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The practice of playing music whiles writing is one thing that helps me in speeding up my work and keeping pace with my thought. This is because unlike a talk show or a speech-related program where I have to concentrate on what is being said or pay attention to what is being said, when music is playing, I only act as a passive partaker of it. Reflecting on my past, it would be said that my writing experience has seen a tremendous degree of improvement over the years.
One way of measuring such degrees of improvement is when I take some of my writings that were done years ago and begin to read over them. Even though I have often been impressed with my command of the English language, I often find some petty mistakes that I made in those days that I would not do today. Some of the negatives in my writing have been the fact that in the time past, I hardly dedicated time to reading over my work. This was indeed something I did not enjoy doing at all and so rendered some of my work to be filled with avoidable mistakes.
The positives however have to do with the fact that I try to keep my thoughts in-depth and detailed. Writing is something I have come to realize to be one of the things I enjoy most in life. My likeness for writing is however relative to what I am writing about. For instance, I would prefer and love to write about things that will not necessarily be assessed. This means that I am more comfortable with free-style writing. This is because they enable me to be free-flowing with my thoughts and take away the pressure and demand of detailed research.
I hold a personal ambition to become a better writer with this class. I have always believed that learning and writing for that matter is a continuous process and that we get better at them if we keep doing them more and more often. I also hold the belief that knowledge is universal and so the need to seek new ideas from other people is always a relevant practice. To this end, I have a personal goal to continue adding to what I have by submitting myself to critical reviews from my supervisors and lecturers so that I can have my wrongs in writing corrected.
This is going to be a way through which I shall reach my ultimate dream of becoming a perfectionist as far as my rate of writing accuracy is concerned.
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