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Engineering Problem Solving and Analysis Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1644 words) , Download 0 , Report
Pre-monsoon season: this season occurs from March to mid-June and it is characterized by variable weather conditions with both nights and days warm. These warm conditions are characterized by varying temperatures that increase as the season progresses. As the season, progresses there are often thunderstorms and occasional short periods of heavy rain or hailstorm.  
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Control Topologies for Induction Micro-Hydroelectric Power Plant Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2662 words) , Download 0 , Report
All the collected information will be organized and then studied so that the processes are understood. An investigation into available literature material will also be done to consolidate and supplement the information collected from the study. Once this has been done, final findings, lessons, and ideas learned will be compiled and organized into a single piece.
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Whole-of-Life Cycle Costs of Engineered Products and Infrastructure Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1731 words) , Download 0 , Report
LCC assesses and anticipates future resources required for production. Therefore, it helps management in determining what to purchase. As a result, managers can make effective and efficient decisions, and redundant purchasing can be avoided (Frankel & Wei, pg 31). c) Assist management to identify factors that increase costs.
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Control of A Single-Phase Induction Generator Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2747 words) , Download 0 , Report
One major application of control systems in power generation by the use of a three-phase magnetic flux controlled variable reactor. The variable reactor controls the induction generator’s voltage to the extent of attaining a value similar to that of previous three-phase designs.
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Vluin Rr of w Uni in n Lnd Engineering and Construction Report
10 pages (2808 words) , Download 0 , Report
According to Musial & Munizzo, the market value concept has been utilized for many years and many people have interpreted it differently. For instance, when one is completing a task for any objective governed by federal or state law, an appraiser is supposed to use the definition of the market value which is identified by a jurisdiction that the market value appraisal is being undertaken.
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Soil Samples Based on Calculated Discrepancies Engineering and Construction Report
10 pages (2492 words) , Download 0 , Report
Two soil samples A and B weigh 468. 78 g and 426.16 g respectively were subjected to sieve analyses. The percentage by mass for each soil sample passing through each sieve was determined. The computation was done by first getting the difference between the total mass of the soil samples and the mass retained for every sieve size. 
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Ice Cream Scooper: Product Concept and Rationale Engineering and Construction Report
10 pages (2877 words) , Download 0 , Report
The invention related to a scoop provided with a heating mechanism at the edge in order to facilitate easier penetration of the heated edge into the ice cream and prevent ice cream from adhering to the scoop once it is emptied. Ice cream is solidified to such an extent that makes it hard to scoop them by ordinary ice cream scoopers.
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Itigtin of nshr and ffshr il Sillg Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2412 words) , Download 0 , Report
Most oil drilling companies have taken significant steps to ensure they operate responsibly and safely during the mining and transportation of crude oil. Some of their safety and planning measures for responding and preventing oil spills go beyond the regulatory requirements. Most companies recognize oil spill response and prevention capability.
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Environmentally Sustainable Design Engineering and Construction Report
8 pages (2163 words) , Download 1 , Report
The concept of environmental sustainability in building design involves various disciplines in the building and construction industry. These include architectural design, engineering design as well as environmental conservation among several others. The field of architectural design and that of engineering design are very important considerations in design sustainability.
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Industrial Control System for Boiler of Crude Oil Unit Engineering and Construction Report
8 pages (2033 words) , Download 0 , Report
When boilers fail is due to elements that have a low percentage of corrosion-resistant metals or metal that is not pure. These metals act as anode and cathode thereby allowing electrochemical reaction which leads to reaction. They are another form of corrosion whereby there is overloading of conditions and materials such as temperature.
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Tribology in Manufacturing Engineering and Construction Report
14 pages (4359 words) , Download 0 , Report
The scar is then wiped clean and two measurements are taken at a right angle to each other. Depending on the shape of the scar, the approach of measurement is also different. In the case of an elliptical scar, one measurement is undertaken with the striation while the other is done across striation.
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Quality Engineering, the Principles, and Practice of Product Quality Standards Engineering and Construction Report
40 pages (10341 words) , Report
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Quality engineering requires that services or products out of engineering practice must appeal and meet certain stipulated standards defined by users and government regulations of quality assurance. There are several measures that have been established to check on the quality of engineering products and services by institutions.
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Charpy and Flextural Test Engineering and Construction Report
12 pages (3256 words) , Download 0 , Report
Using the earlier Gypflax and gypsum samples, we repeated the steps that were done, but we reduced the total Gypsum by 10% and instead added an equivalent amount of sand of 10%. Using the dry Gypsum in the bowl, we then mixed it and left it for two minutes to settle then we added some water that had been calculated into the bowl to dry the mixture.
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Using Heat and Vibration of the Engine for Generating Electrical Engineering and Construction Report
14 pages (4140 words) , Download 0 , Report
Throughout engineering aspects, reliability is defined as a natural consequence of failure in the matter of subject. This reflects the “true “and “correct “principle was the practice before formal in analyzing data collection and analyzing for failure thus usually be self-evident and leads inevitably to design modifications.
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Buildings Disjunctive Sorts of Core Construction for Skyscrapers Engineering and Construction Report
11 pages (2878 words) , Download 0 , Report
It can, however, be noted from this study that, for the design of any building, the core is the backbone feature and should be critically selected. It is also clear that there are various different types of cores in high-rise building constructions, and each of them can be chosen depending on its suitability.
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Modern Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Housing Engineering and Construction Report
8 pages (2172 words) , Download 0 , Report
When selecting the construction materials different properties such as mechanical properties like tensile strength, hardness, impact strength, chemical properties, and resistance to environmental degradation are considered as they dictate the method of production, the cost, and the service life (Chiras, 2004).
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Energy Storage and Renewable Energy Engineering and Construction Report
12 pages (3270 words) , Download 0 , Report
The members will then converge on the third day following the commencement of the project to compile and analyze the results of the data collection exercise. The next phase will involve comparing and contrasting the different energy-saving technologies and their contribution towards reducing the carbon footprint.
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Comprehension of Moments of Inertia Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (3640 words) , Download 0 , Report
The experiment lays its basis on applying the moments of inertia of two-wheel and axle units and the connection of the rod shall be estimated through both the geometric and experimental methods. The results obtained from the experiment are then contrasted to the various values derived from theoretical calculations by the use of the formula that is got from the experiment.
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Design of a Car Suspension System Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1566 words) , Download 0 , Report
Since the car suspension system helps the car to mitigate the force at which the boarders experience variations in the frequency of the moving car, then, the car suspension system is perceived to like a filter that filters high-frequency variations beyond which the comfort of boarders is affected.
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Mousetrap Powered Elevator Device Engineering and Construction Report
10 pages (2646 words) , Download 0 , Report
The main aim was to design a mousetrap-powered elevator that can lift a payload of about 100gs from the ground through a pole of diameter 150mm to the shelf which is 450 mm tall. Two concepts were considered and evaluated based on the available constraints. The best option was selected and recommended for designing.
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Introduction to Engineering Design Engineering and Construction Report
11 pages (3005 words) , Download 0 , Report
This portfolio key purpose is discussing the subject outcomes covered during the semester. Importantly, the main undertaking during the semester was developing three design challenges namely; the Electric Circuit Design, the Ocean Vessel Design, as well as the Structural Design Activity.
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Engineering Design Project Engineering and Construction Report
7 pages (1898 words) , Download 0 , Report
A risk assessment of fire safety should be carried out by the management. It should identify fire hazards, people at risk, evaluate & reduce fire hazards, protect people from risk, and review the risk assessment procedure. A maintenance schedule that covers all the appliances that aid in life protection is to be made.
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Suspension Spring for an Offroad Vehicle Engineering and Construction Report
8 pages (1953 words) , Download 0 , Report
The figure of parallel four-link is shown alongside the figure of radius arm setup above. There are kits that are being made by after-market manufacturers. These kits retrofit an existing suspension of parallel four-link design. It also uses a four-link design and coil spring as well as a track bar to center the axle springs.
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Construction Characteristics of Trusses Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2419 words) , Download 0 , Report
A ‘two-force member’ is a structural component where a force is applied only to two points (Plesha, Gray, & Costanzo, 2013). Trusses are commonly comprised of triangular units made of straight members whose ends are connected at joints, called nodes. External forces and their reactions are considered to act on these nodes only.
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The Solar Energy Transfer Efficiency of a Flat-Plate Solar Energy Collector Engineering and Construction Report
12 pages (3140 words) , Download 0 , Report
The materials that are desirable for this function are to be selected on the basis of their thermal conductivity, availability and cost, their level of durability and ease of fabrication of handling. In most cases, the absorber plate will be coated mostly with black paint so as to increase the absorption ie absorptance α.
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Problem Solving on Materials Tribotechnology and Surface Engineering Engineering and Construction Report
7 pages (1958 words) , Download 0 , Report
The PVD technique is applied in depositing of thin layers of the ceramic material in order to reduce both wear and friction or to prevent the instance of cold welding. The Titanium Nitride gets deposited in the partial vacuum by way of feeding the ionized titanium to plasma of nitrogen and argon that has been ionized.
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Risk Management in Engineering Projects Engineering and Construction Report
13 pages (4112 words) , Download 0 , Report
Scores of organisations cannot comprehend the system integration risks since they are often worried about their individual risks. Furthermore, the troubles of the organisation identifying and realising the possible risks at numerous areas can make the manufacturing company impassive until an unforeseen event happens.
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Waurn Ponds Campus Drainage Upgrade Works Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2206 words) , Download 0 , Report
Time schedule and the Bill of Quantities form major components of any Engineering project. The time schedule gives the summary of the time needed to accomplish an activity while the Bill of Quantities gives the summary of the total cost needed for the project as per the provided drawings and tender document specifications.
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The Role of Architectural Engineering In Developing Northern Australia Engineering and Construction Report
41 pages (11265 words) , Report
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This assignment is for students who are studying architectural engineering. It covers many aspects related to the jobs of architectural engineering in improving the Northern Territory of Australia in the next 20 years. In addition, this report is giving many reasonable reasons to encourage people to move to live in Northern Australia.
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Mousetrap Car Project Engineering and Construction Report
7 pages (2340 words) , Download 0 , Report
The design of a mousetrap car purposed for high performance depends on various design elements, which dictate its operation. The most significant design elements to be considered include the dimensions, weight, and material used to make the mousetrap wheels, the dimensions, and properties of the axle linking the various sets of wheels, among others.
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Control System and Monitoring Within Engineering and The Role of The Health and Safety Executive Engineering and Construction Report
11 pages (2813 words) , Download 0 , Report
Arc welding processes make intense unmistakable light beams, bright light beams, and infra-red beams which together make a sunburn impact. The intensity of the vitality beams amid arc welding is viable ten times more prominent than the power of the sun's beams.
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Developing a Simulink Program to Test CSTR Performance Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1794 words) , Download 1 , Report
Linearisation input; to undertake the procedure the first option is to right-click the signal located at the Simulink model window and the next step will be to select Linear Analysis Points then the last option is to open Input Perturbation. The process is as indicated: Linear Analysis Point>Input Perbutation.
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The Quality Control Process in Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering and Construction Report
8 pages (2338 words) , Download 0 , Report
The hourly overhead costs of this product development can be linked to about all the time spent in developing the product. The total spent in developing the product was 45% of the total hours used in all other factors to marketing the product. 20 weeks were used for the development of one batch of the spider joints.
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Wind Energy in California Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2402 words) , Download 0 , Report
California faces many environmental, economic, and political pressures to develop new sources of clean renewable energy. The electricity demand is increasing by more than 20 percent after every decade. The demand is still expected to rise by 10 percent even after the implementation of standards of efficiency. 
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Salient Pole Synchronous Generator Engineering and Construction Report
14 pages (3845 words) , Download 0 , Report
Salient pole synchronous generator is an AC electrical machine that works on low-speed applications between 100rpm to 1500rpm with high torque.  It consists of a stator and rotor with a large diameter and a short length of axial. The air gap of the salient pole rotor is non-uniform due to the structure of the rotor. Salient poles are mechanically weak therefore, it makes the maintenance high. 
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The Lifting Device Engineering and Construction Report
7 pages (2012 words) , Download 0 , Report
The requirement to produce a design for a lifting platform for a wheelchair user weighing 100kg to allow them to negotiate a 600mm high step to raised patio areas becomes the main intent of this report. The device should be able to lift the wheelchair up to the intended height whilst ensuring that the wheelchair rests at that height without chances of tipping over during the operation. 
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Mechanism Development Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1524 words) , Download 0 , Report
Due to the improvement in technology, hydraulic systems and motors used in hoisting systems have made work a lot more easily everywhere especially in construction sites and in warehouses. In this case, ropes, belts, pulleys gears, and chains are critical in the development of this system.
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Inside Crossrail: Europes Most Ambitious Transport Engineering and Construction Report
16 pages (4375 words) , Download 1 , Report
Crossrail railway development has been deemed Europe’s most ambitious engineering project. The development is a critical case study in modern civil engineering as it brings to the fore some of the most advanced practices in the field. The project entails the expansion of London’s railway network into the largest and most efficient in Europe.
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Fire Experiment in Standardized Safe Laboratory Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1790 words) , Download 0 , Report
The dimensions to be used as the firebox are 65cm long and 34 cm wide with a height of 38 cm. The box has a roof with a wall that is 25 cm thick. It is accompanied by a monolux layer of lining with a fireproof wall that has been constructed just after the fire glass. The compartment has a door with a height of 22.5 cm opening up to 15 cm in width.
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Trends in Radio Frequency Operations Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (2313 words) , Download 0 , Report
With the changes taking place, the developments are made to minimize any other disturbances that may arise during the development of satellites and linking of the communications. This report has based its arguments on the current trends and developments in the RF sector with a keen interest in the guidelines provided.
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Measurement as an Important Part of the Modern Aspects of Science Engineering and Construction Report
15 pages (4109 words) , Download 0 , Report
The method in water measurement is a type of velocity area computation that is usable in acquiring a rapid and rough estimate of the flow rate that seems to discharge from the horizontal pipe that is flowing full (Hydromatch, 2012). There are two measurements, which are important in the method for calculation of the rate of water flow.
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The BREEAM Ratings Engineering and Construction Report
10 pages (2738 words) , Download 1 , Report
The good rating score also considers factors such as the location of the building, ventilation in the building, air conditioning factors, and availability of a PFI health center within the building. The ratings are also related to the lightings of the buildings, carbon reduction measures, and ensures the building meets the anticipated environmental credentials during the first phase of constructing the building.
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Rotodynamic Centrifugal Pumps In Liquid Equipments Engineering and Construction Report
12 pages (3596 words) , Download 0 , Report
the significance of the research is that it will show how factors such as the discharge pressure are calculated. Other important factors to be considered include the suction pressure, relative speed, pumping temperature, rotational speed, the diameter of the impeller, rated total head, and other overhung pumps.
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Air Motor Reversing Vehicle Manufacturing Engineering and Construction Report
16 pages (4203 words) , Download 0 , Report
It analyses the learning outcomes and evaluates them vis-a-vis the possible ameliorations to the design. A critical analysis is also done on some of the parts of the machine and possible improvements suggested. The base for the machine is to support the rest of the components, especially the upright to prevent the components mounted on it from wobbling during use.
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Engineered Composites Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2605 words) , Download 0 , Report
The following are characteristic composites; mortars, reinforced plastics, metal composites, and ceramic composites. Such composites are generally used in the following areas, the building of; swimming pools panels, bridges, boat hulls, bathtubs, race car bodies, shower stalls. It is also used in aircraft and airspace due to its strength, lightweight, and durability.
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Reviewing, Planning and Auditing Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 0 , Report
Maintenance is an integral part of any engineering system and is necessary to ensure the system operates at its optimum level. (Tomlingson, 2005) notes that maintenance takes up a significant percentage of operating costs, forcing senior management to focus their attention on this activity, with an aim of increasing the profits accrued by the company.
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Geothermal Heating and Cooling System Engineering and Construction Report
6 pages (1776 words) , Download 0 , Report
The hot used water from the room is heated the water from the ground after which it is supplied to the room through the single tube referred to above under the location of the geothermal heating system. This cold water is thus used to condition the air that is supplied to the rooms as cold humid air.
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Non-Coplanar Neutralize of a Spindle Engineering and Construction Report
8 pages (1983 words) , Download 0 , Report
The four masses are dynamically balanced on the shaft. Forces and couples have to be always in balance about the reference plane for the rotating system to be said that it is balanced. Balancing the shaft in rotating machines reduces vibrational effect and noise as was observed in this experiment when the motor was turned on.
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Agricultural Village Hall Compressing renew Engineering and Construction Report
9 pages (2562 words) , Download 0 , Report
The lump-sum contract will be appropriate since the contract sum is determined before the work begins. Bury Port Community Council has a sum of £780,000 that has to be used for refurbishment as well as the lighting system in the village hall. A procurement route chosen has to make sure the risk always falls on whoever is best able to bear it.
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Brownfield Local Redevelopment Inauguration Engineering and Construction Report
10 pages (3543 words) , Download 1 , Report
The report has provided guiding principles for the delivery of sustainable development of a brownfield site. The identified brownfield site in this report is in the city of Tottenham. There are several principles that have been proposed to guide the development. It is to ensure that brownfield diversity is conserved by gathering information.
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