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Essays on to what extent was reconstruction a failure

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Post-War Planning and Reconstruction Methods
17 pages (4437 words) , Download 1
However, the practical implementation of the Weimar republic was a failure since the costs of reparation that was placed on Germany by the Versailles Treaty were astronomical (Turner, 2010).... It is expected to extend experience or add strength to what is already known in the previous research.... Study shows that failure to include cultural values and historical element in urban planning is important for the sustainability or the projects.... In the beginning, there was lack of funding and failure of some facilities such as power....
New Orleans and the Hurricane Katrina
5 pages (1496 words) , Download 0
Hurricane Katrina was a trigger event that caused failure of federal levees and major flooding in New Orleans.... As Smith (2006:1) suggests, for every disaster there is a distinct phase and aspect, which include preparedness, vulnerability, response, results and reconstruction, as well as social calculus of the place.... The extent of damage in different areas depended on emotional support, evacuation timing, employment situations, housing, as well as plans to move back to pre-storm communities (Hartman & Squires 2006)....
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Jim Crows Laws Legislation and the Failure of Reconstruction in the US after the Civil War
5 pages (1602 words) , Download 2
The paper "Jim Crows Laws Legislation and the failure of Reconstruction in the US after the Civil War" highlights that however good reconstruction was to the Southerners, the process met legal and procedural demands from the Northern who maintained a firm stand on the freedom of the slaves.... Racism: The Black s and Jim Crow's Laws legislation being the reason for the failure of Reconstruction in the US after the Civil War Racism and the direction of war to contain slavery in the early American society of 1800s saw two opposing sects of the society dragged into historical civil war....
Civil War and Reconstruction
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4
Name: Course: Tutor: Date: The Civil War and the reconstruction in American History: Changes towards the Better End In the US history, the Civil War and subsequent reconstruction had brought about a number of momentous changes in the race-relation in the US society.... Consequently historical events like reconstruction, Wade-Davis Bill, Black Codes, Segregation, Jim Crow laws, the 13th Amendment to the 15th Amendment to the Constitution etc were some steps towards the construction of a race-blind society....
Trials & Witnesses
18 pages (4975 words) , Download 1
However, a failure of that decorum cannot be the sole grounds for impeachment, unless it is accompanied by other more serious offences, such as treason for example.... Those supporting the impeachment of ex-President Clinton were vociferous on what they considered to be the ‘facts' of the case, but those opposing the impeachment were of the view that even if all the alleged facts against President Clinton were found to be true, they did not amount to what constitutes impeachable offences under Article II, §4 of the Constitution, that is, ‘high crimes and misdemeanours'....
Factors Influencing Women to Choose Breast Reconstruction
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2
The aim of this paper 'Factors Influencing Women to Choose Breast reconstruction' is to clearly understand the factors that influence women to choose breast reconstruction after mastectomy.... Breast reconstruction restores the shape of the breast but cannot restore the normal breast sensation.... The author states that however breast reconstruction often makes women more comfortable with their bodies and helps them feel more attractive....
The Case For or Against New Orleans
11 pages (3084 words) , Download 0
This opportunity loss should be the major basis for deciding to what extent New Orleans should be rebuilt, for the simple reason that $63,885 x 124,000 people who lost their jobs = $ 7.... This was apparently due to a failure to consider the productivity of people in the area which would cease to be delivered if the workers of New Orleans decide not to be established in New Orleans. ... There will be social unrest as a result of failure of the government to do its role of providing emergency measures to bring back the normal conditions in New Orleans....
LASA 2 - The Case For or Against New Orleans
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3
This opportunity loss should be the major basis for deciding to what extent New Orleans should be rebuilt, for the simple reason that $63,885 x 124,000 people who lost their jobs = $ 7.... This was apparently due to a failure to consider the productivity of people in the area which would cease to be delivered if the workers of New Orleans decide not to be established in New Orleans.... Statement of the Problems in New Orleans, LA What should be the allocated budget for the reconstruction and developments in New Orleans after it experienced a level 5 Hurricane Katrina?...
Issues In Establishing a Construction Business
6 pages (1734 words) , Download 2
Through this stipulation a predetermined sum is established that must be paid if there is a failure to perform by the party.... Late instructions or unclear information, failure to give full possession of the construction site and so on will result in a delay, disruption or extra costs and expenses from the end of the contractor.... From the contractor's side, the breaches of contract most commonly include failure to proceed with due diligence, inability to complete on time and failure to meet specified standards....
Failure Analysis and Material Selection
16 pages (4382 words) , Download 1
Since the strength reserves in the fail-safe are always well below those of intact structure, it means, in practice the failure should be found and required action taken within a short time o maintain safety of a fail-safe thus an adequate inspection program must be part of the total design to ensure that a failure is identified before weakening of strength of the fail safe structure can happen ... This research "failure Analysis and Material Selection" discusses the effect caused by the failure of materials, much economic loss and human demoralizing has been realized with the change in this technology....
Failure Modes
6 pages (1780 words) , Download 0
The paper 'failure Modes' discusses the main aspects of the behavior of plastics, steel, concrete, and wood under normal conditions and under fire conditions.... The paper identifies and discusses the different types of failure modes that can occur within structures.... failure MODES ... Steel can be stressed beyond its elastic limit and strongly bent, but still consist of enough strength to resist failure.... Identify and discuss the different types of failure modes that can occur within structures. ...
Investigation of the Public Infrastructure Failure
7 pages (1952 words) , Download 0
hanges in environment that may have led to a failure ... n conclusion, there are suggestions for changes and improvements that would have led to a successful prediction of a failure event and subsequent prevention.... The paper "Investigation of the Public Infrastructure failure" focuses on the critical analysis of the peculiarities of the structural failure in the Sampoong Department Store collapse which took place on June 29, 1995, and resulted from a structural failure....
Risks and Opportunities That Exist for a Large European Contracting Company
12 pages (3498 words) , Download 2
In such kind of industry, failure and default are quite common but in current economy it makes it all the more common.... According to research, the rate of failure of construction enterprises like JSConstruction Company during recovery is three times worse than during economic downturn.... Again such companies are characterized by low margins, high debt ratios, and high failure rates and so on.... But as discussed earlier the biggest problem for a contractor failure is running out of cash....
The Politics of Reconstruction
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 2
Skowronek argues that the presidential politics follows four types of cells that define one as successful or a failure.... The presidents in this cell try to adopt the politics of the past that symbolizes them with the politics of failure.... The president works in a manner that does not wholesomely reconstruct the nation nor does it put him on the failure's list.... The paper "The Politics of reconstruction" describes that each president who ruled in America rose to power through one of the cells mentioned discussed by Skowronek....
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
10 pages (2561 words) , Download 2
However, during the reconstruction period of the temple, Theodorus, Scopas of Paros became contributing architects for Temple of Artemis (clevelys.... Given the case of the colonnade, what is the most intricate component of the Ionic form that separates it from the Doric?...
The Recognition of Building Security Code During Design and Construction Phase
13 pages (3799 words) , Download 0
The result is failure of the buildings to meet total quality and integrity security-wise.... The result is failure of the buildings to meet total quality and integrity security-wise.... As stated by Adenuga (2012), building failure occurs when a building or its components are not effective or reliable in accomplishing or executing their principal functions.... In this case, since the principle function of the built environment would be security, it is critical to argue that failure to implement the QMS, standards or codes during the design or construction phase leads to failure of the buildings to meet total quality or integrity of the buildings....
Steel in Construction
9 pages (5073 words) , Download 2
In Russia architectural cast iron was used extensively throughout the 18th Century but it is not clear to what extent it was also used to support floors and roofs.... The progressive collapse of five storeys of Radcliffe's Mill in Oldham in 1844 and the failure of the Dee Bridge in 1847 were both highly damaging to its image.... failure has been described based upon standardized tests that more-or-less ignore the specific thermal and mechanical properties of different steels....
The Health and Safety Codes Governing Construction Work in Britain
9 pages (2482 words) , Download 0
Consequently, within most states, accidents and failure rates for the temporary structures are higher than permanent structures.... These factors include inadequate maintenance for the machinery, little technical knowhow on the application of the machinery, and failure to secure the materials used in the constructions which increase the level of susceptibility due to corrosions and unauthorized uses.... Other major potential causes of the risks are operating the machinery without approval from qualified personal and mechanical failure associated with corrosions....
Reconstruction Era in the US
4 pages (1262 words) , Download 3
This is due to freedom, which Blacks received during then besides other significant enactments put in place to grant them an elevated status contrary to what Southern slave masters deemed for long-suited them.... This is due to freedom, which Blacks received during then besides other significant enactments put in place to grant them an elevated status contrary to what Southern slave masters deemed for long suited them.... Hence, prompting Dubois term the attainment of equality during then as a “splendid failure” because an individual's recognition or mode of treatment assumed racial lines....
American Reconstruction Era
11 pages (2852 words) , Download 3
The paper "American reconstruction Era" states that the black population in southern states had joined the northern alliances in fighting southern forces.... Historians would prefer to extend this range of years into 1861, prior to the inception of reconstruction ideologies, and up to 1878, when strategies after reconstruction had taken effect within the American society.... reconstruction era fell under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln, and his successor Andrew Johnson....
Failure of the London Ambulance System
10 pages (2930 words) , Download 2
It was basically a failure of the organization which was not able to execute any major project successfully.... The paper "failure of the London Ambulance System" states that success or failure of a project depends upon long-term vision, flexibility, risk analysis, the ability to cope with changes, motivated personnel willing to accept change, and the right process at the right place at the right time.... The prime reason for the failure of the LAS was the imposition of a solution without investigating the problem....
Construction contract law
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2
The first factor is the failure of the participants to read thoroughly the terms of the other party's form.... Clarke counterclaimed damages both for the failure to complete the work within a reasonable time and for defective work.... Moreover, considerable structural demolition and reconstruction work would be required.... ection 104 under Part II of Housing construction and reconstruction act (1996) mentioned that “construction contract” means an agreement with a person for any of the following ...
Construction Contracts in Context
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2
In the absence of such a waiver, the court held that contractor was held not entitled to extension of time owing to failure on his part to serve notice.... ??variations and any other matters or instructions which under these Conditions are to be treated as, or as requiring, a variation”4 and “any impediment, prevention or default, whether by act or omission, by the Employer, the Architect/ Contract Administrator, the Quantity Surveyor or any of the Employer's Persons, except to the extent caused or contributed to by any default, whether by act or omission, of the Contractor or of any of the ...
Engineering Contributions to Minimize Project Failures in United Kingdom
12 pages (3484 words) , Download 0
For instance, on 24th June 1982, the failure of the British Airways Boeing 747 that began losing power on its four engines was blamed on civil engineers who first designed and continually maintained it (Gibson et al.... Reviewing the background of contributions civil engineers make towards minimizing project failure, when incident investigators reported their findings it was noted that ash from the surrounding volcano did not interfere with the engines but civil engineers failed to apply service to the four engines thus not able to enjoy its full degree of redundancy....
Development Project in Terms of its Stakeholders, Partners, Participants and Networks
7 pages (2321 words) , Download 1
Furthermore, it would be necessary to identify the role of the stakeholders to the success/ failure of a particular project and explain at what level their intervention in the project can be regarded as influencing drastically its progress.... In this case the project contractor has to be paid for all expenses made up to that point – except from the case of a severe failure where there can be no responsibility of the local authority to compensate the project contractor....
The Success of State Reconstruction Varies according to the Scale of State Collapse
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3
The paper 'The Success of State reconstruction Varies according to the Scale of State Collapse' with reference to authoritative sources, analyzes the possible implications of financial, humanitarian, peacekeeping and other development assistance for donor countries and recipients of this aid.... he Success of reconstruction Varies According to the Scale of Collapse Boutros Boutros Ghali, former Secretary General of the United Nations,describes state collapse as the “collapse of state institutions with resulting paralysis of governance, a breakdown of law and order, and general banditry and chaos” (Thurer 1999)....
Nature of State Building in Bosnia and Sovereignty during Its Post War Reconstruction
11 pages (3163 words) , Download 2
Thus, here we find in the initial years, too many foreign entities present in a country having a population of less than 4 million, which did not allow the domestic mechanisms to start functioning effectively leading to a failure of a successful state building process.... These form of constitutional settlements that aim to alleviate the chances of a state failure; however, in reality they tend to be more of a trade-off resulting in weak states (Ibid).... The paper "Nature of State Building in Bosnia and Sovereignty during Its Post War reconstruction" states that international support for Bosnia, (though during the initial post-war years was more of a nuisance), actually helped the state to end its conflict and start moving towards peacebuilding....
Why Project Management Methods Can Lead to Failure
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 4
Worse still is the fact that most of the companies are not able to identify what is a success and what is a failure.... This paper 'Why Project Management Methods Can Lead to failure?... The existing project management methods lead to failure in a number of cases.... This research works on the existing literature and tries to identify the various reasons behind the failure of IS projects.... what makes IT projects different is the fact that it is mostly virtual and almost uniformly not realized in any physical form until the final moment....
Embodied Energy in House Construction
11 pages (2989 words) , Download 2
To provide a bit of ductility to the concrete steel reinforcements are put in place to allow for an expansion without failure.... This failure occurs mainly at the ends and at T junctions.... For thin panes glasses cracks originate in the form of a star while thicker plates failure propagates in the form of cone cracking.... (Joseph Paul & Tretsiakova Svetlana, 2010) failure of Common Structural Materials Structural materials fail by the following methods 1....
Management and Quality Control of Spinnaker Tower and St Pancras Station
8 pages (2102 words) , Download 2
In extreme cases, faulty installation or inferior quality may either lead to failure of the structure and cause fatalities or cause accidents during the construction process.... It also has great effects on the cost, as defects of failures can result in large costs for reconstruction.... The importance of quality control is such that, even minor defects may require a reconstruction, depending on the importance of the structure.... The reconstruction of St....
The Banqiao Reservoir Dam Failure
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4
The study investigates the main causes of the Banqiao Reservoir Dam failure and the implications when one or more dams depend on the sustainability of other dams.... The Banqiao Reservoir Dam failure ... Initially, it was reported that the dam failure was attributed to a natural disaster.... However many years later and after considerable research, researchers have come to the conclusion that the Banqiao Reservoir Dam's design and the design of the other reservoirs, together with the standards associated with containing the river are partly responsible for the dam failure....
Contractual Procedures for Building
5 pages (1568 words) , Download 3
This provides evidence of failure to comply with instructions delivered concerning correction of statutory obligations.... The paper "Contractual Procedures for Building" highlights that the traditional 'Build Only' procurement segregates the design and construction aspects.... The employer/owner directly employs the contractor and professionals (designers, project manager) under separate contracts....
Perfect Market and Market Failures
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
The present essay intends to study the concepts of a perfect market and factors that could lead to a market failure.... The present essay intends to study the concepts of a perfect market and factors that could lead to a market failure.... here are many reasons for market failure.... Another condition that could lead to market failure is the existence of either positive or negative externalities.... Market failure can also occur when the resources are common (Krugman and Wells, 2006)....
The Analytical Framework for Analyzing Disaster
6 pages (1520 words) , Download 0
Another disaster characteristic is the failure of communication.... Communication may fail in ways such as collapse of the dispatch center, repeater off the air, equipment failure and destruction of tower among others.... Frequency overuse, battery failures, passing partial or incorrect information, failure to reach certain individuals and misunderstanding the presented information are some of the ways in which communication fails as a result of disaster occurring. ...
Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkaway Collapse
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2
The paper has focused on the Hyatt Regency Hotel disaster because it is the most devastating structural failure in the history of the United States of America.... he paper has focused on the Hyatt Regency Hotel disaster because it is the most devastating structural failure in the history of the United States of America.... The collapse was triggered by the failure of one of the connections on the roof at the north side of the building.... When the structural failure occurred, the box beams split along the weld and nut supporting them causing them to slip through the subsequent gap....
Engineering Contribution in Project Failure
29 pages (7409 words)
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The paper "Engineering Contribution in Project failure" describes that the rates of failure for typical machines from industries, 'bathtub' curve and exponential distribution have been essential when explaining the aspect of reliability thus helping engineers to minimize chances of project failures.... The application of the reliability engineering was made effective regarding project Bombardier Q400 aircraft operating QF1466 where its failure was minimized by a group of engineers by applying the 'bathtub' curve which they used to reflect the possibility of the machine failing versus time it is likely to take for the project to fail....
Management Principles and Application for Construction and the Built Environment
43 pages (10750 words) , Download 4
This paper talks about the use of some lean development standards to plan management, considering the three separate perspectives of the construction.... This examination is taking into account just two of the contextual investigations, in which management principles are applied to development.... ....
Significant Reasons for Mega-Project
18 pages (5107 words) , Download 0
A combination of numerous factors is said to propel the failure.... However, massive research has been done to determine the rationale behind failure of the mega projects.... A combination of numerous factors is said to propel the failure.... Mega projects, described as large, complex projects within the minerals, petroleum, power, and chemical industries remain massively challenging with a startling high rate of failure.... The present track record on mega projects failure is unacceptable....
Multiple Failure Modes Assessment in CFRP Assembly an Approach to Cost Risk Evaluation
54 pages (14144 words)
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This paper "Multiple failure Modes Assessment in CFRP Assembly an Approach to Cost Risk Evaluation" aims to develop an understanding of the CFRP mechanism and potential failure associated with current CFRP assembly.... This will help to draw the financial impact of the failure cost.... On contrary, in terms of product reliability in producing lean CFRP in aircraft structure assembly is still low, where internal failure or first-time quality yet to achieve due to the high sensitivity of CFRP material which required excessive drilling and manual assembly....
Establishing the Main Risks of Serious Problem Projects
57 pages (10446 words) , Download 3
The author of the paper "Establishing the Main Risks of Serious Problem Projects" will begin with the statement that the cyclic causal model is greatly reliable when dealing with serious problem projects (SSPs).... The model has been successfully applied in respect of various SSPs.... ... ... ... This study was dedicated to establishing the limitations of the cyclic causal model and involved a case study – the Vancouver building project which qualified as an SSP....
Global Studies Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
?? the textbook authors contrast the speculative nature of academic discussion of “international governance” by scholars along with the failure of these researchers to give equal attention to the agents who actually perform the daily acts of governance and administration.... Topic: Global Studies Paper In “Who governs the globe?...
Benefits of Community involvement in Construction
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2
Review of Related Literature Introduction Community participation has been often identified by researchers and practitioners alike as fundamental to achieving success in delivering services for physical infrastructure (World Bank, 2004).... Much of the literature on community involvement, though, does not specifically explain the outcomes of various forms of involvement or participation on the effectiveness of construction projects....
Americas unfinished revolution
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2
as Reconstruction more of a success or a failure?... This was a failure of reconstruction.... This was a failure of a noble project, which was started to help the blacks and improve their living conditions.... The birth of new freedom was to guarantee individual rights to what they want to do.... This may be true owing to the facts that things are not working as expected during reconstruction.... reconstruction meant to bring people together and unite all from different social backgrounds....
Strategic Maintenance Systems in Sustainable Building
98 pages (2390 words)
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This paper ''Strategic Maintenance Systems in Sustainable Building'' tells that Continued functioning of building facilities require regular maintenance works.... The shift from conventional construction to sustainable building has further revolutionized the needs of building maintenance strategies....
The Failure of Fire Control Project
8 pages (2626 words) , Download 0
The paper "The failure of Fire Control Project" presents that the critical issues in the approach of project management and its application in the business environment were analyzed.... The failure of Fire Control Project- A Case Study of Project Management Executive Summary The purpose of this paper was to present a theoretical scaffold of project management and its relevance in an organization through an evaluation of failure of a fire control project....
Mitigation of Risk Factors in Construction Industry
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 2
Mitigation of risk factors in the construction industry has traditionally been challenging, resulting in many common failures in construction work, including the failure to complete a project adhering to standards or operational guidelines, poor quality of one or more aspects of the project, delays in project completion date, and common cost overruns (Ehsan, Mirza, et al....
The Extent That Policies Followed at the Beginning of Reconstruction in the US
4 pages (1039 words) , Download 2
Recognizing the oppressive nature of these policies individuals such as Fredrick Douglas noted that, “If with the negro was success in war, and without him failure, so in peace it will be found that the nation must fall or flourish with the negro” (Douglas).... The paper "The Extent That Policies Followed at the Beginning of reconstruction in the US" highlights that the United States enacted varying degrees of policies that considered the reintegration of southern states into the Union, as well as civil rights policies that aided African Americans....
Liquidation Assessment through Strategic Financial Statement Analysis
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2
This study will present the causes of the corporate failures resulting in their liquidation through the technique of strategic financial statement analysis.... The research methodology proposed is an extensive literature review of the history of corporate failures ever since the Great Depression....
Reconstruction, Sharecropping, and the Failure of the Economic Recovery
2 pages (593 words) , Download 0
The paper "Reconstruction, Sharecropping, and the failure of the Economic Recovery" highlights that more and more landowners chose to reduce the number of tenants and sharecroppers, and thousands of black freedmen had to search for their happiness elsewhere.... The period of reconstruction was a time of dramatic economic and social changes is difficult to deny....
The Canterbury Television (CTV) Building-Case Analysis
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3
Inspectors The inspectors who certified the construction of the CTV building are also responsible for the failure of the building.... This was an organizational failure since only trained and experienced building safety evaluators should be given the mandate of inspecting buildings after earthquakes.... In addition, the incident occurred due to management and organizational factors such as corruption and failure to appoint competent and trained inspectors....
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