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Cross-Cultural Awareness Research Analysis - Essay Example

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The essay "Cross-Cultural Awareness Research Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in cross-cultural awareness research. S/he is a Chinese student who is studying in Canada and the UK under the ‘exchange’ program from September 2010 to December 2010…
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Cross-Cultural Awareness Research Analysis
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? I am a Chinese who is studying in Canada and to UK under ‘exchange’ program for three months from September to December The three months spent in UK have exposed me to emerging new environment of globalization which has significantly impacted the socio-cultural and economic equation across the nations. I have tried to capture the experience in my diary as an ‘exchange student’ which I now realize has given me a deep insight into the compulsions of multicultural society and the new model of international business. The versatility in the work ideology and functioning has become intrinsic part of businesses which need to cater to multicultural societies. Thus it is imperative that new skills and strategies are evolved to meet the emerging challenges with efficiency and unmatched proficiency. Interestingly, in the current environment of multicultural societies, reflective practices through diaries have become vital links to understand and improve outcome. One is able to reflect on issues and factors that have impacted the person. I have used the entries and content of my diary in discussing the various perspectives of the changing society, especially vis-a-vis international marketing. Various authors have also claim that diaries provide vital clues and techniques to improve and improvise productivity (Nadin, Sara and Catherine Cassell, 2006; Bolger, Niall, Angelina Davis, and Eshkol Rafaeli, 2003). I feel that cultural competency has emerged as a major issue within and outside the businesses community that impacts relationship building. Various authors Ghauri, Pervez and Cateora (2010) strongly contend that changing cultural dynamics are strong facilitator of change and significantly impact international businesses. Indeed, it can be described as the need to understand cross cultural values and adapt to the changing societal pattern of globalization. It becomes a highly critical paradigm in the area of education, business and society as it significantly impacts the development of people and their attitude towards different race, culture, religion and nationality. The increasing dependency of nations vis-a-vis trade and economic development, as directly resulted in new business compulsions where cross cultural understanding has become vital for survival and development. Communication is one of the most important skills that must be developed for long term sustainable professional and personal relationships. The need to develop a bond that is mutually beneficial as well as fruitful in the long run is inherent part of social contact paradigm. Everyone needs to communicate with one other, in one way or the other but mastering it ensures that one is able to convey his thoughts and ideas to the other with clarity and with ease. Indeed, a person, who makes effort to develop and improve inter-personal communication, is able to strengthen his professional relationship. He also helps facilitate a better understanding that paves way to a success which promises productive outcome. Better communication mode through cross cultural understanding has also the advantage of creating and fostering new associations with people who contribute to the personality development and help widen the area of knowledge and skills. This characteristic is particularly beneficial to people who need to interact with public and new persons on a daily basis. The leaders and market and sales professionals need to develop this skill. They must be able to effectively communicate with other so as to motivate and inspire others towards their intended issues and goals. A good leader is not only able to inspire but he is able to diffuse a volatile situation and turn it into an advantage for himself and his organization. In the rapidly developing environment of global competitiveness, it is essential that people must make efforts to cultivate this skill. In the age of globalization and multicultural societies, it is important that they develop the right communication skills to interact with people of other race, cultures and religion. In the article, ‘Competing on Capabilities: The new Rules of Corporate Strategies’, the authors (Stalk, Evans and Shulman, 1992) have asserted that the organizations need to evolve and develop business capabilities to gain leverage. Strategies and policies must incorporate the changing nature of the society and focus on issues and areas that are vital to maintain its market position. The transforming values and emerging new dynamics of businesses have necessitated development of culturally relevant capabilities to maintain competitive advantage in the cut-throat environment of international businesses. The socio-psychological paradigms are increasingly becoming major factors in the corporate strategy. Shultz say that it is the end-users who now control the markets rather than the marketers (Shultz, 2001). The rapid globalization has created a pluralistic society which has varied needs and preferences. Thus, the businesses need to focus on the issues that impact the purchase behaviour of the pluralistic society of the contemporary times. Social scientists claim that strategy needs to be dynamic to incorporate the changing paradigms of the times (Montgomery, 2008; McCarthy et al., 1997; Wilson & Gilligan, 2003). In the contemporary environment of competitive business, it has become highly relevant component of global businesses. Speed and flexibility have become crucial ingredients for the goods and services so that the organizations can efficiently meet the fast changing preferences of the customers. Indeed, Tesco is a case in point which ensures and takes into account the changing preferences of the society with its diverse needs and requirements. Customer satisfaction has become main focus of market strategy. It seems to have judiciously exploited the changing customers’ preferences through value addition of its products and market strategy based on segmented target. In fact, the leadership initiatives of the organizations in promoting an organizational culture based on mutual respect and understanding has greatly helped the competing organizations to test new approaches. The diversity in the workforce has provided the firms with important insight into the changing format of the societies and helps meet the challenges with creative input and innovative approach. The focus has now shifted from the manufacturer and suppliers to the changing preferences and practices of the customers (Gronroos, 2000; Korkman, 2006). This is perhaps the major reason for emerging new process of forging new strategic business alliances and networking. They not only provide important inputs for fostering constructive relationship but also ensure that it significantly impacts innovation and learning processes (March, 1991; McEvily and Zaheer 1999). I have found that in Canada as well as in UK, sustainable development has become an important part of socio-economic and cultural paradigm. Effective measures to promote environmental conservation and preservation in various processes and operation of businesses have become intrinsic part of corporate strategy to promote business interests (Ottoman, 1998). ‘Electric car’ of General Motors and CFC free refrigerators of Whirlpool are landmark products that have been developed to address the environmental issues. This has increasingly becomes a practice within the businesses and have become enabling elements of success. Scholars assert that operations at all levels of interaction must be carried out within the parameters of sustainable development framework. New product development and vale addition to the existing products must ensure sustainability within its development processes (Song and Parry, 1997). Hence, integration of environmental issues becomes vital part of sustainable marketing strategy. Products and services have become global in essence because they are accessible across the region. Retailing has become one of the effective modes of expanding businesses across the globe. In the current recessive environment, it has become a critical element of competitive advantage. Through effective supply chain management, the firms can promote goods and services that meet the criteria of sustainable development. At the same time, they are also able to penetrate wider area of business interest and exploit fresh opportunities through network solutions. Indeed, the effective supply chain brings together various linkages with the external agencies and hugely accelerates efficient receipt and delivery of goods and services. Most importantly, it promotes involvement in the environmental preservation by forging alliances and professional partnership with companies that work towards environment conservation. Various issues like material consumption, recycling, emission, power consumption and effective waste management have become important factors for public at large. The government policies and guidelines have greatly promoted environmental conservation. We all try to reduce the use of papers and plastics. Indeed, marketing has undergone remarkable transformation and the various marketing tools that promote sustainable development have become fundamental to the wider welfare of the society. The companies are adopting positive measures to reduce their energy consumption through reduced consumption and helping preserve environment by using recycled goods like paper, glass etc. In the age of globalization and advancing technology, advertising and brand creation has become of the most critical factor for international businesses. Hill (2004) says that while nations may be endowed with different political, economic, and legal systems, these differences have major implications for the practice of international business. It is very true because globalization has forced them to incorporate more flexible approach to business practices and incorporate the changing requirements of the public where people may be coming from different socio-economic and cultural background. Marketing paradigms are yet another vital component of international businesses. In the highly competitive environment of global business, the judicious and effective uses of various promotional techniques become highly desirable for successful marketing of goods and products. Integrated marketing communication has become vital part of market strategy for all organizations to leverage over one’s rivals (Kotler, 2007). Advertisements and media play a critical part in the strategy planning and are often define company’s position vis-a-vis the market strategy. The behavioural pattern of the people in the decision making process of buying goods provides the firms with effective ideas so that effective and appropriate advertising strategies and campaigns could be developed for maximum mileage. Marketing mix is increasing being preferred by marketers and firms because it provides them with wider options and parameters to influence the behaviour of the people in changing societal dynamics. Through advertisements, the firms are able to disseminate information regarding products and services. At the same time, the contextual content and creativity of the display greatly helps in influencing the psyche of the people. The impact of visuals and contents become important in the era of multicultural societies. Firms are targeting people from diverse cultural background through market mix and segmentation. Axe products have maintained a dominant position in the market primarily because they have successfully used creative psychology within their advertisements and attracted new clients while retaining the old ones. Shivkumar (2006) asserts that brand is not merely a product but needs to be conceptualized as a ‘multi-faceted entity’. The advertisement and brand creation is therefore not focused only on the products but are designed to target the system within which the product needs to be promoted and marketed. Thus firms need to adopt sensitive approach towards cross cultural understanding. The promotional techniques must be designed to suit the local conditions while catering to the demands of the segmented market. When I had acted as ‘Santa’, people had readily accepted me as one of them. It clearly showed that new norms of social behaviour and format have become part of new social order. Race, colour and nationality have taken second place in the emerging new business dynamics. In the cultural dynamics of contemporary times, the advertising becomes the most portent tools of market strategy. Edward Hall (1990) has divided cultures into two distinct parts; low and high culture. The low culture uses easy to understand wordings and is not ambiguous in its information. American and British use words that convey the information of the products. But in high cultures like China, India, Japan etc., apart from words, the contextual information is essential part of advertisement. Thus, the visual become more relevant on the wider context of the whole issue or information. The beliefs, symbols and language, in that order become important to the effective advertising while targeting cultural diversity. Thus, while advertising is highly critical part of marketing, the changing scenario greatly impose new guidelines for effective advertising. The brands and brand creation will remain the most effective strategy in the international business. Peebles and Ryans (1984) believe that in international marketing strategy, it is important to know use a global or regional advertising campaign, or tailor communication to differences in local markets. The knowledge provides the markets with vital inputs so that they are able to influence the buying behaviour of the target group. Very often, marketers use local campaigns to target local market if they are introducing new products or promoting a value added product that needs to be differentiated from amongst the similar products in the market. Thus, understanding of high and low context culture endows the business with knowledge and awareness that is used not only to project its image to the public but they are also able to inculcate universal brotherhood that goes beyond the geographical boundaries. The reflections on the diary provide critical insight into the changing environment of societies that necessitate changes in the business strategies. While contemplating on the various entries of my diaries during my three month long visit to UK, I have come to realize the true meaning of globalization. It is the emerging new format of global values where people need to incorporate the needs and requirements of other people within their social and business activities. The technology has further eased the mobility of people, business, product and services. The concept of distance and distance has become irrelevant in the distinguishing boundaries of trade and commerce across the globe. Indeed, globalization has brought forth a plethora of new opportunities for equity and equitable distribution of wealth, goods and services. It has also provided people with wider option to improve their living standard through adoption of global values and measures that encourage growth and peaceful existence. Reference Bolger, Niall., Angelina Davis, and Eshkol Rafaeli (2003). Diary methods: capturing life as it is lived. Annual Review of Psychology, 54 (1), 579-616. Ghauri, Pervez N. and Cateora, Philip R. (2010). International Marketing (3rd ed.) London: McGraw-Hill. Gronroos, C. (2000). Service Management and Marketing. A Customer Relationship Management Approach. Chichester: John Wiley. Hall, Edward T. (1976). How cultures collide. Psychology Today, July 1976. Hill, Charles. (2004). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. 7th ed. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Kotler, P., Brown, L., Adam, S. and Armstrong, G. (2007). Marketing. 7th Edition. Pearson Education Australia, ISBN 9781741034950, (Marketing BB Pack 7/e. Korkman, O. (2006). Customer Value Formation in Practice: A Practical-Theoretical Approach. Helsinki: Hanken Swedish School of Economics, Finland. March, James G. (1991). Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning. Organization Science 2: 71-87. McEvily, William J. and Akbar Zaheer. (1999). Bridging Ties: A Source of Firm Heterogeneity in Competitive Capabilities. Strategic Management Journal 20: 1133-56. McCarthy, E., Perreault, W., & Quester. P. (1997). Basic Marketing: A managerial approach. 2nd edition, Irwin, Sydney. Montgomery, Cynthia A. (2008). Putting Leadership Back into Strategy. Harvard Business Review, January. Nadin, Sara and Catherine Cassell (2006). The use of a research diary as a tool for reflexive practice: some reflections from management research. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 3 (3), 208-217. Ottman, J.A. (1998). Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation. second ed. NTC/Contemporary Books, Lincolnwood, Il. Peebles, D.M. and Ryans, J.K., Jr. (1984). Management of International Advertising: A Marketing Approach. Allyn and Bacon, Boston. Shivkumar, Hamsini. (2006). Managing global brand advertising. World Advertising Research Center Song, X.M., Parry, M.E. (1997). A cross-national comparative study of new product development processes: Japan and the United States. Journal of Marketing, 1–18. Stalk, G., Evans, P. and Shulman, L. E. (1992) Competing on Capabilities: The New Rules of Corporate Strategy. Harvard Business Review, March-April. Shultz, Don E. (2001). Bid Farewell Strategy based on old 4Ps. Marketing news; Feb 12, 2001; 35,4; ABI/INFORM Global. p 7. Wilson, R. and Gilligan, C. (2003). Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control. Butterworth Heinemann. Annexure Relevant diary entries from 1 September – 31 December 2010 September 1, 2010 I am a Chinese student who is studying in Canada and this is my first day in the university in UK under ‘exchange’ program. I am very excited because it would be provide me with invaluable experience. But at the same time, the huge socio-cultural differences would be a big challenge for me to overcome. The language is a big issue! I still have problem in communication because I have to concentrate hard on listening and understanding the English as spoken by these people. Today I had to use sign language and written English to inform them that they need to speak slowly so I can understand! September 21, 2010 I have met many other Chinese students and made friends with them as well as with students from other nations like Japan, Korea, India and Spain. We communicate in English and help each other to improve. I am really feeling much better. The culture shock, initially experienced is being overcome through social networking and understanding the cross cultural values. The environment issues are important factors within the education curricula and societal paradigm. The recycling and waste management is encouraged and people are increasingly adopting measures that promote environment conservation. October 10, 2010 I see the impact of globalization. I was much surprised when I saw that Chinese food along with Italian Pizza and pasta is an all time favourite of the student community. The teaching faculty makes especial efforts for non English students in their teaching methods. They not only use examples from different countries but they also exhort students to describe their experiences. I have started much more comfortable and befriended some English students. They are fun and are really interested in learning about our values, customs and value system. I think its all about developing cultural competency so people from different culture can work together for better performance. October 25, 2010 The various shops and grocery chain stores like Tesco, Morrison etc are very friendly towards immigrant population and overseas students. I was pleasantly surprised when store manager of Tesco had himself come forward to help me find the item that I was searching for. The spice was not available but he promised me to deliver the same in a week’s time to my hostel room. To my delight, the item was delivered much earlier. November 9, 2010 There is huge peer pressure within the student community. The students like to imitate their peer population in the way they dress and their social activities. While technology and new gizmos are one of the most sought after issues, the social networking, smoking, latest fashion in dress code have become critical elements of the students. It probably gives them a sense of belonging within the group. Is this why the corporate world has increasingly become visible within the university campuses? November 22, 2010 Today, I was picked by a leading shop and offered a very attractive cash incentive for becoming one of the ‘santa’ for their month long Christmas pageant. I have accepted the offer because it coincides with the weekend and is just four hours per day contract. It was fun because I mingled English with Chinese and distributed toffees and gifts to children. Children were also delighted with a Santa that was not typical English. December 4, 2010 The spirit of Christmas is all over UK and especially in the university campus. The Honda people had sponsored a cultural fest for the students. There was huge display of Chinese goods and food which the crowd really enjoyed. While some of the people criticized Chinese goods because they were ‘sub standard’ but the low cost goods did really good business. I believe that few years back, we had really flooded the European market with inferior goods abut now the scene has changed and Chinese goods have significantly improved in quality while maintaining a competitive price. It is a good business strategy. December 17, 2010 There is vast variety of Christmas accessories. In fact, the shops are flooded with foreign goods which have show cased a surprising creativity in the variety. I was amazed at the advertising and Christmas hoardings that are displayed on the roadside, internet, television etc. The myriad media chosen to advertise the Christmas offerings by different companies is a revelation in emerging new global values. Some of the advertisements have even used some words in Chinese and Hindi! The corporate has really woken up to the power of rapidly changing dynamics of societies that is increasing becoming multicultural. December 30, 2010 As an exchange student, the visit has really been a super success. The acceptance of people coming from different colour, race, culture and nationalities within the changing societal format is heartening. While language has remained the major issue for overseas students, the developing cultural competency in the existing societies across the world is testimony to the new global values. People are changing and becoming more flexible in their preferences and requirements. Read More
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