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Nutrition and wellness - Essay Example

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The body needs a proper mix of the basic building blocks required to increase muscle tissue, improve circulation and breathing, give us energy, and regulate bodily functions.This is accomplished by consuming foods that give the body the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, oils, vitamins, and minerals…
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Nutrition and wellness
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Nutrition and Wellness A Defining Good Nutrition The body needs a proper mix of the basic building blocks required to increase muscle tissue, improve circulation and breathing, give us energy, and regulate bodily functions. This is accomplished by consuming foods that give the body the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, oils, vitamins, and minerals. By eating a wide variety of foods that are recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in its food pyramid a person can be sure of getting good nutrition. Good nutrition means the right combination of the building blocks, calories, and fiber. In addition, discoveries made in recent years have uncovered other substances that are required for good nutrition. These may be anti-oxidants, phytochemicals, and other trace elements. B.) Eating a Balanced Diet The body requires a wide range of foods and vitamins to remain healthy. To assure that the person is getting the necessary nutrients while not becoming deficient in any area requires a diet that is composed of a variety of foods. The USDA recommends serving sizes, number of servings, and food groups to create a diet that contains all of the necessary nutrients while considering the limits of fat, cholesterol, and calories. For example, a healthy diet would contain protein from either meat or beans. The USDA also recommends several servings of fruits and vegetables each day. The recommendations allow for substitutions, but must be balanced to assure the person is getting all the necessary foods they need. Eating too much of any one food will result in an imbalanced diet. C.) The Three Main Dangers Associated With Dieting One of the major risks of dieting is the potential to rely on a diet that is incomplete in its nutritional content. Many fad diets suggest eating only selected foods or eliminating certain food groups. This runs the risk of not getting the proper quantity of vitamins or elements that are essential for good health. Another danger of dieting is that a person may develop an eating disorder such as anorexia. This is especially true for young women who may be psychologically vulnerable and suffer from a distorted body image. There is also a high risk associated with taking chemicals or drugs as an aid to dieting. In the recent past, some over-the-counter weight loss pills proved to be potentially fatal. Other drugs and herbal remedies are dangerous when there has been no professional research conducted in regards to their safety. D.) Creating a Safe and Effective Exercise Program One of the first considerations in designing an exercise program is the current state of your health. It is recommended to see a doctor before embarking on a program. Another consideration is the current state of your physical fitness. The program would be different for someone that is just starting to exercise than it would be for someone that routinely works out. The intensity of the exercise also needs to be considered. A program that is too stressful can be dangerous, while one that offers little exertion may be of no value. The frequency of exercise should be considered in respect to your fitness level, and goals. Another major consideration is the type of exercise. The program should be well rounded and aimed at the person's individualized fitness goals. E.) Five Options for Exercising Exercise can be more than just working out at the local gym. A program could consist of only walking. Participation in sports can also be part of a well rounded exercise program. Many sports, such as basketball, work the muscles, increase the heart rate, and exercises the lungs. Dancing and swimming are other good alternatives to a gym. In addition, many companies market effective home exercise equipment. These devices can be as simple as a treadmill, or more complex systems of weights. Just about any activity that stresses the body, increases the heart rate, and flexes the lungs could be a part of an effective exercise program. Mowing the lawn with a manual push lawn mower is good exercise if done safely. F.) The Best Way to Lose Weight The best way to lose weight is to get on a wellness program that includes a healthy diet and proper exercise. It is not enough to just count calories. The person whose goal it is to lose weight must also burn excessive calories and turn their nutrition into healthy body tissue such as muscle. In addition, the diet must remain balanced for the dieter to remain in good health. Smaller portions and regular exercise are the keys to the best weight loss program. The American Heart Association recommends eating nutrient rich foods that have fewer calories rather than nutrient poor foods ("Quick-Weight-Loss or Fad Diets"). An extensive study by Curioni and Lourenco in 2005 concluded that a weight loss program that included both diet and exercise resulted in greater weight loss than a program of only diet or only exercise (p.1171). A nutrient rich diet with fewer calories and a regular exercise program is the best way to lose weight. G.) The Five Myths of Diet and Exercise Myth number one says that carbohydrates are bad for a weight loss diet. Carbohydrates are a necessary part of a healthy diet and the body uses them as a source of energy during exercise. However, the dieter should consider the source of the carbohydrates and avoid processed cards or excessive sugar. Myth number two is the false belief that some foods actually burn calories. This has been refuted by Elizabeth Pivonka, a registered dieticians who states, "There are no foods that increase your metabolic rate, or help you burn calories" (qtd. in Albert). The belief that all fast food is harmful is myth number three. While fast food may be a disaster for weight loss, most outlets offer healthy choices and it is up to the consumer to select proper dietary items from the menu. Myth number four is the notion that if we stay on the same diet and exercise program we will never gain weight. In fact, the body's metabolism changes with age and as we get older we require fewer calories or more exercise to stay at the same weight. Myth number five says that between meal snacking is bad for a diet. The fact is that a snack in midday can help reduce the urge to gorge yourself at a later meal. Of course the snack needs to be healthy and in the proper proportions. H.) The Role of Food Choice and Eating in the Six Dimensions of Wellness One of the dimensions of wellness is our physical well being. A healthy diet promotes a healthy body and helps maintain wellness of our physical dimension. A proper diet also contains the necessary vitamins and nutrients to develop and maintain a healthy brain. Our intellectual and emotional dimensions are directly affected by the foods we choose to eat. In addition, good physical health that is the result of a healthy body makes the person more active and decreases the chance of developing emotional or spiritual problems (The Six Dimensional Wellness Model, n.d.). I.) The Role of Activity and Fitness in the Six Dimensions of Wellness Physical activity and fitness are an integral part of a healthy life and impact all of the Six Dimensions of Wellness. Of course activity directly contributes to our physical well being. Regular exercise promotes increased heart rate and improves the oxygen flow through the body. This contributes to our wellness in the dimensions of intellectual and emotional. Physical activity and exercise can also be linked to our social wellness. We may join a fitness club, tryout for a sports team, or take dance lessons. Along with getting physically fit, we are also interacting in a social setting. Fitness plays a role in the occupational dimension as many professions and jobs require a high degree of physical fitness and strength (The Six Dimensional Wellness Model, n.d.). J.) The Five Components of a Sound Fitness Program A sound fitness program includes five key components that supply the body with its exercise needs. Component number one is to include activities that improve cardio-respiratory endurance. This improves blood flow and lung capacity and can be found in endurance activities such as running or swimming. Another key component to a sound fitness program are exercises that improve muscle strength. Weight lifting would be an example of this component. Muscle endurance is component number three. We build up endurance by applying stress against our body in a repetitive cycle. Push-ups and chin-ups are examples of activities that improve muscle endurance. Another component is the type of exercise that improves the body's flexibility. Reaching exercises and touching our toes are examples of this component. Component number five are activities that help the body maintain the correct composition of fat and tissue. Key exercises can help establish the body's ideal fat to lean body tissue ratio (Fitness fundamentals, 2008). References Albert, Sarah. "Five Weight Loss Myths Debunked." Fox News. 21 Aug. 2006. Fox News Network. Retrieved January 26, 2008, from,2933,209682,00.html. Curioni, C C., and P M. Lourenco. (2005). "Long-term Weight Loss After Diet and Exercise: A Systematic Review." International Journal of Obesity 29.10: 1168-74. Fitness fundamentals (2008). Retrieved January 26, 2008, from "Quick-Weight-Loss or Fad Diets." (2008). American Heart Association.. American Heart Association. Retrieved January 26, 2008, from The Six Dimensional Wellness Model (n.d.). Retrieved January 26, 2008, from Read More
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