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TEXT ANALYSIS Corporate and individual social responsibilities have been in the increase especially in the 21st century. People have realized that nothing is more rewarding and satisfying than a simple action that will change another person’s life for better. The essay gives us insight information of how it is important to become an influential person in society through engaging in roles that transform people life. The writer admits that it is a challenging task that requires dedication and “big heart”.
The setting of the story is crucial to our understanding of how the writer appreciates her work as a nurse and how she plans to use her work to make a mark in people’s life. Even though the writer knows that balancing the job requirements and family attention can be challenging, she instinctively insists upon going on with the dream of making a positive impact on the society as a whole. She even vows to be role model to her daughter and that explains how dedicated and passionate she is towards dream of making positive impact on people’s life.
Although the writer is the central character in the story and we can learn more about her, the introduction of Lana (the patient) seems to gives much in depth information about the whole scenario (Ehrenhaft and George, 56). The writer gives a brief description about herself and that is critical in giving insight into her inspirations to become a nurse. The writer seems to be motivated more by the events that happen in her life. She quotes “That statement solidified my purpose of positively contributing to society, positively influencing people’s life, and being the best nurse I can be.
I know that I need to take my career to the next level”.This essay is so appealing to the audience. The setting is such that it is easy to understand the main theme of the essay (Ehrenhaft and George, 78). From the essay, a person can be easily convinced that social responsibility is something that needs to be implemented for the wellbeing of the society. The transition from one point of argument to the other in the essay is splendid. The writer offers her argument in a more open and detailed manner.
She first, describes herself then she talks about the family and finally she talks about her job and her relationship with the patients. She also talks about how that relationship has helped her make a positive impact in somebody’s life. The most interesting part of the essay is the fact that the writer acknowledges that you can make an impact on somebody’s life despite your economic, social, political, physical or even mental status. Lana did exactly that despite her health conditions. As a nurse, the writer knows that she can use her profession to change people life starting with the health sector.
So does any other person in a separate profession. She does not only give suggestions be she also offers viable solutions that can be implemented in the heath sector to make it a better place for the wellbeing of the society. In conclusion, the writer gives much hope to those who have lost hope in life that there is something good if you only believe in yourself. She acknowledges that social responsibility is a personal initiative but the results are extensive and enjoyed by everybody. If you read this essay, then you will have a soft spot in your heart towards other people who need help; and you be convinced that nothing more satisfying than contributing towards making a positive impact on you family, community or the society at large.
“I have no misgivings that the above information has pointed out how prepared I am to lead a purpose-driven life. I am certain that through my passion, enthusiasm, and determination to work as a nurse practitioner, I will be able to make positive impacts on patients and society as a whole, and be a positive role model for my adorable daughter”Work citedEhrenhaft, George, and George Ehrenhaft. Barronss Ap English Language and Composition. Hauppauge, N.Y: Barrons Educational Series, Inc, 2010. Print.
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