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Ten-year research carried on individuals with a regular intake of diet soda revealed a 70% (Picca, 35) increase in their waistline in comparison to individuals with a zero tolerance to soda intake. I believe the soda tax serves as an effective measure of saving the ignorant American population, who turn a blind eye to dire health complications for continuous soda intake.
A tax charge on soft beverages will have a profound reduction of illnesses such as diabetes associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. Aside from obesity, public health officials also highlight additional health benefits of a potential soda tax such as improved dental hygiene. In the last 50 years, soft drink consumption has increased by a whopping 500% (Brill, 46). Interestingly soft drinks like soda consist of massive calories but with zero nutritional value. Even with such scary statistics, soft drinks consumption makes up 7% percent of energy consumption in adults and with a larger percentage reported in children and adolescents (Brill, 47). A tax charge on soda would result in a consumption reduction. Public health officials note that a consumer reduction in soda intake would reduce obesity cases nationwide, a hence significant step towards the fight against diseases such as diabetes.
The rising cost of soda, would reduce consumer intake, and consequently reduce the weight gain of approximately 90 % of the American population (Picca, 36). A research carried out by the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey in 2010 revealed that indeed states with higher taxes on soda recorded the lowest consumer consumption on soft drinks (Picca, 37). Individuals in such states turned to healthy drinks such as milk and natural juice for calories consumption. Following the success of taxation on tobacco and tobacco products, that led to a significant reduction of health complications associated with regular nicotine intake (Picca, 37). Taxation on soda would have the same implications on health complications such as obesity and diabetes.
Soda tax would serve as an effective measure of generating revenue for other critical government businesses (Smith, 24). Even though, critics accuse the soda tax of discriminating against the poor who form the largest percentage of soft drinks consumers (Smith, 25). However, revenue collected from soda taxation goes into covering health costs for the same poor who cannot afford health benefits. Revenue collected from soda tax also goes into the funding of education programs in various states and municipalities (Smith, 26).
I believe in soda tax as an effective measure of tackling soaring obesity cases that have hit the country. Approximately two-thirds of the American adult population suffers from obesity. One out of three of every American child is obese and highly likely to develop diabetes or other obesity-related illnesses. Soda tax will not only reduce obesity within the American population but also generate revenue for governments to invest in other critical societal aspects.
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