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College Student Development - Case Study Example

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This case study "College Student Development" is based on the case of a college student being faced with developmental issues. The case is explored and discussed in light of relevant developmental theories.  …
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College Student Development
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College Development Submitted by: _________________ Submitted __________________ of Institute: ______________ ____________ Abstract This paper is based on the case of a college student; being faced with developmental issues. The case is explored and discussed in light of relevant developmental theories. The key developmental issues in the case under discussion are fitting in and self discovery. The main theories focused are Erickson’s Psychosocial theory, Chickering’s theory of identity development, Helm’s theory on Racial Identity and Adult development theory by Levinson. 1. Introuduction Thе school yеаrs аrе а tіmе of іmportаnt dеvеlopmеnt аnd chаngе for scholаrs аs thеy bаttlе nеw concеpts аnd knowlеdgе thаt mаy dіsputе whаt thеy currеntly undеrstаnd аnd bеlіеvе. Fаculty constіtuеnts who rеаlіsе thеsе аltеrаtіons cаn concеіvе tеchnіquеs аnd undеrtаkіngs thаt rеndеzvous studеnts’ dеsіrеs аnd support thеіr procееdеd dеvеlopmеnt. 1.1 The Case The case under study is that of a 20 year old female student who is in freshman year of college. The case was presented with complains of not feeling a part of the college life, feeling alienated from others and having an unstable self image with a lack of confidence. The subject belonged to a minority group, studing in a country with majority white students in an institute where there were only few black students like her. 1.2 Main Developmental Issues The main developmental issues in the presented case can be identified under two groups. Identity issues and psycho-social developmental issues. The subject feels alienated and different therefore she is unable to fit in the college. Coming from and all black school background, this environment is new and unique for her and she is facing the challenge of being scrutinized for acceptance and self scrutiny for being accepted at the same time. The underlying cause of this issue of fitting in seems to be that of identity development. It appears that the subject’s identioty development is yet immature which is leading to other issues like fitting in the college. 2. Theoretical Framework Following four theories can be applied to develop an understanding of the presented case. These theories are discussed briefly below at the end of each description, the theory has been related to the case. 2.1 Erickson’s Psycho Social Theory Erickson’s (1982, 1997) famous psychosocial theory divides the life span into eight developmental stages. These include: trust v/s mistrust, autonomy v/s shame, initiative v/s guilt, industry v/s inferiority, identity v/s role confusion, intimacy v/s isolation, generativity v/s stagnation and ego integrity v/s despair. The sunject under study seems to be struggling some where between the two stages: Identity v/s role confusion and intimacy v/s isolation. There might be a fixation on the identity stage. This can be attributed to the fact that the student has always been studying in an all black school and has faced a mixed educational environment for the first time in college. While she should have been working on her relationship issues in this stage, she is facing an identity confusion yet and she feels left out and different because she has not yet resolved her identity status. 2.2 Chickering’s theory of Identity development Chickering proposed seven vectors that play a role in development of identity on psycho social terms. These vectores are to some extent similar to erickson’s milestiones of development however the two are unuque in details. These vectors includeinclude: I. Achieving competence: It referes to achievement of competency at the intellectual, physical and interpersonal level. II. Managing Emotions: It referes to the mastery of managing ones emotions and keeping an emotional balance in one’s person. III. Moving through Autonomy toward Interdependence: This vector marks the development from plain autonomy to a vast scale of independence. IV. Developing Mature Interpersonal Relationships: This vector is marked by development of sound, mature interrealtionships. V. Establishing Identity: It is perhaps the most difficult step. It deals with the development of one;s final image of the self and identifying one’s self with a certain sect or group is included in this. VI. Developing Purpose: This is the vector beyond image, role and identity conflicts. At this point the individual determines a purpose of being and strives to achieve it. VII. Developing Integrity:The fulfillment of this final vector is dependent on developing purpose and fully or partially achieving it in life. In light of this theory, the current case can be viewed as a conflict or incompletion of establishing identity plus ability to develope mature interpersonal relationships. 2.3 Helm’s theory on Racial Identity Development Many different theories have been developed to explain the phenomenon of racial identity development. Helms (1993) has summarized the process as follows: I. Prе-Encountеr Stаge: In thе fіrst stаgе, pеrsons аddrеss rаcе-bаsеd pеrsonаl chаrаctеrіstіcs to plаy аn mіnor functіon іn thеіr еvеry dаy іnhаbіts. II. Encountеr Stаgе: Thе sеcond stаgе of thе Nіgrеscеncе know-how іn whіch pеrsons mееt а know-how thаt dеtеrmіns thеm to dіsputе thеіr prеsеnt sеntіmеnts аbout thеmsеlvеs аnd thеіr undеrstаndіng of thе stаtus of Blаck pеrsons іn Amеrіcа. Thе know-how іs oftеn onе іn whіch pеrsons fаcе а blаtаnt rаcіst еvеnt. III. Immеrsіon-Emеrsіon: In thе thіrd stаgе, pеrsons іmmеrsе thеmsеlvеs іn Blаcknеss аnd sееm lіbеrаtеd from Whіtеnеss; thеy hаvе аffіrmаtіvе sеntіmеnts іn thе dіrеctіon of еvеrythіng аffіlіаtеd wіth Blаck pеrsons аnd а contrаdіctory outlook of thosе thіngs аffіlіаtеd wіth Whіtе pеoplе. Dеspіtе thіs іmmеrsіon іnto Blаck, pеrsons hаvе not psychologіcаlly plеdgеd to а Blаck іdеntіty. IV. Intеrnаlіzаtіon: Thе fourth stаgе іs rеcountеd аs а psychologіcаl chаngе whеrеіn pеrsons dіscovеr to bаlаncе thеіr Blаcknеss wіth thе othеr clаіms of pеrsonhood (е.g. othеr аssеmbly mеmbеrshіps). V. Intеrnаlіzаtіon-Commіtmеnt: Thе lаst stаgе of thе Nіgrеscеncе form, іn compаrison to prеcеdіng phаsеs, еngаgеs fіrm promіsе to а dеsіgn of аctіvіty, аnd pеrsons stаrt to rеsіdе іn аgrееmеnt wіth thе nеw sеlf-іmаgе thаt thеy hаvе dеvеlopеd. In the case of the subject under study, it appears that the subject is having issues in identity development and is going thriught the stage of encounter. She has suddenly found her self in an environment where she is from a minority group and is beginning to think on how she is different from the majority white race. This is causing an identity conflict in the child and she needs to cover te remaining three milestones yet in order to develop a sound identity. 2.4 Adult development Theory by Levinson Levinson (1989) developed an adult development theory based on age (Cited in Schlossberg, 1995). In this theory, Levinson views the individuals in six developmental periods, each one having specipic developmental tasks. The se periods include: Early Adult Transition (16 to 20 yrs), Entering the adult world (21 to 30 yrs), Settling down (30 – 34 yrs), becoming one’s own person (35 to 39 yrs), Midlife transition (40 to 42 yrs) and Restablization (43 to 50 yrs). Considering the current case in light of this theory, the subject falls in the first age group. While she is trying to deal with the developmental tasks of early adult transition and new patterns of family life that come with living independently, she is at the same time afraid of entering into the adult world. She is also been prematurely faced by the task of adjusting to a neweducational environment comprising of a mixed race culture which she is not yet accustomed to. 3. Case Analysis and Discussion in light of Relevant theory and Literature There have been many researches on similar, relevant cases. Here is a review of some relevant literature and the case is analysed in light of these findings from the literature. Though many studies have been conducted on the white student’s issues in development during college life, there is scanty research on similar lines among the black students (Cross, 2006). Social recognition is a part of one’s identity (Kroger, 2000) and it must be carefully dealt with specialy in the case of minority race students in colleges. In the current case, the identity formation was not fully completed and left unadressed during the adolescence which id why the subject is probably facing conflicts in early adulthood stage. Arnett (2003), cited in Lynn, (2008) reported after a study that several differences exist in the perceptions of adulthood roles among different groups from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Usually the black and Hispanic groups view their role as an adult as that of greater responsibility than whites do and therefore the blacks and Hispanics set correspondingly high standards of performance for them selves. He also found that ethnic minority groups were more drawn towards collectivistic values than Whites. This sort of pressure might be one explanation of the trouble the subject in the case under discussion is going through who also happens to belong to a minority group. According to Wiesmann and colleagues (1998), transition form school to college is a challenging process and there are deifferences in how white, black and Hispanic students deal with this challange. This calls for implementation of certain strategies in educational institutes that can help individuals from all races to cope well with the developmental tasks faced in the adolescent-adult transition phase. Melvin and Feagin (1995) report that at most ‘white’ colleges, the bkack students are forced to give up their identities and adopt the culture prevalent among the white class fellows. This can cause serious identity conflicts specially among those individuals whose identity had not yet fully developed. This also applies to our case under discussion. The subject was yet struggling in the development of a proper identity and image opf self when she was exposed to a fully white culture. This initiate conflict into her identity development process. In the book ‘Personality Development’, Hurlock (1974) suggests that when individuals enter college, usually most of them have adjustment issues. One’s ability to adjust boosts the inner confidence and then leads to positive relationship building in adulthood also. This situation applies to the case under consideration as follows: the subject did not adjust in college and this has affected her confidence, which is not only hindering her identity development but due to lack of confidence, she is also facing problems in developing sound and mature relationships. Sigelman and Rider (2006) point out one major factor in identity development. According to them a better identity development occurs if the individual had greater oppurtunities to explore the society. In the case being discussed presently, the subject was deprived of this chance. She had never been in any multi cultural environment before. When exposed suddenly to diversity, it was more than she could handle. According to Dewey (1916), cited in Blocher (2000) education is a proccess that ensures the supply of conditions favourable for growth. Falana and Nicholas (1969) researched on the causes of mal-adjustment of black students in colleges and found out that due to a very less number of black students in college, most colleges take almost any black student who barely qualifies the minimum requirements for admission. This means that most black students are not well prepared for college when they enter it. This in turn results in adjustment problems for such students. Such an education can hinder growth instead of facilitating it. According to Ladson (2000), the teacher perceptions of black students greatly impact the learning and performance of students. It is therefore must for educators to be inspiring and considerate enough while dealing with minority students. Toni and Olivier (2004) suggest some useful techniques in this regard. These guidelines for educators to ensure the development of a sound academic identity include: innovative teaching, sufficient support, curriculum considerations, orientation programs, student empowerment, an inviting climate in lecture hall and strategies to cope with diversity. 4. Recommendations for the Case In light of the theories and literature review, following recommendations are made for the case under study: The subject be assigned a counsellor who can analyse and guide her in this situation. The teacher’s of the subject be briefed by the counsellor so as to make efforts in providing a supportive environment in class. All racial comment or acts in college be condemned seriously. The counsellor can work with the subject to chalk out a goals list and the goals must involve actions that ensure step by step resolution of conflict on each stage. 5. Conclusion It can be concluded that there are many issues faced by the students who enter college in young adulthood or late adolescence, specially if they belong to one particular minority racial sect. Identity issues are important and must be resolved on time to ensure that all the students fit in the college environment so they can comfortably focus on the learning process. Educators can play an important role in this regard by being supportive and providing a growth facilitating type of environment for a diverse and multicultural group of students. Rerferences Blocher, D.H. (2000). Counselling: A developmental approach. New York: Wiley & Sons, p. 3-4 Chickering, A.W & Reisser, L.W. (1993). Education and Identity. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Cross, W.E; Sneed, J.L; Schwartz, S.J. (2006). A multicultural critique of theory status and research. Identity: An international journal of thoey and research. Vol.6, No.1, p.61-8 Erikson, J.M. (1997). The life cycle completed. New York: Norton & Co, inc. pp.55-82. Falana, N & Nicholas, F. (1969). College guide for black teenagers. Ebony. New York:Johnson Publication, p. 79-80. Feagin, J.R & Sikes, M.P. (1995). How black students cope with racism on white campuses. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. Vol. 8, p. 91-97.Helms, L.E. (1993). Black and White racial identity: Theory, research, and practice. Westport, CT: Pracgcr. Hurlock, E.B. (1974). Personality Development. Ney York: Mc Graw Hills, p. 331-332. Kroger, J. (2000). Identity development during adolescence. Retrieved from: on November 23rd, 2010. Ladson, G. (2000). The dreamkeepers. Retrieved from: on Novemebr 23rd, 2010. Larrosa, L.L. (2000). Chickering’s seven vectors of student development explained. Retrieved from: on Novemebr 23rd, 2010. Lynne, (2008). Emerging adult versus adult status among college students: examination of explanatory variables. Retrieved from: on November 23rd, 2010. Seligman, C.K & Rider, E.A. (2006). Life span: human development. Toronto:, p. 324-326. Schlossberg, N.A; Waters, E.B & Goodman, J. (1995). Counselling adults in transition. New York: Springer publishing co. Inc. Toni, M.N & Olivier, M.A.J. (2004). Academic identities of black female first year students. SouthAfrican Journal of Education. Vol.24, No.3, p. 194-199. Weissmen, J; Bulakowski, C & Jumisko,M. (1998). A Study of white, black and Hispanic students in transition to a community college. Community college review. Vol.26. Read More
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