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Stress and Time Management - Personal Statement Example

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The author of the "Stress and Time Management" paper addresses stress and time management in his/her personal life and in the place that the author works on. The author discusses self-analysis and a review of an incident that experienced and the impact of the experience on his/her personal life…
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Stress/Time Management Name Course Name and Code Instructor’s Name Date Introduction In the workplace and daily life, there are numerous challenges that people have to pass. Such challenges include stress and time management. The aim of this paper is to address stress and time management in my personal life and also in the place that I work on. The first part discusses personal self analysis and review of an incident that I experienced and the impact of the experience to my personal life. The second section discusses stress and time management in the workplace factoring what I have done well and areas that I am planning to improve on. Self Analysis and Review Nature of Conflict I recently had a tough month because I had to fast the whole month because of my religion: in my religion, a whole month is dedicated for fasting. It is usually easy for me, but what made the month very tough was because I went to Gold Coast then I came back in the same day. This made me very tired for the next few days. Within the same period, I had to go to the university daily because my semester had started. According to my religion, I have to fast daytime from 5 am to 6 pm and at the same time; I have to go my university from 3 pm to 8 pm, which was hard for me. In my culture, the women cook for the men. Therefore, my husband does not know how to cook and I have to cook for him and we also have to eat together because of requirements of my culture. Therefore, the last month was really tough time for me but when the month finished I was really sad because I couldn’t do my stuff like praying on time or sometimes I couldn’t fast, but I am still happy because I have got out of some pressure that I used to have in the last month. Development of the issue Religion and the university played a major role in contributing towards the conflict (Steed-Takasaki and Pierringer, 2009). My religion requires an individual to fast the entire month and ensure fulfilment of requirements based on cultural demands. Thus, it is important to ensure that religious obligations are met and also to ensure that family/cultural requirements are met (Juneja, 2004). Moreover, the university opened for a new semester within the same period for me to adhere to the requirements of two important things in my life (religion and culture). Therefore, the conflict resulted from cultural, religion and educational issue. Concerns in dealing with the issue In dealing with this conflict, time played a major role. In these two scenarios, I was required to accomplish activities based on time (Olpin and Hesson, 2012). For example, I was supposed to report for my lecturers between 3 pm and 8 pm while I was supposed to follow the requirements of my religion between 5 am and 6 pm. Moreover, I was supposed to ensure that all activities were completed based on religious/cultural time lines and based on predetermined outcomes. Involvement of others The major concern was to cook for my husband and we eat together. Family matters in my culture, religion plays an important role, and thus it is paramount to ensure sanctity of a family is championed (Juneja, 2004). The second concern is to follow my religion teachings, which require me to fast for a given period and also to ensure I fulfil the requirements of my family and society based on the teachings and culture (Steed-Takasaki and Pierringer, 2009). Thirdly, I am supposed to attend lectures between 3 pm and 8 pm, at a time that I am either supposed to be fasting or/and cooking for my husband. Objectives and strategies utilised The objectives were to ensure that I follow my religion requirements, ensure that my husband’s food was ready on time, and to ensure that my studies were not interrupted. The strategies that I utilised include cooking enough food for more than one day and keeping it in the freezer. This allowed me to just warm the food and serve (Olpin and Hesson, 2012). In addition, I ensured that I programmed my time based on tasks that I am supposed to complete based on its importance. Planning of my time was also based on understanding the time line of my religion and understanding what I was supposed to complete within certain periods. What was said and done by you and others I ensured that I fulfilled my requirements through ensuring what was most important was accomplished before proceeding to other activities (Juneja, 2004). This also meant that I explain the issue to other parties involved such as my husband, and my teachers within the mosque. I appreciate how my husband keeps supporting and encouraging me in accomplishing my studies but culture prevents him from doing certain things such as cooking (Olpin and Hesson, 2012). Moreover, the university is in no position to postpone lectures because of religion and hence the university can only provide minimal support towards our religion requirements. Outcome The outcome of the strategies and objectives planned result in better outcome of my religion and cultural requirements. I ensured that I observed the calendar of my religion and also I ensured that I served my husband promptly. What I did well What I really accomplished well was my religion and cultural requirements. I ensured that I observed timings of beginning and ending of my fasting requirements, ensured that attended sometimes religion classes even though it clashed with my lectures classes (Critchley, 2010). Nevertheless, I ensured that I attended the lectures and ensured that I completed assignments and tasks as requested by my tutors and lecturers. Approaches to be utilised when the situation reoccurs Time is an important requirement and balancing the requirements of three important things within that period was demanding (Juneja, 2004). Moreover, there are certain things that I did and if it was possible, I could have postponed them (Olpin and Hesson, 2012). For example, I travelled to Gold Coast and I wish I had postponed it to another time because the tiredness that I experienced last numerous days and contributed to stress towards accomplishing certain tasks (Steed-Takasaki and Pierringer, 2009). Lessons learned from the incident From the experiences that I received from this conflict, I learned three important things. The first and important aspect is that of organisation (Olpin and Hesson, 2012). I realise that it is important to organise activities that I am supposed to complete placing into consideration factors such as priority and relevance to historical and cultural factors. The second factor that I learned is that I should be prepared for the future (Steed-Takasaki and Pierringer, 2009). For example, cooking and keeping some food for future use helped in preventing conflicts that may have occurred between my husband and me. The third component is that not all things in life must be realised and thus it is important to ensure we learn from previous experiences and also to admit that some things are not possible. This means that there is no need of stressing on things that may not occur. References Critchley, K. 2010. Stress Management Skills Training Course. Exercises and Techniques to Manage Stress and Anxiety. Build Success in Your Life by Goal Setting, Relaxation. New York: Juneja, N. 2004. How Principals Manage Stress: Strategies For Successful Coping. London: Mittal Publications Olpin, M., and Hesson, M. 2012. Stress Management for Life: A Research-Based Experiential Approach, 3rd Ed. London: Cengage Learning Steed-Takasaki, J., and Pierringer, J. 2009. Sink or Swim: Stress Management Strategies to Ensure Your Survival. London: iUniverse Stress/Time Management Stress Management What I currently do well Stress is inherent in any workplace environment and excessive stress may affect the productivity and influence negatively my emotional and physical health, and effectiveness of dealing with stress defines whether I become successful or fail in my activities (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). This is based on the fact that I cannot control all activities within the working environment but it is important to ensure that measures are in place that places me in a better position to prevent stress (Emmett, 2008). I understand and know that I can personally control and manage stress and thus I am the important pawn that determines whether I address the stress issue or not (Werner and DeSimone, 2008). Stress usually occurs in those periods where there are economic difficulties or crisis and therefore it is important to ensure that I know through understanding my workmates (Kottler and Chen, 2012). Emotions are usually contagious and stress also determines the interaction between individuals in the working environment (Werner and DeSimone, 2008). This means that if I manage better my stress levels will result in reducing chances in which my individual stress will affect others. I usually employ three strategies in ensuring that I reduce levels of stress that I find within my workplace and job requirements (Kottler and Chen, 2012). For example, I ensure that I take responsibility of what I do ensuring that activities and tasks that I work on improve both my emotional and physical well-being. Moreover, I ensure that I try my best to avoid pitfalls that may contribute to increase in stress levels within the workplace (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). For example, I prevent negative attitudes and perceptions towards my colleagues ensuring that the environment that I am in is conducive for working. In addition, I ensure that my communication skills are better and thus contribute towards ensuring that the relationship between co-workers and management is improved tremendously (Emmett, 2008). Moreover, I ensure that I recognize warning signs that are associated with excessive stress at the workplace (Emmett, 2008). For example, when I feel that I am overwhelmed at the workplace, I lose confidence at sometimes contributes towards becoming irritable. When I feel this way, it makes me to feel less effective and less productive in my work (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). Some of the factors that contribute to my feeling of feeling stressed include fatigue, problems sleeping, trouble concentrating and social withdrawal (Werner and DeSimone, 2008). When I feel these signs, I usually try to ensure that the stress levels are reduced or completely avoided. When I feel that stress starts interfering with how I work, how I manage my personal life and my personal health, I ensure that I devise measures to ensure that stress does not affect me extensively (Palmer, 2010). I usually start by ensuring that I monitor both my emotional and physical health (Emmett, 2008). This means that I start by reviewing whether my requirements are met and whether fulfilling these requirements contributes towards my resilience towards stress (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). This means that if I feel better, it equips me with internal power that drives me towards achieving my goals through ensuring that I am not overwhelmed by stress. The important strategy that I utilise when issues becomes tough is changing lifestyle choices and hence contributes and determines whether I am stress free or not (Kottler and Chen, 2012). In addition, strategies that I utilise include doing regular exercises. Through activities such as aerobic exercise that increases my heart rate, it contributes to increasing energy, lifting my mood, sharpening my focus, and relaxing both my body and my mind (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). I also take care of myself through ensuring that making good choices in the food that I consume. I usually maintain my blood sugar levels through eating small amount of foods but frequently (Emmett, 2008). Through this strategy, I ensure that I avoid mood swings that are associated with eating excessive foods that makes me to feel irritable and anxious (Kottler and Chen, 2012). Apart from food, I ensure that I get enough sleep to prevent issues such as insomnia that contributes to vulnerability towards stress. When I feel that I have rested enough, I am in a better position to keep myself emotional balance, which is an important factor that helps me in coping with stress (Clements, 2006). In addition, when situations tend to become more stressing, I ensure that I take steps that make me to regain myself (Kottler and Chen, 2012). I understand that if I manage and organise myself effectively, it contributes towards better relationship between me and other members within the working environment (Palmer, 2010). To ensure that I address issues associated with stress, I usually organise and prioritise the way I accomplish my activities. For example, I balance my schedule through analysing responsibilities, schedule and daily task (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). I also plan my time in such a way that I prevent over-committing myself, and also taking regular breaks such as sitting back or walking to ensure that I concentrate more after I continue working (Emmett, 2008). Moreover, I ensure that I manage tasks to ensure that I do not favour a sector more than others do even though all of the activities are important (Emmett, 2008). For example, I prioritise tasks based on the levels of importance and relevance (Palmer, 2010). In addition, I ensure that I break major projects into minor projects that ensure that I take a systematic approach towards accomplishing my requirements. If the situation does not permit completion of the tasks, I ensure that I delegate responsibility and hence letting go of unnecessary stress (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). Nevertheless, if I am unable to complete certain tasks within the time schedule, I ensure that I compromise the situation through revising the deadline. What I need to do better What I need to do better is maximising on my emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity in which I can manage by emotions in constructive and positive ways (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). In the workplace, emotional intelligence is important and can be compared with intellectual ability (Clements, 2006). I aim to utilise emotional intelligence through ensuring that I communicate with workmates in a manner that helps in overcoming differences, defusing stress and tension, and repairing wounded feelings (Emmett, 2008). Some of the components that I aim to address in improving on my emotional intelligence include self-management, self-awareness, relationship management, and social awareness (Palmer, 2010). Moreover, I will ensure that I improve on skills that reduce emotional intelligence that reduces stress such as understanding when stress may start (Kottler and Chen, 2012). In addition, I am to reduce stress through eliminating self-defeating behaviours and thoughts (Kottler and Chen, 2012). Some of the factors that I will utilise include resisting perfectionism characteristics, ensuring that I keep my desk tidy, ensuring that I not running later for work and other factors that are associated with behaviours (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). Moreover, I will ensure that I am not seeing the downside of any behaviour or activity that I am working on, and only specifying on positive factors. I will also ensure that I improve communication with my superiors to ensure that they understand my position because the aim of many managers is to ensure that they create an environment that is stress free (Emmett, 2008). Time Management Time management is an important issue within my workplace (Emmett, 2008). Many people waste time because of factors such as processing information, which is not required or processing information that has no value (Kottler and Chen, 2012). I understand the importance of time management and I usually employ different strategies to ensure that I complete my tasks efficiently within the allocated time (Kottler and Chen, 2012). What I currently do well One of the strategies that I use to ensure that I do not waste time is through prioritisation of my tasks. Prioritisation of tasks usually keeps me focused and ensuring that small tasks are completed within the required tome without overlooking of its requirements. I accomplish this objective through creating a “to-do list” (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). The importance of the to-do list allows me to know tasks that should be done and those that should not be done. I usually list all the tasks that should be completed followed by rating them based on its importance, at the same time ensuring that the list is realistic (Emmett, 2008). For example, if I create a list that is long it makes me to feel discouraged and overwhelmed (Clements, 2006). Generally, what I do is creating a realistic list, rank the activities based on importance, factor into consideration mistakes and breaks, and scheduling short-term jobs and long-term tasks (Kottler and Chen, 2012). The second important step that I utilise in prioritising the tasks I am working in is the order of urgency (Clements, 2006). Some tasks and activities may be important compared to other activities and thus it is important to ensure that urgent activities are given attention immediately (Emmett, 2008). The categories that I usually utilise I can group them into four, which are important but not urgent, urgent and important, neither urgent nor important, and important but not urgent (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). Decisions on which task should be completed, I usually base it on these four categories. Another strategy that I employ to ensure that I do not waste time is completing the activities at the first time possible (Kottler and Chen, 2012). Mistakes usually occur during execution of activities and it is paramount to identify and determine causes of these mistakes and introduce corrective measures to ensure that these problems do not reoccur (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). This means that I usually complete tasks and looking for areas that I can make mistakes and in these scenarios, I ensure that I introduce strategies to avoid the mistakes. What I need to do better Some of the strategies I plan utilising to prevent time wasting at the workplace are delegation of tasks (Emmett, 2008). The aim of delegation of tasks is not purposely for saving time rather assigning tasks to the appropriate persons (Kottler and Chen, 2012). For example, if I am a manager within an environment and I am required to supervise certain tasks, it will be important for me to allow my assistant to assist is sorting emails and messages and also sometimes answering the phone (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). I understand that completing such tasks requires both confidence and trust, and I am planning to ensure that I give my assistant freedom to accomplish tasks based on their own understanding or way (Clements, 2006). Moreover, I will ensure that I “swap” activities based on flexibility of an individual in accomplishing their duties. For example, one of the employees may like answering the phone while at the same time hates file work, while at the same environment one person likes file work and hates answering the phone (Kottler and Chen, 2012). I will ensure that I assign the responsibilities according to preference of an employee provided it is within job description of the person (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). Even though it is a demanding job because I have to discuss with employees on what they dislike and like, but at the end of the discussion, it will make these individuals to become more productive and efficient (DuBrin, 2008). Another component of time management that I will to embrace is avoiding procrastination (Clements, 2006). Procrastination usually occurs because a person may not wish to complete certain task (Emmett, 2008). A task may be simple such as filling papers while other activities may be complex and an individual may fear because of lack of adequate information, fear of failure or even bad habits. In the case of fear of failure, I will ensure that I determine causative factor of fear and determine outcome of action or lack of action (Davis, Eshelman and McKay, 2008). If I utilise this strategy, it will ensure that I will reduce the fear contributing towards accomplishing the required activities optimally (Kottler and Chen, 2012). In the case if procrastination is based on lack of enough information, I will ensure that I consult with my co-workers and other times I will ensure that I research on the issue to allow me in obtaining the necessary information (Clements, 2006). This means that I will ensure that I concentrate on the issue rather than nagging on the issue. Action Plan Stress Management Action Plan Plan Action Time frame Help Follow Up Action Steps Begin date End date Who can help Determining end of step Progress results Reward Improve on emotional intelligence 1st Nov 31st Dec My co-workers and management will help through constructive criticism I will reduce levels of emotional stress and be able to work and cooperate with co-workers and management experiencing similar complications Good relationship with co-workers and management Giving myself holiday on 1st January – massage Managing self-defeating behaviours and thoughts 15th Nov 15th Dec Attending seminars and workshops – help from motivational speakers Feeling optimistic in whatever I do or expect Improvement in working conditions and being optimistic in what I am working on Adding a certificate to my CV on managing self-awareness and motivational capabilities Improve communication with my superiors 1st Dec 15th Dec Management and co-workers Reduction in communication related issues between me and management and with co-workers Response from management and co-workers With consultation with my family, we will visit a new place during Xmas Holidays Time Management Action Plan Plan Action Time frame Help Follow up Action Steps Begin time End time Who can help Determining end step Progress results Reward Delegation of tasks 1st Nov 30th Nov Co-workers and management My levels of stress will reduce significantly and I will have extra time that I will utilise in fulfilment of personal goals Completion of tasks within the allocated time Xmas Holiday with consultation with my family members Avoiding procrastination 16th Nov 23rd Dec Collaboration and support from co-workers and requesting for assistance from management It will result in reduction of time working late and I will have free time during weekends Treat myself for a spa and Jacuzzi for a whole day on 2nd January Conclusion Stress and time management are important components that determine how I perceive my environment and the amount of concentration that I can place in the working environment. I have continuously employed numerous strategies that control my stress within the workplace and I am planning to include new strategies that ensure that stress is further management. Some of the strategies that I use in stress management include recognising times of stress, delegation of tasks and prioritising on those tasks, and taking breaks to ensure that I am psychologically and emotional prepared. Some of the stress management strategies that I plan to employ include improve on emotional intelligence, managing self-defeating behaviours and thoughts, and improve communication with my superiors. On the other hand, time management determines how I accomplish my workplace related tasks and personal tasks. There should be a balance between how I accomplish my personal requirements and those related to where I work in. Some of the strategies that I utilise in ensuring that I do not waste time includes planning and determining what tasks should be completed through utilising to-do list, completing tasks at the earliest and ensuring that I prioritise on tasks. In addition, I am planning to add two more strategies to ensure that my time management strategies are better improved. These strategies include delegation of tasks and avoiding procrastination. References Clements, D. 2006. Creating the Productive WorkPlace, 2nd Ed. London: Taylor & Francis Davis, M., Eshelman, E., and McKay, M. 2008. Time Management and Goal Setting: The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook Chapter Singles. London: New Harbinger Publications DuBrin, A. 2008. Essentials of Management, 8th Ed. London: Cengage Learning Emmett, R. 2008. Manage Your Time to Reduce Your Stress: A Handbook for the Overworked, Overscheduled, and Overwhelmed. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing USA Kottler, J., and Chen, D. 2012. Stress Management and Prevention: Applications to Daily Life, 2nd Ed. London: Routledge Palmer, S. 2010. How to Deal with Stress, 2nd Ed. New York: Kogan Page Publishers Werner, J., and DeSimone, R. 2008. Human Resource Development, 5th Ed. London: Cengage Learning Read More
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