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Role of Ideology in the Formation of Soviet Foreign Policy - Essay Example

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From the paper "Role of Ideology in the Formation of Soviet Foreign Policy" it is clear that Marxist and Socialist ideologies regulate the process of making international relations. Marxist and socialist ideologies have given more emphasis to making a world without the evils of capitalism…
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Role of Ideology in the Formation of Soviet Foreign Policy
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?International Relations and Politics How significant a role did ideology play in the formation of soviet foreign policy Introduction: International relations is relationships between countries, including the roles of states, organizations, international organizations. International relations and politics seek to explore the most urgent issues of the world. Major social and religious beliefs like Catholicism, Islam, liberalism and Marxism ideologies became the end results of social groups and thinking. An ideology needs to provide some explanation of how things have come to be as they are, some indication of where they are heading. Soviet Union was considered foreign enemy in much of Eastern Europe for a long time after the fall of communism. After all, the communist Soviet Union had invaded these countries and broken their people for decades. This disturbing image has changed over the past few years. The soviet leaders endeavored to secure their power primarily against forces at home, but also against the outside world, since ideology taught them that the outside world was aggressive and that it was their duty ultimately to defeat political forces away from their borders. Soviet Union is considered as the state which followed ideology for the formation of a society that free from the evils of capitalism. Principles of socialism and Marxism in Russia have contributed a comprehensive and mutually unswerving set of ideas which helps the nation to form its foreign policy. The concept of proletarian internationalism has played vital role in the process of making Russia’s foreign policy. Historical studies have proved that Russia was considered as the foreign foe in much of European countries especially after the fall of Communism. Leninist ideologies of class struggle and war made the nation in to a land of anti- imperialists. Recent years a considerable number of far-right groups in post communist and socialist nations have considered President Putin’s authoritarian political infrastructure was a sufficient model and it paved the way for urging broad attitude towards Russia among the European countries. Analyzing the political and social history of Russia one can comprehend that Russian leaders and governments are failed to establish specific ideological base in their nation and the country have shifted its ideology. Different ideologies like Marxism, Socialism, and Leninism are played a vital role in the process of making Russia’s foreign policy. Numerous official administrative procedures have been involved in the understanding and effectuation of Soviet foreign policies. The great crisis that suppressed Russia’s foreign relation is its defective national, building ideology. Authorities have followed their passiveness in making new ideologies and principles. It is clear that after the formation of the independent Russian Federation in 1991, Russia had reached the status of a Russian nation-state under the leader ship of Boris Yeltsin. But Yeltsin’s efforts to change Russia as a land of multiethnic and non -imperial state became collapsed because of an articulate ideology. The online article entitled Domestic Factors Driving Russia's Foreign Policy by Ariel Cohen states that; “For over a decade, the Russian authorities have failed to provide a coherent and modern nation-building ideology or to overcome Russia's nostalgia for its lost empire.” (Cohen 2007). Ideologies in that time have largely encouraged the concept of collective amnesia that promotes Russian nationalism among the people. As a result of this, majority of people from Russia have believed United States as an enemy and it caused a gradual deterioration in Russia’s international al relations. In other words Russian rulers were failed to consume nationalism as an ideology to blend state and society in a healthy way. Analyzing history researcher can comprehend the fact that the aggressive nationalism had influenced the Russian efforts to follow war as a tool of foreign policy. Reader can find the two instances in the history of Russia like Russian panslavism in 1856 to 78 and the great power of nationalism in 1905 to 14. Professionals in the field of political science have documented the fact that Marxist – Leninist and Maoist ideologies have played a vital role in the formation of the Soviet foreign policy. One cannot close the eyes to the influence of Chinese foreign policy in making Russia’s foreign policy. The online article Foreign relations of the Soviet Union explains that; “The Soviet commitment in practice to proletarian internationalism declined since the founding of the Soviet state, although this component of ideology still had some effect on later formulation and execution of Soviet foreign policy.” (Foreign relations of the Soviet Union, 2010}. Things are easier to comprehend for a reader when he or she made a deep analysis of the history of Soviet Union. Soviet obligation put into practice to proletarian internationalism turn down since the formation of the Soviet state, even though the element of ideology at a standstill had some consequence on later formation and implementation of Soviet foreign policy. Internal and external factors and crisis in Russia have often prevented the nation to establish healthy relations with its neighboring countries. Astrid S. Tuminez rightly remarks; “In the post- Soviet period (1991-98), Russia has undergone severe national humiliation and the deep erosion of internal governance. Yet the most aggressive variants of nationalism have not stimulated war or expansionism in Russian foreign policy.” (Tuminez 2000, P.7). Historical evens have justified the fact that a country’s identity is not a predetermined one; it changes continuously in response to its external environment, political transactions and political factors. The book entitled Ideology and national identity in post-communist foreign policies By Rick Fawn discusses the characteristics of Russian ideology and how it affect the formation of country’s foreign policy. As Rick Fawn comments;” Russia’s concepts, blueprints and doctrines do not constitute an ideology, and it is extremely doubtful that they will turn into an ideology if Russia’s aspirations to develop a European identity are fulfilled.” (Fawn 2003, p.56). These ideologies have varied over time and they have incorporated a belief that clash and struggle are expected. Russia’s international relations and the reaction of its neighboring countries towards Russia’s policies makes clear that the most important characteristics of Russia’s ideological worldview is that the disagreement and conflicts. Leninist ideologies and theories explain and give details about historical development of the nation. This theory explores the fact that the struggles and clashes between broader forces such as socialism and imperialism are helps to make and influence the historical development. Administrators who followed Leninist ideology in Russia have augmented that Leninist policy of uniting with several forces so as to oppose others more successfully in a united front. Russian leaders in that time leaders have support the development of different united facades as they have supposed the challenges in the world to change over time. But it also threatens to burden Russia with client states that it no longer can afford. The major differentiations in post-Soviet foreign policy argues in terms of more robust ties with the capitalist world, especially Western Europe, and voices opposition with regard to some of the reconstructed union in which Soviet Russian could be a major force, in both political and economic terms. The first alternative could take Russian on new path of progress in real terms and the second proffer the safeguard of returning to well known tasks and responsibilities. The Internet article Russia, Latin America allowed that Russia’s fresh Russia’s recent times provides it specific geopolitical motive to continue relation with the fourteen nations that has come out along its fringes with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Russia, Latin America (Russia-Latin America, 1996). The attitude of withdrawing utilitarian principles in the early period Russia’s Foreign policies gave up its relationships with European countries including Germany. It caused for great financial crisis and political crisis in Russia. The ideology of class struggle at a halt played a role in given that a worldview and convinced slack guiding principle for action in the 1980s. Studies have emphasized and even help the reader to Marxist-Leninist ideology emphasize other distinctiveness of political culture that generate an outlook of competition and quarrel with other nations in the world. Another significant fact is that because of the influence of Marxist and socialist ideologies Russia have given initial priority to the countries like India, China, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. Foreign policies towards these nations ensure Russia’s nationalism. The web article entitled Foreign relations of the Soviet Union rightly remarks that; “According to the program, the main goals and guidelines of the CPSU's international policy” included ensuring favorable external conditions conducive to building communism in the Soviet Union, eliminating the threat of world war, disarmament; strengthening the world socialist system, developing equal and friendly.” (Foreign relations of the Soviet Union, 2010). Russian forecasters debate for renewal of co-existent profitable pre soviet commerce and exchange goods from Siberia in exchange of goods from Latin America. These forecasters informed that gaining LA’s commercial goods like coffee, cocoa, sugar, fruits, footwear and oil- in exchange for Siberian timber, coal, fish and furs. The main outline of soviet union foreign policy were reaction to alteration in the distribution of political power in the world at large .As far international factors like historical background ,cultural tradition and ideology were concerned. The legacy of Marxism has become an important part of the soviet habitual view of international relations. Soviet foreign policies have two general characteristics one is an unusual sensitivity to economic and social developments in states playing a major role in international relation. Analytical and symbolical use of Marxism remains an important and necessary to the understanding of soviet policy the logical response to the situation was to build the prerequisites of socialism in Russia. And the ideology was vindicated by the industrialization of the soviet state. Research professionals like Mr.kennen and postulated the fact that the possibility of alternation in the soviet outlook resulted the destruction of their assumption about capitalist ideology. Erik P. Hoffmann and Frederic J. Fleron state that;” The palsied decrepitude of the capitalist world is the keystone of communist philosophy.” (Fleron & Hoffmann 1980, P.144). There are many controversial elements in Russian foreign policy. The most intricate and permanent factor is that of the country’s huge geographic composition, reaching out, as it were, in areas of Europe, Pacific the immense and large Mohammedan stretch of the Middle East and Central Asia. Russia’s present history provides it with specific geopolitical motives to sustain nexus with the fourteen nations that came out along its margin with the dismemberment of the Soviet Union. According to Marxist-Leninist analysis, all historical development is the result of a process of struggle, between classes within a nation, between nations themselves, or between broader forces such as socialism and imperialism. Ideology provided a general frame work within the leaders could analyses the foreign relations. But providing a set of prescription they could follow blindly or acting as a constraint, the maxims of Marxist-Leninist beliefs nourished them and this thinking is the fundamental edifice in the carrying out of foreign dealings of Soviets and the major impediments to the capitalist nations. Evidence of the continuing commitment to the ideology by the Soviet leadership is the efforts of the Communist Party to impart the doctrine to the Soviet people. In their collaborative effort entitled The foreign policy of Russia: changing systems, enduring interests Robert H. Donaldson and Joseph L. Nogee comment that; “The distinctive features of this revolutionary tradition not only helped to shape the foreign policy of the Soviet period of the Russian history, but they also live on today by virtue of their importance in the political socialization of the current leadership of democratic Russia.” (Nogee & Donaldson 2005). Foreign policy of a nation often causes criticisms including harsh criticism from within the country as well the international community. Foreign policy sub divisions are now encountering many issues. They not own had to own up for their own follies, but also for the total untrue beliefs of state continuation and polices of the erstwhile governments. The ideology process is necessary because public opinion does not naturally and automatically agree with the opinions of the power elite. The experiences of ordinary people on the job and in their daily lives often lead them to harbor private attitudes and to formulate personal opinions very different from those necessary for the ready acceptance of policies favored by the power elite. If such attitudes and opinions were to be publicly discussed and developed into alternative policies and new political strategies, the functioning of the special-interest, policy-planning and candidate-selection processes might be impaired, thereby threatening the economic relationships and governmental supports upon which the ruling class is based. “As the polemical debates between Mao and Khrushchev demonstrate, the ideological rift weakened the force of the world communist movement by dividing the two states as well as unraveling confidence in international communism.” (Huang 2003).Russian Government and political readers have always tried to make a progressive communist and socialist movement all over that world and they have made their foreign policies and international policies for achieving a specific goal. Unfortunately Marxist and socialist ideologies became a barrier among the process of making healthy relationship and international understanding. The functions of ideology have figured in soviet foreign policy at one time or another through different weights. The trend is clearly and heavily towards the propaganda function with some residual role for the interpretive function. The important functions is not inherent the origin of ideology but developed historically during the early years of Soviet Union.Leninist ideologies gave given more emphasis on practical functions and one can find that Russia’s willingness to adopt utilitarian dimension of ideology. Its relations with European countries during the time of 1950s have marked the ideological shift. Propaganda is considered as one of the significant function of Socialist ideology and it played a vital role in fixing Russia’s relationship with Germany. The scholar article entitled “The influences of ideology on the foreign policy behaviour of the Soviet Union and its East European satellites, 1945-61.” The impact of right thinking on the foreign policy conduct of the Soviet Union and its East European associates, 1945-61 correctly assesses that “Propaganda receives a The influence of ideology on the foreign policy behaviour of the Soviet Union and its East European satellites, 1945-61 rightly comments that;” Propaganda engaged an unusual critical role in Moscow’s attempts to gain ascendancy in Western Europe wherein the local communist parties have attempted determinedly to convince local constituency of the benefits of socialism, with not a high degree of success, as it has turned out to be. (Ingold 2005).These ideologies have influenced the process of policy making in Russia towards the West. New challengers like the establishment of a unipolar structure of the world with the power supremacy of the United States have affected the policy formation. Its military, agricultural, science and technology and energy alliance with America, Britain, France, and Germany have faced severe struggle. Conclusion: When it concludes, it is evident that different ideologies from different socio-economic and cultural background have played a vital role in creating Russia’s foreign policy. It is crystal clear that both periods after and before the fall of Soviet Union, Russian ideologies have strong influence from its nationality. Its efforts to create class free world authorities made foreign policies that ensure socialist ideologies. Unfortunately Marxist and socialist ideologies have paved the way for the formation of rivalry against the United States and other European countries. Marxist and Socialist ideologies regulates the process of making international relations. Marxist and socialist ideologies have given more emphasis on making a world without the evils of capitalism. Marxist and socialist ideologies forced Russia to consider United States and its Western supporters as opponents. Researcher can easily understand the Influence of ideologies in Russian foreign policy is clear when he or she analyze its willingness to make a healthy relation towards the nations like India, China, Japan, Magnolia and African nations. Foreign policies for the above mentioned countries have given more emphasis on military cooperation, agricultural development, human resource development, energy and technology. After the fall of Soviet Union Russia embraced utilitarian ideology incase of Marxism and socialism. Russia’s relationship with European countries and the United States explores its ideological shift from Marxist and socialist world to utilitarian society. Leninist ideologies also have played a vital role in designing foreign policy Russia and international community. Leninist ideologies of class struggle and war highly changes on Russian political systems and its policies towards other nations. Policy makers have often forced to make policies against imperialism and capitalism. Ideological backgrounds of Russian foreign policy put forward higher values and expectations in the international community but its practicability arises some serious questions. Reference List Cohen, A., 2007. Domestic Factors Driving Russia's Foreign Policy. [Online] Heritage Foundation. Available at:[Accessed 9 January 2011]. Fawn, R., 2003. Ideology and national identity in post-communist foreign policies. [Online] Rutledge, P.56 Available at:[Accessed 9 January 2011]. Fleron, F.J & Hoffmann, E.P., 1980. The Conduct of Soviet foreign policy. [Online] Transaction Publishers, P.144 Available at: [Accessed 9 January 2011]. Foreign relations of the Soviet Union, 2010. [Online] World Lingo. Available at:[Accessed 9 January 2011]. Huang, E., 2003. The Reality of Ideology: Rethinking the Early Years of PRC Rule. [Online] UCSD Modern Chinese History. Available at: [Accessed 9 January 2011]. Ingold,M.A.S.M., 2005. The influence of ideology on the foreign policy behaviour of the Soviet Union and its East European satellites, 1945-61. [Online] GRIN. Available at:[Accessed 9 January 2011]. Nogee, J.L& Donaldson, R.H., 2005. The foreign policy of Russia: changing systems, enduring interests. [Online] M.E. Sharpe. Available at:[Accessed 9 January 2011]. Russia-Latin America, 1996. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9 January 2011]. The Influence of Ideology China Table of Contents, n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9 January 2011]. Tuminez, A.S., 2000. Russian nationalism since 1856: ideology and the making of foreign policy. [Online] Rowman & Littlefield, P.7 Available at:[Accessed 9 January 2011]. Read More
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