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Social Changes in the United States to Move toward Being a More Peaceful - Essay Example

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"Social Changes in the United States to Move toward Being a More Peaceful" paper states that peaceful living and proactive involvement of all stakeholders—from government, non-government, civil society, and with the rest of friendly nations can make global peace and internal security possible. …
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Social Changes in the United States to Move toward Being a More Peaceful
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The people are not supposed to be each other’s enemies (Westerman, 2007). First, the US must vigorously pursue its diplomatic relations with the Arab world and develop a relationship of collaboration and partnership for global economic concerns and amity in relations. The past decades proved that the United States has been hostile to countries where perceived terrorist groups are existing and where leaders are inclined to violate the denuclearization efforts of the United Nations. The global conditions require that venues for dialogue, interaction, and interfaith discourse be internationalized as inherent not only in diplomatic relations but also in the development of the amity of nations to attain global peace.

Second, the United States must pursue cultural discourse with the rest of the global community to fully appreciate the diversity and multicultural dimension of the global village. This can take place in both online and non-online settings where open communication is possible and where socio-cultural exchanges can be undertaken. This cultural nobility can be integrated as a policy in security management. As the US, like its other global alliances, use military forces in intervention programs for conflict-affected communities and in regions where reconstruction or rehabilitation is undertaken, the forces should likewise be trained and educated to promote cultural respect and sensitivities to improve US international relations.

This can likewise assuage the creation of leeway for economic exchanges where the US has an interest in trading, especially in oil production. At the domestic level, rigorous transformative policy formulation and enforcement should be undertaken with primacy on providing strategic resolution to domestic issues on job creation, social services delivery, provision of support to communities affected by climate changes (on reconstruction and rehabilitation), and engaging communities for resiliency. It is likewise paramount that the US must focus on the problems of immigration and encourage their return to their original countries to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities of the domestic economy as their influx also added to the problems of unfriendly relations, poor social cohesion, and internal conflicts of interests (Malcolm X, 1964).

Anent thereto, the government should realize that social changes are necessary to attain a positive social change where individual and non-government participation is fully appreciated in nurturing world peace and social cohesion. In the historic epoch of civilizations, only peaceful discourse, negotiations, and open interaction can create an environment of peace that could encourage development workers and stakeholders to come together and discuss their situations to advance it at a higher level of relations (Westerman, 2007).

Violence and wars out of the conflict of interests created losses and even its strategic resolution can only be created on the same path for peace. Peace can only be attained through peaceful means even though politics have shown the need for people, as stakeholders, to take part in the social transformation to make it effective and reflective of their dreams or aspirations as people.

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