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Green Transportation - Essay Example

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In the essay “Green Transportation” the author suggests that the mode of transportation must be changed. First, the reduced use of car vehicles will also diminish pollution and this will put a positive impact on the decrease in the level of global warming…
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Green Transportation
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Transportation My main mode of transportation is a car vehicle. I use the car vehicle from one location to other parts for different purposes. From college to home and home to college, I use the car. For the purchase of food items, shopping and other things are bought with the use of this vehicle. Recently, global warming and rising temperature have necessitated introducing changes in our lifestyle. The impact of global warming is that the unexpected severity in the winter and summer is becoming frequent.

And global warming contributes to storms (Chiras 11) rain, cyclones, earthquakes, harsh winter and summer days; all have threatened the life on this planet. Many authors believe that the rise in pollution has aggravated the weather condition globally. And, the smoke from car fuel is also contributed to the pollution.Although it will take away the facility that I enjoy with my car, it will be a good step for this planet. Works Cited Chiras, Dan. Green Transportation Basics: A Green Energy Guide.

Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers, 2010. Print.

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Green Transportation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 278 Words.
“Green Transportation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 278 Words”, n.d.
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