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Task: Why I Am Volunteering I began volunteerism at my young age when my family and I used to care for a group of animals inVenezuela. We travelled to the county club every Sunday but I had little understanding of the vitality of caring for animals, by then. My perceptive of the importance of caring for animals developed, with age, and my appreciation of the noble role of volunteerism improved. I realized that a considerable portion of the world’s population is inconsiderate of the state lives of animals.
Most people do not appreciate the beauty that animals bring to the world. This is what motivates and keeps me hopeful to sensitize many people to appreciate the value of animals. I have a mission to perform many volunteer jobs as per my ability. Acting as a volunteer to help preserve animals grants me sense of self-satisfaction. Animals, being part of nature, need care. The pleasure I get from offering care to animals initiates personal growth in me. Accepting animals as part of creation and realizing the necessity to ensure their growth is fundamental in enhancing conservation.
Nature must operate in equilibrium and animals are part of it. Humans, therefore, must develop new ethics and consider their relationship with animals. Nurturing the culture of sensitivity and awareness towards the conservation of animals has a central contribution in appreciating them, as part of nature. Humans should be responsible and care for domestic and wild animals. This, notably, is a role that everyone in the world should play. The challenge is to ensure that animals exist in harmony with the world population.
Conservation of habitats that are home to animals, for instance, is an important strategy that the world population should promote. Every member of the society should take on the challenge to ensure animals get the best care and their habitat conservation measures considered. This requires tolerance, by humans, and acceptance that animals deserve consideration and attention. Attending to animals, wild and domestic, is tantamount to respect for their lives. Humans have a role to ensure animals do not suffer.
Animals do not communicate with humans in any way. It is upon humans to assess the condition of animals and realize any form of suffering that they may experience. Animals have an entitlement to rights. Part of the world population that is in disagreement with conservation points at diverse reasons including the lack of animal rights. It is illogical to disagree that animals have rights and such claims by people opposed to nature conservation are nonsensical. In my life, as I get old, my sense of perceptive improves and I continue gain insight and sense on the necessity to promote conservation.
I continue to have a deep appreciation of life, with advancement in age. I remain dedicated to the aspiration to achieve the goals that I set in life. Animal conservation is top among my goals in life. This is a reason to act by promoting conservation and ensuring animal welfare is under vast consideration, by every society member. A significant number of people do not believe in animal conservation. It remains the role of everyone on earth to advocate for the rights of animals. I am part of the mission and proud to declare my dedication, as a passionate volunteer, to care for animals.
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