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For instance, it has been found that the use of the right amount of toothpaste is not followed by most children. The researchers find this important information because the chemical contents of toothpaste can be harmful, especially for children who have high tendencies of swallowing instead of spitting out the toothpaste. Moreover, they also discovered that not many parents teach their children to floss.
Other negative discoveries include the lack of knowledge regarding the importance of every meal and adding more fruits and vegetables to children’s diets. However, parents appear to be well-informed about the ill effects of fruit juices and other sugary drinks and foods and they also encourage their children to brush their teeth at least twice a day. The article covered all the necessary information about the study and all the issues regarding oral hygiene and the participation of parents/guardians have been addressed.
The information given is relevant and the interpretation of data is complete and accurate, giving a clear picture of the result gathered from the study.
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