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1776 and All That: America - Essay Example

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An author of the following essay will bring up several important questions regarding the American Nation and its history. Specifically, the essay discusses the state of the United States of America in the light of Edward Hoagland's work entitled "1776 and All That"…
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1776 and All That: America
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Comprehensive Questions 1. The main reasons that America is considered riven and ailing are because of the history which America has created for itself, as well as what it has denied in doing so. Hoagland points out that the disasters that America has created are now causing the United States to have several enemies. The disasters include those in the nation, such as the Native Americans and slaves who have difficulty with the realism of democracy. Foreign affairs have also added into this, specifically because of the problems which the United States has created overseas and in relation to the destruction of nations which has occurred. The 9 / 11 disaster highlighted this because of the foreign relations that directly attacked the country. It is now recognized that the idea of terrorism attacking the country is one that is in response to those in other lands that are angry with America because of the destruction which has been caused in foreign territories. 2. Hoagland uses the term obesity as a metaphor to describe the disposition of America. Obesity is when one has extra weight and fat by taking too much food. The obesity is reflective of America’s greed in terms of capitalism as well as in foreign relations. The United States politicians have been able to create opportunities in other countries by taking natural resources and foreign land. At a national level this is followed by the high amounts of consumption and greed that are related to the corporations. The national problems are illuminated through the term of obesity because it recognizes how the attitude of Americans is now based on the capitalist structure of greed and consuming more than other nations with the resources made and available. 3. The assessment of America’s role in world affairs, according to Hoagland, is based on he believes is led by destruction of other nations. The destructiveness which he relates to is based first on the capitalist beliefs of America, specifically which are defined by the intake and desire for more wealth. This is followed by the role in taking land, countries and causing destruction through world affairs, specifically which was highlighted during and after World War II. I agree with Hoagland’s critique because of the acknowledgment of how America acts in foreign relations. Actions which have been taken toward foreign entities that have gone unnoticed include places such as Columbia, several countries in Africa and in areas of Europe. America goes into the underdeveloped areas and destroys the country to take the resources there. The world affairs of more developed countries, such as Israel, Russia or China have the same attitude. However, this is done either by forcing economic change with corporations or by diplomatic agreements that lead to taking resources from the country. Rhetoric Questions 1. The claim of Hoagland is that the United States is one that is beginning to fall because of the treatment it has caused other countries. He states his proposition most clearly by showing the events of 9/11 and how this was a sign that America has several enemies throughout the world because of the actions which have been taken. Hoagland also notes this through the relationships, such as through Vietkong, that took place after World War II. Hoagland ties in the actions of history with his main proposition of self –absorption of the country. His minor propositions follow this, such as American attitudes that are a part of the culture. His propositions include greed, capitalism, self –absorption and relations which are based on taking resources. He shows these propositions through history and the interactions which America has taken with recent foreign relations. 2. The assumptions that Hoagland makes about the audience of the essay is that they will agree with the attitudes of the United States as well as the belief that America has several enemies. There is also a belief by Hoagland that part of his audience will come with disagreements because of the attitudes which are taken. The assumptions are seen through the bold statements which Hoagland makes, all which link directly to the ideology that America is self – centered. The areas in which Hoagland believes he will have an audience that will disagree are altered with historical discourse, all which prove that America has the greedy and selfish attitude that is a part of society. 3. The tone of the essay is one which Hoagland uses to underplay the ideas that he is presenting. Instead of being critical or pointing figures, Hoagland uses figurative language, metaphors and analysis to prove the point. When reading this essay, one has to think about the tone with a sense of intellect to create a type of agreement. This begins with the first sentence when Hoagland states “The country is riven and ailing, with a guns-plus-butter nuttiness in some of its governing echelons and the sort of lapsed logic implicit in the collapse of trust in money-center capitalism, which has been an undergirding theory of a good deal of the work that many people do” (Hoagland 1). This sentence is one that uses flowery words and language and a type of rhetoric that is intellectually difficult. However, when looking at the tone underneath this, it can be seen that Hoagland is making an attempt at attacking the attitudes of America. The same tone is seen in places such as paragraph 4 where Hoagland alludes to a condom as the greed of America. The figurative language makes light of the situation in America while using metaphors and imagery to create a different association with the topic. Since the topic is heavier in nature and is predominantly focused on the faults of America, the flowery and figurative language is able to change how one interacts with the topic. 4. The first set of allusions that Hoagland makes to American History is based on the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. This is done to show how most don’t care anymore about the history of America as well as the struggles that many had to go through because of the social and political attitudes of the United States. He also uses this with a statement directly after that points out that Americans have forgotten what has happened to others in the country. Hoagland follows this with statements about the Vietnam War, World War II and other political intrusions which have taken place throughout history. This is to show the same contradiction that is a part of the history, which shows the bad foreign relations that have been created, enemies that have gone against the United States and the attitude most Americans have. These circumstances to history all relate to the current events of 9/11, specifically to state that American shouldn’t have been shocked when this happened because foreign enemies have existed for a long period of time from the actions that the United States has taken. 5. The comparison and contrast structures the essay by showing the attitude of America, as opposed to how the country could have responded. Hoagland shows that there are examples of other countries, attitudes and lifestyles that have responded in a different way. However, the United States decided to react in a way that most would consider as unacceptable. The use of casual analysis is also used in relation to this. The casual analysis includes reference and allusion to different parts of history as well as the commentary which follows this. The purpose of Hoagland in this is similar to the first, where he uses the allusion to prove that America is self – centered and has caused several enemies among those that are involved in foreign relations. The definition also structures the essay in a similar way and is used casually to show that there is direct evidence that relates to the commentary and main purpose of Hoagland. Essay 1. The intent of international terrorists to inflict harm on America is attributed to several different beliefs and policies that differ from America, as well as the historical relations that are between the countries. The terrorism continues be a threat to America and is increasing in various countries, specifically because of the foreign policies and interactions that have occurred in other territories. The result is that those who have differing beliefs and that are in the country have noted the reactions and downfall of the country because of foreign relations. This has led to the opposing groups reacting with the concept of terrorism. The first way in which international terrorists are reacting to America is from the political relations that have been brought to the foreign countries. The past history of America has led to political changes and force that has been brought into the country. These changes and forces have altered the way in which many have reacted to the interference from the United States. Opposing groups have felt that the foreign relations, intrusion into different countries and the main policies that have been a result of the interference has caused problems within the country. From these main objectives, is the desire to change the outcome of American relations by stopping the interference from occurring. Another reason for the tension between terrorists and the United States is from the different belief systems that are a part of most of the groups. The terrorist groups which are now attacking the United States are opposed to the political system and the way in which it functions. This differs according to the terrorist group and identity which they carry. For instance, fanatical Islamic terrorist groups oppose the lack of religious policy that is a part of the governance of the United States. When America creates a specific interaction with the country, there is a threat that the religious beliefs will become a part of the political affiliations, specifically if the current system that the groups are under is destroyed and foreign policy remains as a main component. The next component that is linked to this is with the beliefs in the political system and policies. There are disagreements with the way that the United States runs the country as well as the democratic viewpoints that are taken with the country. Most terrorist groups reject the ideas of democracy, specifically because of the different relations which are a part of the political policies and functions. The last set of attributes which terrorists may reject in terms of the American interference and policy is based on the capitalist structure and infliction that is felt against the country in terms of the structure. The economy base of America is one which most foreign countries consider as a threat because of the greed and taking of resources within a nation. An example of this is from the War in Iraq that has taken place over the past years. Many believe that the political affiliations with the United States has created the interference, specifically because there is an undercurrent of finding resources such as oil within the territory. The destruction that has occurred to those within the society then relates directly to the issues in terms of capitalism, taking resources from the land and causing infliction among those that are in the region. The complexity of the foreign relations and the interference that America makes economically and through political policy then leads to resistance against foreign nations. The actions which the United States has taken throughout history are the main reason why many terrorists and other nations are opposed to the American democracy. This is inclusive of the political, economic and social reasoning that has created a specific perspective to those that are in different regions. The response that America has given to foreign policies and the approach which has been taken through time has created resistance from other nations. The result is that several groups who oppose the main structure of American functioning resist the policies and inflicted beliefs that are presented to their nation. The terrorist attacks then come from the desire to stop the inflictions and the foreign invasions and policies that are a part of United States functioning. 2. The concepts of Hoagland not only show the problems which are a part of America, both historically and in the present time. There is also a challenge which he creates at the end of the editorial to all Americans to begin changing what has happened in America and to wake up to the truth of the United States way of living. The last statement of Hoagland is the most important in analyzing the turning point of America and how individuals need to respond to the current situation. He states: “Our national self-absorption (in which the focus seems more on trying to stay young than helping the young) may give capitalism a bad name. Simple hedonism and materialism was not the point of crossing the ocean. Our revolution was better than that. It was to paint the world anew” (1). The importance of this particular statement is to show that there can be a change in America, despite the history and enemies which have been created. However, this has to occur through alterations that many decide to make in the present time. The first important aspect that is noted in the crossing point is based on the national events that are now pressuring America. The hardest issue that is now facing those in society is based on the capitalist structure and materialism that America is known for. Most in America are used to and understand the capitalist structure, which is based on large corporations and safe structures that provide individuals with different ways of earning and being a part of the nation. However, the current economic collapse has begun to create a question of whether this is an effective means of survival. The economic collapse is one which was hinted at in the 1930s with the Great Depression as well as the 1960s. The importance of these two depressions was based on the understanding that the concept of industrialism, capitalism and mass production wasn’t the concept of safety and security which every individual believed it should be. At the same time, the need for wealth became pertinent which led to creating the same structure of capitalism. Now that the economic structure has fallen again, there is a question about the association with materialism and greed that leads to power as well as how individuals should affiliate with this. The challenge presented to Americans from this viewpoint is to paint the world anew, which means that individuals now have to find different alternatives to moving forward in society. The challenge of Hoagland at the end can also relate specifically to the foreign relations that are in different regions. There are several territories that America has gone through with an extended period of time, all which have led to destruction and chaos in the land. The foreign policies and the interference with local governance has created disturbance in almost every nation. This problem began in World War II and continues to be conflicting as those that are involved in politics continue to create a sense of confusion both in terms of foreign policy as well as in terms of creating conflict in a region. However, America also has the resources and the power to begin reversing the adverse effects which have taken place in other regions. Movements that can begin to incorporate a different type of nation while reversing the self – absorption of Americans is the main approach and challenge which has to be defined, all which can begin to reverse what has happened in terms of greed, selfishness and the manipulation of resources in terms of foreign policy. The current needs with foreign policy are not only pertinent from an ideological point of view and from the concept of self – absorption. There is also the need to begin to create a deeper understanding by moving in a different manner toward terrorists and those that are in the region. According to Hoagland, Osama bin Laden and others that are creating conflicts within the US may become a small threat compared to what may happen to America. It is important to recognize the potential detriment which can occur in America, specifically because of foreign relations that have occurred over a longer period of time. To alter this, there is the need to change the attitudes of Americans and policy makers so there isn’t conflicting values in terms of policy, social living and the foreign interactions with others. While there is now a sense of self –absorption that have caused those in foreign entities to become enemies of the United States, there is still a chance to reverse this with new policies and by changing the overall structure of the United States. The problem that lies within the United States is one that requires change at an independent level first, than can be reflected from the politicians and those in society. As Hoagland points out, the nation is one which is now seen as obese both individually and as a whole. It is also noted that those in the country carry the same attitude of the politicians, which is based on a sense of greed, materialism and self – absorption. If those within America began to change in an alternative manner, then there can also be a new sense of prosperity. This involves reducing the effects of capitalism by changes in materialism while incorporating different senses of a revolutionary democracy, as referred to by Hoagland. The challenge then becomes to move back to the revolutionary ideas that the land was founded on, including freedom and the ability to express different viewpoints. More important, the concept of democracy needs to be redefined to not only be inclusive of the current policies but also to restructure the main values that the land was built on and which have lost through policy and foreign relations. The lessons of history have shown that there is a loss in the United States identity through commerce, political moves and foreign relations. The social stigma that has been presented as a result is one which is continuing with the detriments in society and is leading to the chaos that is among the nation. To alter this, there is the need to create a different perspective among individuals, specifically which can paint the world anew and move the nation outside of the self – absorbed policies and economic stigma that has created foreign enemies and collapses in the environment. The result which occurs from this can then provide a different understanding of the nation while allowing a new set of relations to be created outside of the values that no longer work for the nation. Works Cited Hoagland, Edward. “1776 and All That.” The Nation (July), 2002. Read More
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