. Read More
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