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The Impact of Technology on Children - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Impact of Technology on Children " states that generally speaking, the emergence of the internet technology has made it possible for teachers to plan their lessons through the internet, and disseminate that information to their students…
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The Impact of Technology on Children
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Paragraph inviting entrance Adamy & Milman (2009, p. 59) explain that “technological innovations, and specifically the internet has played an important role in advancing the learning process, and hence beneficial to children”. This is in the school and the social set up. For instance, because of technological tools such as Twitter and Face book, children have managed to create a wide pool of social friends irrespective of the distance that their friends are. There are some scholars who argue against using technology by children. Keengwe (2013, p. 278) claims that “The tools of the social media, which includes twitter and Face book have a negative impact on children, because they play a role in making them to waste time, and it also enables them to engage in unnecessary social interactions”. This is basically because it makes them vulnerable to criminals and pedophiles that are using the internet for purposes of taking advantage of them. However, it is important to assert that technological innovations are not used for purposes of social interactions, but it can also be used in the school environment, and educating children. For instance, the use of power point illustrations is an efficient and effective method of teaching children various concepts within the classroom set up. This paper focuses on the impact of technology on children who are between the ages of 9 to 12 years, and the ones who reside in United States. Paragraph 2: historical Overview 1- The debate on the usefulness of technology began as early as 1999. 2. Napoli (2011, p. 66) examines this debate and he asserts that, “There are people who support, and those who area against the use of technology in schools, and by children, and hence it is a controversial topic”. 3. Napoli (2011, p. 53) asserts that, “Computer games have a very negative effects on children, and this includes making them to lose focus on their studies and other issues that they engage in”. 4. It is because of the negative effects of technology, that a debate exists on whether they are useful or not. Paragraph 3: explanation of the two major arguments Those that claim that technology has a negative effect on children’s development and growth base their arguments on a number of findings, for example, anti-social behavior among children, poor anger management, health issues such as diabetes caused by obesity due to the over use of technology (Adamy &Milman, 2009). However, the opposing side bases its evidence on early knowledge development in children especially in technological fields, better coordination and quick reception and response which are better developed in children exposed to technology. Moreover, the use of technology offers children with hand dexterity, quick reasoning and critical thinking. It’s still obvious that people haven’t reached a consensus over this issue, and the society seems greatly divided over it. I. Developmental Paragraphs Paragraph 4: Introduction of the major arguments Philosophers have argued over the years and competed with each other in trying to establish the real position of the technology in both the present and the future of human life. The major focus of these arguments is whether technology plays a role in improving the lives of people or not (Blake, Winsor & Allen, 2012). There are a number of movements that criticize technologies pervasiveness in modern society, for example anarcho-primitivism, and Neo-Luddism all insisting that it destroys the environment (Nunes& Bryant, 2004). On the other hand, ideologies such as the techno-progressivism and trans humanism as well as countless others view technology as beneficial to human society as well as contributing positively to the development of human life. Wood (2010, p. 28) in their analysis of tans-humanism and techno-progressivism, are quoted as saying, “Techno-Progressivism and Trans-Humanism are technological processes that benefit the society”. They therefore support its use in the society. They are also against Neo Luddism, and they are quoted as saying, “Neo Luddism, and similar movements have the capability of criticizing the pervasiveness of technological innovation within the society,” (Wood, 2010, p. 28). Argument 1 Claim 1: Modern technology has contributed greatly to fracturing the very foundation that constitutes a family. 1- Kilpatrick (2014, p. 270) in his analysis of the education system in United States explains that, “70% of homes have digital equipments, and children are able to access them”. 2- Majority of children in elementary schools normally spend approximately 8 mores on technologies involved with entertainment. Furthermore, over 70% of these children have televisions (TVs) in their bedrooms, and over 50% of homes in the United States of America have televisions on all day (Adamyand Milman, 2009). 3- Because of technology, there is an increase in obesity, because of the inability of children to exercise and play games, instead focusing on how to use technology for entertainment purposes (Adamy and Milman, 2009). Claim 2 The negative impacts of technology have caused various problems in children’s development. 1. Obesity is one of the major causes of child diabetes (Rosen, 2011). Obesity occurs because of too much use of technology, and lack of physical exercises. 2. Technological gadgets have an impact in causing hearing abilities, and statistics indicates that 4 in every 10 children have developed this problem, majorly because of using technological gadgets (Bijker, Hughes, Pinch, & Douglas, 2012). 3. Van (2004, p. 104) explains that “Technology plays a role in depriving a child into growing normally, basically because it affects the manner which they are able to socially and emotionally interact with one another”. 4. The use of technology plays a role in accelerating the growth of obesity amongst children (Drew, 2011, p. 100). Claim 3 The impact of technology on children have adversely impacted their sleep patterns and contributed greatly to obesity. Supports: 1. Wilke-Deaton (2014 p. 35) explains that excessive use of technology has the capability of affecting, “The development of the cortex, and its limbic system”. 1. Obesity is a very common disease in American children, and approximately 17% of all children under 12 years are obese (Ogden, 2012). 2. This is because they are spending much of their time watching television, videos, or playing video games. 3. Children also lack enough rest and sleep, because of the installation iof technological gadgets in their bedrooms. They spend a large percentage of their time using these gadgets, affecting their developmental growth (Stein, 2011). 4- Concluding part It is important for parents, therapists, teachers and the society at large to become more sensitive and pay key consideration to the use technology and the devastating effects it has on children’s psychological, physical, and behavioral development (Adamy&Milman, 2009).However, this should not be the only focus, they should also emphasize on the holistic growth of their children and this can be evidenced by their ability to sustain and maintain family as well as personal relationships. People may argue that through technology they are more connected due to social networks and VoIP’s, however, connecting into these forms of communications disconnects the connection at the family level; children grow up not knowing how to interact and how to cope well with others (Blake, Winsor & Allen, 2012). They also prefer seclusion and solitude which isn’t good as man is a social being (Blake, Winsor & Allen, 2012). Moreover, parents are to be aware about the adverse impact of technology on children such as obesity and disturbing sleep patterns. Therefore, there should be a clear demarcation on how far technology can be used on a daily basis. Argument 2 Claim 1 Supporters of this argument argue that technology is not a bad phenomenon, and this is because if it is well regulated, it would empower children. 1- Amichai-Hamburger (2009, p. 14) denotes that, “The social and developmental improvement of a child should integrate technological, social and ethical principals”. 2- In United States, more than 70% of children are using technology in classes, and to in education. Specifically, these children are using computers (Blake, Winsor and Allen, 2012). 3- The uses of technological gadgets such as video games, and personal computers have the capability of increasing the ability of a child to be attentive (Gunter, 1998, p. 34). Concluding sentence: In conclusion, there is a need of combining this with physical interaction, between children, parents, and other members of the society. This would play a role in the development of a child, psychologically, and physically. Claim 3 The internet has led to the ability of children to use develop numerical skills, however, it is addictive. Supports: 1- Adamy&Milman (2009, p. 35) explains that children exposed to the internet have developed skills in analytics and problem solving”. 2- More than 50% of children who constantly use technology always become anti-social, basically because they lack socialization skills (Milman, 2009). 3- Shostak (2010, p. 200) explains that, “Hyper linked learning tools, and web 2.0 are able to supplement the learning process, making it easier for students to learn in school”. Concluding part It’s deemed important that children be well acquainted with technology from an early age. This can be evidenced with the adoption of computer classes in almost all institutions across the globe (Druin, 2009). There are governments in particular countries that have made it policy that children be supplied with laptops from a tender age in school, for example, the republic of Kenya, and Rwanda all of which are East African countries. However, these are just examples, since this paper would be dealing with the effects of technology in United States. The United States has embraced the use of technology in its schools. This is because most schools uses electronic library catalogs, so that pupils could get the capability of easily accessing books. This has replaced the use of manual libraries, which made it difficult for an individual to get an access to books. This in general shows how important technological knowledge especially computer literacy is, and to what levels institutions across the globe are trying to make sure they implement and make part of the learning process of their young population whether or not it begins at a tender age or not. Moreover, children should be made aware at what levels they can use technology. For instance, children who have reached two years can benefit from technology. They can benefit from a screen based device, which can help a child to explore his or her senses. This is important because it helps in the development of a child. Conclusion Advances in technological innovation have played an important role in determining the manner which children and students are able to learn in class. For instance, the use of Ipad’s and lap tops has revolutionalized the manner which teachers can impart knowledge to their students. For instance, through the use of lap tops, students can use power point representations for purposes of presenting some points in class, hence facilitating knowledge. Furthermore, the emergence of the internet technology has made it possible for teachers to plan their lesson through the internet, and disseminate that information to their students. For instance, video streaming sites such as You Tube can be used for purposes of disseminating information. This means that students can benefit from these sites, by acquiring knowledge at any time they need, hence supplementing the knowledge that they have concerning a particular issue. Technology can also be used in the developmental stages of a child, and an example, is amongst the three year olds, who can benefit from screen gadgets, that can help them in developing their senses. Those who argue against the use of technology, base their arguments on the harmful effects of technological innovations. One of the reasons advanced is that constant use of technology plays a role in developing chronic diseases such as obesity and cancer. Obesity develops because children do not have time to engage in physical activities, hence the concentration of too much fat in their body system. References: Top of Form Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2009). Technology and psychological well-being. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Bottom of Form Top of Form Adamy, P., &Milman, N. B. (2009). Evaluating electronic portfolios in teacher education. Greenwich, Conn: Information Age. Top of Form Blake, S., Winsor, D., & Allen, L. (2012).Child development and the use of technology:Perspectives, applications and experiences. Hershey, PA: Information ScienceReference. Bijker, W. E., Hughes, T. P., Pinch, T., & Douglas, D. G. (2012). The social constructionof technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology. MIT press. Top of Form Drew, D. E. (2011). STEM the tide: Reforming science, technology, engineering, and math education in America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Top of Form Druin, A. (2009). Mobile technology for children: Designing for interaction and learning.Amsterdam [etc.: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers/Elsevier. Top of Form Garfinkle, M., &Soiffer, S. M. (2007).New York City College of Technology. Charleston, SC: Arcadia. Gunter, B. (1998). The effects of video games on children: The myth unmasked. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press. Bottom of Form Top of Form In Keengwe, J. 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Top of Form Woodward, J., & Cuban, L. (2001). Technology, curriculum, and professional development: Adapting schools to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press. Stein, M. (2011). The Effects of Media Use in Children.NEJM Journal Watch. Pediatrics& Adolescent Medicine. Rosen, D. (2014). Media and technology use predicts ill-being among children, preteens and teenagers independent of the negative health impacts of exercise and eating habits. Computers in Human Behavior,25, 364-375. Top of Form Shostak, A. B. (2010). Creating the school you want: Learning @ tomorrows edge. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Education. Bottom of Form Van Evra, J. (2004). Television and child development. Routledge. Top of Form Wilke-Deaton, J. L. (2014). Parenting better children: An 8-week skills training program guide to reach, teach & empower. Eau Claire, WI: PESI Pub. and Media. Bottom of Form Wood, R. (2010). The great shift: Catalyzing the second renaissance. Lulu. com. Read More
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