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Teacher's Effect on Student's Performance - Assignment Example

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The paper "Teacher's Effect on Student's Performance" discusses that the interchangeable work of tricuspid and mitral valves is due to the relaxation of ventricles and their rapid pressure. Differential pressure in the ventricles and auricles mitral and tricuspid opens partially. …
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Duffett, Farkas, Rotherham, and Silva (2008) affirm that teachers affect both positively and negatively to student's performance. The student's academic performance depends on many factors ranging from the parental support on fees payment, the type of school enrolled in and the competency of teachers in the respective school. Research has revealed that the results outcome is ever good in big schools with enough facilities compared to middle level and small schools like the community-run schools both at secondary and primary level. Firstly, teachers play vital roles in student’s performance in that; the teachers play the role of implementing the education plans at the school level. This depends upon the efficiency of the work performed by teachers who deliver but in some schools where the educational facilities are scarce; it remains a challenge. The students result in all the schools depend upon the efforts put by teachers and the administration on the school board of governance to provide facilities to them by designing good course works. The teacher's level and efforts on the preparation before attending class is a sensitive factor on student's performance. Teachers are the ones who introduce crude information to students, therefore, should well prepare to ensure easy comprehension of the knowledge on the introduced subjects. Students will consume all given by the teachers and even though the teachers insist on twenty-five percent knowledge to students, most learners depend entirely upon the knowledge impacted by the teachers ( Goe, 2007). The academic performance of the most Universities across the world depends mostly on lecturer final notes and research. Though the learners should carry out their personal research, it is evidential that most works reproduced by learners are entirely lecture notes. The efficiency in teaching depends on how best the teachers are in the related fields handled. Most secondary teachers specialize in varied areas of teaching subjects to diversify the school set up to all the courses offered as far as the syllabus coverage. The students are the clients to all the programs and, therefore, depend upon the experts who are educationists for the betterment of the education offered to them. Student’s learning time is very important in the achievement of education goals. The rate at which the teachers plan for the utilization of the student’s learning time is very important. The brain according to psychologists can only absorb up to a given limit beyond which no further absorption (Duffett et al. 2008). This is a very important factor in learning ground as teachers identify and plan for the limited time spent in school to avoid constrain at the end of the course, term or semester. From the experience in learning calendar, most teachers work for early completion of the syllabus coverage to give harmful time for revision. The student's learning is how the best student can remember after the course. It, therefore, proves that the information impacted is vital depending on the teacher's usage of the time expected before the examination. Classrooms are complex fields, as it comprise of the quick learners and slow learners. The teacher's guidance is very important to meet these two extreme ends to harmonize the outcome of the learning experience. The effective class is one that at least three- quarter can replicate the same result of the learning or during end term tests. Classroom management is hence important and attained by teacher's input. Learning and monitoring are very important to the school experience among students. In conclusion, the outcome of education depends upon capita human quality. This calls for the human economy in the fields of education. Teachers strike all over the world remains a great challenge to learning activities much more in developing nation-state. (Goldhaber, 2005) says that best academic results must come out of well-prepared students. Therefore, any academic achievement traces the foundation of the teacher's personal efforts good research skills. Question Two Virtual learning activities Emphasis on the virtual learning activities promotes an equal understanding of the technical issues as well as teaching issues and can be promoted using the following activities. Pair chat discussions Using the chat window, the students can be paired into groups and be instructed to chat on a particular challenging topic. A relevant and challenging topic is chosen to enhance their understanding of the teaching concepts. Polling competitions In this activity, the learners can compete for points while voting. Poll questions that are assigned the particular value of points are posted for the students to answer and compete for the points while answering them. The overall points earned by each group can be shown in the chat window to identify the best performing group. In this, manner students get more interested in research and answer the questions on the challenging topic more easily. Story sessions The use of chat and audio tools together during the virtual learning sessions can assist in improving the understanding of the challenging topics and enhance the networking among the attendees. This helps in improving the understanding of the most challenging areas as the students develop interest and become more conversant with the topics. Writing activities The learners can be involved in the writing and production of synthesis, study reports, and newspapers. These activities promote site visits, observation, and experiments, which promotes the students interactions with each other as they share informal notes. Writing activities are essential in enabling the student’s participation in the development of various texts and web pages that can later be adopted for use in other programs. Rationale for Why Superior Learning Based on Theories or Research is expected Theories or research are usually consistent on the view of particular facts making it easier for learners to understand particular concepts easily. Compared to the common sense that usually varies from one individual to another theory and research is usually based on facts, and, therefore, more correct. Theories are testable as they incorporate measurable variables thus promoting the interest of the learners to explore and as they indulge in this, they learn more and more. The objectives used in research also lead to specific predictions making it possible to test them. The manner, in which the information is organized in theories and the research work, makes it simpler and easier for the learners to understand the concepts in them. Most of the theories relate to each other and offers a summative view on the topic making it a superior learning tool. In many occasions, for instance, the theories focus on the research as the researchers strive to test the viability of most theories. This offers the learners with confidence and interactive sessions as they learn thus promoting their understanding of the concepts highlighted in these theories and research. Theories and research have a wide scope of study making it easier for the learners to garner a wide view and variety of concepts from them. It, therefore, helps in improving their understanding of the various field of study. The social learning theory, for instance, incorporates the aspects of prison life, business, advertising, politics, and Englishmen making it easier to be applied in almost all situations. This promotes the learners understanding of the concepts that they interact with frequently. Theories and research also simplify the world by the use of few principles to explain phenomena. The students, therefore, understands the existing knowledge easily and are capable of using them more frequently thus making learning based on research and theories more superior. It is also easier to remember the parsimonious theories as one learns. Question Three For this multimedia instruction, the focus will be to explain explicitly how the heart works. For a much better understanding of the way the heart works, it is crucial that both the eyes and ears are used to internalize the diagrams and texts used in describing how the heart works. To begin it will be important to understand how the heart looks like (Mayer, 2008). The human heart is hollow, bluntly conical and has a muscular diagram. The thickness of heart is approximated to be two, half inches, and five inches long. The weight of a heart of a man is approximated to be weighing 11 ozs while that of a woman weighs nine ozs. This can be illustrated using a diagram of heart, which is as shown below The heart, which slants between lungs and just below the breastbone, has its wide end leaning to the right shoulder. The lower part, which is commonly heard beating, is known as Apex. You can see from the diagram that it is divided into two parts with separating part known as Septum as labeled from the diagram. Look at the diagram below illustrating how the heart is slanting and divided into two. The two already discussed pars are further divided into two chambers, upper and lower with the upper parts referred to as Auricles and the lower parts of both sides known as Ventricles as indicated by arrows. It can also be noticed from the diagram that ventricles have thicker walls than Auricle. Thin walls enable auricles to receive the blood from various parts while the thick wall seen in the ventricles are useful when it comes to pumping blood outside the heart as shall be illustrated in the subsequent parts. The functionality of the two parts separated by septum as earlier seen has a simulations function (Mayer, 2008). Looking at the diagram below, it can be seen that the heart is made of different layers. As pointed by the Upper arrow, the outer wall of the double-walled sac is called Pericardium while the inner wall as correctly labeled by the red colored arrow is known as Epicardium. The muscle of the heart is known as Myocardium, it is the one that controls the relaxation and contraction of the heart, and it is the one that compose the greatest heart volume. The blood propulsion to the body of the heart is dependent on the Myocardium muscles. It should be noted that the vertical muscles are considerably thicker than the muscles of the auricle. The wall of the heart is known as membrane lining is called Endocardium. Through Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning principle, the heart is drawn with two holes at the top and labeled Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava. This is a picture of the heart, and the holes are the veins through the blood entering the heart. The two-labeled superior and inferior Vena Cava does not have valves at their opening and are known to deposit blood into the right auricle. The difference between superior and inferior is that superior deposit blood from the organs in the upper part while inferior from the ones in the lower part of the heart. The blood from these two vena cava goes through auricle down to right ventricle. For a proper understanding, the openings through which the blood flows from the right auricle of the ventricle to the right, it can also be seen as illustrated using the diagram below with labeling done using different colors too for an explicit explanation. When it is mentioned that the opening in the right auricle that allow blood through to right ventricle is Tricuspid Valve, it can also be seen clearly from the diagram below. The tendons labeled above contracts to open the Tricuspid Valve to allow the blood flow into the ventricle and prevent any possible backflow. Understanding of the blood flow outside the heart can be best understood by using both text and diagram. The diagram below shows how contraction of right ventricles allows blood pressure to swell to the level that it can open the valve that belongs to Pulmonary Vein, which can be seen to be situated between the right ventricle and the artery known as pulmonary artery. Like the tricuspid valve, the pulmonary valve also has three flaps. When the blood is fully build up in the right ventricle, pulmonary valve opens and begins to force blood to the artery. It should be noted that it is through the pulmonary artery that blood is pumped out of the blood. From the lungs, the heart receives blood through four pulmonary veins before they are collected in the left auricle. The left auricles contract when it becomes full forcing the blood to flow through the mitral valve to the left ventricle. Through the diagram, it is possible to understand the way the blood flows, and when backed up with words it becomes even clearer. The tutorial begins with words illustration g the way blood flows out of the body after being pumped by left ventricle reason for the big size, strength, and masculinity of the heart. It is through Aorta, which is the larger artery that left ventricle pumps blood to all body parts. For more understanding, the diagram below is used. Through CTML, the circulation of blood in the heart can be clearly illustrated as it is described first in words and then shown in diagram form. It is through the valves that blood flows through the heart. The valves are the mitral valves and the tricuspid valves and aortic valves and pulmonary valve help flow the blood outside the heart as clearly shown in the diagram shown. It is through the diagram and the use of words that both auricles can be understood to be receiving blood simultaneously from vein openings that does not have valves. The diagrams indicate clearly that blood is received through superior and inferior by auricle while at the same time auricles receive blood through a pulmonary vein. The contraction of the muscles begins at the very top of the heart before it is passed downwards in a simultaneous way from both left and right auricles. The contractions of the ventricle are passed downwards. The contraction of auricles pushes blood down into the ventricles due to increased pressure through opened tricuspid and mitral valves (Nichols, O'Rourke, & Vlachopoulos, 2011). The two diagrams below speaks much of what happens during contraction and expansion of auricles and vertical muscles. During the time of ventricle, pulmonary and aortic valves open up leading from the right ventricle and left ventricles as illustrated in the diagram below. The diagram has the valves shown by arrows and color painted with a red color. Using the diagram below, the application of (CTML) works quite well as it shows that semi lunar valves open giving room for blood to flow from the right ventricle right to pulmonary artery as it goes to the lungs for the purposes of oxygenation and cleaning (Mayer, 2008). It can be competent shown that there is a simultaneous flow of blood into the aorta through left ventricles for distribution through the entire body. CTML helps show that ventricles start to relax after the blood is pumped into the arteries. With relaxation, the pressure is lowered in the chambers and the arteries, the pressure is lowered, and semilunar closes due to high pressure in arteries. This is best understood through the diagram below. The interchangeable work of tricuspid and mitral valves is due to the relaxation of ventricles and their rapid pressure. Differential pressure in the ventricles and auricles mitral and tricuspid opens partially. The diagram equally shows how this works as shown. When all these relaxation and contraction occurs, the heart develops a circular flow of blood, which has two specific, phases; diastolic and systolic (Nichols, O'Rourke, & Vlachopoulos, 2011). The first diagram explains the first phase, which is diastolic while the second explains systolic with various valves labeled for easy understanding. Finally, the heart is seen to relax when semilunar valves are closed, and there is a blood flow to auricles from the veins. Mitral and tricuspid valves then partially open and the phase of diastolic starts and as such, the blood pressure begins ones again. References Atkins, M. J. (1993). Theories of learning and multimedia applications: an overview. Research Papers in Education, 8(2), 251-271. Barkley, E. F., Cross, K. P., & Major, C. H. (2014). Collaborative learning techniques: A handbook for college faculty. John Wiley & Sons. De Jong, T. (2010). Cognitive load theory, educational research, and instructional design: some food for thought. 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